AGNPH Stories

My Hero by blitz_the_charmander


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

A Heroic Deed

It was a beautiful day at my favorite spot by the local lake. A nice shady area under an old oak tree where I sat every day and thought about how great this place was. Little did I know that this day would be different, this would be a day that changed the way I looked at things.

"What a great day," I thought as I made my way to the old tree," The sun is shining and a gentle breeze is blowing, truly a great day."

I sat down against the old tree and began to close my eyes when suddenly they were opened again by a loud scream. I quckly rose to my feet to locate the scource of the scream. While looking around, I noticed a totodile across the lake running from what seemed to be a pikachu. The totodile continued to run as it let out another scream. I could see the pikachu not far behid with sparks emitting from its body.

So I started to make my way to the other side of the lake to get a better view of what was going on. As I came closer to the scene, I heard the pikachu begin to speak.

"I have you now,"he said,(judging by the sound of his voice, I could determine he was male.)"and there's no escape."

"Why won't you leave me alone, I never did anything to you," shouted the totodile as she stood back up.(Again, can determine she is female by her voice.)

"Why?"he said in a rhetorical tone,"because you're my bitch and ain't no one else gonna have you but me. Now be a good little girl and come home with your daddy, your mother doesn't have to know about us."

"What are you talking about, your not my father and I'm certainly not your bitch," she said giving him a confused look.

"Now why would you say something like that to your daddy,"said the pikachu,"you know things like that upset me."

After the exchange of words, I made my way to the nearest bush to get a look at what was going on without being seen. When I finally got a clear view, I saw the totodile slowly backing up while the pikachu moving forward charging up for what seemed to be some kind of electical attack.

"Oh man,"I nervously thought to myself,"if i don't do something, this is going to get very ugly."

So I waited for my moment to strike when suddenly the totodile made an attempt to run, but the pikachu caught up to her and tackled her to the ground. I had found the moment to strike, the pikachu had its back turned to me. So with that I leapt from the bush and charged at the pikachu hitting dead in the back with my metal claw attack. Taken by surprise from the attack he instanly fell to the ground. However it din't seen to have any effect except to piss him off even more.

He got up, turned to me and said,"So, someone else is trying to take my little girl from me eh, but not without a fight!"

And just as he finished speaking, he came at me with an incredibly fast quick attack hitting me square in the gut and sending me flying a few feet. Before I couldget up, I was hit was hit with a very strong thunderbolt attack, most likey since he had been storing in up for a while.

"Pathetic,"was all he said as he once again focused his attention on the totodile. He continued,"Now there's nothing in our way."

As I lay there hurt from his powerful attack I heard the totodile scream once more.

"That pikachu may be insane, but he sure is strong. What am I going to do, if I don't do something fast he's going to hurt her,"I thought to myself as I struggled to get up.

As I stood up, I begain channeling my anger for my rage attack. Once I was done, I fired an ember attack at the psychotic pikachu.

He withstood the force of my attack and said,"You again, you sure like punishment don't you."

Once again he charged at me wiht a quick attack and I managed to barely dodge it.

"Damn, I missed,"he said as he came to a stop.

He came at me once more, but this time stopped in front of me and hit me in the face with a powerful iron tail attack. Then he quickly followed up with a powerful thunderbolt.

"You won't be able to take much more of this,"he said laughing menacingly.

I didn't want to admit it but he was right, I wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. Just then I felt the rage build up inside of me and I could feel immense power flowing through me.

"You may be strong, but your power will be your downfall,"I said preparing to charge him with a full power metal claw.

What I was saying was true, had it not be for those intense blows I took I wouldn't have gotten such a power boost. Then I dashed at him hoping to strike him with my powered up metal claw.

"What a pathetic attack, you won't scratch me!"he said as he came at me head on with an iron tail.

Our attacks collided with each other and at first it seemed as if the iron tail was overpowering my metal claw, but my attacking started to gain power from my built up rage.

"What!This can't be!"was all the pikachu could say before he was blown back into the trunk of a tree."It just can't be...,"was the last thing he said before he passed out.

I couldn't believe it, I actually won the fight. I looked around to see if the totodile was alright and when I saw that she was, I fell to the ground and passed out.

I awoke several hours later, it was nighttime and I was leaning against my favorite tree. I looked around confused as to how I ended up here, then I saw the totodile from earlier sitting at the edge of the lake.

She turned to look at me and said,"Good, you're finally awake."

I asked her,"Are you alright after what happened earlier?"

"I'm fine,"she said,"but I cannot thank you enough for what you did for me. By the way my name is Ashley,what's yours?"

"My name is Blitz, nice to meet you,"I replied.

