AGNPH Stories

Short Circuit by shifty


Story Notes:

This is the first fic I've did for AGNPH. Hell, the first fic I've did for anywhere. It's a request for Silverx. Sorry it took me so long to get it released.

Chapter 1

Part 1

Logan had a difficult decision on his hands. He was traveling through the dense forest to get to Circuit Town, but had been stopped by an injury his Zangoose had taken on while battling a wild Scyther. A large storm was coming his way. He was seriously low on rations, and the town was still about an unappealing 13 long miles away. He could either find shelter and set up camp risking his already low supply of rations and Fei's (his Zangoose) health, or try and navigate through the storm, taking shelter on the move. Going through the storm would ensure her health, but it would also put himself in danger. He stares at Fei's deep gash on her side; she had blacked out during the battle from the injury. He was able to bandage it up and stop the bleeding efficiently, but without medical help, the wound could soon become infected, and Logan did not have the tools to work with an infection. He paced back in forth trying to decide what to do, keeping in mind the ever nearing storm.

Fei was Logan's first Pokémon, and they had a very intense bond. He eventually decided not to take any chances with her and go straight through the storm. "Hey, Fei." Logan said as he scratched her ears gently. Fei awoke with a start, but realized there was no danger, and leaned into Logan's fingers. She arose from her spot but immediately fell to a crouch, not knowing of her injury. "You blacked out from your injury during your battle with that Scyther. Thankfully, so did the Scyther." Fei looked very puzzled. "You probably don't remember the battle, do you?" Fei shook her head. Logan pointed to the storm. "That storm is headed our way, and we need to get straight through that storm to get you to a Poké Center before your wound gets worse." Fei realized the danger of going straight through a storm as large as the one coming towards them. You couldn't see past the tall black clouds, and it looked like there was no end. She shook her head in disagreement, as she also didn't want to risk her trainer's health. She tried to get herself to a stand but failed and fell straight to the ground with a loud thump. "Fei!" yelled Logan as he ran to her side. "Your cut is too deep for you to be walking around freely." Fei tried to lift her head up, but fell back again, and went unconscious. "Damnit to hell."

Logan got up, and took another look at the storm, and he thought again how he was going to get through, but just another look at Fei was enough to change his mind. He picked up his bag, and hoisted Fei into his arms, with one hand under her legs and the other under her back, and began to journey into the storm. He looked up as the sky was soon consumed with the darkness of the clouds. It quickly began to rain, and it got harder every step he took. The downpour was making it increasingly hard to walk as every step was a challenge. The rain got to a point where he couldn't see where he was going anymore, and he took shelter under the nearest tree, making it somewhat more visible. He trudged back into the rain, with the intention of getting Fei to Circuit Town. The conditions were getting worse each second. Logan saw lightning in the distance, and it was coming this way. He lost all hope for a moment, but a quick look at Fei changed his mind once again, and gave him new strength. He started running. Running with the same strength, speed and determination as a mother trying to save her baby. In a few minutes, he was able to see the edge of the storm. He was almost there. He could almost taste the clear, rainless air. A sharp pain hit him in the back of the head. His body collapsed to the ground a few feet from the end of the storm. His life flashed vibrantly before his eyes. "Fei..." Logan mumbled as he lost conscience.

Part 2

Logan awoke in an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar place. Next to him, was Fei, who was sleeping peacefully. His first thought was someone rescued them and they ended up at a hospital, but this was no hospital. He looked around, taking in each detail. Dark blue wallpaper lined the walls of the small room, with a four inch thick border design near the ceiling. There was a single window to the right of his bed, overlooking a large garden, and to the left, a small bed stand containing a white vase shaped lamp, with a white rippled lampshade. Next to it was a telephone and a digital clock which read 2:00. Logan wasn't about to call for help before he knew where he was, so he kept looking. Directly across from him was a particularly large dresser with a style similar to the bed stands, and a white painted closet door. Logan, feeling satisfied with his surroundings, sat up, and took notice of the handwritten note taped to the door that seemed to be the exit of the room. As he sat up, he had awoken Fei, and she opened her eyes slowly, to reveal that her trainer was ok. A few seconds later, Logan was engulfed by Fei's overjoyed hugs, and Logan was surprised to be hugging tightly back with a strong affection. Both of them were soon standing up, and Logan asked Fei where they were and what happened. She pointed to the note, which Logan had forgotten about, and he began to read:

Dear Logan,
Hello there Logan! If you're reading this then it looks like you've finally recovered! You were unconscious for a full 9 days. The doctors said you had an internal head injury, but they were able to fix it in surgery and promised a full recovery, but you never woke up. I'm sure you're wondering what the hell happened. Well, we're not entirely sure either. You were found a few blocks from town completely unconscious, with your head on your Zangoose's lap. It looked to us that the lightning from that storm knocked down a fairly large tree branch and it bonked you on the back of the head. It took us a while to be able to separate you and your Zangoose. She refused to let go of her trainer. It seems you have a strong bond with each other. I've taken the liberty of taking your Zangoose to the town Pokémon Center, and her wound healed completely.

