AGNPH Stories

Traveler by testa


Traveler Pt.3

Traveler pt.3
This story contains M/F pokemon sexual content, be legal age you know the drill
Pokemon was created by the guys at nintendo
The last part to my traveler tale enjoy.

Six days had passed since Inferno and Sky's night in the cave. After they awoke they had went at it again and a third time that night. Since then they enjoyed one another every night and morning. Inferno was counting up the days, "Yep two weeks. It's been two weeks since I entered this forest. Might be less if I didn't lose a day due to my leg." He told himself. A lose? Not likely, he gained something in exchange for that day. He turned and looked at Sky.

The absol was not her usual peppy self, she gave up being unheard after that night. Since then she always was right by him asking questions or playing around. Today she seemed a bit depressed though. He knew why though, a pidgey told them that morning that they would exit the forest by tomorrow afternoon. The two enjoyed the others company but when they reached the forest's end they would split up.

"Hey Sky?" Inferno asked

She raised her face a little, "Yes"

"Why are you going to that city any way?"

"I was hopeing to find a new trainer."

The houndoom grunted. He was off to find a mate during the big gathering his kind did at a local volcanoe. All he planned to do was let her tag along up till then, then leave her to her own agenda. She planned the same thing. They never expected to become close. But, were they close? "Nah cant be. It was just passion. She'd never had a male before and I gone without company for a long time before then." He told himself, "Besides it cant work she wants a new trainer. I can't be cooped up in a ball. I enjoy my freedom too much to be some humans little pet." Inferno sighed not sure whether to rejoice that he met Sky or just start blasting things in anger.

Sky was faring no better. "We can't be together. It's not love. Just lust.....right? Why can't I tell what it is? It can't be love. If it was one of us would have said it by now. I have plans and so does he. We need to go our seperate ways." Sky was stuggling to keep her thoughts in her head, "He needs a proper mate. Another houndoom. Not an absol. He would be happy then."

They continued walking both remaining silent when a mightyena popped out of nowhere. They didn't need long to tell it was one of the pack that had been harrassing them on multiple occasions before. Rather than attack them though the dark pokemon looked at them and yelped, "Ahhh dont hurt me! I'm not here to fight." Inferno and Sky looked puzzled by the reaction and at first thought it a trick but since no other mightyena had popped up knew he was telling the truth.

"What are you doing here!?" Inferno demanded.

The mightyena began shaking, "I swear I didn't know you two were here. After you guys offed the boss the pack broke up. I went off hoping to reach a much more hospitable part of the forest. I mean we ruled this place well thanks to the boss but without him a lot of the other species have began to retake the turf we took from them. You two won't recieve any problems because everyone knows you two killed the boss but we underlings are in a lot of trouble."

Inferno smiled, "looks like we toppled an empire without even trying."

Sky visably cheered up, "We? Im the one who took him down."

"Please, If it weren't for me you would have been at their mercy the first time you met them. And the second time I wasn't up to fighting standards."

As the two continued to argue playfully the mightyena slipped off. Inferno and Sky were gratful for the intrusion as it allowed something aside from their eminant parting to occupy their thoughts. "So we brought down the kingdom that mightyena leader had built and given all the other pokemon here their land back?" Sky questioned to herself more than Inferno.

"Seems like it. I wasn't planning on freeing an entire forest when I went through here. Just goes to show that life can't always be predicted."

The last statment brought a silent damn out of him. He didn't expect a lot of the stuff that happened during this trip least of all his night with Sky. Sky had also made the connection and resumed her subdued look. "Damn it all why did I have to save her?"

As night fall neared Inferno stopped near a clearing. "Let's rest here for the night."

Sky just meakly nodded. They worked together gathering some wood and putting it in a pile at the clearings center then set off to find some pray. It didn't take long for them to find and bring down another stantler and drag it back to the clearing. After stuffing their faces Inferno lite the wood and curled up beside it. Sky curled up close by, but farther than she usually did he noted. Niether of them were in the mood for their usual activity and he doubted that would change come morning. "Our last night together and we're going to stay silent through it." They said to themselves.

Inferno wasn't going to let that happen. "Sky?"

Her head jerked up, surprised that he spoke, "Yes?"

"I umm.....You.......I'll....." He could't think of anything to say to her to ease her mind or his own, "Good night."

Sky had a slight hopefull look but it vanished, "Yeah you too."

They stayed silent the rest of the night trying to get some sleep and meeting failure every time. The fire went out leaving them bathed in moonlight. Inferno let our a sigh and just closed his eyes to avoid looking at Sky. Sky was starting to meet success with sleep as she slowly began to fade out. Inferno was also falling asleep. After 15 minutes both of them were finally asleep.

