AGNPH Stories

Change by neoteric


Story Notes:

This is my first story. I don't plan on making many future chapters nearly as dark as this one. Also, there will be some xxx chapters in the future.

Chapter 2: Awakening

***Disclaimer: This is a work of adult material; unless it is legal to view this material and/or you're at the legal age to view pornographic material within your region then you may not read this story.

Do not read this story if you are easily offended.

All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

This story is not to be posted on any site other than and and, and/or included in any unauthorized collection of stories, and/or distributed for profit, without consent of the author, excluding the distributed for profit part, you can't do that even with my consent.


For the next two days the young man did not leave his bed. Many of Seven's doctors, psychiatrists and nurses had tried to get him to talk, but he seemed blank, and unresponsive.

One elderly doctor requested a scan be done to determine if there had been any brain damage caused by the operation. His colleges agreed, as they had suspected it, after all, their patient had yet to move on his own since he was brought out of the tank. He simply stared at the ceiling, or wall depending on how he was positioned.

Their request for the scan was denied.

The doctors chose not to question their supervisor's decision.


On the third night of his stay in the recovery room, the young man was continuing his endless stare at the ceiling. Not a thought crossing his mind.

The door creaked open, and footsteps were detected by his unhearing ears.

A calm voice whispered through his mind "get up". The voice echoed through his head, the young man's mind felt as though some thick, intangible veil was forcibly, and unwillingly ripped from its firm grip over his consciousness.

A massive rush of thought and senses pushed through the now open ports of the young man's brain. It's familiarity was nearly overwhelming, like walking out into the daylight after a long spelunking trip, and it made him feel just as exposed as one would imagine themselves after leaving a cave's claustrophobia inducing tunnels.

Blinded by the sudden horrible realness of his situation, the young man jumped out of his bed, only to double over in pain as stress was put on his partially healed body.

As he sat there on the floor, he noticed the dark boots that sat before his face. Slowly, as to prevent further stress on his weak body, he stood and looked at the body and face of the owner of the boots.

He was slightly shorter than the young man; he looked about 5'10. He was clad mostly in heavy, white pants and a long sleeve shirt, which was eerily dull, and sported black boots, gloves (the right seemed to have a pearly white pokeball embedded into the palm) and a black leather belt.

His face looked drained, but it was obvious that he once had a very strong, handsome face. He had thick black messy hair, one thin left eyebrow, and was lacking any hair at all around his right eye, which was covered in a patch.

The air around the man seemed cold, and tortured, but friendly.

The man that stood before him said "My name is Renard; I was experimented on before they got hold of you. They are trying to break you, that's why they didn't give you pain killers, and why you were awake during the operation." His lips barely moved, but his voice was clear and easy to understand, even though everything else was fading in and out of focus.

The young man repeated, "Renard?"

"yes" replied Renard

The young man wanted to say his own name, but he couldn't remember it...

Renard gave a small smile (which seemed to cause him physical pain), "you can't remember your name, right?"

The young man shook his head.

Renard's face returned to being flat, "get out of here, they will send you off the island for further testing in a month or so, as soon as you get off the helicopter look for a large crowd, make a scene and flee. Seven won't fire at you if there are too many witnesses..."

The young man stared at Renard as he tried to grasp what was going on. He was confused, to a startling degree.

Renard turned to leave, and noticed that there were no electronics in the room, he looked back at the young man and asked "you trained electric pokemon, didn't you?"

The young man did not remember.

Renard frowned, and left, leaving the young man alone in the room, which now felt extremely empty. It only contained him, the bed, and the IV hanging from a carbon rod.

The young man fell onto the bed, and gasped in pain as he once again remembered his wounds.

Two nurses who were stationed outside the door to his room rushed in, and checked his stitches for tears. They also told him that he shouldn't be up, or get too exited.

The young man asked "who was that Renard man?"

One of the nurses looked at him questionably and responded "what man?"

The young man felt a jab in his arm, and became very light.

*The next afternoon*

The young man shifted in bed, he was awakened once more by the door opening and the unannounced entrance of a man, this one was very tall, wearing a black Italian cut suite. His looked kind and soft, it seemed to belong to a far less intimidating man.

"So I'm sure you have a lot of questions. Go ahead and ask anything you want" said the suited man with a smile.

The young man started to sit up, and asked "who are you"

The suited man did a face palm, and in a cheery voice said "Oh, how could I have forgotten my introduction, Avrum, I am Trevlin Q. Harry, but you call me Trair. I'm the supervisor of this complex, and one of the few advisors to Seven's Head, any other questions?"

The young man quickly responded with a multitude of inquiries, "Where am I? Is that my name, Avrum? What happened to me? Why am I here? How long will I be here? Why do they call you Trair?"

Trair took a seat, his ever present smile burning into Avrum's mind, he responded calmly "You are in one of Seven's new medical and military research labs, and more precisely you are located in the only complete recovery room in the East Wing of the James Nashua pokemon research building, located on the west side of the island.

The name you used when you signed up for our organization was Avrum, and you said you rejected your last name, if Avrum is your birth name or even your legal name is non of our concern.

Which brings up why and what happened to you.

