AGNPH Stories

Change by neoteric


Story Notes:

This is my first story. I don't plan on making many future chapters nearly as dark as this one. Also, there will be some xxx chapters in the future.

Chapter 3: Coarse Tuning

***Disclaimer: This is a work of adult material; unless it is legal to view this material and/or you're at the legal age to view pornographic material within your region then you may not read this story.

Do not read this story if you are easily offended.

All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

This story is not to be posted on any site other than,, or, and/or included in any unauthorized collection of stories, and/or distributed for profit, without consent of the author, excluding the distributed for profit part, you can't do that even with my consent.
Avrum's eyes felt like sandpaper as consciousness returned to him.He was in what looked like a very large blue-tinted glass box. The box seemed to be suspended in the air by cables. One of the walls seemed to have a circular door, but there was no obvious way to open it. The air was very dry, and smelt metallic.Three figures looked in at him from the glass wall to his left. Each wore a full body covering which consisted of a blue jumpsuit made from some unknown heavy material, and a hood made from the same material, which completely covered their heads. A large reflective plate covered their faces, and a set of large black boots and gloves that stretched halfway up their forearms made it impossible to tell who they were.One of the figures looked over at him and the other two turned slightly to see him, they stood in their group for a few more seconds, then split up and begin to walk quickly around the room.Avrum watched them for a few moments as they quickly went about their pushing of buttons and pulling of levers, as feeling began to return to his body, he noticed cold points scattered around his body, which were caused by what looked like small coins stuck tight to his skin, then he became strikingly aware of his nudity.His mind quickly came to full attention, and began to focus all his energy on protecting his modesty, and forgetting about the coin-like devices which littered his body.After a short and rather uncomfortable series of futile attempts to hide himself, he noticed a large screen located on the wall opposite of the lab's door.The screen read "This will be a set of training exercises, which should allow you to control your body's rate of electrical discharge, and its ability to regulate the rate at which your body absorbs electricity from your environment.The first exercise will require you to connect the numbered wires which will be fed through the port to your left, to the contact point of matching number, which are already attached to your body."Avrum looked to his left to see the circular door slightly opened, and several thick wires fed through the small opening.He picked up the wires, and attached them to himself as instructed, the wires were apparently held to him by either magnets or a vacuum.After attaching all of the wires he looked back to the screen.It flashed, and the previous words once were, now read"Very good, we will now begin to attempt to draw electricity from your body, you should feel a slight burning sensation near the point at which the current will be drawn, and you will also feel a slight stinging sensation near the point at which current will be fed.You are to direct the current from the feeding point to the drawing point. Failure to do so will result in your loss of consciousness or death, as voltage is increased.The flow of current through your body will be shown on this screen when the exercise begins, the intensity of red will indicate the uncontrolled current, and a green bridge will represent a working connection"The word "death" caught his attention, as did the sudden sensation of burning in his left hand, and stinging in his right.He had no idea how he was to direct the current, and began to touch his hands together, thrust one arm forward and the other back, as well as a multitude of other pointless attempts to direct the flow. None of his actions affected the screen's readings at all.The sensations in each of his hands slowly grew more intense, the general sting in his right arm had crossed from annoying, and over to painful. He tried to pull at the cords, but they held tight.After what seemed like hours of agony had passed, his arm twitched and he noticed that the stinging feeling seemed to begin to travel from his arm, and down his back, this worried him.However he imagined the sting spreading through his whole body, and killing him.As soon as he pictured this, he was shocked to feel his body be flooded with the painful sting. He recoiled from the sudden spread in pain, and the sting returned to its position on his arm and back.Realizing what had just happened; he began to imagine the sting spreading from his right arm to his left. He prepped for a sudden relief of pain, but instead was rewarded with a horrible pain in his chest, and an inability to breath.He recoiled once more, and the pain faded, as the stinging returned to its former position.Once again he tried to focus the sensation to his left hand, this time following its current route, and this time was rewarded with a sudden dull flow of heat between his hands, as well as a sudden lack of the stinging sensation.He looked at the screen and saw that a