AGNPH Stories

Pokémon reborn by zangoselover666


Chapter 1: The match of a lifetime...

Ok, my first time here. Hope you like this :3

"-Ladies and Gentlemen,"
-said the Kangaskan announcer, spitting into the microphone so that the cheerful crowd could hear-
"-welcome to the final match of Pokéleague 900th, between the massive Rew Xteme, the Nidorino..."

A huge Nidorino standed on the right side of the pokéball-shaped arena, near the entrance to his locker room, eagerly awaiting for his opponent. It would be his hardest fight yet, as it was against the champion, but not just any champion. Oh no, this one had been undefeated for a whole year, as 900 straight battles glittered on his record. He droped a small sweat drop before he screamed out loud,

This made the crowd go crazy, screaming even louder. Everyone was excited against this match, as they were about to see the greatest of the greatest on poké battling, kick some poké-butt! But no one was more cheerfull than Rita, a girl Charmander with a torn shirt with the usual "I'm with snorlax!" stamped on it with a hand pointing left to a Arbok with a not-so-hapy face; maybe because he bet on Rew...
Anyway, Rita just loved poké battling, as she watched everyday through the window of the T.V. store of Mr. Herman, the Sandslash. Of course, she could only do that when Mr. Herman was away. She waited patiently under the same cardboard box until he left to get something to eat, and as soon as he was away, she rushed to the big window and watched the fights. Even though she was an orphan, she had skills for her age... Earlier this day, as she was waiting under the cardboard box, she noticed a ticked on the floor. As she grabbed it with her smudged paw due to the mud on the floor, still hidden, her eye's glittered and seemed to shrink as her mouth opened wider and wider to discover the she was holding, with her hand shaking now, a ticked for the pokébattling 900th, front seat! She pinched herself hard enough to make her cheeks red-er than usual, to see that it wasn't a dream; it was real! It didn't took her very long to rush as fast as she could, lifting the cardboard box up in the air, passing through Mr. Herman, who was just leaving the store to get some grub.
"-Sorry Mr. Herman, but today I'm watching the fights in a front seat! Yahoo!"- she screamed as she gave huge jumps of happiness, while Mr. Herman tried to understand what just had happened.

"Kick his butt!!"- said Rita, trying to scream louder than the crowd, as she almost squealed- "-Give him hell,Jolt!!!!!"

"-DAMMIT!" said the champion, standing in his locker room with the lights turned off, as he punched his locker as hard as he could. He began to bleed, but it didn't seemed to mind him, as the blood made a thin trail throughouth is hand, passed to his arm, and began to drip on the floor, making a small puddle. He grabbed a bandage and began wrapping his hurted paw, now red because of the blood instead of the usual yellow.

"-You will NOT be released on this fight!"-he replied, like someone was talking to him- "-You will stand inside me, and don't mess with this match. These pokémons came to see a battle, not a torture!"

"-...and the champion..."- said the announcer.This time it was so loud, that he could hear from his locker room.

"It's time. I have to focus..."- said the champion as he wispered a gentle sigh.

"-...the one, and only..."- continued the announcer, as the crowd remained quiet for a short while, while Rita thought "Oh my Rayquaza, Oh my Rayquaza, Oh my Rayquaza,..."

"...JOLT KETCHUM, THE PIKACHU!!!!"- screamed the announcer to the microphone as he almost blew up the huge speakers, scattered across the huge overcrowded stadium. The crowd started screaming the most they could, and so did Rita, as Jolt entered the stadium with huge floodlights pointing at him, forcing him to semi-close his eye's because of the light difference between his locker room and the stadium. He adjusted the bandana on his head with his bandaged paw, and head to the left side of the pokéball-shaped arena, while making eye contact with Rex, who was feeling kinda worried right now. And he should be, as he didn't had an insurance...

"-Are you ready?" -said a Pidgeotto referee, who had just came down, and landed on the middle of the arena, between the two opponents. As fast as he landed he began to fly again, as he screamed "-BEGIN!!!"

Rew just stood there, which wasn't normal on his attack routine. Normally, he would strike his opponent the fast as he could with his mighty horn and then he would double kick-him to faint; the problem was, this wasn't any normal match...

"-Listen..." -said Jolt with a cocky tone- "-...if you're not going to attack, then I will make the first move, ok?" Now Jolt was putting himself in an attack position, as Rew gave a backwards step.
"-No use running, dude! Welcome to my hell!!!"- said Jolt as he began to run at a dazzling speed towards Rew...


Well, that's it, the end of the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed reading it! Expect more chapters soon, and if you see any spelling mistakes, then please put them on the comment box.

Contact me at [email protected] for more info or just to chat around....

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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