AGNPH Stories

Kreol's Journey by cyan


Story Notes:

I got the idea to do this not only from my story Poke' Paradise, but mostly after reading Diaries of a Mad Umbreon by Shiguya Retomasi. The story is written in a Diary perspective and this is the first time I've tried it so I hope it's good. Criticism is very welcomed!


Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon. Any and all characters, plots, or references appearing in this story that are not mine are property of their respective owners. I am not associated with Pokemon or the creators. Everything else I own and ask that no one steals it.

July 21 Day

My name is Kreol Terrafin, I am a Vulpix although that might seem strange... a pokemon writing a Diary... I picked up this skill during my travels, but never thought I would actually use it, it's tricky to write with your mouth, and maybe I should try learning this using one of my tails.
I'm writing this Diary to keep track of my new journey that I have set off on, I hope that this Diary shall make it to a lucky pokemon that may wish to follow in my footsteps seeing this will be my last adventure and I'd hate for the wonders of the world outside of my home at the island to go to waste.
I am currently crossing the ocean with the aid of a Lapras named Dee towards the Sinnoh Region, such a simple name for a pokemon, I'll have to ask her where she got it sometime when I've gotten a bit more acquainted with her, hopefully we can come to be good friends seeing as she offered to help me travel, getting around without her help would've been a pain in the ass... The sea doesn't exactly agree with me. Even though I'm a fire type, I can actually swim, but that's not the problem. The problem is that crossing the sea is tougher than swimming in a lake and I'd rather not be a snack for an angry Gyarados... Ah well the scribbling and fumbling of this pen seems to be bothering Dee's concentration, I'd better stop for now, I'll write more once night falls...

July 21 Night

It's late now and Dee has stopped to rest. I find using my tail to write a bit easier, though I'm used to it being curled up all the time so I keep finding myself in an awkward position while writing, but I hope to get used to it over time. I might try other methods though. The sea has a kind of beauty to it at night, the moon reflects off of the water followed by the stars, Dee pointed out the northern star to me before stopping to rest, it apparently points in the north direction and can be used like a 'compass'... whatever that is, but it does help me keep a constant knowledge of our direction at night as well providing something like a stellar map that may be useful once I've reached my destination. I should find means to find my way during the daytime though seeing as my last journal nearly ended in me becoming lost due to this problem. Well I shall turn in, can't travel when I'm half-asleep...

July 22 Day

It's at these times I love the summer. It was fairly hot by the time I woke up and I love the heat. I wish I could say the same about Dee; she didn't share the same attitude about the matter. With Dee's help we caught some fish to eat; strange food though, in my past journey's I had never tried it and found it to have a unique taste. Really didn't care for at first, but after a little roasting using my own fire, it tasted rather good! Note to self; Dee doesn't like the thought of me cooking on her back.

July 22 Night

I was going to write about how peaceful the day was, but I was sadly surprised once we were attacked by a few Vaporeons just as I was bout to open my Diary, something about it being because of territory or something... After a while of not listening to us and a few burns sustained by the Vaporeons, they took defeat and questioned us on our reason of being in the area. We explained that we were merely traveling and got surprised looks when I revealed my name. The Vaporeons had heard of me before from my previous travels and know of many of my stories that others have spoken and quickly apologized for their unprovoked assault on us. What was most surprising was the name of the leader, Roavean Terrafin, MY last name! I believe that it may just be a strange coincidence and he is non-blood related, but I can't say for sure, I'll have to make a point to ask my Father of this upon my return to the island. It just might be that we could be related from my past bloodline, though I doubt it... although that would be very interesting. I think I shall give it a rest for tonight seeing as I don't want to bother Dee.

July 23 Day

Thought about Roavean before going to sleep last night and thought I'd note something; it may be possible that I am related. That would explain my love of swimming even given my type, though I should still look into it. As for the day, we're almost to the Sinnoh Region; I can't wait to see what awaits me once I arrive. I thought about my daytime direction as well! It seems that there are places that have what are called maps of the region that are drawn onto paper. I've seen them before, now that I think of it, but I never thought they were more important than big pieces of paper. I kind of feel dumb for not realizing something like this before... Oh well, ignorance is bliss... or so they say. I'll have to get a map once I get there though; I'd rather not be bumbling around nearly lost again...