green blur was made between his hands.The screen then flashed, and words reappeared in front of him, they read "The next part of the exercise will carry a higher potential danger; a rapidly changing current will be passed through you with a much higher maximum voltage. You will be required to maintain the connection you have formed, failure to do so will result in either loss of consciousness or death."The screen that indicated the flow of current returned.He began to sweat as he felt the flowing change in current. His focus was intense.The heat which passed through his body went from barely noticeable to moderate, then back to barely noticeable, and jumped up to nearly unbearable, and then fell. This went on for a few minutes before the current died and words reappeared on the screen."The next exercise will be like the previous, except the current will also be shut off and restarted three times through the processThe same risks apply"He braced himself once more, and a sudden jolt of pain shot through his right arm, he quickly reconnected it with his left, but was shaken by the speed at which the connection had to be reformed.The current then shut off, and he was hit with an unsuspected burst of burning in his left hand, then a familiar bolt of pain in his right.Once again he reformed the connection.These went on until he was able to reform and break the connection efficiently.The last sequence consisted of three high voltage shut reconnections, and two nearly undetectable shut-offs.Words returned on the screen."You will be allowed ten minutes to rest, and then we will proceed with the next exercise. A small shock will be given when your break is over"Avrum sighed, and sat down. He was drenched in sweat, which was quickly evaporating. His whole body was numb, and his chest was sore from his second attempt at directing the electricity.He also felt extremely tense and uneasy.A thought them came to him, "what if he could produce his own electricity, like pokemon could?" he imagined energy building in his left hand, to his surprise he did feel a slight tingling, he then tried to let loose his built up power.He felt the energy dissipate, but was not rewarded with any display of his electrical offensive power. He was also shocked by his foot. The screen flashed and new words were displayed."The next exercise will be forming connections between different parts of you body.You will receive random mid power jolts through the various connections on your body, you will be required to reroute the electricity's low through another connection, you will not be able to use one connection more than once, after one use the connection will be cut off from its ground.The same risks apply"He was then shocked in his stomach, and routed it to is left foot. Then he was shocked from his right foot and he routed it to his elbow.This repeated itself until all seven ports were used for both sending and receiving current.Then the monitor flashed and the words reappeared"The last exercise will require you to store electricity in your body, and then deliver the stored energy to the receptor that will be fed through the port to your leftYou will not be able to make physical contact with the receptor"The cables then fell to the ground, and were quickly retracted into the port in the wall; they were replaced with a softball sized metal sphere on a meter long pole.He heard a light buzzing sound, and then felt the room around him fill with static, he tried to pull the electricity in the air through his right hand, he felt a small amount of current flow through, but not much.Then he tried to pull in with both hands, more current, still not much.Realizing what he needed to do, he tried pulling in with his whole body.He tensed as his body was flooded with a pleasant warm feeling, like being under a thick wool blanket on a cool day.The warmth slowly turned into a burn, as Avrum realized he had no clue how to store his collected energy.He focused on the intensity of the heat, and its locations around his body. It became apparent that there was less heat in the left side of his lower back, which was where he had to pass the electricity through, when he was connecting the flow between his hands.Avrum focused the burn to this area, and slowly noticed that the general heat in his body was fading. After a few minutes of this, the heat began to build again and he was unable to focus any more of it to his lower back.He took this as a sign that he was at his limit, and quit taking in the energy from the air around him.The screen flashed once again, and said"The next step in the exercise, requires you to form a connection between your body, and the receptor, using the energy you have stored."Avrum faintly wondered how they detected that he was done storing the static.He noticed that the air lost its charged feel, and began to focus some of the energy he had stored into his right hand, he noticed that by forcing some energy out with one finger, and in with one next to it, he was able to bridge the electricity between the two and form a miniature Jacobs Ladder.He saw that this was awesome and continued to do it.And he was amused.After a few minutes of bridging he built up a much higher concentration of energy in his hand and let loose in the direction of the receiver. A bridge was successfully formed and the screen flashed once again."You have successfully completed the training exercises, in a few