AGNPH Stories

A Hero...Reborn by shadow6691



A Hero...Reborn

It was a radiant, sunny day like no other. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom; It couldn't have been a nicer day. My ruby red hair glimmered as it caught the rays of the sun, my aquamarine eyes showing a content radiance. After all, who wouldn't be in a good mood when in a fierce battle?
"Great job Sparky! Now, execute attack pattern Alpha! Hit 'em where it hurts!" The raichu gave a nod of acceptance, before dashing immediately off to the right with an agility attack. She used the speed and friction of the fierce charge to climb the vertical stone wall, before kicking off and charging a high powered current across her form. The attack caught the enemy's altaria off-guard; knocking it clear from the sky.

"Chu, Rai Raichu." (Translation: "who's the bitch now?") She giggled as she returned to her trainer's side, their victory assured. No flying type could withstand their alpha attack.

"Altaria is unable to battle! The winner of this year's regional championships is Shadow, the newcomer from Neon Town and his Raichu, Sparky! Congratulations!" The Judge shook my hand, before handing me a large golden trophy and accompanying ribbon, which I attached to Sparky's golden scarf.

"Chu." She said sharply, smiling and hopping up on my shoulders once more and giving me a cute lick on the cheek.

"One more victory, eh girl?"
"Rai, Rai chuu." (Translation: "We're unstoppable!") I smiled as we slowly left the contest arena, the cheers of the fans loud in the background as I walked, my precious 'Chu atop my shoulders.
* * *
Later that night...

It was around 2 am when a strange hum echoed quietly throughout my room. Moments later I was awoke by a moderately annoying prod in my side.
"Go back to sleep Sparky. We'll have time to chat in the morning." I slowly started to drift back off to sleep, when the prodding continued, harder this time. I gave in and slowly opened my eyes, noticing immediately a strange translucent blur before me. I rubbed my eyes, clearing my vision, and noticed Sparky was nowhere in sight. As for the pokemon who had awoken me...if I'm not mistaken, it was the form of Jirachi, sitting right in front of me on my bed. Now any other trainer would've snatched up the closest pokeball. Yet I remained in my spot, kind of amazed that shi was actually here, and at the same time, wondering why.

A concerned look was spread over hir soft white face. I blinked a few times, checking to be sure this wasn't just a dream. Shi attained a more serious look about hir all of a sudden. I was silent, my thoughts hanging on the word 'Universe'. I nodded. As hir words echoed through my mind, I slipped out of consciousness...un aware of my very existence dimming unto nothing.
Chapter End Notes:So how was my half-assed attempt at starting up a new fic? peaked your intrest? feel free to leave me a comment if you wanna see more ^^

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.
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