AGNPH Stories

Vicotry is Rewarding by blitz_the_charmander


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


The sun was shining brightly in the vast sky above. Clouds slowly made thier away across the huge sea of air. On most days like this, most people wouldn't think twice about how nature is going on around them. There are a few exceptions, however, and Sarah, a young, beautiful pokemon trainer, is one of those exceptions.

She laid there on the grass out in the middle of a large meadow, looking at the sky, watching the clouds make thier journey through the sky.

"What it would be like floating freely through the air as the clouds do,"she peacefully said while trying to imagine herself flying with the clouds in the sky.

You see, Sarah is not like most people. Unlike most others, she appreciates the things around her and takes time to admire thier prescence and beauty. So while traveling around the vast region of Sinnoh, she regularly stopped on days like this to admire the day's beauty, but she never did so alone. She always had her pokemon with her and usually brought them out for them to enjoy the day too.

"This day feels better than other days,"she said sitting upright now,"but I can't figure out why. Oh well, no use trying to figure it out now. Since it's such a nice day, I'll my pokemon out."

With that said, she rose from her spot on the grass and walked over to her bag which was a few feet away. She picked her bag up and rifled through it looking for her pokeballs. After searching through all her junk for a few minutes(which in my experiences tends to happen a lot when a woman needs to find something in thier bag) she finally found them.
Without further delay, she tossed the pokeballs into the air, and with the usual popping sound they opened and three figures appeared in a white light. A couple seconds later, the bright white light vanished, revealing her pokemon.

First there waa a Totodile, and an energetic one at that, since as soon it was released it just wouldn't sit still. The Totodile was that of an average Totodile, a light blue color, scaly skin, big jaw, red ridges running down from it's back to its tail. Anyway, the Totodile kept up his playful runnig about. Sarah had told him to calm down and not wanting to diobey his trainer did so and walked up next to her, looked up and gave her a friendly smile.

Next on Sarah's team was a Buizel, and like most others had orange fur with a cream color around her belly, a two-pronged tail, and blue fins on the sides of her arms as well as the floatation sac around her neck. However, one quality she had that now many other Buizel had was that she had beautiful sapphire colored eyes and they brought the beauty of her whole body and it was very noticable. Once released she did not do much else than sit down in the soft grass and stared at the sky as her trainer did earlier(I don't know, guess it's a female thing to admire the beauty of the day in such a way).

Her final pokemon was none other than a Mudkip, and he was a playful and freindly little fella. This Mudkip though is different from others as it loves to be friendly with everyone, sometimes too friendly and it can get annoying. Unlike most which are afraid of such close relationships with others. Otherwise the usual, orange fin-like things on the sides of its face and a dark blue color on its body and a sensitive fin on its head that can be used as a radar of sorts.

"Isn't this just a beautiful day?"she said rhetorically as her pokemon turned to give her thier attention,"so lets just sit down and relax.

Her pokemon obeyed and calmly walked to where she was seated ans sat down around her. Buizel went back to laying on the grass as before just as Sarah was now. Mudkip got as close as he possibly could to Sarah before laying down to take a nap. Totodile did as Sarah and Buizel were but kept moving around every so often. He just was not one to sit still for very long.

Now with everyone at peace, Sarah went back to her earlier thoughts of flying through the clouds. She was lost in her thoughts for what seemed like only a few minutes. When she finally snapped out of her thoughts, she had realized that it had been a few hours.

It was now some time in the afternoon. Sarah rose to her feet to stretch her limbs. Her pokemon followed suit and also got up to stretch thier limbs as well.

"Wow, I was right in picking this spot. We wern't disturbed all day,"she said,"When people say hardly anyone takes this route, they were right. That's good, I didn't feel like dealing with anyone today anyway."

She reached into her bag to find her pokeballs to call back her pokemon. While once again taking a few minutes to rummage through her back, her pokemon suddenly turned towards thew path Sarah had taken to get her.

Sarah noticed this and asked,"What's wrong, do you hear something?"

Sarah tried as hard a she could but couldn't hear anything. The pokemon's better sense of hearing had picked up on the sound much sooner than she would. So she just stood there and waited to see what was coming. She was curious as to what it could be. Was it a person, a pokemon, or something else?

