AGNPH Stories

Moist by ninetales



Written by Ninetales

M/Tenticle Rape, Non-Consensual

Small Spoiler: Ninetales and a Tenticruel. The Tentacruel has a cock-tenticle, so it just might be a male :) It's all on how you interpret it anyway.

Notes: It's got story, though a bit brief. I felt like writing a lemon. Hope you like it.

This story is only allowed to be re-posted on, nowhere else. Do not alter this story.

Do not read this story if you aren't of legal age. I am not responsible for Minors reading this document past the childspace.





Ninetales padded down the cave cautiously. Looking left and right, he knew this place was full of danger. He had been ordered by the leader of his clan to enter the cave and discover why various Pokemon were disappearing in the damp place, those who fancy themselves curious or brave would enter the cavern never to return... it was becoming a serious problem. The clan had lost 2 Vulpix to the cave, and allies were also complaining about the place. Ninetales had often questioned the alliances that were formed in the forests. The supposed allies of Nine's clan were always using them for their own tasks. That's why Nine had been chosen to enter the cave instead of a warrior from that clan, because the other clan controlled theland where food was most abundant, Nine's clan had to do their silly tasks in return. Nine had been chosen because he was a good fighter, and a wise decision-maker. Nine had not yet earned a name, however he was close. This task was a step in the right direction if Nine wanted the dignity of having a name in the clan. Ninetales turned his attention to the curious green moss growing in all directions on the ceiling of the cave. The cave was incredibly damp, so much so that it was affecting Nine physically, after all, he was a Fire element, and was weak to such things, even more then other members of his clan. He reluctantly breathed the thick moist air of the cave, and he could almost feel the water in the air weigh him down as he carried on through the cave. It was affecting him more then he'd thought it would. He quickly shook his head and regained his composure. There was a good chance the contents of the cave were incredibly dangerous, and he wanted to be ready.

Suddenly, tentacles wrapped around his hind paws, and swept him down to the ground. Nine growled in rage, as he looked around stunned for his attacker. Another set of tenticles wrapped around his front paws, and pinned him down, laying on his side. Ninetales protested aloud, and whipping his head around he finally got a glimpse of his assailant. It was a Tentacruel, quite large, with a great number of tenticles. Nine couldn't hold his head in the awkward position to look at it any longer, as his neck hurt from the stretching. He could feel another tenticle on neck, rubbing down his back. Ninetales was surprised at this, and concentrated hard, creating a small pocket of fire underneath his assailant. But the thick, moist air had greatly affected his abilities, and he didn't think he had the power even to just do another of those. Not that another would do him much good. He was powerless and he hated it. Cursing under his breath, he felt as the tenticle moved down to the base of his tail, and quickly, right under. Ninetales was surprised, and the tenticle quickly moved down under his tails directly to his tailhole. Ninetales gasped a little, and he suddenly knew what he had coming to him. He grrowled loudly, having never been abused this way before, he was not used to the circumstances. The tenticle the rubbed around his pucker, not penetrating, but ooozing a creamy white mixture around his tailhole. Ninetales clenched his muzzle as the slightly cool cream lubed his tailhole, and suddenly, the tenticle thrust it's way into his opening, forcefully. Nine gasped again, trying to keep in his signs of enjoyment. Strangely, this whole situation was getting him quite aroused. The tenticle squirmed and made circular movements in his tailhole. All of the sudden, another tenticle shot out and buried itself in his opening along with the other one. His cock had poked firmly out of his sheath now, the fire fox unable to comprehend why this was getting him so powerfully horny. Suddenly, as if having read his mind, another tenticle came out, and wrapped around Nine's cock. Nine gasped as the tenticle started stroking from base to tip, firmly but slowly, up and down. The motion was unbearably slow, just teasing his cock, and Nine felt his full balls, full of cum, wanting release. Then, another tenticle forced it's way into Nine's tailhole quickly. Nine was powerfully shocked by that one, and the tenticles moved spinning like a wheel, probing deep now, and stretching his tailhole outward, then they started moving in and out of his tailhole, stretching it as far as it could go. This was almost unbearable for Ninetales, but his cock was merely being teased by the tenticle around it. Suddenly, the tenticles in his tailhole popped out of it. The sensation of his ass suddenly being empty was murder on his full cock. He tilted his head back to see what had happened. Then he saw another tenticle. Not like any of the others, it looked like a cock, with a point on the end, and it was thick! Immensely thick. It was bigger then 5 tenticles, so that's why it was stretching him so. Another tenticle, normal sized, wrapped around his cock to join the one already there, as the cock-tenticle positioned itself at Nine's anal opening. Nine grinded his teeth, preparing for the intrustion, and the cock-tenticle soon shoved a good 9 inches quickly down Nine's well-lubed anus. This cock-tenticle then almost came back out again, before thrusting swiftly back in again, gradually pushing even more of the length into the fire fox's tailhole. This was an incredible mix of pleasure and pain for Ninetales, but he concentrated on the pleasure as the tenticles on his cock started to speed up the stroking on his cock. The two tenticles on Nine's erection skillfully stroked his entire length as the cock-tenticle in his ass thrust itself into him over and over. This soon became way too much for the fox to bear, and he could no longer keep in his moans and murrs of intense pleasure. He was being raped, and in a lot of ways it hurt but it was sooo good at the same time. With another thrust, deep into his anus, both the Ninetales and the Tentacruel reached an amazing orgasm. Ninetales' cock put out 6 or 7 spurts of pure Liquid Heaven, but the Tentacruel came with much greater force, filling the anal opening, cum landing on the floor and trickling down to Nine's hind paw. Nine let out a final murr of pleasure, and layed down to rest.

But the Tentacruel lifted his prey into the air, much to Nine's surprise. It then started to slowly inch Nine toward it's huge mouth. It'd had it's fun. Now it wanted it's meal. Nine scratched his tenticle bindings with one paw, and the Tentacruel winced in pain. The Tentacruel had expected his meal to be easy after that. But it had only pissed the fire fox off. He'd been raped, penetrated, and toyed with, he was not about to be eaten! Nine gathered every last inch of strength in his beaten, bruised, and severly raped body, and a huge cyclone of fire erupted underneath the Tentacruel, and despite it's resistance, the tenticled monster was severly damaged. Nine slipped from his captor's grasp, and kept the fire blazing, taxing every bit of his ability and courage, and soon, the water element was no more.

After that day, Ninetales was heralded for his bravery. He never really told of his sexual experience with the thing, but he'd always wondered if he'd ever experience the unique situations again. Half of him wanted it to occur again. Half of him didn't. Who can know what the future will bring?


Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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