AGNPH Stories

Traveler by testa


Traveler Pt.2

Traveler Pt.2
All the technical stuff to avoid being sued: adult content of m/f orientation, pokemon orientation. read at own risk.
Pokemon was created by nintendo you know the drill folks
Recap for you Inferno=Male Houndoom Sky=Female Absol

Inferno and Sky had been traveling together for five days. True to her word Sky had remained out of sight unless Inferno started the conversation. Despite his intial reservation about escorting her Inferno enjoyed Sky's company. After years of traveling alone with the occasional "partner" Inferno had forgotten how placent a conversation was. He had also forgotten how simple questions produced unexpected results during this afternoon. "I have a question Sky."

She looked up, "about?"

"Why didn't you stand up to those mightyena that were harassing you when we met?"

Sky went a little crimson at the question though Inferno couldn't understand why he told her he knew what they were planning to do. She didn't seem to upset or shy about saying they planned to rape her. Her reply answered both the voiced and silent question, "Well I was scared I was new to being on my own and honestly," she went redder, "I didn't want my first time to be as unpleasent as that."

Inferno barely registered what she said at first, and when it finially hit he triped over his own feet. "YOUR A VIRGIN?"

Sky's normally dark blue face went bright crimson. "Well uhhh....yes."

Inferno lay there in a complete heep utterly shocked that she led such a sheltered life.He was sure a male would have been with her by now. Sky gave him a puzzled look, "You thought I wasn't?" she started to get that irratated note in her voice.

"Honestly yeah. I thought you would have been with at least one male by now."

Her gave went from puzzled to pissed, "and I suppose youv'e been with every female this side of the planet."

"Not that many but it is enough that I lost count."

Sky went even redder if that was at all possible, "well what made you think I would of had a mate before."

This question left him speechless. Why did he think she should have been with a male before. Nothing came to mind and rather than get her angrier decide to change the subject. "Ohh nevermind, I'm just hungry so my mind is playing tricks on me." as if on cue Sky's stomach began to growl, "and I hear you need some food too. So lets drop this and pretend I never asked."

A second growl bite off any remark to keep on the subject, "Fine."

They set off into the deeper woods looking for meat or if that proved useless anything else edible. Sky's ability to take down prey was what had provoked his initial question. He didn't think she was a weak newborn as he watched her take down a full grown Stantler with one clean razor wind. She had proven adept at hunting so a battle with a couple of mightyena shouldn't have proven tough.

As they stalked through the undergrowth Inferno's kept returning to why he thought she should have had at least one mate by now. He didn't have an answer any time the question popped back in his head. He thought he was on to something but lost it as quickly as he got it. He was about to just sit down and really ponder the question when they caught the sent of some more stantler. They started to move towards the source of the smell and soon came upon a herd of them. They were next to one of the mountains in the area so there escape routes were cut down even more than usual. Sky crept up behind them while Inferno waited for their mad charge in his direction. Sky was ready to pounce when a rumbling began.

At first Inferno thought it was a small quake, but when Sky looked just as surprised he knew it wasn't natural. The stantler had scattered so hiding was pointless. As Sky approached a huge explosion came from the mountain. Inferno didn't know what caused it, it could have been people, an angry voltorb, anything. What Inferno did know was that it caused a large boulder to go toppling down strait for sky.

Sky was caught off gaurd and stood frozen as the massive rock came barreling towards her. As the giant stone got closer and closer Sky thought for sure she was going to die. When the boulder was just 10 yards away from her Inferno popped up shoving clear of the speeding projectile. However, Inferno put himself infront of the boulder and left no time for a dodge. Making a last ditch jump Inferno avoided being crushed, but still was hit. The impact launched him strait into a tree creating a loud crack, he just hoped that it was the tree.

Sky came running toward him, "my god Inferno are you okay?"

Biting back a barage of curses directed at everything Inferno made a weak smile, "I've been through worse. Not much, but still."

Sky wasn't reassured in the least by the smile or the joke he tried, "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault if only I didn't freeze."

"It's alright I'm gonna live. Stop worrying." He was still smiling despite the pain racking his leg.

Sky just started crying and damning herself. "This IS all my fault. First my trainer, now you, every one around mean seems to suffer."

Inferno had kept off the topic of her trainer simply because he knew it was hard on her. He decided that he needed to take a more firm approach for her sake. "Alright thats enough!"
Sky jumped at the harsh tone, "Your trainer gave her life for you because she loved you. You couldn't control that. I pushed you out of the way because I knew it was the right thing to do. If you have a problem with my views then too bad. Now stop crying and blameing youself. I doubt I would have had sence enough to dodge that rock." He gave her a stern gaze saying that there was no room for aurgument.

