AGNPH Stories

A Hero...Reborn by shadow6691



Disclaimer: Do I seriously have to write something here every chapter?
Yeah, pokémon are copyright their original owners/creators. Places and characters are copyright to me. Some chapters may contain material not suitable for audiences under the age of seventeen; Viewer discretion is advised. Do not use any content without permission, as it will be willingly given upon request, as long as some credit is given where credit is due.

The bright morning sun shined through the base, the warm rays cascading over my form, slowly arousing me from my slumber. I gave a hearty yawn, slowly opening my eyes and looking around. It took me a few moments to realize Spark was nowhere in sight. I hopped off the plush cushion, tripping up a bit as I was still getting used to my new form. I glided low to the ground, heading quickly outside* and nearly tripping over my new team mate, who was asleep just short of the doorway on the solid stone ground. I giggled a bit, softly landing next to him and giving him a gentle shake. He awoke with a start, giving a quick look left and right before his eyes landed on me. I crossed my arms, smiling. He blushed softly, rubbing the back of his head. That blush looks cute on him. I thought to myself. Cute? But Spark is a male! Isn't that...wrong? But could something that feels so right be so wrong? My emotions warred with my logic as I awaited his explanation.

"I can explain! I woke up early this morning, eager to get started, and you were still asleep. So I came out here to wait for you...I guess I must've fallen asleep." He smiled, obviously embarrassed. I smiled back warmly, patting his head softly (though I don't know why). Unfortunately for me, he asked.

"Um...Shadow? Why'd you just pat my head?" I blushed softly, pulling back my paw quickly and shuffling my feet a bit. He just stood exactly as I had moments before, awaiting an answer.

"Um...I don't really know, Spark. It just seems oddly familiar for some reason..." He nodded and motioned for me to follow, so I did. He led me over to the mailbox, seeming a bit excited.

"Um....Shadow? There's something I've been meaning to ask you..." I gulped, listening.

"Do you want to start a rescue team with me?" I nodded, smiling. I always loved giving a hand/paw where I could. "Well...then there's just one more problem. We need a name."

"Darkfire." I muttered without such a thought.

"Darkfore?" I shook my head softly from side to side, palm to my face.

"No. Darkfire. D-a-r-k-f-i-r-e." I blinked; as I said the letters they mysteriously appeared on the side of the mailbox. Spark nodded apologetically, apparently not noticing the letters inscribing themselves on the box's face, before opening the mailbox and peering inside. He pulled out what looked like a large tackle box and a pair of newspapers, before closing the lid. Sitting the pair of papers aside, he set the box between us and removed the contents: A pair of oval-shaped badges, a pair of scarves (a cool black and red in design), and an order form for more equipment if needed. He handed a scarf and a badge to me, before taking the other and wrapping the scarf around his neck like a bandana, and attaching the badge to the front; a seemingly gold-inlaid 'DF' appeared on the front, showing the badge belonged to us. I did the same, wrapping the scarf around my neck and attaching the badge to it; the action having the same effect. I picked up the papers Spark set aside, slipping them into their compartment on the toolbox.

"Well, since we don't have any requests for rescues yet, would you care to take a tour of the square?" I nodded eagerly, blushing softly under my fur as his paw grasped around my own and we headed off toward the square, paw in paw.

Our first stop was at a pair of vendors, one a green chameleon, the other purple. They regarded us with a courteous smile. "First off, we have the keckleon brothers. They sell pretty much any basic equipment you would need for an adventure: seeds, TMs, miscellaneous objects to throw, apples, and orbs." I looked at him a little confused as he said 'orb'. "Uh, what's an orb?" I rubbed the back of my neck, blushing a bit. "An orb is a very useful item with one of a variety of effects; they can change the weather, hurt your enemies, boost your stats, or even warp you out of a dungeon." I still stared kinda blankly. Spark sighed, handing a 10-piece poke to the purple keckleon. "Leon could you and your brother give my partner a small demonstration? He's new." They nodded, picking up an orb that looked frosted over, as if frozen. "That's a freeze orb. Watch what it does." The keckleon held out the orb towards his brother. "Freeze orb!" a beam of ice shot from the orb's surface, freezing the other in a thick block of ice. He took out a second sphere; a red one.

