AGNPH Stories

Surprises, Surprises. by thanatos



Surprises, Surprises.
By Thanatos Styx.
[email protected]

Author Notes: Ahh.. It's a long time since I've written a Pokémon Lemon. I haven't been involved in the fandom, for what... 2 years? I've returned now, after looking at a bit of porn, I'm now inspired to write a lemon. None of you will recognise my name mind, I'm using a different screenname.

This lemon is very down to the point and straight into the 'fun' stuff. For two reasons, really:

1) No one ever reads the plot to lemons, they only want to see the smut;
2) It's too late, I'm horney and I want to make something constructive out of it.

Feel free to email me with any comments, or add me to MSN Messenger. Again, the address is new as well, and I will only log onto it every now and then. But if you're lucky, you may be able to speak to me =)

Reviews will be appreciated.


Ash suddenly awoke to the sound of soft giggling, blinking a little, he shuts his eyes again as he recognises the laugh to be Misty's. He parts his eye a little to look at his surroundings again, but he was laying on his side and there wasn't much to see in the darkness but the tent wall and the Pokéball next to his sleeping bag.

There it was again, another soft giggle. He quickly shut his eyes again and pretended to be asleep, Misty's laugher coming from behind him. Ash strained his ears as he tried to hear what his friends were amused so greatly about, but they were whispering to each other.

"Really..? How about... heehee..." Ash managed to hear come from Misty. He frowned a little to himself as he moved his head a little to allow himself to hear the girl more clearly.

"Haha... no way... Ash would go crazy..." He then heard Brock speak, slightly louder than his female friend. They were planning a trick on him, Ash thought. He decided to lay there and pretend to be asleep so he could catch them in the act, and hold it against them in the morning. He smirked to himself as he continued to listen to the other young Pokétrainers' conversation.

"Mmm... I don't know... I've listened to him at night... what he says sometimes..." Misty giggled to Brock. Ash's heart lept, what had she heard him say in his sleep?! Hopefully nothing they could hold against him...

Suddenly there was silence and the two stopped speaking. Ash was starting to get worried as he opened his right eye slightly. He saw again, nothing but the blackness of the tent wall. A cricket outside was making it's usual sound, 'What on EARTH are they going to do?' Ash thought to himself, frowning again to himself.

His heart suddenly lept again as he heard what sounded like a zip being pulled down. He then realised that it was his sleeping bag's zip. 'Oh my god what are they going to do?' He asked himself, his eyes still lightly shut, putting up with the fake sleeping act, waiting for the right moment...

A pair of hands softly rolled Ash onto his back. Still putting up the old sleeping trick, he acted like a sleeping body would, and rolled onto his back, breathing a little heavier as his body was mainly exposed to the air, only his boxers keeping him from being fully naked. He then heard another soft giggle... and then...

What happened next shocked Ash. He nearly gave his cover away as he felt a hand move onto his crotch. Instantly he thought, 'Misty... Ohhhh god...' The hand moved around on his member through the material of the boxer shorts, causing his 5" uncut penis to get erect instantly.

'Ohh god... Nooo... don't open your eyes Ash, if you do, she'll probably stop doing this...' He thought to himself, as the hand now moved up and down the lengh lightly through the material, causing his member to throb. The hands now did what Ash was hoping, and teased the waistband of his boxer shorts before pulling them down slowly, down his legs and off his body.

Ash's heart raced as he lay there, completely naked, his cock throbbing. He blushed slightly in his sleep, but kept his face expressionless, keeping up the act, trying to picture Misty in his mind, sitting infront of him, naked, her pussy wet with anticipation...

The hand returned to his member, and quite firmly gripped it just under the head of the cock. It squeezed lightly, causing Ash to breath out softly, a bead of precum dripping from the tip of the member, moving down the shaft to the hand that was squeezing it. The hand just rubbed the pre into the cock, and began to slowly stroke it.

'This is heaven!' Ash thought to himself as he was stroked off by what he thought was Misty. After about a minute of stroking, his member sticky with precum, the masturbation stopped, and what happened next really did surprise Ash, as he did not expect Misty to be this kind of girl.. The hand was still gripped around the member's shaft, but a tongue started to softly lap at the tip of the member, licking the precum from it. Consequently, this caused Ash to pre a little bit more, and his body shook a little. He kept his eyes shut, despite the temptation to open them.

