AGNPH Stories

Regrowth by shadytiger


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.



Majestic |m...�Ë�jestik| |m...�Ë�dÊ'...�st...�k| |m...�Ë�dÊ'...�st...�k|
having or showing impressive beauty or dignity : watching majestic eagles soar along the Mississippi.
majestically |-(...�)lÄ"| |m...�Ë�dÊ'...�st...�k(...�)li| adverb

Our story takes place on the sunny, summer shores of nowhere...

A soft ocean breeze wafted through the air, the faintest hint of seaweed underlying in the aroma. The sun beat down unrelentingly at the bleached white sand. Jumi lay in this picturesque scene, basking in the incomprehensible beauty of the day, her tail flicking slightly. She looked up at the gorgeous blue sky and let peace and tranquility wash over her, the leaves on the trees at the edge of the beach rustling slightly in the afternoon wind. Her mind dipped in and out of reality as the ocean washed over here and the sun bathed her rough blue skin, her paws cast a small shadow over her naked frame as the beauty of nature surrounded her. A low murmur escaped her maw as she closed her pretty black eyes as she felt sleep invading. Suddenly, without any warning, the silence was broken. A terrible, inhuman scream of pain rang out from the beach edge, a flock of Fearow taking flight as the scream withered away only to be refreshed with a new scream of pure agony. Jumi jumped and looked at the source of the sound, her heart speeding up as the adrenaline flooded through her. She squinted into the direction of the howl, bringing the world into sharp focus as her dazed stupor deserted her.

She jumped as a figure stumbled out of the trees, a Ninetails, dark red blood pouring profusely from a jagged torn hole in it's left hind leg. Jumi gasped in horror and ran to it's side, placing a paw softly over the wound. Her mind ran, options flicking through her mind like a projector, quickly she settled on the solution of stopping the bleeding. She ran to a palm tree on the edge of the beach and tore off a few leaves, next she moved to the wire fence the humans had left here years ago, she gripped the items firmly in her muzzle and ran back the injured pokémon. She quickly cobbled together a makeshift bandage out of the leaves and wire, placing the leaves firmly over the wound and binding them there with the wire, the blood continued to trickle slowly until it had coagulated and clotted at the bleed site. She looked at her handiwork and gave a little smile although the situation hardly gave any reason to.

The Ninetails looked up at Jumi who had been sitting above him, stroking his cheek softly as she hoped with all her heart he would be alright. He smiled in a daze up at Jumi "You're really pretty..." he mumbled, half asleep from blood loss. His mind managed to cobble itself back together as he realized what he'd just said, Jumi's eyeridge raised a little at the unexpected comment. "Uhh...caring...You're pretty caring..., you saved my life..." he managed to articulate as he blushed a little. Jumi chuckled and placed a paw over his lips to silence him, the Ninetails breath was warm and comforting. She smiled and slowly bent down to kiss him on the cheek, she did, his soft fur nice against her lips. He murred deeply and started to get up, Jumi held him down softly and shook her head "No, no no. You're not going anywhere until we get you fixed up.". She smiled and walked to his front and gazed deep into his leafy green eyes, her voice soft but insistent, almost hypnotic as she spoke "You need to stay here, I'm going to get a friend who I think might be able to help you.". The Ninetails looked back into her inky black eyes and nodded, his mind clouded by blood loss and her oddly mesmeric command. Jumi got up and started to run the ocean, her tail dragging behind her and providing a boost as she leapt into the water and was gone before you could say "Holy Shit".

Jumi swam as fast she could, the water feeling cool and natural, she was home. A Tentacruel swam at her head on, only to met with the full force of the speeding Vaporeon. She shrugged off the collision and continued to swim with speed that would of shamed a jet boat. Although her body was focused on getting to her destination her mind was on the Ninetails, she needed to get to Zephuros so he could help him. Zephuros was a Latios on the east of Nowhere Island, he could help with almost anything, he wasn't normal, he had...powers, he was the one who gave her the ability to... Jumi hooked a sharp left and avoided a sharp incoming rock cluster that would have julienned her. She saw the looming reef that signaled her arrival at her destination, she sped up and headed towards the sandy beach ahead. She plodded out of the water and ran towards the path leading to the rocky outcrop overlooking the ocean. She sped up the path and soon found herself in front of a wall of leaves.

Meanwhile at Nowhere Island South...

The Ninetails lay in the sun on the once again tranquil beach, his mind working to do a check of his body. He winced every now and then as his leg twitched involuntarily. He smiled at the thought of the cute Vaporeon that had helped him, she WAS cute, he'd give her that... And her voice, it was so smooth and flowing, it seemed to flow through him, he couldn't resist it, it was...hypnotic.