A moment later she recieved her answer. Down the path she had taken to get to this spot, she saw the figure of a person and when it got closer she also noticed it was a man. He walked along the path with a somewhat surprised look on his face. Obviously not expectiong to see someone else out here. He slowed his pace as he approached Sarah

"I wasn't expecting to see anybody come by here today,"she said,"quite a surprise."

"Just as much of a surprise to me,"he said in a deep tone.

While engaging Sarah in idle conversation, he noticed the pokemon hovering around her. They sort of gave the guy a nasty glare. There was something about him they just didn't like.

"Are those your pokemon?"he asked.

"Yeah, why?"she said.

"Oh nothing, they just don't look like much is all!"he said with a grin on his face.

"Excuse me!"she yelled, now pissed off by this guy's comment.

He replied to her yelling,"This is what happens when a woman raises pokemon. A woman just doesn't have the skills to raise pokemon right. That's why they're nothing but just pathetic weaklings!"

Those last remarks really sent Sarah over the edge. Her pokemon observed her with concern. They ad never seen her get this angry before. They had no idea what to do.

"So what you're saying is that because I'm a woman I can't raise good, strong pokemon,"she said to him in a harsh tone.

"That's what I'm saying,"he said calmly.

"Then I guess you won't mind me proving you wrong in a battle!"she said, her face now red and flustered from the stress this guy put on her.

"Fine,"he said,"a woman could never beat a man in a battle anyway. I accept your challenge and I'll prove your pokemon are pathetic becaused they were raised by you. I'll crush your wimps with my powerful pokemon!"

With harsh words said and done, they walked away from each other a short distaqnce to make room for the battle. As Sarah was walking to her side of the battlefield she thought of nothing more than beating this self-absorbed jerk who thinks he's far superior to her just because he's a guy. On top of that, he insulted her pokemon. Sarah couldn't let him get off scottfree for saying that about her beloved pokemon.

"It'll be a three on three battle,"he said.

"Agreed,"she replied.

And so with both trainers in position, the battle was ready to get underway. The stranger grabbed a pokeball and threw onto the field. It popped open revealing a charmeleon.

Sarah looked at the fire pokemon before her. It did indeed look strong. However she knew she had the advantage sine it was a fire type and her pokemon were water types. Still she didn't want to take a chance.

So before choosing her pokemon, she huddled them together and said,"Okay, It doesn't look like this battle is going to be easy, but we just have to win it. We have to prove to this jerk that we are not weak. So if you can manage to win this battle for me, I'll give you all a great reward."

Heaaring that they would recieve a reward if they won made thier faces light up with joy. Sarah had offered them rewards for victory before, but not very often. They usually were things like exrta pokechow at dinner or spending entire days out of thier pokeballs. But they all heard her say great reward, so what ever it is it must be something good and they didn't want to miss that. So simultaneously they nodded thier heads showing Sarah that they understand.

"Pick your pathetic pokemon already,"he said, growing impatient.

"Alright!,"she yelled to him,"Mudkip, you're up!"

"Mudkip mud,"said Mudkip as he ran onto the battlefield.

Egar to start the guy launched the first atack. "Charmeleon, use flamethrower."

Reacting quickly Sarah called out,"Mudkip, counter it with your water gun."

Charmeleon let loose a trong flamethrower attack and Mudkip fired a water gun attack. The two attacks collided with one another and at first it seemed as if they were evenly matched. However, the water gun started to push back the flamethrower. The water gun kept pushing the flame back until it reached its target. Next thing that happened was so surprising to the stranger. His charmeleon was hit hard with the water gun and took some serious damage and was knocked down.

"Now quickly, Mudkip, finish it with tackle attack,"Sarah said.

So Mudkip ceased its water gun and began charging the downed charmeleon. The stranger yelled at the pokemon to get up. It managed to slowly rise to its feet, but to little too late. Mudkip hat hit it square in the gut with a full power tackle and was knocked down again. It tried to stand up but fell back down once again. It was no longer able to battle, it had enough.

"Great job Mudkip,"Sarah said with joy in her voice.

"Charmeleon, return,"said the stranger shocked and angry,"I don't understand how you beat my flamethrower, my pokemon has the strongest flamethrower around! How did your puny Mudkip's water gun beat it?"(Is he serious, he don't know how it was beaten. I guess this guy doesn't study up on his pokemon knowledge.)

