AGNPH Stories

A new adventure for some by sky_raker


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter Two

In a small clearing surrounded by sparse trees, we see Jessie, James and Meowth sitting on a blanket with a small pile of berries.

"Is this all we have to eat?" Jessie demanded of the other two.

"It's not our fault. We don't get paid anymore, since the twerps keep beating us." James said, raising his arms to try and protect himself from Jessie's wrath.

"It's because he has such strong pokemon, like Pikachu, Charizard and Sceptile." Meowth complained.

At this time, Wobbuffet escaped from his pokeball again and began to sneak berries out from under the trio's noses.

"That's it!" Jessie cried, "The twerps are too strong for us as we are. So all we need to do is give up on them and go after some weaker trainers!"

"It says here in my 'Guide Book to Sinnoh' that this forest is where many trainers start their journeys." James said reading from a pocket sized book.

"We've been lost in this forest for who knows how long and you've had that book the entire time?!" James tried to hide behind the small book as Jessie berated him.

While he watched the other two argue Meowth reached out for a berry to eat. Having not come into contact with one yet, Meowth moved his hand back and forth looking for the pile. He finally turned his head to look for them when he noticed Wobbuffet relaxing back patting its stomach.

"That walking blue blob ate all our food!" Meowth cried. Jessie and James both turned to see Wobbuffet backing away slowly shaking its arms in protest.

Meowth unsheathed his claws and advanced on the pokemon, "You better fork over those berries."

With a shocked look on his face Wobbuffet pointed past the group. As the trio turned to look, Wobbuffet took the opportunity to run away through the bushes. Meowth, Jessie and James, after realizing that it was only a diversion, gave chase. The whole thing took a matter seconds as first Wobbuffet then Team Rocket ran over a hidden cliff. Wobbuffet managed to grab a loose root and stop his descent. The trio wasn't as lucky as they went careening past shouting, 'TEAM ROCKET IS BLASTING OFF AGAIN!'

Wobbuffet gave a sigh of relief, only to have the root break sending him after the others shouting, 'WOBBUFFET!'

Katelyn looked around her as she thought she had heard someone scream, but it was so faint she had probably imagined it. She was currently in the forest off of route 202. After having left Professor Rowan's lab in Sandgem Town, she was eager to catch her first pokemon. But so far all she had found were a couple rustling bushes, whose occupants had disappeared before she can see what pokemon it was and a flock of starlys who were too high up to try to capture.

Her hopes of catching her first pokemon began to drop, until another rustling bush caught her attention. It was beside an old tree, and as Katelyn approached the rustling continued. Her hopes soared as she crouched on the other side of the bush ready to jump whatever pokemon was there.

As she parted a couple of the leaves, what she saw shocked her. There on the other side of the bush, in front of a hole in the base of the tree roots, were a couple of bidoofs mating. The male was riding in the female, pumping in and out of her at a steady pace. Katelyn fell back from the bush, her view blocked once more. The day's earlier events came back to her and a signal from below cried out for attention.

Before she could consider picking up where she left off, however, a sound from behind her made her forget her needs once more. She spun around, eyes searching the forest for the source. As it sounded again, her eyes moved up towards the tree tops, and there in the branch of one sat a starly.

Katelyn became really excited and hope flared within her. Here was a pokemon all alone that was ripe for the catching. She pulled the pokeball containing her chimchar from her pocket.

"Go Chimchar! Get that starly!" With that her chimchar appeared in a flash of light. It had been waiting for a fight, so it eagerly charged the tree, leaping into the lower branches and began its ascent to the starly. Seeing the pokemon approach, the starly stretched its wing and took to the air, but instead of flying away it circled around the tree.

Chimchar stood on the previously occupied branch, shouting at the starly. Katelyn, experienced as she was, wasn't sure what to tell chimchar. The starly circled back around and in a dive, its wings began to glow and its speed increased as it began a quick attack against the chimchar. Katelyn was at a loss and watched in horror as starly charged towards her chimchar. Luckily, though, chimchar had a plan, and leapt to a higher branch at the last second, leaving the starly unable to adjust its trajectory, causing it to crash into the branch and fall to the ground.

Katelyn recovered and quickly pulled a fresh pokeball from her pocket and threw it at the stunned bird pokemon. The starly was sucked into the pokeball, which fell to the ground and began to wobble as the starly struggled from within to escape. What felt like an eternity of tense waiting, the pokeball settled and gave a beep to signal a successful capture.

"Way to go Chimchar! We caught our first pokemon." Chimchar jumped down from the trees and landed into Katelyn's waiting arms as she hugged it in celebration before picking up the pokeball containing their new companion.

She returned chimchar to his pokeball too, before continuing through the forest, hoping for more good luck in finding new pokemon to capture.

As the girl finished her celebration and ran off, Team Rocket poked their heads out from a nearby bush, holding some branches beside their heads in order to camouflage themselves in order to watch the girl in secret.

"That girl seems new enough not to be any trouble." James exclaimed.

"And that chimchar of hers seem like a smart pokemon, unlike some other pokemon I could mention." Jessie added, eyeing Meowth sideways.

