AGNPH Stories

Traveler by testa


Traveler 1

Pokemon was created by the people at nintendo. This writing has nothing to do with them or their product. Yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah all that credit giving shit. Enjoy

The noon son was rising over the forest. A lone houndoom was walking on a road, as close to a road as it could be since people rarely taveled through here. Letting out a growl the fire/dark type began looking for another pokemon to beat down. "Why the hell did I decide to go through this forest? I can barely see a few feet in front of my face."

He knew why though. He was set on reaching the volcanoe where his kind was meeting for their usual mate finding thing or what ever they called it. "I just had to take a short cut. Now istead of taking two extra weeks going the long way around it's going to be two weeks getting out of this damn place." He let out a small shadow ball at one of the hundreds of trees. "Why am I even bothering? I wont find any female deserving of me. Besides I wont stay in any place long." He sighed looking up at the sky, "why am I doing this?"

Before he could continue his long list of reasons for turning back he heard a cry for help. "What the hell?" When it came again he pin pointed the direction and raced off toward it. "Finally some fun."

About fifty yards from the "road" a female absol was surronded by a pack of mightyena. The group walked back and forth around the cornerd absol. The leader was the only one staying still giving a sharp gaze at the female. He had a large scar across his for head and his fur was torn and damaged at various places showing he had been through many battles and lost none. He gave the absol an evil grin, "well, well, well, what do we have here? an absol come down from the mountains to grace us with her presence." the pack began laughing as their boss brought more fear into the already terrified dark pokemon.

"Wha.... you.....wa....nt?" was all she could say.

"Why, we want to have some fun." the leader chuckled.

One of the other mightyena added his voice, "boss we shouldn't let her get off such pertinent questions. After all she did come into our territory."

"You got a point she is trespassing. Heh heh heh and we can't let that go unpunished."

"I didn't know.......please I'm sorry.....please just let me go." the female pleaded.

The leader got another wicked grin, "since you asked so nicely I guess we wont tear you to a thousand bite sized pieces." The pack all laughed which sent a wave of fear down the absol. "But, we cant just let you go. I think we deserve to have some fun with you since you made us chase you." The leader got up to reveal what he had in mind. The absol froze on seeing the leaders cock hanging down.

"I expect the lot of you to stay back you can have your fun when I'm done with her." the leader began walking toward the recoiling absol.

The dark female tryed to back up but was pinned to the wall. She closed her eyes and sreamed, "SOME ONE PLEASE HELP!!!!!"

The leader was at a full charge when a fire blast landed right in front of him stopping him cold. With a loud growl the leader let out a massive roar, "who the hell did that?"

From the foliage the houndoom appeared. The mightyena pack forgot all about the absol and focused on this new comer. The leader let out a loud bark, "who are you and why are you meddling in our affairs?"

"My name isn't revealed to a pack of weak, fools and I'm here to have some fun thrashing those same weak, fools." He replied.

Two of the pack lunged at the intruder intent on ripping out his throat. The houndoom jumped over the first and came down on the other one with an iron tail. With a swift turn the houndoom blasted the othe in the back with a shadow ball launghing him into a nearby tree. With another turn the houndoom was facing the rest of the pack with a sharp toothed grin. "Next."

The leader gave the order and five of the group launched at him. As the lead one closed in the houndoom use double team causing the lead to run strait into the one who recieved the iron tail. The other four began searching for their target. Landing another iron tail on one of them the houndoom quickly set about blasting the others with shadow balls and fire blasts. That left only the leader with his last six followers.

At their leaders bark the remaining ones cautiosly approched the fire/dark pokemon. When they refused to attack the houndoom went on the offensive. A string of shadow balls created a dust screen over the hapless mightyena. The houndoom charged in and took out half of the attackers with fireblasts to the head. The other three charged at the sounds of the attacks. One recieved a swift iron tail to the jaw sending him sailing the other two ran into each other and were sone sent flying by a swift shadow ball blast.

