AGNPH Stories

Master by rockinmuffin


Story Notes:

Well, this is my first time delving into the world of Pokémon fanfiction so I hope the story is decent. I also would like to note that I wrote in 2nd person "you" style and that the character portrayed is female (even if you can't tell at first) so if you find that uncomfortable just replace the "you"s with "I"s or "she"s.Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.Spoilers: Possible spoilers for the game Pokémon Fire Red / Leaf Green version.

Run Forrest, Run!

You grumbled indignantly to yourself as you dressed, taking the time to look back and glare daggers at Charizard every so often. Every time the fire dragon caught your gaze, however, he just chortled and rubbed at the bruise forming on his chin. You couldn't even force yourself to feel guilty; he should have known better than to wake you up so rudely at such an ungodly hour. Seriously; it was just barely after ten in the morning!

Obviously, you weren't much of a morning person.

You quickly pulled on a T-shirt; the same one you had worn the day before, now clean; and frowned when you realized that the bottom of the cloth ended just above your bellybutton. You sighed; it must've shrunk when you washed it the night before. Perhaps this would teach you to read the directions on the tags of your clothing, though you highly doubted it. You poked the now-revealed flesh of your lower stomach in thought before simply shrugging your shoulders.

Whatever, you thought to yourself. It still fits well enough. I'll just pick up another outfit from home some time soon.

"We have to go soon" you spoke aloud, warning your pokémon as well as yourself. You stared at the bed forlornly; you didn't really want to abandon its cushiony softness for the cold, hard ground, especially since you didn't even spend a full night in it, but hopefully you wouldn't spend too many nights outside before returning to the luxury of a soft place to sleep.

Your first order of business was to go out and reward you pokémon for their hard work, preferably somewhere near a large body of water so Gyrados could have a chance to get out of the pokéball and stretch his fins. Then you were going straight to Cerulean Cave so you could release Mewtwo and not have to worry about it killing you in your sleep every night for the rest of your life. Afterwards, you would set off home towards Pallet Town to visit your mother; it wasn't too far away, even if you opted for walking the distance instead of flying, and you were sure your mother would enjoy the company. You couldn't even remember the last time you had seen her; had it really been that long since you last visited?

You were brought out of your reverie by a light tugging on your pants leg. You stared down at Raichu's smiling face and instantly mirrored the expression. You leaned down and swept the electric rodent in your arms so that you could nuzzle your nose against his chubby cheeks and place a soft kiss on his forehead.

You were soon distracted by another tug at your clothing, this time from the sleeve of your shirt. You turned your head and chuckled as you came face to face with your gengar's exaggerated pout. He stared at you with sad eyes while poking his cheek with a stubby purple finger. You rolled your eyes at the performance but decided to humor him by lightly swatting his hand away and planting an unnecessarily sloppy kiss against his cheek.

Judging by the Cheshire grin spreading on Gengar's face from ear to ear, it was more than satisfactory.

You ignored the pained whimper that reverberated from deep within Charizard's throat. If he wanted a kiss so bad then maybe he should have thought twice before blowing morning breath in your face. You weren't going to give in to his wishes this morning, no matter how much he whimpered!

No matter how much he sobbed.

...or pleaded.

And, damn it, when the hell did he learn how to give a proper puppy dog pout?! He wasn't even a part of the canine family!

With an annoyed sigh and a roll of your eyes, you grudgingly made your way over to Charizard and placed a kiss on his brow. Before he could ask, because you knew he would, you softly kissed the bruise on his chin as well. You smiled a bit as you pulled away; you suddenly found yourself strolling down memory lane, recalling times when your charizard was just a young charmander and you had kissed the pain away from his scratches and booboos just as your mother had done for you when you were a child.

You shook the thoughts out of your head; you were too young to be reminiscing about your youth, let alone your pokémon's too. It made you feel like an old maid. Odd, considering that you were hardly old enough to be considered an adult.

"All right," you spoke loudly, gaining the undivided attention of everyone in the room, "It's time to get back in your pokéballs." You continued, ignoring your pokémon's chorus of irritated groans. "I can't let the hotel manager know that I let you guys run loose in the room. Well, at least not until I've already paid and left... Besides, I'll let you all back out as soon as possible."

Your pokémon stared at you with narrowed eyes, looking unconvinced. They exchanged glances with one another, turned back towards you, stared for another good fifteen seconds, then bolted away to hide in various places within the room.

"...Son of a bitch."