"That's it! Go, Onix!"he yelled throwing the pokeball releasing the rock snake pokemon.(You have got to be kidding, he sent out another pokemon weak against water types. Guess this guy has more brawn than brain.)

Wasting no time he siad,"Onix, use bind!"

Before Sarah could have Mudkip react, he was caught in the bind. Sarah could only watch as Onix put the squeeze on her darling Mudkip.

"Okay Onix, give it a nice toss!"he said smiling.

Onix lifted Mudkip as high as it could and with great speed and force, threw Mudkip towards the ground. Mudkip hit the earth below with a loud thud. When the dust that was created from the collision vanished, Mudkip was laying there, unable to move.

Not wanting to see Mudkip get hurt anymore, she took out his pokeball and called him back.

"Mudkip, return,"she said,"Buizel its your turn!"

"Bui bui,"said Buizel, ready for battle.

"Onix, tackle!"said the stranger.

"Buizel, aqua jet!,"said Sarah.

Not a moment after Sarah called out the attack, Buizel was shrouded in water and jumped off the ground and charged very quickly at the incoming Onix. At the last second before thier collision, Buizel moved off to the side and got behind Onix when its tackle missed. Buizel rushed at the Onix, still shrouded in water, and nailed it right in the side of its head. Then Buizel was no longer covered in water and landed on her feet when she came back to the ground.

"Now, Buizel, swift!,"called Sarah.

Buizel then launched tons of little star shaped projectiles hitting Onix all over the place while it was still recovering from the previous attack.

"End it with water gun!"said Sarah.

Then Buizel fired a water gun, a powerful one too, at Onix and hit its target. Onix became drenceh as the water was having a massive effect on it. Buizel then halted its attack, but Onix was still up, but only for a few more seconds as it hit the ground with a large thud, shaking the ground a little.

"I don't believe it,"said the stranger, recalling his Onix,"Onix is one of my toughest pokemon, how di your's beat it!(Wow, this guy really needs to read some books on pokemon, don't you think?)It doesn't matter, my strongest pokemon, Flygon will handle this. Go."he said releasing hes final pokemon.

This Flygon of his really didn't look like a pushover, but then again, niether did his other pokemon.

"Alright, Buizel, try a swift attack!"Sarah said.

Buizel launched another wave of projectiles at the Flygon.

"Use sandstorm,"said the stranger.

With a few mighty flaps of Flygon's wings, a wall swirling sand appeared in front of it. It effortlessly blocked the swift attack.

"That won't work. Try an aqua jet,"she said.

Just like before, Buizel shrouded herself in water and rushed Flygon. Fortunately, the water around Buizel blocked the effects of the sandstorm. So moving through at fast speeds, Buizel found its target and hit Flygon dead on. With it no longer flapping its wings, the sandstorm slowly died down until all was as it was before.

"Flygon, iron tail!"said the stranger with an angry tone.

Fltgon's tail glowed a bright white as it rushed Buizel.

"Buizel, dodge it."called out Sarah.

Buizel then jumped to avoid the attack, but Flygon just flew up after her. Not being able to do anything in the air, Flygon struck Buizel with the iron tail sending her even higher into the sky.

"Good, now get above it and use hyper beam,"the stranger called out.

Doing so, Flygon flew above Buizel charging up a hyper beam. Still recovering from the iron tail, Buizel was a sitting duck. The charging up didn't take long. When it was ready, Flygon fired it hitting Buizel right in the back, sending her back toward the ground. Once Buizel
had a not so friendly reunion with the ground, amd the dust settled, Buizel was immobilized just like Mudkip. So having no choice, Sarah returned Buizel to her pokeball for a nice rest.

"It's up to you now, Totodile!"she said.

"Toto dile,"said Totodile, giving Sarah a nod.

Flygon had returned to the ground and it look exhausted. It was heavily panting.

"Good, it can't take much more."thought Sarah.

"Let's end this quickly Flygon, use dragonbreath!"said the stranger.

Then flygon let loose a steam of blue flame aimed at Totodile.

"Try and dodge it,"said Sarah.

Totodile got out of the attack's way, but Flygon predicted this and was able to follow his movements. Unable to now avoid it, totodile was stuck head on by the dragonbreath.

"Hurry and use steel wing!"called out the stranger.

Flygon's wings glowed a bright whilte just like its tail earlier and it charged Totodile. Not able to counteract so fast, Totodile was hit hard with the steel wing. Now Totodile was laying on the ground and had sustained heavy damage. However, Flygon was extremely exhausted as well.