July 23 Night

We met someone interesting earlier today, a fellow traveler that went by the nickname of 'The Moonlit Shadow', an Espeon surprisingly. He was traveling with an Eevee which I didn't catch the name of... it was a kind of creepy experience as well because this Espeon was fairly powerful and had learned of a way to use it's psychic abilities to walk on water! I felt like I was watching a couple of ghost's float along with the slowly disappearing evening sun... getting off track; the Espeon was actually headed to the island with the Eevee to find someone; I wonder if Loox and Kuum will help them. Loox maybe, but Kuum has too much of a tendency to play pranks... ...I miss them already...

July 24 Day

This morning wasn't exactly my favorite choice of a wake up call... Me and Dee found ourselves trying to get away from a very pissed off Gyarados. I'm not sure what set him off, but he didn't exactly have that 'Wanna be buddies?' look in his eyes... Got a little off course from the panic, but we lost him... of course, this might delay my arrival to the Sinnoh Region since we're not sure whether we got closer to or farther from it in the midst of the ordeal. I just hope we don't run into that Gyarados again, screaming fish hurt my ears...

July 24 Night

I don't think today was my day... ran into Mr. Happy again, as if his screaming wasn't enough, he nearly killed us this time, but we fought it off... barely... My God I didn't know a Gyarados could go up in such a nice pillar of flames! Most beautiful thing I saw all day! I kind of feel bad though, but it was him or us right? I'm tired, too much crap today, goodnight...

July 25 Night

I can't get a break can I? It seems the flaming bundle of joy had friends and they ended up chasing us almost all day! I thought we were done for this time, but we lucked out. A pokemon trainer was out not too far from the shores of the Sinnoh Region and he gave us a helping hand; watching those Gyarados go down in electric fury nearly brought a tear to my eye. The trainer was very surprised by my ability to write and was ready to try to catch me, at least until Dee interfered, thankfully. I managed to explain to him about my journey and he finally gave up on me. Before he left though he pointed us to the direction of the shores and I now find myself sitting on the beach staring at the night sky. I don't know what it is about the night, but it's just so peaceful, I feel like I can rest and express myself so much easier... I sometimes hope I can find a mate that can share it with me, but I doubt it since other Vulpix seem to prefer the forest and mountain scenery more... Oh I'm rambling on about pointless things I guess though, now thinking on it, Umbreon's prefer the night... maybe I'll end up with one as my mate...

July 26 Day

Woke up early today, I bid Dee farewell to start on my journey and tried getting a map, but it didn't work out so well... apparently I needed 'money'... whatever that is, but I guess beggars can't be choosers, so I'm stuck until I figure something out. Something interesting happened though, I kept getting followed by a Pikachu all morning and it's still following me... I can only wonder what it wan
Weird... The Pikachu is staring at me as I write seeming pretty concentrated on my pen... I think it might be curious about my Diary...

July 26 Night

I found out why the Pikachu was following me, it was a 'her' and it was the good old 'love at first sight' for watching me write, she was curious about how I learned it. Her name is 'Cherry', which is odd for a pokemon, but hey, who am I to complain? Seems she's been alone for the last 3 weeks because she got separated from her trainer, so I offered to let her come with me until we find her. It's going to be a bit odd having a love struck Pikachu around me, but it's better than traveling alone so I'm not bitching too much... Gotta go, she's staring at me again...

July 27 Day

SON OF A BITCH it's scary waking up to a Pikachu staring in your face! I could almost FEEL her eyes watching me! I guess I shouldn't complain, I mean, I agreed to her coming with me... at least she helped me with something. We went to try and get a map like I had tried yesterday, but it started as another failure until some women in blue clothes and hat with a shiny badge came along. Cherry was actually able to get her to pay attention to my scribbling long enough to understand what I was doing trying to get a map. Officer Jenny, I believe she was called, got us the map and even gave me a little badge that gives me protection from pokemon trainers! I guess I won't have to worry about trainers for this journey. I guess I have to thank Cherry appropriately when I have a moment... I'm still trying to figure out this map though...