Then she said,"Well Blitz, thank you for rescuing me from that psycho. Are you ready for your reward?"

"Reward,"I said,"what reward?"

She walked over to me coming down to me eye level and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. At first I was shocked, but then I enjoyed it. Her tounge in my mouth wrestling with my own. After a few seconds she broke the kiss.

"That was nice,"I said.

"But I'm not sone yet,"replied Ashley.

She slowly worked her paws down my body until she reached my sheath. She then began stroking my sheath, urging my cock to come out. Without much effort, she got what she desired. Just then she used her tounge to lick the tip of it,sending me waves of pleasure as I awaited more, then she slowly took my whole legnth into her mouth. She began to slowly suck on my cock while using her tougne to lick it while she moved up and down, adding to the pleasure.

I could tell she was getting pleasure out of this as well as I noticed that she had become wet from the excitement.I was about to say something when all of a sudden she took her free paw and began rubbing her wet pussy. She was obviously getting as much pleasure as me, but to me that wasn't good enough.

"You don't have to do that yourself you know,"I said as I slid my self off the tree and underneath Ashley.

Now with her on top of me, I wass in the perfect position to give her pleasure my way. She continued to suck my cock as I began to slowly lick her wet pussy. I wormed my tounge inside of her vagina giving her quick gintle licks against her walls as she became even wetter from the pleasure. I was close to the peak of my excitement and I could tell she was too. So I quickened the pace of my tounge and sped up as well.

I could feel her orgasm approaching as her walls clentched around my tounge, not wanting to let go. Then her orgasm had hit and she screamed with ecstasy as her juices spilt out all over my face. I eagerly lapped up the juice and moaned as I was getting close. The motions of her moving up and down my cock and her tounge swirling around my cock as well, it was too much and I bursted my load into her mouth and suprisingly she eagerly swallowed it all.

"That was great,"I said with a smile on my face.

"It was great, now I hope you're ready for more,"said Ashley with an excited look on her face

"More,"I thought to myself,"after that I don't think I have anything left."

"Ok, yeah, I guess,"I said to Ashley weakly.

"Time to get started,"she said.

As before, she stroked my sheath to urge my cock out of hiding. To my own surprise, I became hard once again. But this time, she got up and stood overtop me, carefully positioning her awaiting pussy over my throbbing cock.

She looked at me and smiled as she slowly descended onto my cock. I saw the pleasure in her face as her walls were split by my cock. She picked up a steady rythm moving up and down and up again.As she started to pick up the pace a little, I began bucking my hips in sync with her movements.

"I need to give more, more pleasure,"yelled Ashley as she sped up to a very quick pace,"nothing's too good for my hero!"

I couldn't help but gasp at the intense amount of pleasure I was recieving from her treatment.

"But I can't make her do all the work,"I thought,"I've got it!"

Just as she thrust herself upon me once more I rolled to the side and kept rolling until I was on top of her. She stared at me in shock, obviously not expecting this turn of events. Now it was my turn. I started slow, but sped up quickly quickly to get back to where we left off. I thrusted in and out of her at a quick pace and I could feel her insides becoming very wet making it easier to thrust into her;not to metion the large amount of pre my cock was expelling making it even easier.

Once I returned to the point we once were, she began to moan and scream from the pure ecstasy she was recieving from this experience. She was close to orgasming once again as was I. I felt her powerful walls squeeze around my cock not letting go. Our moans grew louder and louder until she reached her orgasm. Her fluids started to rush out of her pussy and the feeling sent me over the edge as I shot my load deep into her pussy. Our fluids mixed together and poured out of her.

"That was amazing,"exclaimed Ashley as I withdrew from her.

"I agree,"I said with a large smile on my face.

After reminicing in the afterglow of our beloved night, we got up to go wash ourselves off in the lake. I, of course being careful not to get my tailfire wet since I am a charmander after all. Anyway, after we cleaned up we sat at the lake's edge, Myself leaning against my favorite old oak tree and Ashley laid her head against my chest.

Then Ashley spoke,"I've never felt like this with anyone before, I don't want it to ever end!Blitz, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything,"I said.

"Will you be my hero everyday for the rest of my life?"she asked with a look on nervousness and concern.

Then I said calmly in return,"Of course I will, Ashley, of course I will."

And with that happy reassurance, Ashley fell asleep in my arms. So I rest my head against the old oak tree with only one thought.

I thought to myself before I fell into a slumber,"Yep, this was truely a great day."
Chapter End Notes:So what did ya think? I'd love to hear your responses, both good and bad, as to help me with future stories. And any tips you may want to share are also greatly appreeciated. So please rate and review and thanks again
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