Back at Nowhere Island East...

Jumi looked at the wall of foliage and reached out a paw to push at it, but it parted before she could touch it. She looked inside, it was an impressive setup, the tree the leaves stemmed from had grown to form what could resemble a human living room. Despite the cavernous edifice's interior, it was empty, or at least it APPEARED to be empty. After a few seconds a Latios shimmered into sight, like a solidifying heat haze. Jumi smiled and ran forwards at Zephuros, her mind finally seeing the room as it was as the Zephuros released her mind and returned it to normal instead of the altered state he has had it in since she entered his house. "Zeph!" she beamed as she hugged him. Her mind snapped back from greeting and back to the Ninetails on the South Side. "Zephuros, I need help, someone's hurt on the South Side, we need to go there now!" She panted as the strain from the journey here finally caught up with her. Zephuros give a small smile and got up slowly, "what are we waiting for?" he asked as he headed towards the entrance to his cave. Once outside he bent down and beckoned for Jumi to get on his back, she obliged and hopped and and gripped around his neck as they flew off towards Nowhere Island South.

Nowhere Island South...

The Ninetails stirred a little as he moved his leg experimentally, only to be rewarded with a piercing sharp pain. He yelped, winced and resolved to staying still. This however was NOT the best option as a Mightyena stepped out the foliage, a sick, sadistic grin plastered over his features as he spotted the Ninetails laying injured on the beach. He started towards the Ninetails his paws kicking up the sand as he moved into a slow loping run. He was soon standing over the Ninetails, "I've been looking for you Tommy, not so cocky are you now you stupid little fuck?" he spat with a voice that could have peeled paint. Tommy looked up with genuine fear in his eyes, he was scared, the majestic fire pokémon was at the mercy of a Mightyena, it's intense red and black eyes silently gloating. The Mightyena lowered himself and placed a paw on the Tommy's throat and teased a claw over the jugular running down his throat, pressing ever so lightly and and whispering in Tommy's ear "I hope you enjoy hell". A drop of blood making it's way down Tommy's neck like a ominous crimson snake.

Nowhere Island Skys...

Zephuros and Jumi soared through the air, the ground below a green blur as they sped over the landscape below. Any other time Jumi would probably have been taking in the surroundings but this wasn't a time for leisure. She gripped Zephuros and looked down at the approaching South Side beach. She gasped as the sight that met her, something was next to the the Ninetails and it didn't seem to be helping him. Zephuros landed on the beach and Jumi disembarked immediately and ran over to the Ninetails, then she saw the blood, a single line down his neck. Jumi lost it. She ran at the canine and leapt at him, headbutting him in the side and knocking him off balance, he tumbled over and quickly got back up, moving left and right to prevent Jumi from jumping at him again. He stopped suddenly and looked up with a gasp, Jumi looked up too. While she was looking for the nonexistent distraction, the Mightyena pounced, sinking a maw of sharp, yellow teeth into her side. She screamed and fell back, Zephuros ran up to her and placed a wing over her would and let his magic flow over her and heal the wound the dog had inflicted.

He then turned his attention to the Mightyena as Jumi lay on sand, woozy from magic aftershock. The Mightyena jumping left and right erratically to try and confuse Zephuros. Zeph merely smiled and remained perfectly still. The Mightyena was naturally curious and stopped for a second and looked at the Latios, in the second of eye conact Zephuros entered his mind. The Mightyena looked in horror as his legs buckled and refused to move for him, he lay helpless on the ground as Zephuros controlled him. The dog growled at the Latios and was horrified to feel his claw raise to his jugular and press into it firmly and make a tiny puncture, identical to that on Tommy. Zephuros smiled and spoke with a softness like the Mightyena was a small child. "Would you please leave hon?" asked Zephuros. Actually he didn't ask. To ASK would mean that he could have refused, and he couldn't, the Mightyena was completely powerless over his own body. The canine summoned all of his will and managed to nod. the Mightyena felt himself rise to his feet and start to run away. The further away he got the weaker Zephuros' control over him got, but he wasn't going back anyway.

Jumi stood up and hugged Zephuros. "Thank you Zeph, you saved me and you saved the Ninetails.". Jumi plodded over the Tommy who had passed out from too much mental stimulation and not enough blood. Zephuros placed a wing over his body and let his magic caress him, blood replenished, cuts sealed and the gash healed. All in all the Ninetails was looking in great shape, his fur had even gained a soft sheen.