"Can you get up?"said Sarah with concern.

Not wanting to let Sarah down, Totodile slowly rose to his feet.

"Try a water gun!"Sarah said.

"Dodge it Flygon!"the stranger said.

Totodile fired a water gun but Flygon managed to dodge it. So he fired again, but missed again. Then Totodile fired rapid shots at Flygon. It tried its best, but Flygon just couldn't dodge them all. One of the shots had hit Flygon, knocking it out of the air making it hit the ground.

"Wrap this up with hydro pump!"Said Sarah.

Totodile gather what remained of its strength and fired a powerful hydro pump attack at the disoriented Flygon. Unable to avoid it, Flygon was struck hard by the attack. Unable to9 withstand anymore, Flygon collapsed.

Then the strange man said,"I don't believe it! This can't be happening! I lost to a woman! But my pokemon were clearly stronger and had the advantage!"(Geez. This guy is two kinds of stupid, huh? He had the advantage, yeah right. Ha!)

The guy called back his Flygon and ran off. He ran back in the direction he had came to get here. Sarah wasn't sure, but she could of sworn she heard the guy crying as he ran away.

Satisfied with victory, Sarah yelled to him as he ran away,"That's what you get for being a jackass!"

Now that he was gone, she turned her attention to Totodile, had collapsed from exhaustion. Unable to do anything now, Sarah return Totodile to his pokeball. She then walked down the path to get to the nearest pokemon center to get her pokemon healed.

So after about an hour of walking, she and finally reached the pokemon center. She walked through the sliding doors and up to the counter.

"Hello, can I help you with anything?"asked Nurse Joy.

"Yeah,"replied Sarah,"I need my pokemon healed."

"Okay, just hand me your pokeballs and take a seat. This shouldn't take very long,"said Nurse Joy.

Sarah handed her her pokeballs and took a seat in the waiting area. While sitting in the waiting area, Sarah got to thinking about what she told her pokemon earlier. About how they would get a reward for winning. Well, they won. Problem is that Sarah had no idea how to reward them this time. She couldn't just do a reward like the ones before, no, this one had to be special. Sarah tried and tried, but with no luck; she just couldn't figure out what to reward them with.

After some time had passed, Nurse Joy had return with Sarah's pokeballs in the tray. Sarah got up to go to the counter to get her pokemon.

"Here you are, your poemon are fully recovered,"Said Nurse Joy in a peaceful tone.

"Thanks,"said Sarah in return,"I better get going."

"Wait,"said Nurse Joy,"it's late, maybe you should stay in one our guest rooms for the night."

Sarah looked at the door. It had gotten late, it was already dark out. On her way here Sarah had not noticed the change in time.

"You're Nurse Joy, it is late. So I think I will stay for the night,"said Sarah.

"Good,"said Nurse Joy while retrieving a key to one of the rooms,"here is your room key, it's the last door down the hall on the left."

Then Sarah said with a amile,"Thanks Nurse Joy."

With the key in hand, she made her way down the hall and had arrived at the room door. She used the key and unlocked the door to gain enterance.
Once inside, she set her bag down on the bed and grabbed her pokeballs. She released her pokemon. They all looked as good as new.

"I really pround of all you,"she said,"you were all great and I can't thank you enough. I know i promised you a reward and I'll give you one, but first I'm going to take a nice, relaxing bath."

True that she could stand to have a bath, but she had used it as an excuse to give her more time to think of what to reward them with. She let the pokiemon run free while she was going to take her bath. She made her way to the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Se got the waqterr running in the tub and set it too a nice temperature.

After a few minutes had passed, the bath was ready. So she turned off the water. She then began to strip. First by removing her pokemon contest t-shirt she had bought as a souvenier at a contest once. Next she slid off her blue low cut jeans. After that, she slowly removed her bra and panties, revealing her perky little breasts and her bgare pussy.

Ready to enjoy a relaxing bath, she gently climbed into the tub and sat down. She then closed her eyes and began to think of how to reward the pokemon while soaking in the tub.

She was in the middle of a thought when she heard the bathroom door open. Sarah quickly opened her eyes to see who was there. It was Buizel.

"What's wrong Buizel?"Sarah asked.