Logan stopped reading the note, and looked to Fei. He had not noticed that her wound was gone. Suddenly, Logan flashed back to the forest, remembering his fall near the end of the storm, but he saw no town nearby. Logan suddenly realized that Fei was the one who had dragged him away from the storm. It became clear to Logan that if it wasn't for Fei, he wouldn't have made it out of that forest alive. He embraced Fei once again and thanked her over and over again until he couldn't talk anymore.

While they were hugging, Logan noticed a bulge growing in his pants. He was startled by this, as it seemed that he was aroused by their affection towards each other. He couldn't believe he was doing this, but he found himself taking off his t-shirt, and pressing a deep kiss on Fei's lips. Surprisingly, Fei didn't shy away, but pressed back with a strong intensity. Fei soon began to finger her pussy. Logan took this as a sign, and his hand, against his will, began to unbutton his pants, revealing his boner. After another deep kiss, Fei caressed his manhood and turned around on all fours, lifting up her tail, presenting her own wet cunt. Logan was realizing features of Fei he had never even thought about, and was extremely aroused.

He carried her to the bed and set her down. Slowly but surely, Logan rubbed his shaft up against Fei's cunt, and inserted the head of his shaft, it was a tight fit, getting a soft moan in return from Fei. He moved into her inch by inch, so to make sure he wasn't hurting her, until he had about two-thirds of his manhood inside of her. He felt some resistance when he attempted to go further, realizing that he was pressuring her hymen. He carefully pushed into the hymen, and Fei let out a small moan of pain. Logan stopped, and made sure he had Fei's consent. She showed no signs of resistance, so Logan pushed through the hymen, letting his full shaft into Fei's pussy. There was a small trickle of blood. Fei let out a loud cry, but the pain was soon overthrown by euphoria. He left his full shaft in her cunt for a moment, taking in the amazingly feeling of her juices and his own pre-cum. He pulled back slowly, and pushed back in, a little faster this time. Logan could feel his shaft pulsing, and Fei began to lay down flat on our stomach.

Logan soon found himself pushing a lot faster and harder, exploring the depths of Fei's pussy. He receded out of her pussy, and pulled her around so she was lying flat on the bed, face up. He inserted his cock back into her, and interlocked their lips, kissing each other while Logan thrusted. Logan felt Fei's arms wrap around his neck, and her legs around his back. They were both nearing their climax, and with one final thrust, both of them came harder than they ever could imagine was possible. They were both showing pure bliss, Logan enjoying the mix of their juices, and Fei loving the feeling of her full pussy. Logan pulled out, and they each pressed one more deep kiss on each other's lips, and Logan fell on the bed next to Fei, snuggling tightly.

To Logan's astoundment, Fei sat up, and straddled him. She lifted herself up, and guided his cock to the entrance of her ass, sliding down onto it with pure ecstasy. It never came across Logan's mind to have anal with a Pokémon, but now that it was happening, he's sad he hasn't thought of it before. She was in total control now, squeezing her abdominal muscles as she went up, and relaxing as she went down. Logan took hold of both of her paws as she rode him. Never had he thought that anal sex would feel so wonderful. Logan sat up as she rode him and inserted his tongue into her mouth. Fei, accepting it happily, began to ride faster. They wrapped their arms around each other as they neared their climax, and simultaneously, they both came as hard, if not harder, as the first time. Fei fell to the right of the bed, Logan on the left. Exhausted, Fei fell asleep on the spot. Logan caught a glimpse of the end of the note before he too, fell asleep. It read:

I'll be out today from around 12:00pm to around 3:30pm. Hopefully I'll see you then


He looked over to the clock, which read 3:28pm. "Great." Logan said as he drifted to sleep, snuggling up against Fei.
Chapter End Notes:Critique as you'd like :D.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.
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