AGNPH Stories

My Hero by blitz_the_charmander


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

The Journey Begins

I slowly opened my eyes to see the bright light of the morning reflecting off the lake. I let out a small yawn and rose up to give my limbs a little stretch. I glanced around, curious as to where Ashley was this time. Though instead of freaking out like yesterday morning, I simply sat down at the lake's edge and sure enough Adhley's head appeared above the surface of the water a moment later.

"Good morning,"I said to her.

"Good morning to you too,"she said in return.

She swam over to where I was sitting and climbed onto the shore and sat next to me. I coulndn't help but notice how she looked so carefree, so happy. Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I was wondering,"she began with uncertainy in her voice,"that maybe it's time that we leave here and travel the land. You know I don't like to stay in one place too long."

I was unsure of how to process this information. Could I really just up and leave a place I've known nearly all my life. I had to take a moment to think on this situation. Staying here, at a place I know and love, but never being with Ashley again as she would be sure to go without me because its in her nature to travel. On the other paw, I did always want to see other places than here and not to mention, I'd always be with Ashley. My choice was clear.

"Alright,"I said,"when do you want to leave?"

"How about today,"she said,"it's never too early to start a journey, especially with the one you love."

"Fine, we'll leave today if you want,"I told her, thinking about how we'll now be together for the rest of our lives.

As soon as she heard my words, her face lit up with joy. She then quickly pulled me in for a kiss, which took me completely off guard. I could feel her tounge trying to gain enterance into my mouth. Once I recovered from the shock of the sudden kiss, I returned the kiss by allowing her tounge access into my mouth where I had my tounge meet hers. When our tounges met, they twirled around one another, making the kiss more enjoyable. After what seemed like forever, she finally broke the kiss.

"Oh thank you so much Blitz, you don't know what this means to me,"she excitedly said to me.

I replied,"I'll go anywhere, as long as I'm with you."

With all that said and done, we prepared to start our journey together. First, before we did anything, we got ourselves some breakfast. Not much, just a few of the local berries. Anyway, after we ate, we decided on which direction we were going to go. After some tought, we had decided to go east, which is the opposite direction John was seen going, just to be on the safe side. Finally, we stocked up on a couple of berries in case we had a hard time finding some later. We managed to make a small pouch to carry the berries out of some leaves lying on the ground. With everything set we began our journey eastward.

We slowly set off towards the awaiting forest. When we reached the edge of the forest, I stopped to look at this place one more time.

"I going to miss this place,"I thought to myself, taking one last look at what I called home for so long,"but it's in the past now and I'm for the future with Ashley.

Ashley noticed I stopped and looked at me for a moment before she asked,"Are you okay?"

I ended mt thoughts and responded,"Yeah, I'm fine, just saying goodbye to home is all. Anyway, shall we continue on."

So we both continued on through the forests for most of the day and the sun was just about set.

"It's getting late, we should stop and find a place to sleep tonight,"I said to Ashley.

"Sure, we can stop but I don't think we'll get much sleep tonight though,"she said with a grin on her face.

"Why not?"I replied to her statement, dumbfounded by what she meant.

She said with a grin still on her face,"Oh you'll find out later."

Not thinking twice about it, I dismissed the tought of what she meant from my mind and focused on finding a place to spend the night. I scanned the surrounding area and with a bit of luck found a small clearing not too far up ahead.

I informed Ashley of the clearing and she agreed to spending the night there. So we reached the clearing just as night fell and it was the perfect spot. I walked over to a nearby tree and placed our berry bag at the base of the tree.

"We should turn in earl...,"was all I could say as I turned around and as Ashley had captured me in another passonate kiss. But unlike earlier, she ended the kiss almost as soon as it had begun.

"What are you doing?"I asked once she broke the kiss.

"Just saying thank you for coming with me, and I not done yet!"she exclaimed.

Immediately after sayubg those words she used one of her paws to gentlely stroke my sheath, encouraing my member to make an appearance. Not taking too long to do so, I was fully erect and ready to go.

However, istead of starting out slow like last time, she laid on her back asking me to give it to her immediately. Not being one to refuse, I placed my member at her enterance and slowly pushed it in. Not wanting to waste too much time, I thrusted in and out of her at a steady pace, but sped up quicker than I normally would. The quick change in pace made Ashley moan with pleasure.

I kept at this fast pace for some time and then Ashley suddenly said,"Wait a moment Blitz, I want to try a different position.

"Okay,"I said, as I pulled my member out of her.

She got up off of her back and I couldn't help but be curious as to what she was planning to do. A second later I got my answeer as she bent over on all fours and lifted her tail out of the way.

She then said,"Now take me back to that blissful point once again."

"Of course,"I said as I went to reenter her. But before I began again, I paused for a moment. I had this stange feeling that someone was watching us very closely. I simply ignored the feeling and went back to the job at hand.

So I once again entered her with my member and quickly got to the pace I was at before. It didn't take long for Ashley to start moaning from the pleasure once more. As I thrust into her harder and faster, I could sense her oncoming orgasm. Sure enough, her inner walls started clenching my member.

I was near my end as well when I heard a loud noise behind us. I turned to discover what made the sound, but was struck with an extremely hard blow to my head. I instantly fell to the ground. My vision faded as I saw a dark figure knock out Ashley and start to drag her away.

"Ashley, no,"I said as I blacked out,"Ashley..."
Chapter End Notes:Quite a way to start a journey, eh? I know how much people hate cliffhangers, but I thought it would add to the drama and emotion of the story. Just don't hate me for it. Anyway rate and review like always, I like to hear what you guys have to say
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