Sky choked back tears and gave Inferno a smile. "Alright if you say so." Inferno was content that she would stop her histerics and focused on what to do now. But, before he could think of something a voice he didn't need to hear spoke. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the pretty little absol and the meddling houndoom."

The mightyena pack was emerging from the brush with their leader showing last. "and look our friendly meddler got himself hurt." the pack began to laugh. "I didn't appreciate what you did to us back there."

"Like I care what you appreciate." Inferno tried to sound as if he was still capable of beating them down. They didn't buy it.

"You should now because if that wimpy little absol is all you got for help you might as well tear out your own throught."

The pack began to circle them. As the group began to close in Sky stepped in front of Inferno. With a determined look she said, "Get outta here now!!"

The leader just laughed at her. "You expect me to be scared of you. Please you were a cowering little whelp back there and I don't you changed at all in five days."

Sky didn't even flinch, "Leave!!!"

"I really don't like your tone. I intended to just have my fun and leave you, but now I think I'll kill you afterwards."

Inferno was about to tell Sky to just run when one of the pack attacked. In a heart beat Sky was infront of him and unleashed a razor wind. The attack caught the mightyena in the side launching him back with a long gash dripping blood. As the rest of the pack closed in Sky unleashed a hyperbeam sending all of the attacked flailing back and into trees, rocks, and eachother.

The leader was unperterbed. "GET UP! Damn it all do I have to do everything by mys...." before he could finish a razor wind got him right at the neck. As head and body seperated the rest of the mightyena pack began to back off. "This absol isn't worth the trouble. Besides were on the boundries of our turf. Lets go." a second in command, now the new leader apparently, barked.

When the last of the mightyena were gone Sky approached Inferno. "Can you walk?"

"I don't know I think my hind leg got pretty banged up."

Sky looked up and bit her lip. "There's going to be a bad storm and soon." She looked around and spotted a cave. "think you can make it there."

Inferno looked at where she was pointing. It wasn't far he was sure he could. At his nod Sky made she he was steady when he stood, and helped him toward their goal. The cave wasn't spacious but was big enough to house them as well as a few sticks for a fire. Sky gathered all the wood she could from the surronding area and put it in a pile to use for a fire and keep th fire going.

When she finished gathering wood Inferno had to offer his opinion on her battle. "You know you did pretty well out there." Sky looked at him then realized he was refering to the fight, "I would have done it with a bit more flash but you really showed them who's the stronger girl."

Sky laughed with him. "Good to see your still able to be your brand of funny," she looked out the cave, "i'm gonna see if I can catch up with those stantler. You need some food now."

As she left Inferno's thoughts drifted to why he thought she should have had a mate already. In his mind that seemed like a trivial thing now, but he couldn't let it go. He then started to think of how well she could fight and thought that was a reason, but not the reason. He kept trying at ideas, but none seemed to fit. A bolt of lightning distracted him, the rain had started to come down and hard. He began to worry about Sky since rain made everything much more dangerous. He then thought why he should care. Damn it all caring about her safety was what got him in this mess. Why the hell should he care about what happens to her? He was going off to find a mate at the volcanoe he should be thinking about that. But as the rain fell harder and the lightning began flashing more and more his worry grew.

He was relieved when she finally showed up with the meat she went out to get. After they had eaten their fill she dumped the remains outside as she returned she began piling some of the gathered wood in the caves center. "Would you mind lighting these?" He sent out a small ember setting the wood ablaze. Sky began wiggling around as it got warmer. "I miss being dryed after getting caught in the rain. I miss getting groomed too. This is so uncomfortable."

Inferno looked at her and saw she was dripping wet. She wanted to shake it out but that would ruin the wood. "Here let me help" He got up and limped over to Sky, "this is something my mother taught me it's great for this kind of situation." Sky looked puzzled and concerned, obviously over Inferno moving to her.

Inferno got close and let out a strong heat from his mouth. The water on her head evaporated instantly leaving her dry, he then patted down her fur with his front paw. Sky let out a relaxed sigh as Inferno proceeded down her body, drying her off then patting down and smothing the fur. She enjoyed feeling his touch and warmth. A soft moan escaped her throat causing Inferno to smile. "I see your enjoying this."

"Yes it's very relaxing." Inferno continued his treatment until he was satisfied that she was dry. "Ahh it's over already? ahh well."

"Glad you liked it so much." Inferno smiled and layed down not far from her.

Sky looked at him up and down admiring his form. She was amazed at how strong he was and how fast he could be. She gave another look and stopped at his scar. When his gaze came upon her, she froze. Inferno gave her a puzzled look, "What?"