The tongue stopped it's lashing, and Ash was treated to what he guessed would happen; his member was suddenly engulfed in a warm wetness. 'I cannot believe this... she's sucking my dick!' His mind screamed to himself, 'Oh this feels so good...' His member throbbed inside the mouth, the heated passage starting to bring his orgasm on.

'Getting close... pretend you wake up when you cum...' Ash said to himself as the tongue lashed around the head of his member, the lips starting to move up and down his 5" member at the same time, his orgasm drawing closer, and closer.

After about 1 minute, it happened. Ash suddenly tensed up, gripped the sleeping bag he was sleeping on with both hands, and experianced the most powerful orgasm of his life. He shot 6 loads of white Pokétrainer cum into the mouth performing fellatio on him, the mouth he noticed, expertly drinking it all, a tongue licking his member clean as Ash began to fall back from the intensity of his orgasm.

Ash slowly opened his eyes.

"So what do you think Ash?" Misty asked. But Misty's voice came from next to him, not infront of him... nor was she holding his cock... He looked at Misty, who was dressed in a pair of red cotton shorts and a small red tshirt (what she went to sleep in), and who was indeed wet and horney. Yet she couldn't have given him head from that angle. He looked infront of himself now, confused and dazed.

It was, as you guessed, Brock holding Ash's penis in his hand, sitting there naked, cross legged, his 7" member sticking up straight into the air, licking his lips slightly as he looked curiosly at Ash. Ash looked back at Misty, and then back at Brock. Ash quickly rolled over onto his front and buried his face into the pillow, 'IT WAS BROCK?!' Ash thought to himself, 'Although it was very good I must admit...'

"Ash! Arn't you going to thank Brock?" Misty snapped at him, as he lay there on the sleeping bag, his smooth butt showing in the darkness of the tent, "Oh come on," She sneered at him, "Don't tell us you didn't like it... I've heard you at night..."

Ash turned his head slowly to look at Misty, blushing now very heavily under the eyes, "Wh-what have you heard me say?"

Misty pulled her most wicked grin, pointing a finger at Ash, raising her voice she shut her eyes and imitated Ash's voice "Oh Brock.. yeah... deeper.. Mmmm... O-oh... I'm gonna cum..."

Ash's eyes widened at what Misty said, blushing furiously now. He buried his head back into the pillow, remembering that dream all too well.

"Come on Ash... we all know you loved it... why not just give in?" Misty said, letting out one of those quiet giggles again.

Ash suddenly felt a pair of hands on his hips, and bit his lower lip as he felt his rear raised into the air. His balls and now flacid cock swung down between his legs as he kneeled there, his head still on the pillow.

"Don't worry Ash, you'll just love this," Brock said from behind him.

'What's he going to do?!' Ash panicked to himself, as his eyes opened fully. He then felt something warm, and wet press against his asshole. 'He's not doing... that...? Surely!' His eyes remained wide open as the warm peice of flesh got his pucker completely covered in saliva... and then it begin to push in...

Ash let out an involentary moan, as he realised what Brock was doing. Brock pulled his tongue out of Ash's ass for a moment, smirking to himself, "You seem to enjoy that." Misty grinned to herself as he pulled her top off, revealing her moderate sized breasts.

"I want some action," She giggled to herself as she winked at Brock, who resumed to rimming Ash. She placed her hands around her red cotton shorts and slowly pulled them off, her hairless pussy sticky with her juices. She moved over to where Ash's head was on the pillow, and opened her legs, sitting down infront of him.

Ash lifted his head as he breathed in deeply Misty's scent. He knew exactly what to do at this point, extending his tongue he delved it straight into her cunt, lapping at the juices, he moaned to her, as his own hole was licked. Brock gripped his own member with one hand, and slowly begun to stroke himself, his member's tip collecting pre as he ate out Ash's ass.

"Mmm... yes Ash... Stick your tongue in deeper..." Ash nodded as he pushed in his tongue as far as it could go, lapping at her firm lips, breathing in her intoxicating scent. As Misty moaned this, Ash felt Brock's tongue delve deeper into his ass as well, causing him to moan loudly in between her legs.

