AGNPH Stories



Story Notes:

I know i haven't updated in gawd knows how long but i hope my most recent updates make up for it!



As Ash was checking the mail he came across a letter from his mom.

Hey my mom wrote me back! Ash said happily as he opened the letter.

The letter read:

Hey honey! I'm so happy for you! You've finally settled down with a woman! But at sixteen? I have to admit that you had me worried for some time after you sent me that letter. But I guess you've grown up a little to fast for me! Have you announced when you're getting married yet? I guess I jumped the gun on that one. Well I'm going to come see you and your lovely woman that you have chosen. I'll see you in three weeks!


Panic flooded Ash as he read the letter. He never told his mom that Pikachu was the love of his life.

Uhh...honey? We have a problem! Ash said almost charging into the kitchen.

What's wrong Pikachu said alarmed. Did one of the kids get hurt? Pikachu said as she jumped off her chair.

No. Ash said still panicking.

Then what's wrong? Pikachu asked confused.

Read this! Ash said handing Pikachu the letter. Ash had taught Pikachu to read human hand writing and she knew how to understand it quite well.

So? Pikachu said as she handed the letter back to Ash. You already told her about us right? Pikachu said looking confused.

Not exactly...Ash replied looking at his feet.

You never told her about us?! Pikachu said annoyed.

Ash knew she was getting angry. I didn't think she would understand. Ash said trying to defend himself.

Damn it Ash! How is this relationship going to work if you're afraid to even tell your mom about us?! Pikachu said and then stormed out of the kitchen.

Ash just sat at the table. She just doesn't understand. Ash thought to himself.
I don't see her telling every pokemon that we come across about us. Ash thought annoyed.

After two weeks Pikachu had convinced ash to tell his mom when she came to visit.

Their litter was watching the jhoto league highlights jumping up and down every so often as attacks were called out by their trainers.

What will she think of me after this? Ash asked himself as he sat on the couch.

Yah know Ash when you became my trainer I'll admit I was a bit resentful. Pikachu said walking as she entered the living room.

Their litter was watching the jhoto league highlights.

You thunderbolted me when we first met! Ash retorted.

Oh yah...Pikachu said looking quite embarrassed.

But you still stay with me and even put yourself on the line for me. Pikachu continued.
More than once if I might add.

Remember Mewtwo? Pikachu asked smiling.

Oh yah... Ash said as he recalled the battle with Mewtwo and the clones.

And the time with Entei? Pikachu said as she held his hand with her paws.

You could have died protecting me all those times but you risked it all for me. Pikachu said as she jumped on the couch.

Ash sighed. I know. I love you so much Pikachu but my mom has always thought of me as a pokemon master. What will she think of me after I tell her this?

She will think no less of you. Pikachu replied in a comforting tone.

Suddenly a thundershock hits Ash. Ops! Sorry carried away. One of the pikachus says looking embarrassed.

Thanks a lot sparky... Ash says as he falls comically to the ground with his legs in the air.

Sparky catchem! What have I said about controlling yourself? Pikachu says sternly.
Don't use attacks indoors. It could cause a fire. I got a little worked up sorry mom. Sparky said as he shifted his feet just like his mom does when she's embarrassed or unsure of herself.

Hey dad can we have a battle? The brown haired Pikachu asked.

I don't think your strong enough yet Ashley. Ash replied to his daughter.

I don't think it would hurt if you got rid of all that extra energy though. Pikachu added

Please can we? Jolt chipped in.

Well I could call in a favor from Brock. He's currently in the jhoto region running a pokemon breeding center.

Just then someone knocks on the door.

Hello? Ash said opening the door but no one was there.

Ash looked down to see a letter.

The letter read:

Hi twerp! Guess who we ran into coming off the magnet train? Your mom! And if you want to see her alive you better hand over Pikachu along with that cute litter of baby pikachus you have! Come to the east side of town if you want to see your mom alive again!

Team rocket

Oh no! Mom! Ash said aloud.

What's wrong? Pikachu asked worried.

Those dickheads Jessy and James kidnapped mom!

Ash, language! Pikachu said pointing to the litter.

Sorry but what are we going to do? Ash said pacing back and forth.

We'll kick their...butts. Pikachu caught herself realizing her kids were still in earshot.

Follow me to the kitchen. Pikachu said as she ran for the kitchen.

Pikachu then turned around and looked at Ash with a saddened look.

What's wrong? Ash asked curiously.

I never told you what happened 2 years ago. Pikachu said as tears swelled in her eyes.

Yah you did you told me you kicked their ass. That is what happened right? Ash asked looking more confused by the moment.

Yes, but what I didn't tell you was...I killed cacnea and Seviper! Pikachu said as she began to sob.

This new set of information hit ash like a ton of bricks. What happened? Ash asked not really wanting to know.

After team rocket killed Meowth...I lost it! Pikachu said sobbing even more so.

I saw you lying on the ground I had no idea if you were alive or dead! Pikachu continued still sobbing.

Ash sat in the chair stunned by the news. So that's why they kidnapped mom, because you killed their pokemon? Ash said in a solemn tone.

That's the only thing I could think of. Pikachu said still sobbing but not as much now.

How could you kill someone? Ash asked in a shocked tone.

I don't know what came over me. Pikachu said quietly.

So it's personal. Ash said in a confirming tone.

I would assume so. That's why I'm going alone. You stay here with the litter. Pikachu said looking at Ash with a serious look in her eyes.

Not alone your not! Ash said grabbing Pikachu by the tail.

Ash catchem, let go of my tail! Pikachu said angrily.

Only if I come with. Ash said with smile on his face.

You would still help me even after what I told you. Pikachu said tears in her eyes.

Of course! And besides that they have my mom and I can't sit here while you shock them to kingdom come!

Suddenly a scream came from the living room. Pikachu used agility to rush to her children. Ash ran as fast as he could behind her.

The door was wide open. Pikachu immediately counted her litter.

Ashley? Ashley?! Where are you? Say something honey! Ash! They took Ashley! Pikachu fell to her knees and began to sob uncontrollably.

Now it's really personal! Ash said aloud.
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