The leader stepped forward eyeing his opponet carefully. He went for a full speed take down hoping the houndoom would lose his footing. As he neared the houndoom launched another double team appearing right under the mightyena and deliverd one last iron tail sending the leader sky ward. Despite the ferocity of the hit the leader flipped around to face the houndoom and show off how he wasn't like his underlings. Greeting his gaze, however, was houndoom preparing a hyperbeam. In the air the mightyena counldn't dodge and was hit full force by the blast. The leader was sent soaring over the trees and landed far away with a dull thud. The rest of the pack began running in the direction their leader went.

"Get lost you bunch of insignifigant scum." houndoom roared with a final shadow ball. The absol was still standing in the same place she had been on her rescuers arrival, stunned to see how a pack of mightyena had been beaten off by one houndoom.

"Are you alright?"

The absol jumped at the question, "huh....ohh yes." The houndoom was checking just to make sure she was. She noticed that he had a scar over his right eye. "Did you get that when fighting those guys? I'm sorry."

The houndoom just shrugged, "I got this when I was still a houndour pup. Don't worry." he gave her a reassuring smile. "my name's Inferno."

The absol looked at him, "Inferno?"

"Yeah I was a fire starter since I was born. Even burned up the bedding my parents made." Inferno chuckled at the memory.

"My names Sky. It's nice to meet you."

"Sky huh? Not a bad name." He thought it fit too since her fur was as white as the clouds.

"It was the name my trainer gave me." Inferno saw her face sag a little. She obviously wasn't happy with a memory of that trainer.

"Where's your trainer now?"

"Gone. Forever." Her face grew even sadder.

"Don't tell me that you trainer believed that damn myth about absol being bringers of disaster and abandoned you." Inferno lost his temper easily with people, especially trainers.

Sky looked at him with a solid gaze, "she would have never done that. Don't you dare think she didn't want me."

Inferno also knew that some trainers did care for their pokemon and a seperation wasn't always intentional. "Sorry about that it's just I don't here people speak of absols favorably."

Sky's gaze softened, "No I'm sorry you didn't really know you just guessed."

"So what actually happened?"

"She died." Sky's eyes dropped, "she died saving me."

Sky went on to tell how they were walking near a river when a part of the path gave way sending them down into the rushing rapids. Sky's trainer held her up above the water and took the impacts with the rocks and boulders on the way. They were nearing a water fall when her trainer grabbed a low hanging branch. She had thrown Sky onto land first, but was too weak to pull herself up. Before Sky could help the branch broke sending the human down the falls.

"When I found her body other humans had already reached her and were putting her into a black bag. I knew she didn't survive. That was six months ago."

Inferno sat through out the tale and didn't make a sound for a minute after she was done. Finally he felt he needed to break the silence. "I'm sorry for what happend. Your trainer really did love you. Not many are willing to do what she did I can tell you that."

Sky looked up at him, "curious how do you hear of the way people act and all that?"

Inferno was grateful for a change of topic since the current one was obviously hard on her. "I'm a travler. I've been ....well damn near very where I guess."

"So where are you off to now traveler?"

"A volcanoe not far from the other side of this forest. My kind are haveing a mate finding thing or some such over there. Thought it would be some fun to check it out."

"On the other side.......can I tag along until we leave this forest?"

Inferno looked at her slightly puzzeled, "look I'm not running a babysitting service."

"Please let me tag along you saw the bind I was in with those mightyena. I'm trying to get to a city. Please I'll get food I'll do what ever you need me too just please let me come along." Sky looked at him with big, round, pleading eyes.

Inferno was kicking himself, "I'm such a softing for a female in need." he told himself, "She probably won't make through her on her own either."

He sighed, "alright I'll escort you across the forest. Just try not to fall behind okay."

Sky gave him a big smile, "don't worry I'll stay at your side throughout this trip. I guarentee you wont notice me all that much."

Still kicking himself for allow her to play tag along Inferno set off for the road with Sky right behind him. "At least she'll provide some company, I was about to go insane from bordom during this trip."

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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