AGNPH Stories

A Hero...Reborn by shadow6691


I-Lost & Forgotten

A Hero...Reborn
I-Lost & Forgotten

Silence. All that I lived for, all of my accomplishments, everything I had ever known....vanished. My whole existence in the human world....rewritten as if I'd never been born. Nothingness is all that I knew now, other then my name...which, at the moment, loomed in the back of my empty mind somewhere. But if I was never born....then why do I exist? If I actually exist...then, what is my purpose?

The deafly silence....something pierces its grip of malice on my soul. A sound...simple, sincere....welcoming as it permeates the shadows. I can hear it slowly coming closer, clearer; it's a voice! An English voice! I did all I could to move towards it, but my efforts were in vain. I couldn't move; I was trapped in this gloomy twilight. Twilight? Yes...a light soon joined the voice, slowly lifting away the dark silence as it grew nearer. The voice....Its calm concern beckons me....

"Please...please wake up..." The's so bright now, it hurts my eyes. A soft shake jostles my body; a warm touch flowing through my systems, in turn bring a hard breath of oxygen into my motionless form. A slow, weak breathing follows. That voice...its pitch sounded as if it were feminine, but no...I could tell it was more male then a sharp tenor in tone, its volume a sincere wish of hope....
"Please.....please just be...alive...." A more violent quake rocked through my emotionless body as a soft, wet drip seemed to trail down my cheek. At last....I awaken.

My bright sapphire eyes opened with a start, a quick, exasperated breath filling my lungs. Slowly my eyes adjusted to the form in front of me, revealing the shape of a pikachu hunched over with its paws over its face. I blinked a few times, the creature's presence taking a moment to register within as my mind slowly began to reboot. I reached inside...ever-so-calmly finding my voice.

"H...hello?" I called out to him, questions shooting through my mind. I? Who am I? How did I get here? All these questions and more shot through my subconscious as the pikachu, who's eyes had previously been clamped tightly shut, looked at me with a start. I blinked again.

"You're alive!" I gasped as his soft, golden fur pressed against Wait a second, that felt pretty weird for skin. I thought, pulling my hand up in front of my face, gasping again. P-pink fur? What happened to me?!?

"Um...where am I? And who are you?" I asked confusion apparent in my voice.

"My name's Spark, and your currently in Tiny Woods." He said with a cute squeak in his voice. I jumped backwards a bit; not exactly expecting to be able to understand his response. I gulped, unsure of how to react. This pikachu had just spoke, as if it were speaking English!

"But...How did I get here? I'm a human!" He just looked at me with a raised eyebrow, snickering.

"Well, that's kinda look just like a mew if I'm not mistaken." I gasped and stood up awkwardly, slowly walking over to a conveniently placed puddle and peering inside. Unfortunately, he was right. I shook my head and looked down, only to find my feet not touching the ground. The 'chu just smiled and watched as I unsteadily learned how to use my body, just like a little cub. About 5 minutes into my little examination, a butterfree came and landed next to us, distress practically written across her face. I tumbled to a landing, rolling head first into a tree. To make matters worse, a huge apple fell and whacked me on the head. I picked it up and walked back over to Spark, shaking my head slightly. Spark had a smirk across his face; yet, it only seemed to accentuate the cute factor just radiating from him.

"A-are you two a r-rescue team?" I blinked, my face scrunched in confusion as I looked at my 'partner', who nodded eagerly.

"My baby! My baby fell into one of the recent fissures, and when I went to save him, the other pokémon attacked me! Please save my baby!" I smiled, a sudden pride filling through my body as I nodded.

"Don't worry ma'am, we'll rescue your kid for you." I smiled at Spark, who winked at me, and led us to the fissure.

"You ready for this...uh...I don't think I caught your name?"

"Shadow. And yeah, I'm as ready as I'll ever be." I smiled up at him as we reached the beginning of the fissure, steadily entering inside. Just as I was about to ask something else, a small brown bird nailed me hard in the shoulder with its beak. "Ouch." I muttered as I caught sight of the pidgey, returning for a second attack. I readied myself, recalling Mews at such a low level didn't have many attacks; my only weapon right now being a pound attack. I timed its descent, bending my legs a bit just before it came down, jumped, and nailed it hard in the back with a strong kick, knocking it out. I turned around to see Spark finishing up 2 more, and learning how to control his electricity in a thundershock. I smiled and gave him a high five, a bit of the built up electricity within him jumping through the brief connection and into me. I shook my paw a bit confused, but shrugged it off.

About an hour of trekking, item collecting, and battling later, we stumbled upon a defenseless caterpie. As soon as it spotted us, it inched over to us.

"Are you guys a r-rescue team?" We nodded. Going on a hunch, I responded.

"Your mom sent us to rescue you. Are you okay?" He nodded with a look of glowing admiration in his eyes. Butterfree returned to meet us at the entrance, rewarding us with a small variety of berries (including a pecha, oran, cherry and rawst) and leaving.

"I'm glad you joined me there, Shadow. I don't think I would've been able to do it without you. We make a great team, you and I." He smiled, giving me a thumbs-up. I smiled back and sighed softly.

"Is something the matter, Shadow?" Spark squeaked, walking up next to my side.

"Yeah. It felt great helping and all...but what happens now? It's getting late...where will I stay?" I sighed again, not noticing the smile that shot across Spark's muzzle, as if an idea had just raced through his head.

"You could stay with me!" He cheered, taking my paw in his own before leading the way back to...wherever it was we were going. The walk wasn't that long in actuality, but to me, it seemed to drag on for hours. The feeling of his soft warm paw clasped around my own...the simple, unusual scent in the air...all of it seemed to cause my mind to swirl; and yet...I was at peace. But sadly, all good things must eventually come to an end.

"We're here!" Came the cheery squeak of a voice that I knew belonged to none other then Spark, ripping through my swirled thoughts and bringing me back down to the life before me. In front of us stood a large hollowed-out tree, surrounded by a square gate all the way around with an opening in the front, and a small sky-blue mailbox to the left. I followed him inside; my jaw dropped, my eyes going wide. Plushies stacked in small piles here and there, with a large plush cushion at the center. A small table sat over in the corner, and a moonstone hung from the roof, illuminating the room. Spark caught the slight sparkle in my eye and chuckled to himself.

"Wonderful isn't it? It took me a little while to fact, I just finished it yesterday. A lot of other rescue teams coveted the spot, but luckily, I got to it first." He smiled and plopped down on the large cushion, giving a hearty yawn.

"You should get some rest; I have a feeling tomorrow's gonna be a big day." I nodded, slowly taking a place on the large plush next to him. I yawned deeply, the strange swirling feeling taking over the last of my psyche as I drifted off into slumberland.
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