AGNPH Stories

Change by neoteric


Story Notes:

This is my first story. I don't plan on making many future chapters nearly as dark as this one. Also, there will be some xxx chapters in the future.

Chapter 1: Always Read the Fine Print


Clods of loose dirt fell from the walls, as muffled screams where heard through the hallways of the lab. Screams of a young man, who had just recently gained membership to an organization known as Seven, who had offered him a great deal of power in return for his loyalty and cooperation.

The young man convulsed violently in a large pressurized glass tank, filled with a clear blood substitute that was being rapidly circulated by a series of tubes connected to the tank. He was restrained by a vast number of thin metallic arms that were extending from the tank's metal base and head. There was one long tube that fed into a facemask, which allowed him to breathe, or forced him if to necessary.

Twelve men in white lab coats, three already looked nauseated, where stationed at various computers, while one extremely tall man in a black lab coat barked orders while inspecting various pieces of equipment.

As the young man was suspended in the tank, he could only feel fear, or something like it, as his mind was not really feeling anything, it was simply focusing on survival. He barely noticed the rapid slicing and vibrations that were being administered by the arms, nor did he notice the hurricane of fluid rushing around him.

A thin, and rather shaky, man in a white coat pleaded with the man in the black coat to allow the patient to be administered a pain killer, as his vital signs were dangerously unstable due to the trauma the operation was causing.

The man in black simply said.

Prepare the organs for the transplant.

The shaking man took this as a no, and returned to his view screen and waited for the likely death of the patient.

Two of the other men had brought out three coolers, and were placing the small metal boxes contained inside into various cavities located in the wall by the tank. As they were inserted, some of the metal arms would quickly release their grasp on the writhing teen they constricted, to grasp one of the newly inserted organs while another arm cut out one of the teen's, the two organs where switched and the teen was stitched back together in a matter of seconds.

The men who had just inserted the boxes into the wall, stared in mock horror as the boy was being ripped to shreds, and instantly repaired. One man could not stop his mouth from twitching in tune to the arms' dance of mutilation.

The man in black ordered the men standing by the tank to retrieve the boxes from the walls, which now contained the young man's unneeded innards, and take them to the incinerator.

The men instantly obeyed, they were still in a blank state of horror, but were unable to resist the deep steady commands that were being given to them. They mindlessly retrieved the boxes, and proceeded to the "waste" room.

As they left, the arms came to a stop, and the tube feeding the young man's lungs was filled with a thick pinkish gas.

The gas stung his lungs, but quickly made him forget his situation. He passed out and entered a much deserved sleep.

The man in the black coat grinned as the arms retracted out of view, and the fluid filling the tank dropped.

He left the room quietly, still grinning, while all of the other men dumbly watched him flow out of the room.

When he was out of view the men rushed to the tank to retrieve their patient. As the men placed him on a stretcher they couldn't help but notice the cold deadness that filled the operating room.

The men removed their coats and brought the patient to the sterile room where he would remain until he recovered.

The young man relived every moment of the operation that night, six times, each recollection more terrible than the last.


Chapter End Notes:Once again, this will be BY FAR, the darkest and shortest chapter. The remainder of the story will progressively get lighter (and hopefully longer) until I decide to even it out for a while.

And if you're wondering about the dirt walls, the lab is still partially under construction. Think the first bunker level of Goldeneye for the N64.

Please criticize my writing and story.
You won't offend me, I know I suck
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