Embarresed she been caught stareing she quickly said, "How did you get that scar exactly?" She hoped that that was the only time he caught her gazing at him.

Inferno smiled, "Well I was walking along when I found a group of growliths ganging up on a pikachu. She was in trouble so I went in and stoped them. I got beaten up bad, but they were in worse shape. That pikachu carried my battered body home since I rescued her and all."

Sky smiled. Inferno was puzzled again, "What?"

Sky giggled, sending a shiver down Inferno's spine, a good one, "You seem to help out damsels in distress is all. How many others have you saved?"

"None. Only you and that pikachu got my help. Course thats because I've never came across another who needed my help." Inferno was entranced by her smile. He started to look at her up and down now. She had a marvelous body. Her fur was a beautiful white, like snow or clouds, she was sleek and graceful. Her voice was light and gentle even when she was irritated. As he began to register his own thoughts Inferno blushed. What the hell was he doing?

A game of cat and mouse started with one gazing at the other, while trying to avoid getting caught. After five minutes of silence Sky took note that Inferno's fur was a mess, "Inferno?"


"I noticed your fur is in a bit of a mess." Sky blushed, damning herself for not putting it better, "If you want I could smooth it down for you. You know to return the favor."

Inferno looked at her claws and gave a smile, "I'd like that, but I'd also like to avoid haveing those claws rip a hole in me." He chuckled.

Sky kept herself calm to avoid showing she was embarrased, "I didn't plan on using them. I have a less painful method."

"Alright then since I wont get ripped open."

Sky approached the houndoom, "How exactly do you plan on...." before he could finish Sky gave him a lick flicking back his ear. Inferno went red, a bright red. "This is how absol groom their pups." Sky informed him.

Inferno just nodded and set himself up for the treatment. Sky began to lick down all his fur along his head and neck. When she reached his front legs she began to go down those ending at the feet. When her tongue reached his foot he twitched and let out a chuckle. Sky eyed him, "Ticklish are we?" She giggled.

"Just a little." Inferno hide another blush. What the hell was he doing? "I shouldn't be getting so embarrased" he scolded himself.

Sky went to the other leg and applied the same treatment. When she reached the foot she began to lightly lick earning a twitch and suppresed laugh from the canine. She continued to play with him a bit before continuing her work. She went down his back makeing sure his fur was nice and smooth. At his rear legs she was next to the injured and looked at his leg for a moment. She bit back the thought of apoligizing again for what happened afraid to put him in a bad mood. She went down the leg gently earning a small groan from him. "Glad to know your enjoying yourself." Inferno just barely nodded. She continued down to his foot and was tempted to play with it a bit but decided a sudden movement could put him in worse pain. She moved to the other side and went down his final leg. Toward the foot she began to have her fun slowly licking it back and forth. After taking the treatment for so long Inferno let out a loud laugh causing his leg to jet out. Sky went a bright red then just standing there.

Inferno had been enjoying Sky's gentle groaming making soft moans and groans through out it. When she stopped he thought she was done, but wonder why she hadn't moved. When he look back he saw why. When his rear leg went out it pushed his body up revealing his 5" member lightly pulsing. Sky was standing there stiff and still as a rock looking at his dick. When she snapped out of her trance and noticed Inferno was watching her she went an even brighter crimson and made a swift turn away. Inferno had also gone a bright shade of red and immediatly covered his member and turned his head in the opposite direction of Sky.

Inferno let out a quiet sorry that was barely audiable over the storm and fire. Sky just layed down trying, in vain, to compose herself. She was stunned that Inferno had gotten like that because of her, but was shocked more by the fact she liked knowing she was the cause. Her breathing increased signifigantly as she thought again of his member just pulsing right in front of her. He obviously had no idea that he had gotten stiff otherwise he wouldn't have been just as surprised by what happened.

Inferno was busy let out a silent string of curses at himself for not noticing. He should have felt what was going on down their. He couldn't believe he let himself get so lost in how nice it felt to have her near him. At that last thought he went redder.

Niether of them had any idea how much time passed in silence. Sky was the one to break it, " didn't know were enjoying it that much."

What little composure he had mustered fell apart at that sentence. "Sky I'm sorry I didn't mean to um," he began turning his head, "I'm really sor..." his apology was cut off by her swift kiss to his muzzle. She then pushed him onto his good leg.

Inferno was dumbstruck, "What are you doing?" was all he could voice.

