AGNPH Stories

Kyra: The Order of the Full Moon by firstofeternity


Intro and Explination

:Intro and Explination:
The few who have read my story, Rain, will reconise Meil from it. I took Rain off the site because of it's lack of reviews, and because it wasn't working for me anyway.

But I liked the character Meil, and put him into another one of my stories. I figured Rain didn't do well because it lacked certain qaulities. (Sex scenes probably.)

So I decided on a new story idea I had not to long ago. And yes, this one WILL have sex scenes you friggin' pervs, so no complaining about that. Any-dang-way, I hope at least some of you enjoy Kyra. Because I worked hard on it dammit! >80

P.S.: If there is anyone out there who liked Rain, and want me to keep writing it, or at least post it on the site again, i'll see what I can do.
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