You growled; the sound akin to the noise a feral meowth might make when provoked; and quickly made chase. You just narrowly missed grabbing a hold of Raichu's lightning bolt tail as he dashed under the couch, causing you to stub your toe against the foot of the sofa. After taking a moment to hop around like an idiot and shout obscenities that would make a sailor blush, you resolved to nip the issue in the bud. Hopefully in a way that involved plenty of violence but little mess.

You took a brief moment to survey your surroundings; Raichu was under the couch, Charizard hid himself (poorly) behind a potted plant and barely managed to hold back the urge to laugh at your pain, and Gengar, meanwhile, used his powers of levitation to hover mere inches out of your reach. Why do that instead of hide like the others? Because he was a bag of douche and enjoyed any chance he got to taunt you, that's why.

So there.

"...You guys are gonna' get the biggest ass-whoopin' once I get my hands on you."

The threat might have had more of an effect on your pokémon if they actually believed you. Fortunately (though in your case, unfortunately) you were too much of a sweetheart to actually do anything to intentionally hurt your pokémon, despite your constant threats and curses. Deep down, you were really just a softy inside.

"I swear to God, I'll rip your spinal chords out of your asses and choke you with them!"

...Deep, deep down.

Seeing that your threats, as creative as they were, did nothing to help the situation, you forced yourself to calm down. You closed your eyes, counted to ten, and took deep, calming breaths. Just like how you learned in your anger management classes.

You ignored the jeering, mocking laughter of your pokémon in favor of trying to figure out a way to get them out of their hiding places and return them to their pokéballs. Five minutes later and an idea hit you like a brick to the back of the head.

"Duh" you muttered out loud, embarrassed that you hadn't thought of the obvious idea sooner; you blamed this on excess stress and a lack of sleep. With a swift flick of your wrists, you pulled three pokéballs off your belt and with a mumbled "Return" watched as three bright red lights enveloped your pokémon and stored them within their respective pokéballs. You eyed the red and white spheres for a moment longer, shaking your head as you thought of how spoiled and bratty you allowed your pokémon to become, before placing the pokéballs back on your belt.

With an over-exaggerated sigh, you tossed your satchel over your shoulder. Now all you had to do was check out of the hotel and hope that you were out of sight before the management discovered the mess your team had created.

Piece of cake.


"Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!" You repeated the mantra over and over again as you pumped your arms back and forth and your legs carried you as fast as they could.

Taking a chance, you took a moment to look over your shoulder only to reveal that the two security guards from the hotel were still in hot pursuit.

You let out an exasperated sigh. "Why me?!" you squealed out as you increased your pace, all the while ignoring the cramp in your leg and the burning ache within your lungs. And, of course, it just had to start raining. "Why do these sorts of things always happen to me?!"

Because you're a cheapskate who thought you could get away with trashing a hotel room without paying the cost, replied the tiny voice inside your head that you usually ignored. What was that thing called again? Oh, yeah; it was your conscience.

"Well, who asked you anyway?!"


As you argued with the voice inside your head (as if that in itself wasn't bad enough) you failed to notice the abnormally large puddle of mud just in front of you. And, because you were so distracted by your inner struggle, as well as full of bad karma by being such an irritable person as of late, it was no surprise that you found yourself slipping and landing face-first into said mud puddle.

Honestly, with your luck, you should've been expecting it.

"Great," you barked sarcastically, spitting out a good mouthful's worth of mud and twigs, "Just super. Brilliant. Stupendous. Fan-freaking-tastic. Could this day possibly get any worse?!"

"Excuse me, Ma'am, but my partner and I are going to have to ask that you come back to the hotel with us to work out the issue of your bill. If you don't cooperate we will have to resort to using force."

You blinked, groaned, and plopped your face back in the mud. Maybe, if you were really lucky, they would just leave you to drown.

I just had to ask...


With your clothing caked in dried mud and your big-ass sack of money considerably lighter and not quite so big-ass, the hotel finally released you from its deathly, money-hungry clutches. Honestly, you were just lucky that the manager didn't press charges; of course, that particular luxury had cost you an extra five thousand yen on top of the damages bill. Oh well. It was better than facing court and possibly spending a couple years within a state prison and at the complete mercy of an angry, portly she-male who went by the name of Big Bertha.

You didn't care that you were a girl; you still didn't want to have to worry about dropping the soap. Seriously now.

Shaking away the disturbing imagery that had filled your mind, you decided that focusing on the bad things that could've happened would do you no good. Instead, you decided that you should try and start the whole day over with a whole new positive outlook. It was time to look on the bright side of life! Like, well... the weather! Yes, the weather was a good start. The rain had finally stopped and the sun could be seen peeking from behind a few stray clouds, slowly but surely working to dry up any more stray mud puddles that stood in your path.

