AGNPH Stories

THE SCENT. A Gift or A Curse? by paws22


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter 4: The Revelation of a Savior

I just left the Charizard's cave and began walking through the forest hoping to find my way back to civilization, when I came across what was with out a doubt a Mewtwo. It started talking to me in a deep telepathic female voice. I wondered why this extremely rare pokémon showed up in front of me, let alone want to talk to me. What was even more surprising is that my PokeDex was turned off, yet I could hear her clearly in my mind.
--End Recap--

I stood still staring at the Mewtwo for a moment. "Wha...What do you want to talk about?" I responded. "I am sure that you are aware of your gift by now." said the Mewtwo. "How do you know about it?" I asked. The Mewtwo closed her eyes and folded her arms around her chest. "I was the one who gave it to you." she said calmly. I nearly dropped backwards in shock from what I just heard. "WHAT!" I exclaimed, "you mean you're mother!?" The Mewtwo nearly burst into laughter, but tried to keep an emotionless face. "Not exactly." she said opening her eyes, "both of your parents were human." "Few!" I sighed with relief. "Sorry I asked that silly question, I was an orphan since I was three months old, so I never knew who my real parents were." "I know about that." said the Mewtwo, "Allow me to explain a little better."

"The pokémon world's male population is beginning to deteriorate as more male pokémon are being captured by pokémon trainers and hunters. If this continued some pokémon will start going extinct. But there is a prophecy that states that a human male will single handedly restore balance to the pokémon population. On the day you were born, I visited you while you were spending the night in the hospital. When I found you I immediately knew that you were that human, because of the birth-mark on your thigh. But seeing that you were still too young to engage in any sexual activity, I delayed your special gift the only way possible. Let's just say you got your first blow-job while you were less than a month old."
--End Flashback--

"That's an uncomfortable thought." I said, "So what exactly am I suppose to do?" The Mewtwo started to levitate off the ground. "Some pokémon, rare and common, will start showing signs of going extinct. I will inform you when the time comes. In the mean time I will return you to where you're friends are looking for you, but remember, you cannot tell them that you saw me." The Mewtwo stretched out a paw in my direction and in a flash of white light I suddenly blacked out.

I opened my eyes in a daze; I realized that I was flat on my back, staring at the ceiling of a tent. I also noticed that my torn-up, dirty clothes were missing and that I was wearing nothing but a hospital patient's gown. "HEY GUYS!" I heard a familiar voice exclaim, "HE'S WAKING UP!" It was Jim. I was soon surrounded by Jim, Paul, Todd and Tim. "How do you feel?" asked Jim. "I've been better." I said, "What happened?" "We found you hanging upside down on a tree at the base of that cliff that you fell." said Jim. "We managed to cut you down and carry you back to camp and place you in this medic-tent, you were out." I tried to sit up, but Todd and Tim pushed me back down. "You shouldn't be moving around yet." said Tim. "Yeah! You were lucky to have survived a fall like that," said Todd, "but you're still recovering." I could have said that I was fine, but I figured that it was best that I played along.

"TODD! GET OUT HERE QUICK!" yelled someone from outside the tent. "Ho-no," said Todd "not again." Todd ran out of the tent. "What's going on?" I asked Tim. "It's Todd's Arbok." he said. "She has been acting up ever since a large bulge showed up on her mid-section. I'm not really sure what that bulge is suppose to be." Suddenly we all heard a crashing noise outside the tent. "GUYS! I'M GOING TO NEED SOME HELP OUT HERE!" yelled Todd. "CHBAAAAK!" cried what apparently was an angry sounding Arbok followed by another crashing sound. "We'd better help him get that Arbok back into its pokeball." said Jim. "We'll be right back, Alex." Jim, Paul, and Tim left the tent and all I could do is hear what was going on.

--What can be heard-- (*This* represents sound effects)
"She's over their! Grab her!" "I missed, Tim she's coming your way grab her." "Gotcha! QUICK TIM! THE POKEBALL..." "CHAA...BAK!!" "WHAA!" *Crashing noise* "DARN! I HAD HER!" "I got her! Oof! She's too quick!" "We've got her cornered used the pokeball now!" "ARBOK! RETURN!" *pokeball beam sound.* "Is everyone alright?" "I think Paul is hurt!" "I'm fine, it's just a cut. I'll get a bandage from the medic-tent."
--End of what can be heard--

Jim, Paul, Tim, and Todd came back into the tent. Paul went over to a first-aid cabinet to get a bandage for a large cut on his arm. "What happened out there?" I asked. "It sounded like total chaos." "It was!" Todd exclaimed. "I don't know when or how it happened, but ever since she got a large bulge in her mid-section she kept prematurely escaping from her pokeball and going out on a rampage. I tried to take her to the pokémon center to have her checked-up, but she kept escaping from her pokeball impeding my efforts. I really wish I knew what's happened to her." I thought for a moment as I looked at the PokeDex on my wrist. "I think I can help you figure out what is wrong with your Arbok." Todd and Tim turned their heads to me in surprise. "Really!?" asked Tim eagerly, "How?" I turned on the PokeDex and entered Bio-signs of Ekans or Arbok. "This handy device is up to date on anything you need to know about pokémon." I said, "With any luck the details of your Arbok's problem will be on the screen." A long list of information appeared on the PokeDex's LED screen. Looking through the list I found what I was looking for. "Found it!" I said, pressing the screen on where it says Arbok: Bulge in the abdomen.