You, upon wiping the competition at our annual Hirchi Pokemon Tournament, joined Seven and won 7 million credits. When you won we offered you the chance to have power beyond your imagination, and the chance to become MUCH closer to your pokemon. As I said earlier you agreed and joined Seven.

Upon your signing the Seven contract, we promptly brought you to the island, to perform the operation. The operation was a success, you're alive and it is quite obvious that you now have a great deal of power at your disposal.

Now, I'm going to answer a question you failed to ask, what power you have.

As you can see, there are no electronics or metal in this room, and as you cannot see, you are in a room insulated with slabs of rubber.?

Avrum rose an eyebrow and asked "why"

Trair grinned widely, and continued his story.
"You are producing one hell of a magnetic field, and if any metal were in your general area, you would be in the general area of a major fire hazard.

You see, you now possess many of the organs that allow a variety of electric pokemon to give their little light shows. But unlike those pokemon, you have yet to develop any control over YOUR light shows.

Starting tomorrow however you will begin training, you will learn how to focus and restrain your new ability, and you will remain here until you are able to show an acceptable level of mastery over your ability.

Finally, your last question, why they call me Trair.

Ill answer your question with another.

Why wouldn't they call me Trair?"

Trair took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair, smiling.

Avrum, while trying to retain the information he just heard, suddenly thought back to his visitor the night before.

Avrum asked "Who was that ma--"

Avrum choked on his word, as it seemed to completely slip his mind as quickly as he tried to think back to the man the night before and what he had said.

He couldn't remember.

Trair looked at him inquisitively, and asked for him to finish his question.

Avrum just said, "I forgot".

Trair lost his grin, and his eye seemed to stare directly into Avrum's mind.

"Lets keep it that way" Trair said in a cold voice

Avrum felt as if something just bounced off his head with a great force.

Trair's smile returned, and he said "One of our nurses will give you a tour of the facility in an hour, until then, you should try to eat" Trair was out of the door before Avrum could respond.

As soon as Trair had left, an extremely good looking nurse brought in a tray of food.

Avrum's eyes darted to the plate, and he realized just how hungry he was, and noticed that his IV had been removed.

The tray contained a bowl of apple sauce, a quartered peanut butter sandwich, and a small cup of apple juice. There was also a small bowl of ice-cream.

The nurse told him not to eat too quickly, and then left.

Avrum quickly began to attack the sandwich, but soon found that his throat would not let it pass. So he slowly started on the apple sauce and juice.

*58 minutes later*

Avrum had just finished his ice-cream, which had soothed his throat, which had actively fought the peanut butter sandwich.

The nurse who had brought in the tray reentered and started to speak in a standard tour guide voice "My name is Alice Tremell and I will be giving you a tour of areas of the complex, to which you have proper clearance."

She offered him a hand, and helped him to get into a sitting position in his bed.

She then continued her speech "Trair arranged that clothes be brought in for you, they are located under your bed, if you wish to change out of your gown, I can assist you or if you wish to have privacy I will avert my attention until you have finished changing, however I am required to stay in the room in case of an accident."

Avrum suddenly noticed that he was clad in only a standard hospital gown, and was glad he had something to walk around in. He requested the nurse turn around.

Struggling with the knot on his gown, he requested that Alice help him untie the knot, she complied and then returned to her turned position.

He pulled the clothes out from under the bed, and began to get dressed.

He was provided with an interesting, and highly comfortable pair of boxers, a pair of black jeans, and a slate colored t-shirt with one yellow sleeve.

"I'm ready" said Avrum

Alice turned, and hurried Avrum out the door.

The two were walking down the building's lavish hallways, Alice pointing to random devices, pictures and doorways, giving an explanation of every thing's uses.

After about four minutes Avrum quite listening to Alice's speech and began to notice little oddities that were littered all around the base.

The white tile floors seemed to have small holes located every few feet near the walls. Some hallways were half stone, making it obvious that they were located underground. Also, it seemed that the further they progressed through the seemingly endless corridors, the more strength and alertness he gained.

Avrum was pulled from his mind's state of wandering by a sudden pop, from above, and an accompanying shower of glass.

A light had burst above him.

Alice let out a high pitched sound of excitement as other lights began to flicker on and off, some breaking like the first.

A door just down the hall behind them whooshed open and two men in lab coats hurried out and grabbed the stunned Avrum from behind.

Avrum backhanded one of the men out of reflex, and was rewarded with an odd painful buzzing sensation in his attacking hand.

In seemingly slow motion, the painful buzz swept his body, and caused him to loose balance, and feeling.

He braced himself began to helplessly fall to the floor; however his descent was slowed by the gloved hand of the uninjured man who had just grabbed him.

Glass crackled under him as he was placed carefully on his back

Just before the familiar darkness of his mind crept back over him, he noticed that the lights had quite their sporadic activities, and the man he had backhanded was out cold just feet away from him, and was being checked over by Alice, who was still shaking from nervousness.


Chapter End Notes:Once again, I REALLY want reviews, tell me what you think about the story, and don't be afraid to rip it to shreds with hurtful words.

If you find any thing weird that I need to fix with the story, you can contact me at...
[email protected]
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