AGNPH Stories

My Hero by blitz_the_charmander


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

The Past Becomes Clear

I slowly began to open my eyes, as I soon realized it was morning.

"Ugh, morning already?"I said as I stood up.

I let out a big yawn and stretched out a little.

"Ah, another great day!"I exclaimed recalling the previous night's events.

Then it hit me, Ashley was no where to be seen. I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed sooner.

"Ashley,"I called out,"Ashley, where are you? Can you; here me?"

Nothing. I kept up my calls for a few minutes, but still nothing. Now I was really worried.

"What happened,"I thought as I paced back and forth,"did she just up and leave me, di that crazy pikachu come back."

These thoughts raced around in my head until I heard something. It sounded as if something made a splash, so I turned to look at the lake but there was nothing there except a couple of berrries on the ground. So I didn't think twice about it. Then I heard the sound again, so I went to the lake's edge to get a closer look.

After staring at apparently nothing, I began to turn away when I noticed there were bubbles in the water. Now I knew something was there, so I got as close as I could to the water to get the best possible view. I saw a dark figure approaching the surface. My heart began to race, afraid of what might be coming up. Next thing I knew, two more berries came flying out of the water and landed near the others. I turned to examine the berries as they were ones I never saw before, but then I remembered there was something in the water. So I quickly turned to the lake and found myself face to face with Ashley. I jumped back, frightened by her sudden appearence.

"I'm sorry,"she said,"I didn't mean to startle you. Anyway, good morning, it's about time your up, you sure like to sleep, don't you."

"Oh, good, you're okay,"I said relieved,"where did you go, I woke up and you weren't here, I was really worried. I thought something had happened to you."

"I'm sorry,"she said once again, this time in a forgiving tone,"I woke up early and went for a swim in the lake. Then I decided to grab a couple of berries for us to eat. I didn't mean to worry you, but you were still sleeping and I didn't want to wake you. Now that that's cleared up, let's eat!"

"Okay,"I said, just happy she was alright.

So we picked up the berries and walked over to the old oak tree and sat down. We each grabbed a berry and stared at it with delight. Holding that berry in my paw brought to my attention just how hungry I really was. So without further hesitation, I egarly bit into the berry. Upon the first bite, I immediately noticed a sweet flavoring to the berry, but yet I could also taste a delicious spicy flavoring at the same time.

"Mmm, these berries are delicious. What kind are they?"I asked her

Ashley rplied,"I'm not sure, I found them growing not too far from the lake. They looked good so I picked a few and brought them back, but decided to swim back, thinking it would be faster for me than walking to get back."

"I never thought of her going for a swim,"I thought to myself,"I completely forgot that she's a water type and likes to swim. Plus, water isn't exactly the first thing a charmander, like me, thinks of."

I took another bite from my berry, and then another finishing it off. Then I turned to look at Ashley, noticing just how beautiful she really was.

So with a smile on my face I said,"Thanks for the berries."

"No problem,"she replied,"I thought you'd liked it."

After we finished eating, saving two berries for later, we sat next to one another, Ashley laying against my chest my arms wrapped around her. We sat there for what felt like days, but was really only a few hours. As I relaxed with Ashley, yesterday's events began crawling around in my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about them.

"Why was Ashley being chased by that psychotic pikachu anyway,"I thought,"I never really did find out what had happened. Other than what I overheard, I knew nothing else. I had to know, but should I ask Ashley, should I ask her to retell that horrible tale just to satisfy my own curiousity?"

Not realizing that in my train of thought I became restless and had alerted Ashley that someting was bugging me.

She looked up at me and asked,"Are you alright?"

"I replied,"Not really. Something has been scratching at my curiousity."

"What is it?"she asked with a concerned look.

"Well,"I said,"what happened yesterday that made that pikachu chase after you?"

"Oh,"she said,"that's what's bothering you. Well if you really want to know, I'll tell you."

"I'm curious, yes, but if you don't want to talk about it you din't have to,"I said

"No, it's okay,"she confirmed,"I feel as if I can to you about anything."

She sat up then began her tale by saying,"Now, it all started yesterday morning when I was searching for something to eat. I had been searching for hours with no luck. Since I am not from here, I didn't know where anything was. You see, I tend to travel a lot. Anyway, just as I was about to give up searching I found a berry bush. I made my way over to the bush and picked off a berry. I was about to bite into the berry when I heard someone approach me from behind. I turned to see who it was, it was that pikachu that had chased me.

'Oh hello,'I said,' would you like a berry too, I'll get you one.'

But he just stood there, silently.

Then he said,'I knew you'd come back, these are your favorite berries after all and this is the only spot thst grows them. Now that I found you, we can go back home, just you and me.'