--Info on the screen says--
Arbok: Bulge in the abdomen. The bulge that appears on an Arbok's abdominal area is a pokémon egg. When a female Arbok is in heat the egg begins to form inside her, but they are unable to lay the egg unless it is fertilized first. So basically finding a mate is the difference between life and death, because if they do not find a mate soon the egg will continue to grow until it bursts, killing the Arbok in the process.
--End Info--

"Ho-no!" said Todd in fear. "I don't want to lose her." Tim when over to a phone placed on a nearby desk. "Don't worry Todd." he said, "There is a pokémon daycare center a few miles from here. I'll call them to check if they have a male Arbok available." After talking on the phone for a few minutes Tim placed the phone back in its charger. "Well?" said Jim. "What did they say?" Tim looked down in sorrow. "Unfortunately," he said, "they do not have a male Arbok. So now our only option is to leave your Arbok in the daycare center and hope that someone places a male Arbok there." "What!" Todd exclaimed, "But it will be too late by then!" "I'm sorry brother," said Tim "but their is no other way." After a moment of depressed silence Jim and Paul when over to the tent's entrance. "It may seem bad," said Jim to Todd, "but you've to have faith in your Arbok. You never know what might really happen." Jim followed Paul out of the tent.

Todd looked at the shrunken pokeball in his hand with a depressed look on his face. Tim walked over to his twin brother. "Its getting late bro." he said. "It's best that you keep that pokeball away from you until tomorrow when we leave to the pokémon daycare center." He picked up the pokeball from Todd's hand and placed it on the night-stand next to my bed. "We're leaving the Arbok with you until morning Alex." he said to me. "Are you sure that's safe?" I asked, "What if she escapes from her pokeball again while I'm asleep?" "Not to worry," said Tim with a smile on his face, "she never tries escaping at night, so far she was escaping from her pokeball only during the day." He went over to Todd patted him on the back. "Come on bro," he said, "lets go back to our tent and get some sleep." They both started walking to the medic-tent's exit. "I'm going to have a hard time falling asleep." said Todd miserably. Just before they exited the tent Tim turned on a lantern placed on a table near the exit then turned to face me. "Goodnight Alex." he said. "Goodnight you two." I said back.


Tim and Todd exited the tent, and I was alone in the medic-tent. I looked over at the shrunken pokeball lying on the nightstand next to my bed. Then a crazy idea struck me, maybe I can save this Arbok's life by fertilizing her egg. But I'd better check on the PokeDex to see what I'm getting myself into. Since the PokeDex was still on I just pressed 'New Info' and typed in 'Male Arbok mating behavior'. The feed back I received made me have second thoughts about mating with the Arbok. But in the end I decided to go through with it. I waited until camp curfew, and then I set my plan in motion.

I got off the bed and picked up the Arbok's pokeball. "Well here goes nothing." I said and pressed the button in the center of the pokeball to enlarge it, then tossed it in the air. "ARBOK! COME ON OUT!" In a flash of white light the large purple cobra-like pokémon appeared before me. I immediately noticed the large bulge in her lower region. The Arbok seemed to be in serious pain as it began thrashing around the tent, bumping into some tables and the tent wall. I quickly jumped and caught her by the back of her neck just below her hood. "Calm down girl!" I said in a quite tone. "I'm here to help you." Ignoring what I said, the Arbok continued to thrash around in pain. But a few seconds later something made her stop abruptly, she turned her flexible neck around to where my hand was gripping her. I was afraid that she was going to bite me, but instead she slowly pressed her muzzle against my hand and smelled it. She then turned her head to me and looked right at my eyes. "CAAaaB" she growled in anger, I immediately let go of her body and took a few steps back. I watched her as she slowly slithered toward the bed and climbed up onto it. She then positioned her serpent body into a spiral shape exposing most of the areas on the under-side of her body. 'Excellent!' I said in my head, 'She wants me to mate with her.'

The first step was sensual foreplay while she is taking the acceptance pose, which was the spiral position she was in. I stripped off the patient's gown and joined the Arbok on the bed and placed myself in the center of her spiral. From this comfortable sitting position I had a clear view of the Arbok's vaginal slit just below the large bulge. Without the need for any encouragement I used my index and ring fingers to split open her slit, while inserting my middle finger into her wet, pink pussy. My finger penetration made the serpent sigh with glee as she began to push her body against my penetrating middle finger. I pulled my finger back out of her about half way before I pushed it back into her. While I was finger fucking her, she returned the pleasure by licking my member with her forked tongue. This sent chills up my spine, as I sprung an erection. At this point we were in a sixty-nine position on our sides. This went on for about four minutes before I wanted to try something different. I completely pulled my finger out of her pussy with a string of oozing sex fluid connecting between my finger and her love-hole. I brought my head down to her slit, this time keeping it open with my index and middle finger. The smell of her cunt-hole was intoxicating, but in a good way. I slowly plunged my tongue into her until my lips were pressing against her body. I snaked my tongue inside the Arbok's pussy, tasting every inch of her slick inner walls. The Arbok was apparently enjoying the sensual act as she began to slowly buck her mid-region along with my licking. While I was licking her insides, she decided to try something else as well. She engulfed my member into her mouth and began sucking on it while bobbing her head back and forth. I kept licking her insides until her pussy began flooding with her love-juices.

