AGNPH Stories

You've always been there. by kiro


Story Notes:

Co-written by someone very close to my heart.I do not own Pokemon, wish I did, I'd be rich.


Kiro-kun as he came to be called was born roughly 50 years ago in the wilds of the Kanto region. Shortly after his birth his parents moved to the Johto region to be closer to his mother's family, as well as her old trainer. After moving into a decent sized cave he met his grandparents, he called them Nanna and Paw. He would get a visit from them almost daily, giving him plenty of play with his Paw, and the occasional bathing from Nanna. A few months after moving in, he got to meet his mother's old trainer, a young boy named Zach. Zach was happy to see his old Ninetails and would stop by regularly. Kiro would play with him for hours until he either got too tired to move, or the boy went home. For 50 years they lived there in Johto, though the boy moved away and either didn't come visit, or couldn't, so he was never heard from again. After those many years of happiness his parents decided to take a trip around Johto to see if they could find the rest of his mother's family, mostly hidden somewhere near Lake Rage as an easy to hide location so that no one would find them.

After a few month's of searching they were on the way back when his parent's and he were atacked by some strange Pokemon he had never seen before, A Fearow, a Beedrill, a Wartortle, and a Growlithe. His first thought was he was going to have some new playmates, but that was quickly broken when the Wartortle attacked his mother with Hydro Pump knocking her unconscious. His father was engaged against the Fearow and Beedrill and was having a rather difficult time landing any kind of attack. As his father struggled and his mother lay out on the ground, the Growlithe turned against Kiro and attacked him with a simple bite to his paw, causing it to break and Kiro to scream out in pain. His father turned to help only to be hit in the back with a Water Gun and gust combo, leaving him on shaky legs at best. His father could only scream at him to run, try and escape, but with an injured leg, he couldn't make it far, but he still had to try and move. After a few steps the pain was stopping him from continuing and the Growlithe wasn't even trying to kill him, he was merely toying with the cub, walking slowly until he was right on top of him, his claws to the boy's throat. The only thing that drove Kiro from his frightened state was the final painful cry of his father, and a sickening thud that his body made when it hit the ground. All attention at that point was focused on the boy, and the boy alone. His body racked with pain and fear and his mind numb it seemed it was all going to end right there in a flash. The happiness, sorrow, joy, and everything else he and his parents experienced was about to end just because these other Pokemon wanted to kill and eat something. As everything moved in on him, they all turned at the sound of a twig snapping to come face to face with a human girl...

The young human girl had awoken early that morning at the screeching of her mother. "PSSYYY, TIME FOR YOUR CHORES!!" Her mother's voice was an alarm clock to half the block, since she yelled at Psy everyday at 6:30 to begin cleaning the pokemon bird house. Psy should be used to it, since it has been like that for alomst 2 years. "Ok mom..I'll b..igh...wn." She had more or less just muttered incoherently which caused her mom to yell again. "WAKE UP NOW PSY, THE POKEMON ARE WAITING FOR YOU." At that point Psy resigned to waiking up and rolled out of bed slowly, the sheet still covering her body. "Yeah yeah, I'll be right down.." After dressing herself she made her hair up into ponytails as usual and decided to start before getting yelled at again. As she walked outside to the habitat she could already hear the bird's going wild. "Why are they so energetic in the morning, I'll never understand why they can't be calm for once." As she openend the door the only thing she saw was a Pidgeot and a Pidgeotto mating. "DO YOU HAVE TO DO THAT NOW?!?!?!?"

That was all she could think to say as the two birds ignored her completly. "Come on can't you two finish later, I have to clean this place you know." Her voice was drowned out by the Pidgeotto who was screaming in extasy. "Fine you know what, I'm just going to force you out." Psy walked out to the back of the house and hooked the fire hose up. "This should do," she thought to herself as she turned it on and began walking back slowly, the Pidgeotto still shrieking. As she walked through the Pokemon were going full steam and the Pidgeot looked like he was getting close so she decided now was the perfect time. She aimed the hose and pulled the trigger tight and grinned almost demonically as the two Bird types were soaked and seperated by the sheer force of the water. The pidgeot took wing and flew out of the coop and the pidgeotto followed right after as Psy turned the water hose off. "That will teach you two horny freaks to mate when I am trying to work."