'What are you talking about?'I asked him.

'Oh come on,'he said,'like you don't know.'

'Know what,'I asked.

'You don't recognize your own daddy,'he said,'what has she done to you? Anyway, it's time to go now.'

'Go where?'I asked, noticing him become angrier with every question.

'Why, home of course, now let's go,'he said as he grabbed my arm and started to drag me away.

Not knowing why this waas happening, I was very scared, but somehow found the courage to attempt an escape. So I used my bite attack to make him release his grip on me. Once he let go, I ran like hell. I didn't know where I was going, but I didn't care, I just wanted to get away from him.

However, he started to chase after me. I kept running and runnig, but he just wouldn't give up. He followed me for what seemed like days. After a while, he finally tired out and stopped. I kept on running, not wanting to stop.

He yelled to me,'I will bring you back you bitch. You've always been a bitch and you always will be!.

After a short time later, I felt safe enough to stop and rest, so I did. But the rest wasn't long because somehow he had found me again.

He said,'I knew I'd find you again bitch!'

'Just leave me alone,'I screamed at him.

I got up to start running again, but he hit me with a quick attack, knocking me down before I could get away.

'You're not getting away,' he said,'I've lost you once, I won't lose you again.'

He came at me with another quick attack. I managed to dodge it and ran for a way out of the woods I saw ahead of me. He came after me once more with anger in his eyes. I ran until I finally made it out of the woods and found myself next to a beautiful lake, this lake. But I had no time to admire the scenery since the pikachu was still after me. So I let out a few screams in an attempt that someone would hear and come to my aid. Despite my efforts of escape, the pikachu caught up with me using his agility. I thought I was done for, that is until you came to my rescue, Blitz, and I sure you know what happened from then on."

"Wow,"I said,"so that's how that got started. But what happened to that pikachu? I passed out before I could find out."

"I'm not sure, one minute he was there, the next, he was gone,"she replied.

"I don't think he'll bother us again though,"I said trying to comfort her,"but why did he think you were his daughter?"

"Well, I wasn't sure,"she said,"until I found out some interesting information this morning."

"What is it?"I asked, egar to know.

She said,"When I was getting the berries, I overheard a vulpix and a mudkip talking about seeing a badly injured pikachu walking through the forest. So I approached them, intending to get some answers.

I walked up to them asking,'You saw an injured pikachu?'

'Yeah,'said the vulpix,'and he some burns on his back.'

So then I knew this was the same pikachu because you had hit him in the back with your ember attack.

'What can you tell me about him?'I asked them.

'Where to start,'said the mudkip,'first of all his name is John, and well, he used to live with his mate and his children in the south part of the forest. But now he wanders aimlessly through the forest.'

'What do you mean "used to",'I asked, wanting to know.

'You have to understand,'said the vulpix,'he and his family had a reputation around these parts, and not the good king either. You see, John is known to have major anger issues and constantly abused his children. He hit his eldest daughter the most because of his dislike for her reputation. Which, basically, was being the forest slut, mating with a different male each night. Needless to say, this only angered John more. After a while, his mate couldn't bare to see thier children abused any more. So one day she just up and left with them without telling John.

'That's too bad,'I said, trying to find some pity for him and his situation.

Then the mudkip said,'That's not the worst part of it. After they left, John's anger really came out and depression hit him hard as well. SO he went searching in hopes of finding them, but had no luck. Other pokemon say that they saw John waiting by his daughter's favorite berry bush taht grow berries found only here, they saw that when she returned, he planed to take her back home with him. For months he waited and she never came. With every passing day his anger and depression grew. After a while, it became to much for him and he became dillusional. One time, he even thought my friend here was his daughter and tried to take her away, but we were able to stop him and he ran off. We never saw him again until today.'

I asked,'Did he say anything when you saw him?'

The vulpix replied,'Not really, we tried to keep our distance from him. But I did hear him say that a charmander was going to pay for taking his daughter away from him.'

'Wow, well, thanks for the information, have anice day,'I said as I walked away.

And then I came back here to find you awake."

"So he is alive,"I said.

"Yeah, but don't worry abouthim now,"she said which comforted me,"besides, it's getting late anyway."

"You're right,"I said.

So with that said and done, we each ate one of the remaining berries and then slowly drifted into sleep in each other's arms. All I thought about as I was falling asleep was how happy I was to be with Ashley.

So we both slept awaiting for what tomorrow has in store for us.
Chapter End Notes:Hopefully this satifies the curious minds of those wishing to know how it began. As before, please rate and review and any tips are greatly appreciated. Hope you enjoyed it
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