AGNPH Stories

Twin Mews - Random by zerophex


Story Notes:

This is purely an experiment at a different style compared to what I usually use for such scenes.


Mew's smile slowly widened, her expression turning increasingly naughty as she stared into his eyes. An equally mischievous smile formed on Mewtwo's face as the female floated so close that he could feel her breath on his face, seeing her chest moving up and down with precision as she breathed, floating just in range of his fingers...

And then, suddenly, they both moved. His hands grabbed into her as he pulled her closer, the female arcing her body in a spectacular way, gasping as she did so. Their lips met and his mouth opened just as her lips clamped upon his own, her tongue thrusting quickly into his mouth, caressing his own tongue and the walls inside, bathing in his saliva just as he felt her own flooding his mouth. As he pulled her closer to him, she begun to rub herself vigorously against him, her legs spreading and clamping into his frame as he tightened his grip, his tongue swiping at hers as he kissed back passionately. The feeling was dizzying and her saliva and tongue had a faint yet noticeable taste that made him think of delicate, fully matured, sugary strawberries. They kept kissing in such a way, their passion not weakening even one moment, his mouth going for her mouth and hers for his everytime one of them pulled out in a loud gasp, inhaling much needed air.

As this went on, the pink feminine cat rubbed herself in short but quick motions against Mewtwo's body. Slowly as she rubbed herself, Mewtwo felt her two small nipples against the surprisingly smooth and warm skin of his chest and soon, her kisses grew more intense, more savage and he could feel the nipples hardening, her surprisingly big and firm breasts soon coming out of hiding. The rigorous rubbing awoke anticipation and excited his sexual instincts and desires, causing him to respond to Mew's increase in intensity in spades. Lower, blood begun to flow to his penis, his erection beginning to form slowly but surely.

Then, once she was fully aroused, Mew placed her hands on the male's chest and pushed, pulling away from him and breaking the kiss gracefully, moaning as she did so. Breathing heavily, Mew stared at the other feline, a wide, happy, naughty smile on her face. Slowly, she floated backward and landed on the tip of her toes, looking up to the male that towered above her.

Mewtwo pushed himself backward with his powers, getting a better view of the female as he did so. Mew was standing there, legs spreaded, one hand on her large hips, her breasts bouncing slightly as she breathed heavily, smiling at him. He could see her every curve in her frame and what he saw pleased him. Seeing this, Mew winked and slowly arced herself, showing off her adorable, sexy body as she spreaded her legs further, proudly showing her large breasts, curvy frame, and aroused sex to him.

Blushing from the rush of hormones that went through him, Mewtwo decided to show off as well, bringing his hands together above his head as he arced as well, showing off to the female just as much. Mew's expression turned into an interested, slightly childish smile as Mewtwo's erection was finally brought out of hiding. A hole formed between Mewtwo's legs as the long, thick red-pink organ emerged in all of its glory, two spherical bumps also forming as his balls were also revealed. Even for a human-sized creature, Mewtwo was extremely large. He had to be nine inches-long and two inches-thick. Such a size didn't fail to impress Mew as she tilted her head to the left a bit... but well, she was a Pokemon and she knew that she could take it, as improbable as it might seem. In fact, the female held back drooling as she stared at him.

Both slowly took back on neutral positions and then, slowly, the female turned her back to the male and bent down, placing herself on all four, swinging her long prehensible tail above her head once before rising it out of the way. As Mew winked invitingly to him, Mewtwo stepped forward and then stood above the female, breathing heavily as a slight hint of nervosity rose.

And then, the large feline pounced downward, placing himself on his four. Mew was a bit surprised and meowed faintly as she felt the large Pokemon pressing his body against her, pushing her into the ground and pinning her down. But, the feeling of surprise and slight worry almost instantly vanished as Mew suddenly felt something very hard and large pressing against the entrance of her sex. Mewtwo relaxed a bit as he rubbed the tip of his penis against Mew's entrance, getting a feel of the humid, smooth lips.

The male took a deep breath in, shifted his weight to his arms for a moment as he took aim, and then brought himself down quickly. Mew let out a loud whimper as she felt the hard tip of his spear force her entrance wider, half of the head getting in. Intense warmth went through their bodies as they felt this, and then, after taking a second breath in, Mewtwo closed his eyes and shifted his weight into his lower body, arcing himself as he performed a wide thrusting motion, Mew letting out a loud gasp of pleasure as she felt his thick, hard organ further penetrate her. Mewtwo felt Mew's wet, smooth lips caress the head of his penis as he thrusted inside, causing him to roll his eyes slightly at the feeling. Once again pausing, the two cats' smiles widened as the female slightly rose her lower body, bracing herself while Mewtwo pushed, pulling out in preparation for the final thrust.

And then, Mewtwo thrusted forward in a wide, quick motion, Mew letting out a small scream, as if surprised. Mewtwo licked his lips, shivering in pleasure as he pushed his long, hard penis all the way inside of Mew's vagina until the tip hit a soft surface and that Mew's body touched his sheat and balls.

Mew had her eyes closed, panting faintly as he finally got inside of her whole. "Please Mewtwo... do it... do it right now. I want your penis... so huge... so hard..." she whispered, desire and pleasure mixing inside of her voice in almost equal proportions.

The feline male savored the moment as he pulled out all the way to base of the head and then, after taking one more deep breath in, he thrusted back inside Mew whole. The two of them breathed harder and harder, excited by the friction as Mewtwo's hard cock slided in and out of Mew's vagina. Mewtwo pulled back again, faster this time. He breathed in, only a second this time, and thrusted inward hard causing Mew's hips to bounce, the female gasping loudly. Mewtwo pulled out and penetrated her harder, faster, the pause shorter and shorter. Mew moaned and gasped as she felt Mewtwo's penis deep inside of her vagina, the male penetrating her hard, murring and groaning from the pleasure. After about a dozen times of slow sex, the two grew bored and Mewtwo begun to fuck her. Mewtwo penetrated Mew's vagina in wide, powerful motions, the smaller female whimpering and mewing weakly as he fucked her mercilessly. Mewtwo was loving this. His eyes were closed and he was panting as he felt Mew's tight walls clamping down on his organ. Although Mew was whimpering, she was truly in bliss. She came before him, her juices coating Mewtwo's cock. This acted as a lubricant for Mewtwo and he accelerated, fucking her harder and faster. Eventually, the feeling of her tight walls pulling his foreskin up and down his shaft made Mewtwo have his own orgasm, rolling his eyes and moaning loudly as he came with incredible force, shooting his seed deep into Mew's womb.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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