'I can't believe I'm doing this,' Ash thought, his eyes now shut as he ate out his friend, 'I seriously cannot believe I am doing this...' After a few minutes, Brock finished his rimming of Ash and pulled away, smirking a little as he strokes his own member a little more.

"Misty, I think we're ready for the next stage," Brock called to her, winking. She nodded and placed a hand on Ash's head, "As much as I dont want to stop you, the next stage is much more fun," She said to him. Ash withdrew his tongue, and looked up at her puzzlingly.

Brock sat up a little and wrapped his arms around Ash's waist. He then sat Ash in his lap, Brock's larger member pressing against the cheeks of Ash's ass. Ash, by now was extremely hard, and wondering what the two had in store for him now. Brock shifted a little and pulled Ash up a little in his lap, then letting him sit down, Ash's eyes widened again as he felt the head of Brock's thick, hard member press against his slickened pucker.

"It'll hurt for a second," Brock said, grinning to himself, "But you'll get used to it.. and you're lubed..." Brock then began to push Ash slowly down onto his cock, the head of the member popping inside.

"Ohh... it wont fit!" Ash panicked, struggling a little on Brock's lap, but Brock kept a firm grip on him.

"Relax..." Brock whispered into his ear, placing both of his hands on Ash's nipples, using his fingers to squeeze them very softly, causing them to harden instantly, "If you relax, it'll feel real good." Ash shut his eyes as he felt more of the member sink into his rear, slipping in about half way, "God Ash... you're so tight..." He groaned, as he pushed in the whole length, the throbbing member pressing against the young Pokétrainer's prostate.

"Brock... it feels weird..." Ash gasped, as Brock's hands were now doing different things, one hand on his own cock, stroking it softly but not enough to bring him to orgasm. Brock looked at Misty and nodded, grinning slightly to himself. Misty grinned back and stood up, moving over to Ash. Brock moved his hand out of the way and Misty took Ash's cock in her own hand.

Then, without warning, she sat over his member, guiding the tip of the Pokétrainer's member into her own cunt. Ash's tongue lolled out slightly as he felt his member engulfed yet again in warmth, the warmth of Misty's pussy.

"Oh... Ash... Ash!" She groaned as she pushed all his member inside, sitting there, running her fingers through his hair. Brock then began to slowly move his member in and out of Ash's ass, each time it hitting his prostate, sending shivers up and down his spine. Brock's hands returned to Ash's nipples again, squeezing them a little harder this time. Ash's cock throbbed in Misty's snatch as she slowly began to move up and down on Ash's cock also, in time with Brock's pumpings.

Ash groaned as the pleasure began to build up inside him, the stimulation on his cock and in his ass too much. Brock moaned loudly as he slipped his member in and out quickly inside Ash's tight ass, Misty also moaning as Ash's member pushed inside her pussy.

The three sped up over a period of about 5 minutes, until...

"A-Ash... I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." Brock then let out an extremely loud moan, pushing in and out of Ash's ass extremely quickly, his whole body tensing up, his hands squeezing Ash's nipples hard, "C-c-c-c..." He then breathed out loudly, his member throbbing as he is sent over the edge, pumping spurt after spurt of white seed into his ass. Ash, responding to his ass being filled with cum and his nipples being squeezed also moaned loudly, sending himself over the edge as his own 5"'er throbbed inside Misty. Groaning, he spurted 3 jets of seed into her. In turn, Misty then moaned as you'd expect, her pussy contracting and squeezing Ash's cock hard, milking him dry, came messily all over her friend's member.

The three then collapsed on Ash's sleeping bag, panting heavily, sweat covering the whole of their bodies, still lodged into each other. After a couple of minutes of enjoying the afterglow of the shared orgasm, Brock pulled out of Ash, and Ash pulled out of Misty, as the three lay on their own sleeping bags, completely naked, lower regions covered in sexual juices from various people.

"Whoa..." Misty exclaimed as she spaced out on the bed.

"Gotta do that again some other time..." Brock murmured as he stared at the ceiling of the tent.

"Uh huh..." Ash muttered in turn, his eyes shut, his whole body worn out.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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