Now, what other bright and cheery things could you think about?

There was, um...



Well, at least the weather was nice.

None of that really mattered anyway. If the day couldn't be awesome on its own then you would just have to make it awesome. And, of course, there was only one way to make a fairly mundane (mediocre at best) day awesome; by throwing a party. However, aside from your pokémon, you didn't have any friends, but you didn't really care. It was for your team anyway; you still needed to reward them for fighting so hard against that insane pokémon.


Just thinking about it made your skin crawl.

It had said it was the most powerful pokémon alive. It was created by man, cloned and genetically engineered using a fragment of the legendary Mew's DNA. It was unnatural, an abomination, its very existence was a crime against God...

And its fate was resting in your hands.

The feeling was overwhelming; empowering, even. The world's most powerful pokémon was resting in your satchel, most likely buried under a pile of tampons and dirty laundry. Mewtwo, a creature of immeasurable powers, enthralling intellect, and homicidal tendencies was yours to command. It was under your control. You were now Mewtwo's master and it would have no choice but to obey you...

Your victories would be assured. Your rewards would be great. Your fame would be renowned. You would be known as the trainer who single-handedly captured the world's most powerful pokémon. You would be the most powerful trainer alive; the world's greatest pokémon master. No one could oppose you, neither human nor pokémon alike. You would become a pokémon master and all your childhood dreams would finally come true.

And yet all you wanted was to let it go.

A hollow victory was no victory at all; how could you even consider calling yourself a pokémon master when your so-called victory over Mewtwo was nothing but a fluke. It had undoubtedly won the battle; you had no right to claim it with the Master Ball. Still, you didn't regret your decision. Even if it meant sacrificing your honor as a trainer, as the Kanto Pokemon League Champion, you would choose the lives of your pokémon, your teammates, your friends first. Every. Single. Time. Besides, they'd protected you throughout your entire journey. You were just returning the favor.

Wasn't that what friends were for?

You stumbled over a few loose pebbles, waving your arms sporadically for balance as you nearly plummeted into the water's edge. Once you finally collected yourself, thanking the deities that no one was around to witness your clumsiness, you finally took notice of your surroundings. Surprisingly, whilst your mind was lost within its own musings, your feet had subconsciously carried you towards the source of your grief: Cerulean Cave.

What was once a mysterious cavern with promises of challenges and adventure was now nothing but a gloomy grotto that housed a painful memory. The imposing structure almost seemed to glare at you from the other side of the small river, making your heart heavy and your stomach turn. Your imagination got the best of you; you could have sworn that you saw a pair of glowing blue eyes glaring at you from the mouth of the cave, causing you to grip your heart in fear. Another look and the eyes were gone, nothing more than a trick of the mind, as well as yet another frightening memory to add to your ever-growing collection.

You could feel your heartbeat pound against the palm of your hand, slowing and softening steadily as you forcibly calmed yourself down. Your hand loosened its grip on your chest and lowered back down at your side. Breathe in. Breathe out. Push the demons out of your mind and pull yourself together. Now was not the time to have a mental break down; you had too much to do.

You released your four pokémon from their pokéballs, convincing yourself that it was because one place was as good as any to settle down and give your pokémon rewards for their fight and fresh air to breathe; I just don't want to be alone right now, chorused the voice in the back of your mind. You had better things to do than argue with it, you decided, especially when you knew it was right.

The soft nuzzling of Charizard's snout against your cheek mixed with his warm breath hot against your skin was enough to bring a small smile to your face. You scratched behind his left horn, taking comfort in the quiet, happy growl that vibrated from deep within his throat; the reptilian version of a purr, you assumed. Large and expressive eyes of sapphire stare up at you with concern and you respond with a weary smile and a kiss to his snout.

You ignored the same worried glances from the rest of your team; you weren't in the mood for a pity party. Instead, you opened up your satchel and dug through its contents, sticking your tongue out in concentration as you blindly felt around for what you were looking for. Your hands brushed against potions, magazines, the Master Ball; you took a brief moment to shiver; and a growing collection of candy wrappers and other such trash when finally you took firm grip of a small brown paper bag. You excitedly pulled the back out, checking over it briefly to make sure the contents hadn't gotten too squished, then turned towards your pokémon with a smug grin.

"Who do you love?" You waved the bag tauntingly, your grin widening as Charizard, Gengar, and Raichu followed the motion of the bag with wide eyes as if they were in a trance. Gyrados rolled his eyes from his spot back in the river but that didn't stop him from glancing at the bag curiously. "Who do you love?" you repeated, shaking the bag just for the hell of it before finally ripping it open to reveal what was hiding inside.