"I think I should umm....fix what I did." Hopeing that would explain things enough she bent her head down and started to lick his member back to its full length. When it was back at its original pulsing state she began to slowly suck on it. Her tongue started to wrap around and massage his tip while her lips tightened. She slowly moved her head back and forth with her tongue constantly playing with his tip. He began to buck his hips as she went on letting out a soft moan and in complete disbelief of what was happening. His pre began to leak out slowly, which she swallowed with a little trouble at first, the taste was very good. She continued to suck him going faster her tongue starting to go every way around his member. He responded by pushing his hips faster as pre came out at increased intervals. Sky kept up her treatment slowly increasing speed as more and more of his pre leaked from his cock. He bucked faster with her trying his hardest to keep himself from cumming. It was a futile fight and sure enough he felt the usual signs. As his balls began to contract he let out a small howl. Sky was surprised when he came but tryed to drink all of his seed, with only a bit escaping her mouth and dripping on the ground.

Sky backed away from him as his member went back in his sheath, "I did good, right?"

Inferno looked at her a bit before giving her a smile, "you did a bit too good for a virgin." Thats when he smelt her aroma. She was trying to keep her paw where it was, avoiding pushing it back to her wet pussy. Inferno looked at her a bit long before getting up and approaching her, "lay on your back." Sky was obviously reluctant, "trust me you'll like it. Besides I really should return the favor."

Sky slowly layed down and rolled onto her back, exposing her dripping wet pussy. Inferno bent down and started to like the area around it. Sky moaned softly as he continued to slowly like around. He then started to lick her lips, earning a small groan. He move his tongue to her clit next, slowly flicking and circling it. Sky let out his name with a moan as he sped up. He bit her clit earning a small yelp but continued to eat her out. After he deemed he was finished with playing with her outside he brought his muzzle close to her lips, layed down, and rammed his tongue into her. Sky nearly sceamed as she felt his tongue go every where it could. Inferno licked her walls as she let out a constant supply a moans and groans. She pushed her sex up into his snout willing his tongue to go deeper into her. He obliged pushing his tongue as far down as he could licking her walls and looking for her spot. When his tongue hit it Sky let out loud moan with his name as he continued to move his tongue against it. Inferno built up a heat in his mouth and slowly let it out into her pussy pushing her over the edge. With a soft scream Sky's walls contracted around his tongue and pushed out her juices where he eagerly laped them up. Sky layed there enjoying what she was told was an afterglow.

When it wore off she looked at Inferno with a smile on her lips. Inferno returned her smile. She looked down and saw that his member had reappered. She let out a giggle, "Did I do that?"

Inferno turned his head to the side, "Well I couldn't help it."

She came up to him and gave him another kiss, "Then would you like to be my first?"

He looked at her with a serious gaze, "are you sure?" She nodded, "Then yes I'd love too."

Sky turned around and raised her rear. Inferno got behind her and slowly brought his dick up to her lips. He slowly pushed forward when he felt her pussy. She let out a soft cry as a small trickle of blood went down from her crotch. He inserted only 2" of his cock and slowly began going back and forth, in and out to the tip. Sky began moaning as he moved inside her. He slowly eased more of himself into her as they kept going. Sky felt as if she was going to melt as he sped up. He slipped in 3" than 3-1/2 and kept increasing the pace as he pounded her. When he reached 4" he was going fast enough to produce a slapping sound every time he went in. Inferno was amazed that she felt so good, she was definatly a virgin before. Sky was in a state of pure extasy now, reveling in the feel of Inferno going in and out of her. She was panting from the shear enjoyment she was having. He finally began pushing all 5" into her at a pace only a canine could achieve. He grunted as he fought the will to cum. He was sent on her doing it a second time first. The combination of the slapping, the feeling, and his fast leaking pre had put Sky at the edge as well. She knew she would cum soon and she was right. Her walls contracted around his dick as she wailed and her fluid came out adding a splashing sound to his thrusts. The contraction of her walls had pushed Inferno even further and as his balls contracted again he pulled out and drove in with his most powerful thrust unloading his seed into her with a howl. He kept lightly fucking her makeing sure all his seed was in her before he started to get up. "Wait, Inferno please just lay on me." Sky pleaded to him.

"Sure, but don't think I do this everytime this isn't the best position for laying down you know." He chuckled. Sky let out her own giggle. "Sky, Thanks for giving me the honor of being your first."

"Thanks for being my first, Inferno." Sky gave him a light lick on the cheek before she slipped of into a serine slumber. Inferno stayed where he was enjoying the remainder of the after glow. He gave her a small lick before setting his head down. "I wasn't expecting this when I let her tag along. I'm glad I'm such a sap for a female in need." He told himself as he slowly drifted off to sleep.


That ends part 2. Plan on doing a part 3. Really happy with this one since i figured out that spell check was on this thing. noticed my 1st was pretty bad. Hope you liked.
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