AGNPH Stories

Pokémon reborn by zangoselover666


Chapter 2: Pin-ed down...

Here it is, chapter 2, hope you like it :3
The only reason It's PG-13 It's because of the supposed "violence" that some people may find...

Jolt launches a Quick Attack to his opponent, and when he is just about to hit the still stiff Nidorino, Rew suddenly realises Jolt was making an attack. In the last second he leaps in the air, avoiding the attack by mere seconds, which made Jolt look backwards to see him, forgetting he had a wall in front of him. When he looked in front, he tried to stop dashing using he's rear paws as breaks to avoid hitting the wall in front of him; but he's speed needed a price to pay...

"-Uh, now THAT'S gotta hurt!"- said the Kangaskan announcer as Jolt hit the wall leaving a small hole in it, remaining inside.

"-How could he be that fast? I practically didn't even had a chance of reaction; this jump was the best I could come up with when I realised I was being attacked..." -said Rew as he landed after that huge jump. "-This is my chance to strike while he's down!" -said as he begun to charge a Pin Missile attack.

"-Oh, no! Jolt, watch out!" -screamed Rita in fear that something would happen to her dreamy champion...
"-IT'S TOO LATE!!!" -replied the Nidorino to Rita, as he released a devastating Pin Missile attack directly into the hole. It had been Rew's dream since he was a Nidoran to become the next champion, so that he could be rich, famous and have lot's and lot's of dreamy Nidoqueens with tight dresses to take care of his "earthly needs", as he called... thinking about this made the Nidorino blush a little, as he continued to barrage the hole with the small, yet sharped poisoned spikes.
After a while, huge clouds of dust began to rise from the hole, due to the brutality of the attack. Each Pin that entered the hole, made Rita shiver a little, as she could almost feel what kind of torturing pain he must be suffering. I mean, sure, she stinged herself many times, but 100 times in a row? Now that's just nuts!
As the clouds began to grow bigger, the Nidorino stopped the attack, and the crowd made silence, and began to murmur..
"-Is this the end of the champion?"
"-He lost because of his own stupid attack? Hah, what a joke!"
"-I can't believe I bet on him..."
Rew stood proudly in the middle of the arena, where he chuckled at first, and then began to laugh; an evil, egocentric laugh.

"-You call this pathetic creature a champion? I defeated him, not only on a record time, but I also didn't had to move a straw!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!" -screamed Rew, as he tried not to laugh in the middle of the sentence, but enable to keep a huge laughter in the end. Rita couldn't believe it; the day she received a ticked to the greatest show on earth, she would witness the fall of her hero...

"-The only pathetic thing here is you!"

"-Hu?" -said Rew, looking everywhere to see were that voice was coming from...

"-Hey dude, if I were you, I wouldn't look behind right now..." -said a familiar voice coming from behind the Nidorino, which made him shiver a little. As he looked back, he recognised that yellow, red cheeked face right away...

"-YOU!!!" -he screamed.

"-I told you NOT to look. Now it's gonna be more painful!" -said Jolt with a smirk as he Mega Punch-ed Rew to the other side of the arena. Rew fell and was dragged on the floor for several inches.

"-You... you little son of a biIIIIIIIIOOOUUUCHHH!!!!!!"- screamed Rew, as he tried to get up, a small yet powerful shock hit him and realised his legs wouldn't move- "-W-what have you done to me??? HOW DID YOU SURVIDED TO MY ATTACK IN THE FIRST PLACE???" -screamed Rew as he still tried to get up, only to result in more pain.

"-It's very simple, really. When I ran into that hole, I knew I was going to crash, so I tried to fall with my tail in front of me. I studied your attack pattern from previous matched you had, and realised you would most probably take advantage of my situation by releasing a Pin Missile attack."

"-That still doesn't explains how you survived!"

"-Relax, I'm getting there... As I was saying, I left my tail in front of me to protect my body from the Pin Missiles using Iron Tail.

"-But... the poison should..."

"-Sorry, but I trained with Zancross, my Zangoose trainer, in order to develop a new ability..."

"-A ZANGOOSE??? That means..."

"-He is immune to poison!"- said Rita with glee!

"-But, how am I paralysed?"

"-That's because of my second ability, Static Contact, which paralyses a foe upon touching with me. That's the reason I used a Mega Punch attack."

"-A SECOND ability??? That's impossible!!!!"

"-That's why I'm using this bandana. It's called a Power Repressor; while it diminishes my attack power to half, I am allowed to use 2 abilities... But I guess I don't need this any more" -said Jolt as he took of his bandana, and small electrical sparks started flying from all over his body. Rew observed in horror as he tried to move and got small shocks due to the paralysis. Rita now watched with her mouth open as much as possible, because she had one of those female pokemon instincts that she was about to witness poke battling history; Rew couldn't move, Jolt was at full power and with an open attack- it couldn't get better than this!

"-Are you ready to be shocked to reality? Pun intended..." -said Jolt giggling a bit, while he seemed to prepare his trump attack.

"-THUNDERCRASH, THUNDERCRASH, THUNDERCRASH..." -screamed the crowd with expectations to see Jolt's most powerful attack, now at his energy peek. The Pikachu leaped in the air, gave the usual show off triple mortal jump he used to give when performing the attack, until he stopped with his head down facing Rew from above. Rew tried to look at him, but the lights were just too bright, which made him close his eye's. Jolt began charging up even more energy, as he suddenly fell upon the spiked pokemon, releasing all the energy he had left, making him look like a bright yellow comet. Rita didn't knew if she should be excited or fearful, as she had only seen that attack on T.V.; on Live it was totally different.

"-Oh, fu-" Rew tried to say, but he was hit by Jolt's attack first, which released upon hit a massive electrical energy wave, which made some of the furry pokemons on the crowd get their fur lift up on the air, while Rita thought
"-Man, if I had fur, I swear I would never comb it again..." with a sparkle on her eye's. After 5 seconds of a blinding light, the winner stood proudly upon his opponent, while his name was announced...

And there it is, the end of yet another chapter. The next onw will be more interesting... probably...
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