AGNPH Stories

Travelers by testa


Travelers Ch.10

Travelers Ch.10

Mature content must be 18. Nintendo master-minded Pokemon.

Inferno: So this is starting how long after the fight?
The morning after.
Bane: Oh god I remember that.
Sky: Shhhhh! Dont ruin the story.
God its really hard for funny to come after such a serious thing happens.
Bane: OHHH SORRY!!!! I wish we could be funny but: Inferno was cut up, beaten, and bruised; Sky was practicly drained from the fight; I went on a mad killing spree; and MY RIKA was RAPED. IF YOU WANT FUNNY WATCH CARTOONS!!!!
Okay then. I should have waited for chapter 11 to let you guys back in.
Sky: That might have been for the best.
Inferno: Ahh well hindsight's 20-20
And forsight's legally blind.
Rika: Can we just get on with this?
She has a point lets see what happens next.

Dawn was starting to break over the horizon. Bane woke up curled around Rika. God how he hated what they had done to her. His only regret was he couldn't make their pain last longer. Well that and not being able to stop them in the first place. Damn it all he should have been quicker. He tried to get up and streach a bit, but soon found his body wasn't obeying. He kept giving orders, but they never reached the destination.

"After what you did yesterday did you really expect to be able to move?" Bane heared Inferno say, "You are going to be immobile for at least the rest of the day. You went all out on them and now you reap the consequences. Honestly, though, I can't blame ya. I would have lost it if the same thing had happened to Sky."

Bane was just able to shift his gaze so he could see Inferno and Sky, "So you know? I'm not surprised. You always seem to be able to figure out this kind of thing."

"It's because I did a lot of traveling. You experiance a lot when doing it. I mean hell look what we've been through in just a few days." Bane tried to nod or laugh, but his body was just to exauhsted, "I have to ask you something Bane." Bane was waiting for this, he knew that Inferno was going to chew him out for not telling them his father was the previous leader who tried to rape Sky and his brother was the recently deceased one who got his Rika, "How the hell can YOU be related to those two bastards!?" Bane was surprised, he wasn't expecting a question like that at all. Inferno must have picked that up, "Expecting me to scream at you weren't you. Sorry, but A: I'm too tired; B: I'm not surprised you kept that secret; and C: it doesn't matter anymore who your family is, does it?"

Bane just layed there unable to do much of anything, "Your right. And to answer your question I think I'm more like my mother. She was kind, caring, and hated the way my father did things. She got killed in a hunt, at least that's what they said. Death seemed to be my farther's clone rather than his son. Damn that bastard for what he did to Rika. If only I could have been faster."

"To do what? Get killed. You only beat them because you lost your cool. If you got there sooner you would have died and Rika might have gone with you." Sky had awaken and joined the conversation.

Bane just layed there of his own free will for a change. He was about to respond when Rika started to tremble. She was having a nightmare and began thrashing and sweating. Bane tried to tighten himself around her, but couldn't move an inch. Rika's eyes bolted open and she looked around. After she saw that only her friends were around did she lower her head on to Bane's shoulder.

"You better be careful Rika. Bane can't move an inch." Inferno was worried about his friend.

Rika looked down at Bane, "You can't? Bane are you okay?" She had tears in her eyes, Bane damned those bastard again for what they did.

"I'm fine. I just went a little overkill yesterday is all. By tonight I'll be fit again." He forced every nerve in his body to make a smile, he succeeded, but the smile was very faint. Rika relaxed a bit her tail began to fall back down. When he tail touched her rear her body went ridged and her tail nearly tore off when she lifted it. She looked around the area one more time, "Don't worry Rika, all of them are dead. Death is gone and so are all his little underlings."

"Well all except those two mightyena that ran off. We won't see them anymore though. After what they saw there isn't a chance in hell they'll want to try anything." Inferno snicked at the memory of their faces.

"Ohh you didn't kill them? I kinda blacked out after I asked you to stop. I thought you might have..." Rika layed back down.

"Since we're on the subject Inferno what are we gonna do about all those dead bodies?" Sky looked back to the battlefield.

Inferno shrugged, and quickly regretted it as it sent a spasm of pain from his shoulder cut, "Nothing I guess. I'm not going back to that grissly scene. I'm sure some scavengers will be thankful for the banquet we left them."

Bane was starting to really hate his immobility, "I don't think even the hungriest of scavengers will want to dine in that place. That is a unholy place now. People will go out of their way to avoid it."

Inferno chuckled, "They have too. The bridge is out. So I guess we have no chance of backing out now. We're off to the festival."

Sky looked at him puzzled for a second, "Ohh that's right. I forgot that's where were going. Well I need a change of subject and I think the rest of you do too, so Bane how about telling us about this friend your going to this festival to meet."

The mood seemed to lift the second the topic changed, "His name is Blaze. He was a quilava when we last met. Chances are pretty good he's a typhlosion now. We met, let see I ran into my loving family a year and a half ago so, two years ago. I had ran into a spot of bad luck with some unpleasent humans. He came and broke me our though. We traveled together for a bit then he asked me if I'd could come by the festival in about two years. He had a plan and he would have everything ready by then. I promised him I would so now I'm going to fulfill that promise."