The second I pulled my tongue out of her pussy, I got on my knees on the bed for the second step to begin. The Arbok slithered from its spiral position and climbed up the front of my body until her pussy was vertically aligned with my rock-hard member. It was then that I noticed exactly how big the Arbok was, even though her pussy was right in front of my rock-hard member and about half of her tail was still on the bed, her head towered over mine. 'Let's see if we can get that egg out of you.' I said in my head. I gripped the sides of her mid-section and slowly plunged my rock-hard dick into her slick and inviting love-hole. I grunted with pleasure while the Arbok released what sounded like the combination of a hiss and a cough. I slowly pulled my hips back a bit, then abruptly thrusted my hips forward. 'Chaaarrrbaa...' the Arbok purred as I continued to thrust my rock-hard member in and out of her. She began grinding her serpent body against my body in sink with my thrusting, sending shivers down my spine. My grip on her sides started tightening as I was approaching orgasm. When I realized that I was about to cum I sped-up my thrusting. "Here...goes...EVERYTHING!" I said as I groaned with pleasure. With one last, hard, deep thrust of my hips I shot a large torrent of semen deep into the big purple serpent. At the same time the Arbok jerked her head back, "CHAAAAAAAaaaaa!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. Normally I would be concerned that someone outside the tent might hear the Arbok's loud cry, but I was in too much pleasure to think about that.

After savoring the moment of pleasure I hesitantly pulled my softening, sperm-soaked member out of the Arbok's cunt-hole. I collapsed on my back on the bed, panting with exhaustion. I looked up at the Arbok and saw the Arbok slithering off the bed onto the floor. "What are you up to girl?" I asked not expecting any response. Out of curiosity I crawled to the edge of the bed to see what the Arbok was doing. She was lying on the floor of the tent in a spiral position; her body was shaking uncontrollably with some kind of dark blue liquid mixed with my semen oozing out of her pussy. Then suddenly she tensed up as her vaginal expanded side ways while something large and round slowly slipped out of it. I looked at the round object more carefully. "Is that what I think it is?" I said in my head. What I thought was right once the object completely emerged from the arbok's pussy, it was her egg, the same one that has been growing in her belly and giving her so much pain. Most of the color patterns on the egg matched the color of the Arbok.

The now mother arbok coiled the egg, covering it completely with her serpent body. "You must be relieved now that egg is out of you." I whispered to the Arbok, "I'll leave you with your egg for a little longer, but I have to return you into your pokeball or Todd might suspect something." "Suspect what?" said a voice from the tent entrance. I looked toward the door in surprise, frantically trying to cover-up my naked body. Jessie was standing at the entrance of the tent with her back against the metal support-beam that is holding up the entrance. "Just for the record, I saw what you were doing to Todd's arbok." "He's not out there is he?" I asked hoping that he's not. "Nope." said Jessie still keeping a smile, "Everyone else in camp are in their tents. I came over here to keep you company, but then I saw that you had some special company." "Please don't tell..." I said before Jessie interrupted me. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone what happened here," she said while having a sinister grin on her face, "but on two conditions." She slowly walked toward the bed that I was still on. "Firstly, you will give me your home address so that I can visit you some day. And secondly, you will give me that Arbok's egg. Do we have a deal?" I was speechless about what I've just heard. "I can give you my home address," I said. "but no way can I take that arbok's egg, because it belongs to Todd." "Think about it Alex," she said, "what would Todd think if he saw the egg. I can hide it with me, you can play dumb, he will be relieved that his Arbok is going to live, and everyone wins."

I thought about it for a moment and I made my decision. "Deal," I said, "but remember, don't tell anyone." "I'm a lady of my word." she said. I turned toward the nightstand next to the bed and picked up the empty pokeball. "ARBOK! RETURN!" I said pointing the pokeball in the arbok's direction. She disappeared in a beam of red light, leaving the pokémon egg behind. "You can take the egg now." I said. Jessie went over and picked up the egg, while I wrote down my home address on a piece of paper. "Pleasure doing business with you." said Jessie as I handed her the paper with my address on it. "We'll meet again." She exited the tent with the pokémon egg. I regretted that I got blacked mailed so easily, but I didn't have a choice. "Ho well." I thought to myself, "I may as well catch some Zees, I'll have to come up with an explanation for the Arbok and the egg." I placed the arbok's pokeball on the nightstand where Tim left it, crawled under the blankets of the bed and drifted off to sleep.

Chapter End Notes:I hope you enjoyed the story. The same rules apply. And their is more THE SCENT. A Gift or A Curse coming soon
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