As soon as she said that she had a realization, the two prized bird Pokemon of her mother's had just escaped.. "OHHHHH damn those winged rats," Psy yelled as she ran to the house and changed into some shorts and a normal shirt. She ran down the stairs and grabbed the two bird's pokeballs and a couple of empty ones out of habit, her mom had always told her about having some spares around you never know if they will come in handy. As soon as she hooked the balls she started to run off into the woods in the direction they flew. After about fifteen minutes she started to hear yipping and a battle a short distance away, and figured they must have started again. "Whore.." Psy muttered thinking about the Pidgeotto. As she got closer she figured that it wasn't the two birds going at it again but a battle between a small group of pokemon. As she came across a small clearing she saw a family of two Ninetails and one vulpix child being attacked by another group. Psy shuddered as the Ninetails were killed, she also noticed everything was moving in on the small Vulpix.

"No.." she thought as the group closed in on their kill. The only thing she could think of was try and help but as soon as she stepped forward she broke a small twig and gasped as everything turned on her. The Growlithe let out a roar as it began running at the frightened girl, who couldn't force her body to move. As the Growlithe got to the girl it was sent sailing by a double Gust out of nowhere. Everything turned to come face to face with the missing Pidgeot and Pidgeotto that had come to help their master's daughter. "Pidgeot grab the Vulpix and bring it over here," Psy yelled as she dug out an empty pokeball for the injured cub. The pidgeot moved at lightning speed and quickly snatched the child and laid it at Psy's feet. Psy quickly caught the frightened fox and screamed at the two birds, "Quick use fly and take us to the pokemon center in town." The two pokemon started flapping their wings, the Pidgeot, being the stronger of the two, opted to carry Psy, the other was keeping the other pokemon from following by using consecutive Gusts and pecks. The flying types gave up the chase and returned to the two ninetails bodies to enjoy the bulk of their prize. It took less than five minutes to reach the pokemon center.

As soon as her feet could touch the ground Psy ran through the doors and straight to nurse Joy, thrusting the pokeball into her hands and begging for her help. Nurse Joy took the ball and quickly ran to the back room, her Chansey following close behind to help if needed. Psy could do little more than wait so she decided to return the bird Pokemon to their balls and sit in the waiting room. After fourty five minutes nurse Joy reappeared with a smile on her face, "The little Vulpix will make a full recovery. He is sleeping now but will wake in a few hours. I will call you as soon as he wakes if you like?" Psy nodded and smiled slightly, "Please, I want to be here when he wakes up." Psy left her number with the nurse and walked home to return her mother's Pokemon. "Hey mom I'm home." "Well, did you find them?" "Yeah, they are here with me, they saved my life today." "HOW?!?" So Psy spent about two hours telling and retelling the story to her mom. "So will you keep the little fox?" "I think so. I saw his parents die, so I think he needs a good home." "Well I think it is a wonderful thing, you need someone to keep you company at school right?" "Yeah, but I don't know if he is used to humans or not, he looked really scared when I caught him." "I would be too, a small round object being thrown at you would frighten anyone." Psy couldn't help but laugh, "I guess so, I wonder what I should name him?" "Don't ask me, I still haven't named my birds yet."

After fifteen more minutes of idle chatter the phone rang, with Nurse Joy on the other end. "Hello is this Psy, it's Nurse Joy." "Yes, hey Nurse Joy is the Vulpix awake now?" "Yes, and I need you here to fill some information out so you can take him home." "His wounds are gone so fast?" "He was lucky, we just got a shipment of a special potion, so aside from minor cuts and bruises, and a small limp, he is just fine." "That's great, so when can I take him home?" "Today, I just need you to fill out the information and he is all yours." "Thanks Nurse Joy, I'm on my way now." Psy hung up the phone and began running toward the Pokemon Center. As she burst through the front door, she ran to Nurse Joy and started asking about the young fox. "Calm yourself and walk this way." Nurse Joy smiled and starting walking through the back hall, until she reached a room labeled "Recouperation". Nurse Joy and Psy entered slowly and walked over to the fox who was playing with some toys and the Chansey. As Psy approached the Vulpix walked up to her and sat infront of her, his eyes wide and innocent. "He seems used to humans, is that normal?" The vulpix barked signaling that he wanted to be picked up, rather than left on the floor. Psy looked at Nurse Joy who nodded and still smiled. "Vullll pix," the little fox yawned as he strecthed upwards then quickly fell back down as his leg was still sore. "Aww sorry, I didn't know if it was a good idea to pick you up or not." Psy quickly scooped the fox up and nuzzled him softly, "You're so soft and cuddly, but I still don't have a name for you." The little fox started licking her face and nuzzling back. "Vuulllpixx, pix vul pix pix." "Sorry but I don't understand you. I think I have a name though.." Psy smiled and kissed the fox on his forhead, "I will take good care of you my little Kiro-kun."
Chapter End Notes:Reviews so I can improve.^_
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