Inferno chuckled, "So Bane anything happen between you and Blaze during your time together."

Bane wished he could give him a glare, "Sky would be so kind?"

Sky gave Inferno a kick into his good side, "Ouch! Sheesh all you have to do is say no."

Rika giggled, which was music to Bane's ears, "You asked for Inferno." He just huffed.

"So we're going their to meet a typhlosion that you promised to help out. Alright." Sky tilted her head, "Blaze, huh? Curious are we gonna have trouble between him and my big mouthed idiot over here." She tilted her head toward Inferno.

"Nope. We shouldn't. As long as Inferno doesn't go out of his way to provoke a fight. And that goes for you too Rika. No provoking fights."

Rika leaned on him, "Your in no position to be giving me orders, you know. Better watch the attitude or I'll break a few of your legs."

Inferno was mulling over something during their talk, "So how are we gonna find one typhlosion in that place. I doubt he'll be the only one."

"Don't worry. He'll be easy to find trust me." Inferno looked at him puzzled, "He stands out, lets just leave it at that for now." Inferno shrugged.

Rika was still leaning on Bane, "So what are we gonna do for the rest of today? It's still morning."

Inferno shrugged, "We need to rest, we're also gonna need food and water. I know a little place just a bit that way, but Bane can't move and I don't think all three of us together have the stength to carry him there. Right now we seemed to be screwed."

Rika sighed, "Great so in other words someone needs to go there and bring back some food and if possible water. Just great I've become the nurse."

Bane looked at her, "Rika you can't go alone."

"Don't worry I'll go with her." Sky got up, "I'm the only one who can. Your dead weight and Inferno probably isn't much better."

Before anymore aurguments could be made the girls set off. Bane sighed, "I hope she'll be okay."

"As long as you stay with her than she should." Inferno adjusted himself, "Right now she's gonna need your constant presence. And don't get in the mood either. At least not for a couple days, perhaps a week. If you listen to me she'll be fine."

Rika and Sky had found the place and began to gather food. Rika gave Sky a couple of big leaves so she could actually carry food. Rika was down getting water, "I can't believe I freaked out when my own tail touched my back end. I saw how you were all looking at me. The thing is when is was touching Bane I felt secure and at the same time terrified."

Sky chuckled, "Well that means you have to love him. Even after what happened you still don't mind his touch. I wouldn't get any ideas though he might freak if he thinks he's reminding you of his brother."

Rika looked at her reflection in the water, "He could never remind me of that monster. Bane is far to kind to be anything like that bastard."

"Yeah, but one sound that isn't pleasure and he'll go insane thinking that."

Rika stood for a few seconds then got the water and started back for the clearing, "Your right. Poor Bane I guess he'll have to wait a bit for me to calm down." When the girls got back Rika brought food and water to Bane and started helping him eat and drink. Rika had to make multiple trip to the pond to get more water but soon everyone was content.

It was now noon. The group had eaten and were asleep again. They slept right through till midnight the next night. Inferno woke up and gazed at the moon. Then something occured to him and he let out a quick curse, "What is it babe?" Sky nearly had a heart attack.

"How long has it been since we met Rika?"

"It's been about two weeks since I graced you two with my presence." Rika was also up. (small note: I'm not sure if thats true I lost count of the days and didn't want to reread my stories to find out.)

"Ahh shit. If this keep up we'll never make it to the festival in time. We got two weeks left to reach Mt. Kyoko and it's still a week trip from here."

Bane lifted his head, to his eternal joy, "It's your fault ya know. We seem to hit every possible snag and you seem to be the focal point of those snags."

Inferno glared at him, "Better watch it pup you have been the problem far more then me."

"That never happened until I met you."

Rika stepped between them, "Alright knuckle heads shut up and make nice." They just scoffed.

Sky chuckled, "Your like children I swear."

Inferno just huffed, "Well back to the point, if we want to make it to the festival on time we need to make a B-line for the mountain. Can we all agree on that?" The other shook their head, "Fine then when we get better we gun for the mountain and with any luck we'll make it there on time."

Alright Chapter 10 is done. Cool 10 chapters. I've Written 10 CHAPTERS
Inferno: Yeah ten chapters plus four other stories. three of which are basicly this story.
Bane: And one I think you were on dope when you wrote.
Hey! Genesis was a fine piece of work.
Rika: It's plot was convuluted, hell it just said what happened in a long way then degraded into sex.
Sky: Ohh and props on the names, Chimera Corp., Blade, Night, sheesh must have spent all year thinking that shit up.
Alright wait a minute how do you guys know about Genesis anyway!?
Inferno: You left the story on the screen.
*mecha smacks head against keyboard* You know a lot of people liked Genesis. I think your all pissed that it didn't involve you.
Rika: Gee just figured that out did ya. We were the ones who made you a good writer. You should worship us.
Not happening.
Rika: WHY NOT!?
Because You are an annoying little rat. So good job Rika you ruined it for everyone. *Rika shocks him* Now your gonna pay! *tackles her off screen, fighting sounds, profanities, a "hey what the hell? Get your nose out of their you pervert!*
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