When dawn arrived Inferno awoke. He looked at Sky then remembered that by noon today they would split up. Despite every thing he told himself he gazed on her loving the way her body was made. She trim, not to large or small, and was strong. Her fur seemed to glisten in the morning sun. When he realized what he was thinking he damned himself again. Sky began to stir. As she woke Inferno got up and began streaching. Sky did the same stealing an occasional glace at Inferno.

"Well we should get going now." She said emotionlessly Inferno just nodded.

They continued their treck through the forest watching as the trees began to grow less and less dense. This had been a fringe of the mightyena packs turf. Since so many pokemon were out and about they obviously never were really scared of the pack, due to there distance from them only. Many looked at them with wide eyes. Apparently news traveled fast in these woods since these fringe dwellers had heard of the exploits of the houndoom and absol. The attention was limited to distant awe and mutterings, none of the watchers approached them. "We really are famouse aren't we?" Inferno stated.

"I like it."

They continued on past the other pokemon and trees. The day seemed to be going by fast and slow at the same time. It seemed like their seperation was just around the corner and at the same time it felt that like they were waiting forever for the inevitable. At noon they finally broke free from the forest and came to a four way intersection of an actual road. One went off towards a city in the horizon, another went off to a volcanoe in the distance, a third snaked around the forest, and the fouth was the delapidated one of the forest. All led to a destination with no detours or side roads, probably for easy protection and ability to watch for approaching trouble another slightly less dense forest sperated the city from the volcanoe.

The time they dreaded had come at last. Inferno looked at Sky and was certain he saw tears in them. He was also certain that he might have tears of his own. Sky looked down the path she planned to take. She started down it, but turned around a bit later, with a smile on her face, "Good luck Inferno. I hope you find a nice mate. And I hope you have some good pups. Thank you so much for all the help."

Inferno looked up at her, "Sky..."

She continued as if he never even spoke, "I'm off to see if I can find a new trainer. Won't be that hard I'm sure. I know you'll have an easy time getting a mate. Thanks again for the escort." her voice nearly broke, "Be happy Inferno. Good bye." Sky darted down the path never looking back. Inferno watched her go until she turned a corner and vanished behind the brush of a small wood land next to the road.

Inferno turned down the path he planned to take. He began walking down it. "No point in worrying any more. She's gone and she seemed happy. If she would have said something if she didn't want to split. She want's a new trainer and I want a mate." Inferno was telling himself, "She cant be a mate for me. I need another houndoom. She can't be my mate.........She can't.......Can she? What am I doing? She would have said something if she wanted......She wants a trainer any way I don't want to be some human's slave. I want it this way. Yeah. I want it to be like this....right." He began shaking his head violently as the war raged in his mind, "It was only lust. Thats all it was lust. It WAS lust. Wasn't it? Could it be.....NO! It was lust, passion, a build up of need.....Then why did it go on for all those days?" He began to thrash about going left and right caught in the hurricane of his thoughts. When he stopped thrashing he was facing a path. "This is the path I have to take I know it. I can't look back at what could have been." He raced off leaving his doubts behind and never turning back. He was on the road he had to be on and he knew where he had to go to be happy.

Sky had stopped running when she was sure she was far enough from him. She finally turned around, "Good bye my sweet Inferno I'll miss you." She went off at a much slower pace now. After she had been walking for 15 minutes she looked back half hoping to see Inferno running after her. In those 15 minutes she only traveled about a mile from the fork. "If he wanted to come after me he would have been here by now. Good! He should be with other houndooms. He'll be happy there. He wouldn't want to be with a trainer any how. Then again would I still want a trainer if he came.....What does it matter he's not here. I should be happy that he'll lead a life he wants." Despite her words tears began falling. She forced herself onward damning herself for not saying what she thought she felt. "It wasn't love though. It was just desire. Desire....right?" She shook her head. No matter what she said it still felt like a hole had been made in her heart. As she continued she heard the nearby brush rusle and then felt something hit her hard in the side. Her first thoughts were that the mightyena had gathered again and came after her looking for vengence. When she turned around she saw something she didn't expect in the least. It was a face with a scar over the right eye.

"In....Inferno?" She just barly gasped.

Inferno looked at her and gave her a smile, "Fansy meeting you here."

As they got up two things raced through her mind. The first was a combination of joy, exileration, and a pure light feeling. The second was confusion mixed with anger. The latter was what surfaced, "Why are you here?" she slightly screamed.

Inferno wasn't expecting to hear that, "I want to be, thats why."

"You should be off with your own kind. You should be with other houndoom and have their pups. You shouldn't be here."

Inferno really wasn't expecting this at all, "You mean your not happy to see me?" He had gained a truly saddened tone.

