AGNPH Stories

Karistaa Usko by Bébinn Heffernan



Chapter 4:

*)The next day(*

schniff, schniff, schniff.

The beige-and-brown spotted tail was upraised, allowing a nice view of this particular specimen's virgin cunny. A look at her would have told anyone that she was barely legal age if she were civilized, but she had had menarche six years ago at fifteen, and in the wild you're an adult if and when you enter your first heat or your testicles drop. She was scrawny, tempered by a lifetime of living the feral lifestyle in a bog and evading every single predator she had. For some reason, every living being loved the taste of Kacheek meat and would gladly fight over even a rotting Kacheek carcass.

schniff, schniff, schniff.

Her mom was a civilized one. Her father was the feral. She grew up knowing neither; her father was killed and eaten by Banon's first mate and her mother died passing her. A frightening prospect for a human, yes, but not an... animal... in the guise of a civilized race.

schniff, schniff, schniff.

Her nose caught the scent of decaying meat and she quickly homed in on its source, coming across what remained of Ashu. She was not the first one, though. Two Ahriman were fighting each other over the meal. Unnoticed, she darted in and grabbed a few bites of meat, quickly scarfing it down, before her nose picked up another scent... human? No, not human, but definitely human-based. She followed it before the Ahriman noticed her and decided on Kacheek meat instead.

As a female, she would barely be attractive to other Kacheek anyhow. She was somewhat emaciated, her ribs barely visible through her skin and her belly a bit sunken. Her head was large and covered in filthy, matted fur, bloody near her muzzle from where she had a Chocobo-meat lunch. Beige fur with brown spots covered her whole body, and her quadrupedal movement appeared based more off of a Panther's - tail raised, light steps, a feline movement rather than a mouselike one - largely as a result of her life in the wild for so long. One of her eyes was missing, a result of scrapping with a clanner and losing badly. Her nose was keener than a normal Kacheek's, and her body had adapted to the harsh reality of a wild life.

schniff, schniff, schniff.

She came to the abandoned shack where Banon and Allison were staying. Smelling the air again, she smelled what she regarded as a delicacy: Poli eggs! Salivating, she charged the door and scratched at it, making odd yowling noises more appropriate for a Panther, but not a Kacheek.

Much to her surprise, someone - a Politoed - opened the door. Her heart sank, and she quickly tried to bolt. She didn't get the chance. Banon tackled her and grabbed a nearby vine, making sure the Kacheek couldn't bite him. She struggled as valiantly as she could, but she soon tired out and left Banon to deliver whatever fate he wanted unto her. To her surprise, he picked her up and brought her inside.


When Allison woke up, she was surprised to see a trussed-up one-eyed Spotted Kacheek in front of her, and Banon nowhere in sight.

"Why, hello," she said in Common. "What's your name?" She got no response except from a quizzical look. She looked closer. "Are you a feral?" A nod from the Kacheek answered the question.

Banon walked in. "Breakfast for you has arrived," he said, pointing at the Kacheek, who visibly cringed before him.

Allison looked at the Kacheek and then at Banon. "Ah. So you want me to eat her?"

"It shouldn't be too hard," replied Banon.

Allison picked her up, and she braced for the feeling of slimy gums on her body pushing her towards her final resting place. However, she was surprised when she felt Allison gently rub her belly, causing her to murr. She held her down.

"I have a better idea," said Allison in Common. "Banon, take a whiff."

He did, and he could smell the sweet smell of a ripe cherry. The Kacheek was in estrus, but he wasn't interested. The Impinging might have introduced crazy means of mixing DNA, but Politoeds and Kacheeks, as far as he knew, did not mix.

"No thanks," said Banon. Before he could speak again, Allison cut him off.

"You can mate with her and get kids," she said. "I knew a few Kacheek/Politoed hybrids while I was in the church."

"I said, no thanks," repeated Banon. Even if he could fuck her, he didn't like the feeling of fur on his skin, especially since fur tended to suck up moisture.

Allison looked at the Kacheek, who was quivering in fright. She kissed her on the head and set her in the mud that was her bed.

"If you're not going to eat it, I will," said Banon.

"She's looking for a dick," Allison said flatly. "Fuck her, wait till she births, then eat her."