"Burn orb!" fire blew from its surface, melting the ice on the green keckleon; leaving him virtually unharmed. The pair bowed to us, before returning to the counter. We bought a few orbs from there, as well as a few other necessities, before continuing on. In front of the next shop sat a Persian, who regarded me with a constant glare, or so it seemed.

"Welcome to felicity bank. New friend, Spark?" Spark nodded, smiling.
"Shadow, Persia. Persia, Shadow. She's a good friend of mine, and runs the bank. You put your money in there, and its guaranteed safe. No one gets past Persia." The regarded smiled, nodding. I smiled back, before following Spark further east, coming to a stop in front of a small shack with a Wigglytuff out front.

"Welcome to the friend corner, your circle of friends!" She smiled brightly at us, waiting to see if we needed anything. Spark smiled and read the sign, pretty much stating just what she said.

"Off further to the west is the Peliper Post Office, where our rescue missions originate." I nodded my eyes unable to peel away from his slightly glistening fur. Next we went to a large brown building, which looked a lot like a warehouse.

"This is the Kangaskan storage. Kanga here is a wonderful storage keeper; you leave something with her and it'll never get lost, guaranteed." The Kangaskan nodded, smiling. We paced a bit more to the east again, coming across what appeared to be a drug store.

"Welcome to the Gulpin Drug and novelties shop. We deal in anything from stuff to decorate your rescue base, to books, to medicine, to photos. I looked around a bit through the window, and happened upon a picture that looked oddly familiar of a pikachu in a red hat "wrestling" as the sign said, a light blue mew. I shook my head a couple of times, managing to unglue my eyes from the picture; luckily, Spark hadn't noticed, and had been scanning through a selection of medical texts.

"You have a good eye, my young friend. That's a very rare sight to see; that pika hasn't been seen since that photo was taken. There isn't another like it in the world. But I'd be willing to part with it for, how you say....400 poké?"
"Make it 350, and you've got a deal."
"375 is as low as I'll go." The green gulpin grinned.
"Fine." I placed 375 in his grubby paw, receiving the photo wrapped in a brown wrapping. Spark nodded to me, a medical text in his arms. He passed the gulpin 600 poké, and we left the shop, heading back to the base.

Back at the base, we still had no mission requests yet, so we spent the time lazing about. I practiced some of my attacks, discovering I could already use shadow ball, fly, psychic, pound, and bounce; I'd hit the floor using my tail as a spring, hit my head on the ceiling, and landing awkwardly in a pile of plushies. When I finally managed to extricate myself from the pile, a pikachu plush sat on my head, and a white mew with orange tribal flecks rested in my paws. I smiled, setting both down on the bed, setting down the chu with a warm hug. Off to the side I saw Spark blush softly, but pretended not to notice. One question about my new form seemed to trouble me that I remembered from my human existence: If mews were never seen, how did they hide? Sure they can teleport and transform and all... but one would've had to be spotted eventually. I looked over at Spark again, wondering what he was thinking.

[Gods he looks so cute when he practices like this. We're going to make a great team, he and I. *sigh* I just wish I could find a way to tell him what I feel for him...I don't know why, but what he said back in the woods, I believed him...but a human turning into a pokémon? Sure I've heard about the legend, but still.... Why's he staring at me like that?]

I shook my head, wondering why and how I had just heard his thoughts, blushing a bright crimson. I shook it off slowly, before giving him a soft, bashful smile. By about this time, it was getting pretty late, so we decided to turn in for the night. Spark was asleep within minutes, though I laid there, those words I had heard continued to replay within my mind as I slowly nodded off, Just one thought remaining: Do I...

Darkness...Pure, silent...simple darkness. Slowly it fades...fades to a wavy green and yellow, a ghostly image slowly takes form. She (how I knew it was a she, I don't know) went as if to speak, only to be able to mutter "S-shadow..." before slowly fading away again, leaving my restless mind totally confused as I drifted back to sleep undisturbed.
Chapter End Notes:So how did I do? By the way, here is the alternate text for the * :
*and tripping over something, landing with a soft thud on top of Spark, scarring him awake. â��Eep!â�? he looked quickly around for the pokémon who awoke him, only to find the dazed mew that was me on top of him. I shook it off, slowly looking at him with a heavy blush. â��Sorry about that. Why are you asleep out here?â�?*
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