Tommy stirred and shot up as the magic aftershock hit him. Jumi leapt at his and snuggled into his chest, his warm soft fur rubbing against her. She blushed a little and kissed him on the lips, their maws locking together as Jumi closed her eyes and flattened her ears as Tommy did the same. Zephuros gave a small smile and took off, Jumi yelled a thank you to him as he took the skies, leaving Jumi and Tommy alone on the beach.

Jumi went back to her kiss with Tommy, her small tongue exploring Tommy's. Tommy reached down a stroked her skin, it was a tiny bit rough, but smooth. He growled softly and let a paw caress her body as he kissed, his paw sliding over her tail and down to her tailhole, he let a paw tease at it, Jumi moaned and kisses firmer, silently wanting him to continue. He obliged and parted it slightly, rubbing his paw over it softly and sliding his paw up the underside of her tail. She opened her eyes ad broke the kiss, Tommy did the same, they looked at each other, their eyes locked on each other, begging them to go further. "Time for some fun" decided Jumi, she looked into Tommy's eyes and spoke with that smooth hypnotic voice again "You can smell me, you want to taste me, when I lay back you are going to lick my slit like a good boy, you want me so badly..." she said as she lay back slowly. Tommy nodded obediently and was suddenly overcome by an overpowering urge to taste Jumi, he walked forwards towards her like he couldn't stop himself. He held his muzzle over her slit for a few seconds and let his warm, wet breath rush over it. Jumi giggled at the sensation and patted Tommy's head "Go on" she whispered. Tommy obeyed and started to gently lap his warm rough canine tongue over Jumi's moist cunt. Jumi squealed and tensed up a little as the feeling overwhelmed her. She moaned and murred and Tommy stimulated her by dipping his warm tongue into her. Jumi froze for a second before she screamed as her first orgasm rushed through her, her legs stretching and relaxing as the climax faded "Stop boy" she commanded her mesmerized Ninetails.

Jumi smiled, "Lay down" she ordered. Tommy did as told and lay on his back, his shaft hard at this point in time and throbbing steadily. "I'm going to free you now, but when I grip your paw you are you are going to orgasm, not just any orgasm either, you're going to have 4 climaxes at the same time." She broke her hypnotic tone and gaze and let Tommy return to normal. The Ninetails smiled and looked down at his exposed member and laid back, Jumi winked at him and slowly but, lovingly straddled his cock, the hard red canine shaft sliding deep, deep inside her. She gasped as she sank down on the shaft, her pleasure building. She felt Tommy start to slowly hump, bouncing her slowly and letting his shaft rub against her vulva and insides as he growled in lust. Jumi closed her eyes and felt the humping get faster and rougher. Tommy humped savagely now, his crotch bucking up and down with incredible speed and power, bouncing Jumi up and down on his cock as climax teased at the both of them. Suddenly Jumi reached forwards and grabbed Tommy's paw. He let out a ferocious roar as the post-hypnotic command went off in his head and triggered Jumi's order, "OH GOD!!" he yelled in pleasure. All four of his simultaneous orgasms shooting through him and erupting as a jet of sticky seed inside Jumi. This tipped Jumi over the edge as well as her second orgasm for the day hit her, she yelped and felt Tommy's knot expand inside her and keep her in place. The knot was huge, and it kept throbbing inside her and spurting more and more of the Ninetails cum into her. She pulled at the knot to get free as it stretched her and expanded, but everythime she pulled it only got bigger and and aroused and stimulated Tommy. She would have to sit it out.

She had no problem with sitting it out, her blue body laying limp on Tommy as the exhaustion finally got to her, the knot was shrinking as the slowly let it pop out and as slid herself off of Tommy and onto the sand below. She looked over at Tommy and panted, "That!" she said. Tommy replied with a grin and let his head flop to the side as the exhaustion got to him too.

A Little Later...

Jumi and Tommy stood up and shook off, the sun was setting now, bathing the beach and forest on the edge in a magical orange glow. Jumi looked at the beautiful setting sun and snuggled into Tommy as the perfectness of the moment overwhelmed her. She gave a tiny a smile and kissed Tommy on the cheek, a perfect end to an eventful day.

Jumi and Tommy started to walk towards the forest to find Jumi's cave for the night, a few feet into the forest Jumi gave a tiny grin and grabbed Tommy's paw.

"OH GOD!!"

The End

Story © EliTiger 2007.
Ninetails, Vaporeon, Mightyena, Tentacruel, Latios and Pokémon © Nintendo
All situations and characters are fictional, any coincidence to any persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
Scenario, characters, and story © EliTiger.

Sorry, lawyers made me do it :(
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