July 27 Night

Well with some help from the humans around town, I figured out the basic way to use a map, but without a 'compass', I'll have to use the stars to check my path every night. I guess I can deal with it I mean it is better than being lost. I thanked Cherry for her help earlier; she jumped around like a child as if I had confessed my love to her... Note: love struck Chu's are odd ones, and on a side note: never let Cherry use me as a pillow again, my foreleg is getting all 'cuddled out'... Ugh, long day, sleep...

July 28 Day

Out of all thing things that have been going on I actually forgot about eating... Not exactly the smartest thing I've done, but Cherry and I found a berry bush so I should be fine, but I need to get some real food sometime soon... ah that fish sounds good about now... Oops! Drooling on the page... I've got to watch that, this book isn't waterproof. Anyway, after we found the berries we made a little headway before running into a fellow Vulpix; strange though, I don't remember seeing a mountain by the forest in this area on the map. I'm guessing he was with a trainer and probably running an errand or something. Didn't seem too happy to see me... as a matter a fact he seemed pretty pissed, so we parted pretty quickly without much more than a second glance. Nothing else that's very interesting from this morning.

July 28 Night

Today took a nice turn for the worse; found ourselves being chased by the Vulpix and a VERY 'friendly' Glaceon... Apparently I've met the Vulpix before on an earlier journey somewhere else and he was pissed off over a stand off I had with him, but I don... Now that I think of it I do remember! It was on some volcano on an island! We had a stand-off to see who could stand the temperature longer, I guess he thought I cheated or something... Oh well, we got away, but Cherry took a couple hits and has a burn on her left hind-leg, so we'll be sticking around a small cave we found nearby for a bit, hope nothing dangerous lives here...

July 29 Day

I'm glad to say that I didn't have to confirm my fears last night, but something was living in the cave, a Vaporean by the name of 'Lily', and she didn't mind us using the cave while Cherry heals, which I hope won't take much longer. Lily is as friendly as you could ever wish for, she seems to live in this area just for the exact reason we took refuge in this cave. Apparently it hasn't been exactly safe at night around here so when someone hurt pops around she's there to help. It's kind of sweet really, not many will do that; of course, being a concern, I asked if she was the only one around here and found that she lives with a Flareon and an Umbreon as well. I wonder if I'll meet them too.

July 29 Night

Got to meet the Umbreon not too long ago, his name is 'Shadowpaw' rather expected of an Umbreon to have such a name I guess. Didn't get to meet the Flareon yet, seems she's been away for more than a day now.
Shadowpaw wasn't very happy to see me at first, just now found that he thought I may have been messing around with his mate... I wish Lily had told me, I could've avoided the awkward situation, oh well he lightened up after he found out the truth so everything's ok I guess. I had better get some sleep.

July 30 Day

Well now Shadowpaw has the wrong idea about me and Cherry... I woke up with her almost choking me with those death traps she calls paws... At least she seems to be better now. We're heading out after I finish this entry so I thanked Lily for the hospitality. I hope that Flareon is ok, Lily said this isn't like her to disappear for so long so I gave my word that I'd keep an eye out for her... Why does everyone stare when I write? Is a pokemon writing THAT rare?

July 31 Night

Not much to add really; made a little progress towards the next city finally and found a pokemon center. I remember first coming to a pokemon center on my first journey... it wasn't exactly pleasant considering I had been nearly killed by an Absol looking for a quick meal, can't expect everything to
Wow, and I mean wow... I just got to witness a nasty sight... A Flareon was brought in just now and it didn't look too well like it had been beaten and tortured for hours on end... I'm not sure yet, but I hope that isn't the one Lily was talking about, I'll try to find out in the morning, I hope it'll be alright, Cherry nearly fainted...
Chapter End Notes:I find writing this fun, helps me get into my characters mor
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