Sky's eyes went down, "I didn't say that."

Inferno looked her in the eyes, "Sky are you happy that I'm here? Please give me a straight answer."

Sky sighed, "I've never been happier but you should....." before she could finish Inferno came in and gave her a kiss. Slowly Sky closed her eyes enjoying Inferno's tongue in her mouth. After a minute Inferno broke it, "I don't need another houndoom. I don't need pups. What I need is you. I love you Sky and I don't want to be without you."

Sky went red, "Inferno I uhhh.......I love you too." They continued kissing for another minute. When they broke Sky started off for the shrubs, "I don't know how you feel about it but I don't want a stray person to interupt us." She gave him a seductive smile. Inferno eagerly followed.

When they reached a suitable clearing Sky pushed him on his back. She saw his male hood had already gotten an inch from just kissing her. "My, my, my you really do want me, don't you?" She gave him a small lick on the cheek as he blushed and turned his head.

She began to lick his member slowly, causing it to get longer and longer. When it was finally at it's maximum length of 5 inches she began to slowly suck it. Inferno made a slight moan from the pleasure that seemed to be magnified a thousand times. Sky contiued her treatment when Inferno ajusted himself so that he was under her and he began licking her wet pussy. Sky let our a small moan and continued to suck him off. Her tongue was lightly massaging his tip as she increased the speed. Inferno began playing with her clit lighly biting it earn a satisfied groan from Sky. Sky went faster as Inferno stuck his tongue in her. The two kept at it Sky going faster as Inferno kept looking for her sweet spot. Sky was slowly groaning and moaning as Inferno ate her out. Inferno began building up the heat in his mouth while he seached for her pleasure spot. When he hit it Sky made the loudest moan he heard and he began to go up and down it, left and right. The added heat was rapidly pushing Sky over the edge. She sped up her efforts going up to the tip then down to the base haveing her tongue message his prick every step of the way. When he felt the tell tale signs that he was about to cum Inferno realsed the heat he built up right into Sky. The sudden heat rush was the final push Sky needed. As she came into Inferno's waiting maw his balls contracted and released his cum. They both swallowed each other's juices to the last drop and layed their basking in the afterglow.

Sky looked at Inferno's dick and was surprised to see that it was still hard and pulsating. She got up and turned around so her face was in front of his. She gave him another seductive smile, "You really really want me." He blushed, "Well ask and you shall recieve, with a thank you I might add."

He looked at her, still blushing, "anything for my mate."

It was the first time she heard him refer to her that way. She nealy melted at how good it sounded to her ears. His mate. She smiled and got herself into position. She slowly found his tip and began to push her pussy in. She went slow going down all the way then rising up to the tip. As she went on she went faster. Inferno began bucking his hips as she went up and down his shaft. A soft moan escaped her lips and she sped up even more. She went faster and faster. After they been at it for a while she dimounted and raised up her ass, "If you want more work for it." He obliged and mounted her. He went at the same pace they were at before and was slowly going faster. As he continued to pump her a steam of moans and groans ecaped Sky, along with his name occasionally. Sky was in a state of pure joy and close to her second climax. The final push was when Inferno said her name with a moan. Hearing him say her name in that fashion was just too much for her. As her walls contracted she cummed a second time. The juices she had poured out gave his humping a satisfieing splashing sound. Inferno was struggling to keep it up and not blow, but it was a meaningless effort. As he began pumping her at a rate only a canine could achieve his balls contracted. He pulled out to the very edge of his tip then drove it all in with one last push. He unloaded his seed into her and kept up a light fuck to ensure that she got every last bit of his seed.

As the afterglow wore off Inferno stayed on top of Sky. Sky gave him a loving smile, "I thought you said it wasn't comfortable lying on top of me."

Inferno gave her his own toothy grin, "Looks like things have changed. I couldn't find a better place to be then right here." She affectionatly licked his cheek. He nuzzled her in response. "So now what are we gonna do?"

"Well I don't know. You don't want a trainer so it looks like we need to just keep on moving till we find something. For now though I want some rest." Sky closed her eyes and drifted off.

Inferno watched her a bit, "I wasn't expecting any of this. Finding Sky. Finding out she was a virgin. Takeing that virginity away. Falling in love with her or being loved in return. Thats what I love about being a traveler though. But looks like its going to be travelers now." He said to himself before setting his head down and drifting off to sleep. The two lovers layed with one another eager to wake up to the others face. They had no plan for after this but they didn't care they would just keep traveling.

And those ends the tale of these two love birds. Yay!!! I'm considering expanding this story but I have other ideas as well. I really need some feedback I don't want to continue this unless people like it. So Say if you want more of Inferno and Sky's adventures or if i should leave it at this.
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