minutes you will be released from the cell and brought to your new quarters.However, before you are released, you are to release all of your stored energy into the receiver."Avrum smiled with relief and emptied all of his energy into the receiver. The receiver then retracted from the opening in the wall, and the cell was lowered to the ground.One of the men wheeled a small staircase to the cell and offered Avrum a gloved hand, to help him through the opening.Avrum climbed through, and started to walk down the stairs. He didn't realize how tired he was, and required help to keep his balance.Upon reaching the ground, another of the suited men came and helped him into the passenger seat of what looked like a golf cart.He was driven into an airlock that lead out of the lab, two large double doors shut behind the car, and a whishing sound was heard coming from the floor, and a odd cherry smell filled the room.The man who was in the driver's seat got out of the cart, and began removing his suit, and placing it in one of the white lockers that lined one of the walls.The man, now sporting a clean white lab coat, got back into the cart and gave Avrum a black jumpsuit.Avrum suddenly became aware, once again, that he was naked. So he quickly took the jumpsuit and covered himself.The cart hoped as it began to move forward as the doors opened, and they began to navigate its way through the metal halls of the complex.The man gazed at Avrum and began to talk"So, how exactly did it feel to be in control of it all?" asked the manAvrum responded with a long detailed recount of the recent events, then asked "What am I doing all of this for?"The man responded "I don't know exactly, we researchers aren't given the exact purpose of what we are working for, but this being a weapons research facility, I would suspect that you are meant to be a weapon, however that is only an assumption, there are other explanations for the research being done in this facility..." then after a moment of silence the man started again."I'm sure you're anxious to see your new quarters, seeing as how you have spent the majority of your time here in that recovery room."Avrum nodded tiredly in response"Yes, I'm sure you will love it. I was one of those designated to overseeing it's construction, we were sure that it had everything that you could need. We had training equipment installed, so that you can practice your... um... special attacks, and record their efficiency and effectiveness. You will also have access to the training facility that is joined to the other four specialty quarters, so you can keep physically fit as well as um... uh... whatever you would call that other kind of fit."Avrum was not paying attention to anything he said"We have also installed a large television and game system. Unfortunately you will be unable to receive any channels on the television, but you will be able to have access to a slew of movies and we will consider adding any television series that you may want to our collection"The man continued talking to unhearing ears for the remainder of the long drive.They had exited the research facility and traveled across the island. Avrum was curious about the island's location and tried to see what kind of plant life, or soil, or anything else that may give hints to what part of the world he was in, but it was too dark to see beyond the pavement lit by the cart's dim lights.After a few minutes of travel, they arrived at a large dome that seemingly popped out of nowhere. The man brought the cart to a stop, and said "Well this is it, ill show you to your room and then we part ways"Avrum let a smile creep past his lips and followed the man, who was still talking, into the dome. There was a large circular corridor which was illuminated by red lights, it surrounded the perimeter of the dome, and had various doors that led into numbered rooms. The man came to a stop at a door labeled 18, and said "This is it, just put eyes up to the scanner there, and you're in."Avrum did as the man said, and the door slid open.The man offered a hand shake, and Avrum complied tiredly. As the shake was broke, Avrum quickly slid inside his room and the door swished shut behind himThe room was, like the corridor earlier, lit by red lights.Avrum slowly looked around, he saw a door with a paper which read bathroom, he went in there first. Upon taking care of business, he saw the door with a paper that read, bedroom. He locked on to his target and pushed toward it, dodging a couch and a device that looked similar to the receiver back in the lab.Avrum opened the bedroom door, and stumbled inside, he found a king sized, and VERY comfortable bed inside, which he happily spread himself onto.He then drifted into the first comfortable sleep he could remember ever having.>
Chapter End Notes:
I've had the flu for the past week, so I wrote this chapter while half delirious.

I'm too tired to proofread it as many times as I usually do, so if you find any weird things in the story e-mail me about them.I think this chapter got a little too influenced by my love of hard scifi novels.

Tell me what you think, comments make me want to write more.
speaking of comments, I accidentally killed a review by an anonymous poster when I responded to it... which isn't good since his was the most informative review I have received so, sorry Anonymous guy.
[email protected]
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