Not sure of what she wanted as she watched Buizel stand in the doorway, she went back to her train of thought from earlier. Hearing the door close, she thought that Buizel left, but found she hadn't when her shoulder was tapped, once again breaking her train of thouhgt.

"What do you want Buizel?"asked Sarah, now having some idea of what she wanted,"wait, do you just want to soak with me in the bath and relax too?"

Buizel nodded yes in response. This was not surprising to Sarah as Sarah realized they had a tough day and just wanted to relax after the fact.

"Alright,"Sarah said,"I guess you can take a bath with me, we are both girls after all."

Sarah stood up in the tub and grabbed Buizel by her waist. She carefully lifted her into the tub and set her down at the opposite end of the tub. She then sat down herself once again.

"Isn't this just absolutely relaxing?"Sarah asked Buizel.

"Bui,"responded Buizel.

Some time had passed since thier bath had started, niether of them speaking a word, just resting and relaxing. However, Buizel was beginning to get a little too relaxed and comfortable. She had started to use her tail to rub her most private area. Sarah had not noticed as she was still thinking about the reward.

Meanwhile, Buizel had gone farther with her self pleasuring and slid her tail into her vagina and rubbed her inner walls. She then used her tail to thrust in and out making her quietly moan. She kept that up for a couple of minutes and then quickened her pace and the pleasure made her moan again, louder this time.
This time it got Sarah's attention and she opened her eyes to witness that her Buizel was mastrubating right in front of her. She was shocked at the sight and a little somewhat turned on by it.

"Oh my God,"she said , shocked at the sight.

Buizel immediately ceased what she was doing and looked at her trainer. Her was was nothing but red from the huge embarassment. Then somehow, like when an artist gets an inspiration for a project, she had gotten an idea of how to reward her pokemon. The thought would be disgusting to most people, but Sarah was really turned on by the thought. The thought of sexually pleasuring her pokemon. Sarah had become moist in her lower regions at the idea, but you wouldn't notice since she was in the tub.

"Would you like your reward now Buizel?"asked Sarah.

"Bui,"said Buizel, confused at the question.

Then without warning to Buizel, Sarah took her hand and began to gently stroke Buizel's pussy.
Buizel had a surprised look on her face at to what was happening, but at the same time didn't want it to stop.

Buizel began twitching at the pleasure she was recieving from this treatment. During her treatment to Buizel, Sarah had also began rubbing herself as she could no longer stand the urge she had for pleasure.

Buizel noticed this and had Sarah stop for a moment by pushing her hack away. Buizel then went underwater and placed her head between Sarah's legs. Shocking to Sarah, Buizel began licking her pussy, much to her enjoyment. Buizel then rolled on her back so Sarah could resume her previous treatment. Sarah saw this and egarly went back to her earlier actions, but this time she had slid her fingers into Buizel's vagina and slowly thrusted in and out giving much pleasure to buizel. So to return the favor, Buizel wormed her tounge into her trainer's pussy and rapidly licked her inner walls.

The two kept this up for some time. Eventually, though, Sarah could feel the tension building up inside of her, she was going to climax any minute. Buizel felt that it was time to really get things going and sped up her pace even more. The rapid movements were just too much for Sarah to take. Her vaginal walls grabbed hold of Buizel's tounge, intensifying the pleasure. Then her climax had finally hit. It was very intense as her fluids splattered onto Buizel's face, but most just floated in the water.

The sensation of Sarah's climax sent Buizel over the top as she reached her climax. Her inner walls had now grabbed Sarah's fingers and her juices flowed onto Sarah's fingers, but once again, being the the tub of water, thier juices just drifted amonst the water.

Buizel surfaced her head, satisfied at what just occured. Sarah was pleased as well. It had gone better than she originally had thought.

"Well that truely was a refreshing bath wasn't it Buizel?"said Sarah.

"Bui bui,"said Buizel.

Then Sarah got out of the tub and carefully lifted Buizel out of the tub. She then took the towels that were on the rack and thoroughly dried off Buizel and then herself. Then instead of getting dressed, she wrapped the towel around herself.

"Well,"Sarah said,"time to give Totodile and Mudkip thier rewards. You must be tired Buizel, why don't you go lay on the bed and rest while I take care of the others."

Buizel nodded in understanding and walked out the bathroom and then hopped up on the bed to lay down and rest after her recent ordeal.