"I doubt she'd last long enough to pop out a kid," said Banon. He grabbed the Kacheek and held her by her armpits, her tail dangling above the Poliwag kids asleep below. "Look at her; she looks like she's got a wasting sickness!"

Allison took the Kacheek back. Although she knew full well she was defying Banon, she could not bear to see someone who had no kids get killed. It was as she said - if she had had kids first, then she would not object. She turned her around, lifted her tail, and peered into her vagina. A hymen was barely visible in the darkness; she'd never been mated.

"Have a heart, Banon," said Allison. "She's a virgin." She handed the Kacheek back to Banon, and at this point the Kacheek was wondering if there was any point to this game of hot-potato. Banon took her and peered into her cunny.

"...Fine," said Banon. "But, I'm not comfortable with the scent of Panther on her." With that, he set her down, and she started for the basement before Banon stopped her. "No."

Allison got out of the stove as the Poliwags woke up and approached the new Kacheek, excited to have a new playmate. One of them, hungry, nipped at her tail, and she responded with a yowl and a furious scratching, causing the Poliwag to back off, bleeding.

"Leave her alone!" hissed Banon, scaring his kids off to play. He then left the room, leaving Allison alone with the Kacheek.

Allison sat by the stove in the mud on all fours in a froglike manner, less to play the part and more to remain moist. Meanwhile, the Kacheek was licking her body in a very catlike manner, only betraying even more her Red-Panther mannerisms and behavior.

Allison made a clicking sound as if calling a cat, and said, "Here, kittykittykittykitty." The Kacheek looked at Allison for a moment, and then returned to grooming herself. Allison got a bit closer and reached a hand out, lower than the Kacheek's chin, hoping to earn her trust. To her relief, the Kacheek sniffed it, then looked at Allison and approached her, smelling her, interested. Allison let it do as it wished, and almost instantly regretted it when the Kacheek tried to take a chunk out of her arm. She barely pulled away in time.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" she shouted, quickly grabbing the Kacheek and keeping her in a pin hold, her body except for her tail end in the mud. After a few moments, the Kacheek stopped her struggles, and Allison let her free, upon which she backed off from Allison and retreated to the corner, scared and shaking.

Feral is an understatement. Given how she's acting - and what Banon said he smelled - she was probably raised by Panthers, Coeurls, Cait Sith or something like that, thought Allison. That might also explain why she tried to bite me - I smell good to her.

A minute passed, then two. Finally, the Kacheek slowed her shaking and laid down in the mud, pacing around her bedding spot.

"Would you like a name?" asked Allison. Her answer was a hard glare. "Guess not."


As the day progressed, the Kacheek and Allison remained in a stalemate. The Kacheek wanted to find out where her eggs were laid so that she could feel the jelly gum her mouth up as she ate them, and Allison wanted her to at least open up and not be so vengeful so that Banon wouldn't eat her.

At about noon, the Poliwags rushed into the room again, all six of them mobbing their new mom with cries of "Mama!", "Feed me!" and "What's that toy in the corner?" She answered the first question with a reassuring croak, and flipped onto her back and put the two hungry Poliwags to breasts, where, confused, they tried their best to suckle. It took them five minutes to get milk from their new mom, given how unused a Poli's mouth was to sucking, but as soon as they started, they liked the taste and stayed silent as Allison fed them.

After a few moments, the other four Poliwag tried to push their way onto Allison. She looked and saw the Kacheek approaching, making a whistling sound. The other four Poliwag approached her, bouncing like balls, as she laid on her side, exposing her own teats. Wanting to emulate their siblings, the remaining four Poliwags swarmed on the Kacheek and started taking milk from her, causing her to loose a loud yowl in pain before she calmed down and kept quiet to avoid scaring off the Poliwags, who quickly drank her dry. Allison scared them off of her and set the two Poliwag on her back down before laying beside the Kacheek and petting her softly. The Kacheek murred and rolled onto her belly, allowing Allison to pet it.

Banon, she wants a cock. And guess whose cock she's getting? thought Allison.
Chapter End Notes:I'm opening an informal poll as to what the name of the Kacheek would be. If you have an idea, give it in your review
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