"Hey! I am essential to this team!" Countered Meowth.

"Yeah, essential to failure." Jessie shot back.

"Please stop fighting, we need a plan to capture that girl's pokemon." James said, trying to break up the two.

"Luckily for you, I have the perfect plan." Meowth stated with a smug smile.

"You'd better, or I'm feeding you to the boss' persian!" Jessie said, holding up her branches as she followed a line of bushes towards where the girl had run off too.

"I hate that stuck up persian!" Meowth cried as he gave chase.

James just sighed as he followed the first two, not holding his branches as high.

Sitting in front of the hole leading into their den, the two bidoofs sat watching as one after another humans of varying size ran past. Next to them sat Wobbuffet, before a red beam pulled him back into his pokeball. The bidoofs looked at each other, before moving on to round two of their activities. The male quickly remounted the female and began thrusting his newly hardened cock into her warm, moist folds.

Katelyn's hopes began to wane again as she saw hide nor hair of another pokemon to catch. She had found a stream which she followed, hoping to catch a pokemon while it took a drink. As she continued on the forest began to thin, and the stream widened, soon turning into a small lake on one side of a clearing that was half covered in blooming flowers.

Forgetting her troubles, she ran through the flowers, enjoying the scenery. The lake was crystal clear and nothing disturbed it. The lack of any pokemon in or around it didn't dampen her mood as she took a deep breathe, smelling the flowers.

It wasn't until she took another look around the glade that she saw someone was already here. A boy was sitting at the base of a tree on the edge of the clearing. Katelyn slowly approached, as he appeared to be sleeping. She couldn't see his face, as an old western hat was pulled over his face, but in his lap a turtwig sat sleeping.

Before she could wake him up and ask him why he was sleeping here, she felt the ground rumble below her and ripples spread across the previously smooth lake. Katelyn spun around looking for what could have caused it, when the ground shook again. She looked back and saw that the movements of the earth hadn't disturbed the guy's, or his pokemon's, sleep at all. On the third rumble, a sound like trees being bent issued from the other side of the lake. When Katelyn looked across it, she saw a large round robot with arms and legs push its way out of the forest.

The robot stopped in front of the lake, and the tinted windshield opened up to reveal a man, woman and meowth sitting at some controls. The trio jumped from their seats to stand on the edge of the robot.

"Listen. Is that a voice I hear?" The woman started.
"It's speaking to me loud and clear." The man continued.
"Floating on the wind (woman). Past the stars (man). In your ear! (meowth)."

Although fascinated by a talking pokemon, the strange appearance of these people and the fact that they were rhyming away some slogan, that didn't even make a lot of sense, caused Katelyn to turn away and start off back into the woods.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Cried the woman, "you have to listen to our motto!"

"I don't think so. You guys maybe entertaining at a circus, but your kind of creeping me out." Katelyn said over her shoulder as she walked on.

"We're Team Rocket! You can't call us some circus freak show!" The man yelled.

"Hey, you said it not me." Katelyn called back, losing patience with these people.

With a cry, the trio hopped back into their seats, and the robot closed up once more. The robot pulled back its arm and thrust forward, shooting its three fingered hand straight at Katelyn. She didn't have enough time to react, as the hand hit her in the back knocking her down, causing her backpack to fall open, and her pokeballs to scatter.

The robotic hand scooped up the pokeballs, leaving only one empty one behind, before retracting back into the arm. A panel on top of the robot opened and a loud speaker rose out. The voices of the three inside the robot could be heard coming out of it.

"Nah nah, we have your pokemon!" The voice of the woman mocked over the speaker.

Katelyn got back up, grabbing bag and discarded pokeball, before running back to face the robot across the lake. "Give me back my pokemon!"

"And what are you going to do against our new 'Pokemon Snatcher Mach 2'?" The meowth demanded through the speaker.

Katelyn quivered in rage as the laughter from the three weirdoes in the robot could be heard blasting out from the speaker. In frustration she threw the spare pokeball at the robot, as if it could have done anything to harm it. As the pokeball bounced off harmlessly a sudden gust of wind blew across the lake, and a bunch of very sharp looking leaves arced around Katelyn's head, just barely brushing her hair, and flew on across the lake to strike the robot. Although they also bounced off the armor, several marks could be seen where they had hit.

Katelyn looked behind her to see the boy from earlier standing, hat straightened on his head, with his turtwig in front of him looking ready for battle.

"Who do you think you are, scratching the paint on our Pokemon Snatcher Mach 2?" The woman's voice screeched from the robot.

"These friends of yours?" The boy asked, as the woman's voice continued to wail out as an incoherent babble.

"Of course not! They stole my pokemon!" Katelyn said indignantly. The boy just adjusted his hat slightly, a smile working at the corner of his mouth.

"Oh just steal his pokemon too and be done with it!" The woman yelled at the other two in the robot. The robot's arm pulled back and then thrust forward launching the hand again. Katelyn threw herself to the ground as the boy dived to the side, catching himself in a roll.