Sarah then followed Buizel and left the bathroom. When she reached the other room she noticed the confused looks on Totodile and Mudkip's faces.

"Judging by your faces, your wondering why I'm like this, right? Well I about to give you two your reward. I already gave Buizel hers and she seemed to enjoy it so I hope you do to,"said Sarah.

With that said, Sarah dropped the towel, revealing her naked form to her two pokemon.
They were stunned, unable to move. Sarah made her way over to them and got down on the floor. She then took her hands and stroked the sheaths of both Mudkip and Totodile, one in each hand.

It didn't take long for thier members to say hello to Sarah as they were revealed. When she saw they were both good and ready, she motion for Totodile to get behind her. He did as he was told and stood behind her, glareing at the moist pussy in front of him.

"Whenever you're ready, Ttodile,"said Sarah.

Instinctively knowing what to do in such a situation, he placed his paws around her waist and carefully lined up his member with her entrance. Then with no warning, he plunged right into it and immediately started an evenly paced thrusting motion.

"Oh wow,"she said surprised at how good this actualy felt to her,"okay Mudkip, lay on your back."

Mudkip did as such and his member stood there in the open air. Sarah then began licking it slowly, making Mudkip shiver with waves of pleasure. All the while, Totodille kept up his trust into her pussy making her moan from the pleasure.

Sarah could feel it, her climax was coming around again. By now she had begun to suck on Mudkip's member and this made him twitch with even more pleasure than before. She quickened her pace and quickly bobbed up and down on Mudkip's dick. It was finally too much as Mudkip had unexpectedly burst his load directly in his trainer's mouth. Not wanting to miss out on the taste of Mudkip's seed, Sarah swallowed all of it that she could.

Now that she had the feeling of Mudkip ejaculate in her mouth, as well the constant thrust from Totodile, this had sent her over the edge. Her walls squeezed Totodile's member witch drove Totodile crazy and he blasted his seed in the deepest depths of her pussy. This caused Sarah to have a more intense climax as her juices mixed with his seed and then flowed out of her and all over the floor.

Curious as to what the taste of thier combined juices would be like she sucked on Totodile's shrinking member as it made its journey back to its home.

Now Totodile was collapsed on the floor, obviously exhausted. So Sarah gently picked him up and placed him on the bed with Buizel, who had been watching the most recent events.

After Sarah got Totodile comfy, she noticed that Mudkip was ready and egar to go again. Not wanting to deny him what he wanted, she got on the floor once again.

She presented herself to Mudkip and he knew exactly what to do. He egarly and quickly mounted her and wasted no time in getting things underway. Mudkip pushed his member into her awaiting pussy and made very rapid motions very quickly. He apparently wanted to get right to the point and he did.

The quick change of pace made Sarah go nuts. It made her moan out of deep satisfaction and pleasure. However, seeing as how she had already had two wonderful, powerful orgasms earlier, it was a simple task for Mudkip to get her almost to the pinnacle of the moment very quickly.

As the previous two times, she felt the wonderful sensation build up within her and with no control over her vaginal functions, her walls tightly held Mudkip's member into place, not wanting to let go.

The feeling this gave Mudkip was over the top and he could no longer hold back. He shot his seed deep into her, just as Totodile had done. The feeling of his warm seed in her depths made her orgasm for the third time. Thier juices mixed and spilt onto the floor. Mudkip withdrew and fell on his back, panting from exhaustion. And just like Totodile, Sarah sucked what remained of thier juices off of Mudkip's retreating member.

"That was just amazing, the both of you were amazing,"said Sarah.

She then realized that her words fell on deaf ears as Totodile had fallen asleep and so had Mudkip. She then looked at Buizel and saw she was also asleep.

So she carefully picked up Mudkip and laid him on the bed, trying her best not to wake any of them.

She then went to the bathroom and put on a bathrobe to cover herself up. She then returned to the other room and slowly crawled into the bed with her beloved pokemon.

She laid there and thought as she slowly closed her eyes to get some sleep,"Wow, I guess victory really is rewarding!"

Sarah then drifted off into a deep sleep, dreaming of how she would reward her pokemon the next time.
Chapter End Notes:The story turned out to be longer than I thought and if you find any spelling errors, and there's probably a few since it's so long, just point them out and I will fix them. Anyway, thanks for reading and as always please rate and review. Some constructive critisim would be appreciated so I can improve in the future. Thanks again
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