AGNPH Stories

Slite's second love by squirrely


Slite's second love

"What a nice day isn't it Engl?" I asked.

"Sure is Slite, sure is." Engl responded, her fur gleaming from the pool. She shook herself dry and asked me for some money to buy a drink. I reluctantly gave in, how could I say to someone as sexy as her. As she walked away I watcher her cute little ass and whispered, "Damn, anything for you..." Sure she was hot and we had been dating for a while but never once had we had sex.

"Ok Slite, here is your change." Engl said as she chucked the coins back at me, a couple hitting me in the face and one bouncing off my already sensitive nose. But she made it better as she sat on my lap, and licked my cheek.

"Thank you Slite, I love you, you know that right?" She said. I just grunted and tried to cover up my arousal.

"So, lets say we cut this date short." She asked, I started to panic, did she say she loved me cause she wanted to break up?

"Wh... Why? Please don't say that... oh god you're breaking up with me aren't you?" I stuttered. Engl just laughed and whispered something into my ear that reassured that we were going to not break up. I grabbed Engl hips and lifted her onto her feet. I jumped up and took her free paw and almost ran towards my apartment.

'She wants to yiff... she wants to yiff... she wants to yiff...' I sang in my head as we darted down the street and into the building. I reached into my pocket and yanked out my key and shoved it into the keyhole, missing twice because I was really anxious about this yiff. I couldn't wait to be honest. It wasn't my first, oh no, I've had many before this one, but this was going to be awesome. I could feel it in my tail this was going to be the best I had had so far.

I darted into my bedroom and jumped on the bed. I didn't want a mood killer, so I turned off my TV which had a horror movie playing, at least I was going to before Engl said not to. At that second I became more than fully aroused.

"That's so hot, I can't think of any other girl who would allow that stuff." I said in a lustful tone.

"I can't think of anyone either hun, now, get those shorts off. DO IT" she yelled, I loved being told what to do. I loved being the pet.

I tore off my shorts and within a second later she was on top of me, licking my cheeks and kissing me.

I reached up and started to kiss her back, I licked her tongue and we stayed like that for a good five minutes. She sat up and took her shirt off. Engl's top half, finally released from its imprisonment, allowed her orange furred breasts to bounce free. I smiled at the sight and leaned up to kiss her more while my paws worked her top half. It was better than I had imagined, her fur was so soft and luscious. Nothing compared to it, nothing at all.

"Look Slite, I know you're enjoying this." She said as she broke our kiss. "But lets do something else." Engl stood up and striped off her skirt along with all other garments she had on at the time. I now had a full view of her perfect naked body. All I could do is gulp.

"I'll take that as a yes." Engl winked and started to lower herself down. I closed my eyes tightly and let out a soft moan as she sank onto me. Her tightness was almost painful. A little more inches in and I felt some sort of resistance.

"Hmm, you don't have to do this if you don't want to." I said, but of course I didn't mean that, she had to do this.

"Don't worry about me." Engl said as she dropped down and cried out in pain. She rested her head on my chest and I started to stroke her ears.

"From what I hear, if you keep going the pain will go away." I whispered. She shot her head up and said that it was a brilliant idea. I don't think she was serious.

"Look, I will do what I want when I want. And right now, I want to do this so don't try to stop me." Engl snapped. Hell, I wasn't going to stop her. She began to slide up and down on my cock softly. I reached up and started to fondle her breasts. She shut her eyes and started to fuck me faster, her tails wagging along with mine so I started to wrap my tail around hers. I laughed at the feeling, I loved it, and my tail was so sensitive. Just this feeling of pleasure mixed in with the random screams from whatever movie was playing at the time, it was amazing. She just closed her eyes and moaned loudly, it was all going so well. Engl started to run her paws over my chest and leaned in to kiss me. We both licked each other's tongues because I knew she loved that. I suddenly had a great idea.

"Engl, lets try something different, can we?" I asked.

"Depends love, what do you have in mind?" She inquired back. I decided to show her. However much I hated to do it, I pulled out of her and had her kneel down and place her paws on the bed. I was going to mate her from behind. I crawled up behind her and slowly pushed in. Engl moaned from the treatment, I knew she would like it. The only problem was her tails, they kept getting in my face, so I eventually put a few of them in my mouth so they would stop hitting me. I ran my paws up her back, stopping at her neck to stroke it. She glanced back and smiled. I guess she liked what I was doing, so I kept doing it.

"God damn it, Slite, go faster please go faster." She shouted. I shot a paw around her muzzle to keep her from shouting.

"Engl, don't shout, we are not alone in this apartment, someone might hear." I asked her kindly. She didn't care though.

"FUCK ME HARDER!" she yelled as loud as she could as I removed my paw. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh well, Im going to be caught anyway, might as well enjoy this." I thought. I thrust deeper into her, as Engl had wanted. I leaned over her back and started to lick at her neck.

"That's just the warm up." I said as I chomped down where I had been licking. I hoped she liked it.

She loved it; at least, that's what her body told me. I felt her start to contract around my cock. She started to pant as I yiffed her harder. And damn it felt good.

"Damn Engl, calm down." I said as she started to pant loudly. Unfortunately I broke that request as I started to growl. She looked confused, but I calmly explained to her that I started to growl before I came. She accepted this anomaly and continued to pant. I growled louder as my orgasm approached, I roared and shot seed deep into her. I fell onto her back and started to lick back where I bit. I panted against her neck and started to back out of her.

-Some time later-

"Holy damn, Slite, that was truly amazing, I'm glad you let me do this to you." Engl said with a sigh. I was confused at that comment, but what still struck me as the most amazing thing was her sudden yiffyness. And then came the part that I had dreaded the entire time, it was in the back of my mind like a parasite, eating away at my mental pleasure.

"FUCK." She shouted. "You didn't wear a condom." I didn't panic; I had already known this part to be true.

"It's fine Engl, I don't need one." I responded calmly. But before I could say the finishing sentence, the one that would make everything better, she was gone.

"Wow, what a bitch." I said to my self. "I can't believe that she didn't wait. How many times did I tell her that if we yiffed, I didn't need a condom. I'm fucking sterile retard." I shouted to the walls. There was an awkward silence; the movie had just ended so nothing was making any sound. It was as if the world had heard me say my terrible secret, and it was about to laugh at me.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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