The turtwig however had jumped the oncoming hand, and was now running up the connecting cord back to the robot. Upon reaching the shoulder, he jumped off onto the main body of the robot, and began whipping razor leaves in all directions, trying to do as much damage, and hinder the robot, as possible.

"Get off us you twig!" The woman cried as the robot began dancing around trying to swat the plant pokemon off. Turtwig was dancing along, avoiding the flailing arms, until finally it managed to strike one of the hands, causing it to drop Katelyn's pokeballs.

"Turtwig, grab those pokeballs!"

"Oh no you don't! We stole those fair and square!"

Turtwig dived for the pokeballs, while the robot whipped its arm around to catch them. Turtwig caught up to the pokeballs first with the robot only a second behind, smacking Turtwig, along with the pokeballs, back across the lake. The boy performed an amazing dive, just managing to catch his pokemon, while Katelyn hopped back and forth trying to get right under her pokeballs.

She managed to only catch two of them, the other tree falling around her. She immediately opened them both, one empty, while the other released a flash of energy and materialized into her chimchar.

"Quickly Chimchar, use flame wheel!" Katelyn ordered, pointing towards the robot furiously jumping around at the loss of its prize.

"Char!" Chimchar cried as it began to run on all fours, picking up speed, as a jet of flame erupted in front of it, encircling its body to give off the illusion of a flaming wheel rolling along the ground.

Being a fire type, chimchar avoided the water and instead ran around the lake towards the robot. Not being ones to be taken unawares, the trio turned their robot to face the new threat. Before they could countered the attack, a line of razor leaves struck the robot, causing it to turn to face the recovered turtwig, only to be struck in its side by the charging chimchar. The robot teetered, frantically pin-wheeling its arms, before finally toppling over, crashing into a large heap of scrap metal and broken parts.

Team Rocket climbed out of the wreckage, messy and dirt stained.

"How could we lose to a couple of beginner twerps like them?!" Jessie cried, hitting both James and Meowth in the head.

Rubbing his head James answered, "I don't know, but maybe we..." Before he could finish a voiced cried out something that sounded eerily like 'Chimchar use ember!'

Team Rocket looked to the side where Chimchar last was, and saw him take in a breath before exhaling sharply sending out a scattering of little flames. They collided with Team Rocket and the pile of metal in small but deadly sparks. One such spark struck the broken gas tank, causing an explosion that sent what was left of the robot up into the air, along with Team Rocket.

With a cry of 'Team Rocket is blasting off again!' they disappeared into the distance.

"Who were those weirdoes?" Katelyn asked in disgust, as she scooped up her very proud chimchar.

"Team Rocket, they're an evil organization trying to take over the world." The boy answered, patting his turtwig on its head for a job well done.

"You know them?" She demanded turning on him.

"Not personally, I've only heard about them. They caused a lot of trouble in the Kanto region. They must have decided to try and spread their evils in a new region."

"Well, thanks for your help. I'm Katelyn."

"I'm William. You can just call me Will."

After shaking hands, Katelyn counted up her pokeballs. Counting only five, she remembered the one she had thrown at the robot earlier. Sprinting around to the other side of the lake, she scanned the grass near the wreck.

"Over here!" Will called, crouching by a clump of grass.

Not realizing he had followed her around, Katelyn walked over to where he pointed. In the grass her pokeball was rolling back and forth, a light blinking on the front.

"It means a pokemon was captured." Will said to her confused look.

"I know what it means, I just can't believe it hit a pokemon after I just threw it at that robot." She said watching to see if the pokemon would be successfully caught.

After a few more wobbles the pokeball came to a rest with a satisfied ding. Katelyn reached down and picked up the pokeball wondering what pokemon could have gotten caught in her carelessly tossed pokeball. With a flick of her wrist the pokeball flew into the air and opened up spewing out a red light that began to take shape. After snagging the pokeball out of the air, the light fully formed into a small plant looking pokemon. She pulled out her pokedex and pointed it at the pokemon.

Budew, the bud pokemon. It lives alongside clear ponds and in the winter, it closes its bud and endures the cold. When spring comes, the bud opens and releases pollen that induces harsh sneezing and runny noses.

"It's so cute!" Katelyn cried, as she scooped up the budew and hugged it to her. Will mumbled something that she didn't quite catch, but decided not to ask for him to repeat it since she was so happy for having caught a new pokemon.

Katelyn returned the budew to its new pokeball, and placed it alongside her starly and chimchar. Turning to Will she asked: "Are you on your way to Jubilife City?"

"Yeah, I just stopped beside this lake to take a rest before continuing on."

"Want to travel together? It'll be safer if any other weirdoes come out to try and steal our pokemon."

Will adjusted his hat, hiding a smile that tugged at his lips, before agreeing to join her. He called his turtwig over from the lake where it had wandered off to get a drink. Picking it up and placing it on his shoulder, he set off into the woods with Katelyn close beside him.

Now back on track for Jubilife City, Katelyn has caught new pokemon and made new friends, in preparation for future obstacles that may face her on her journey.

End Chapter Two
Chapter End Notes:New friends, new companions, new enemies. That's everything, now on to the fun smutty stuff! Just kidding. Or am I
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