All of your pokémon closed their eyes in bliss as the scent of poffins filled the air before sending thankful, loving gazes your way.

"Yeah," you smirked, "That's what I thought."

It just goes to show, the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach, regardless of species.

"You know," you spoke as you started to hand out the puffy baked goods to each of your pokémon, "I was lucky to get a hold of these bad boys. They only make them in the Sinnoh region, I've heard. Recently, though, they've become so popular that a few shops in select Kanto cities have started importing the treats. Rumor has it that the mall in Celadon is planning to open up a department for poffins alone."

At this point, your pokémon were too busy stuffing their faces to listen to your ramblings.

You cringed at the nauseating display as your pokémon chewed with their mouths open, bits of slobbery crumbs falling to the ground in a pile so unappetizing that even a starving snorlax would refuse to touch it. "Ugh," you moaned in disgust, "You guys are such grumpigs."

Raichu giggled at your comment before shoving more food down his gullet. Pfft! As if he needed any more to eat, the chubby little mouser. If he got any chunkier you'd be able to use his blubber as a bean bag chair! He was just lucky that Raichus looked cute when they were chubby. If he were still a pikachu you'd be forced to put him on a diet.

Seriously, no one likes a pikachub.

You decided to turn away from the sight of your pokémon team before you spewed chunks all over your only clean outfit. Heck, at this rate you'd be lucky if you could even force any food down your own throat after witnessing your pokémon gorge themselves. Miraculously, you actually managed to finish a multigrain bar without gagging on it too much.

Your pokémon had already finished their meals by the time you were done; all of them looked tired and sated as they lay back with their arms behind their necks in the tall grass, with the exception of Gyrados, of course, who simply laid his chin on a flat rock by the river's edge. You smiled serenely at the sight; it was moments like these that made all the struggles of being a trainer really worth it.

Awww, how sweet! You actually do have a sentimental bone in your body, teased the bothersome voice in your head.

"Quiet, brain, or I'll stab you with a Q-tip."

Get back to me when you come up with a threat that hasn't been mass-produced on thousands of T-shirts.


You unceremoniously plopped down to the ground, grunting in discomfort as your bottom hit the forest floor a little harder than you had expected. You took a moment to rub your sore rump, ignoring Gengar as he snickered darkly at your pain. What a butt-munch.

You dug through your satchel again and pulled out the Master Ball the moment you felt its cold surface tickle against your fingertips. You held it up in the air, staring at it with clinical curiosity as the sun reflected off its surface. Even the sunlight seemed to do little to warm the ball up and for a brief moment you entertained the thought of Mewtwo secretly being an ice type pokémon too. You chuckled quietly to yourself as you tossed the ball up in the air and nearly got walloped on the top of your head as you failed to catch it when it came back down. Instead, it fell to the ground with a soft thump followed by a bright light engulfing its form as the pokémon within it was freed.

You were torn between two choices; stand up proudly and look Mewtwo straight in the eye, or continue to sit quietly and concentrate on not wetting yourself.

Seeing as you didn't have any spare pants, you decided that concentrating on not wetting yourself would be the best option.

Mewtwo stared down at you, its arms crossed and its eyes narrowed in cool indifference. You were somewhat shocked; you had expected him to glare at you with anger, to blindly attack you the moment he was free, or at least call you dishonorable for winning the battle the way you did. Honestly, you were expecting anything other than him acting so, well, ...calm.

You stared at Mewtwo, wide-eyed and mouth gaping, when you realized that this was the first time that you actually got a good look at it. It had been so dark within the cave but now that the sun was shining on its fur you noticed that it was, in fact, purple; the majority of its body was a soft lavender color while its underbelly and tail was darker though not quite violet. It eyes were its most startling feature; they were a bright shining amethyst, looking as precious and valuable as the gems themselves.

All and all, aside from its homicidal tendencies and the sense of dread you got whenever you thought of it, Mewtwo was a rather striking creature.

"Human..." it spoke quietly in your mind.

"...Pokeymanz?" you replied in confusion.

It closed its eyes for a moment and sighed; obviously Mewtwo wasn't used to dealing with the idiocy of others. "What do you want?" It let out an aggravated sigh at your dull expression. "You released me from that blasted pokéball of yours so that must mean you want something from me. So, I repeat, what do you want...?" It watched you for another moment before narrowing its eyes at you darkly and adding a snarled "...Master?" You were pretty sure that the bitterness in its tone was strong enough to take down a pack of raging Tauros.

You hadn't really meant to let Mewtwo out but, hey, now would be just as good as any other time to do what you planned, right?

Besides, your pokémon were all nearby; if Mewtwo decided to make any attempts on your life then they'd be there to stop it, or, at the very least, they could bury your body. Yep, real reassuring.

"Mewtwo," you declared proudly as you stood up, the top of your head just barely reaching its shoulders, "I release you!"


"Yep! You're free to go back home to your queer little cave and continue tormenting travelers just for shits and giggles. And no need for your thanks; I'm already aware of how generous and downright awesome I am."

"I don't think so, brat."

You blinked. Well, that certainly wasn't the reaction you had been expecting. Sure, you didn't actually believe that Mewtwo would give its thanks, shake your hand, and then fly off towards the sunset with rainbows shooting out of its ass, but not for a moment did you think it would have any objections. And so, you did the only thing a person in your situation would do; stare up at Mewtwo like a slack-jawed yokel.

"Listen, human," Mewtwo barked with enough venom to make you jump, "It's already embarrassing enough that you managed to capture me in my prime with only one measly pokéball, and how you did it I'll never understand..."

You rubbed your neck guiltily at Mewtwo's suspicious expression. Living in a cave, it obviously had never had the chance to hear of the Master Ball before; of course, seeing as it was just a prototype, not many people outside of Silph Co. knew of its existence. You lowered your gaze and bit your bottom lip nervously; for the time being, you decided to keep the secret of the Master Ball to yourself. If Mewtwo found out about the Master Ball's powers it would probably beat you black and blue and red all over.

Mewtwo continued. "...I don't need your mercy, nor do I want it. If you were to just release me of your own free will then my reputation would be ruined; I would always be known as the legendary so weak that a human let me go."

"But no one would have to know" you interjected.

"I would know."

"And your opinion is the only one that matters?"

"You catch on quick, human." Mewtwo ignored as you rolled your eyes. "If I am to be free from your power, and don't doubt for a moment that it won't happen because it most certainly will, then it will be by my own doing. I suggest you enjoy being the proud owner of the world's most powerful pokémon while you can because the instant I free myself from your control I'll destroy you."

The words brought your charizard to attention and he immediately flocked to your side, a growl reverberating in the back of his throat as he eyed Mewtwo with a threatening glare. Your other pokémon held their ground; you saw them watching you from the corner of your eye but none of them felt that Mewtwo was about to attack any time soon.

Mewtwo ignored Charizard's attempt to intimidate it and instead busied itself by staring at its fingertips while you lightly smacked the back of Charizard's head to silence his growling.

"So," you began awkwardly, "Since we're going to be seeing a lot of each other we should probably get to know one another. My name is-"

"I don't care."

"Um, my favorite color is-"

"I don't care."

"Well, my hobbies include-"

"What part of I don't care do you not understand?"


Mewtwo smirked to himself in victory.

"...My lucky numbers are-"

You stopped yourself mid-sentence as Mewtwo growled out in aggravation. Surprisingly, instead of echoing inside your mind like the rest of Mewtwo's speech, the sound came straight from its mouth. Aha! So that puny little mouth wasn't just for show. You wondered if Mewtwo could speak from its mouth too or if it would simply repeat its name as it spoke like most pokémon.

"Okay," you sighed, "If you don't want to know anything about me then that's just fine. Whether you want to or not, you'll learn more about me as time goes by. I, however, would like to learn a little about you."

Mewtwo eyed you suspiciously, its arms still crossed sternly in front of its chest. "...What do you want to know?"

"Well, this has been bothering me for a while... Are you a girl or a boy?"

Mewtwo's eyes narrowed. "Isn't it obvious?" it snarled, its paws on its hips.

You blinked twice, a blank look on your face, before directing your attention down to Mewtwo's crotch and back to its face again. "Is it supposed to be?"

It sighed in irritation, slapping its paw to its face. "...I'm a male."


You observed Mewtwo carefully, amused by the way its, no, his tail moved sporadically back and forth in his frustration. You smiled; now that you knew Mewtwo had a gender, the situation started to seem a lot less horrifying. Instead of being a symbol of terror, Mewtwo was just like any other pokémon in your eyes; sure he was homicidal and had the ability to communicate clearly with people, but all pokémon had their own special quirks, right? Besides, he didn't try to kill you even once since he was released from the Master Ball. Maybe Mewtwo wasn't so bad after all. Hell, maybe the two of you would even grow to like each other!

"If it'll make you feel better, I'll tell you my gender."

"...Don't talk to me."

And thus was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Chapter End Notes:Contrary to the last sentence of the chapter, Mewtwo's not gonna be acting "friendly" any time soon. Seriously, he's a dick. :D

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