AGNPH Stories

Travelers by testa


Travelers Ch.12

Travelers Ch.12

Pokemon is trademark of Nintendo. Must be 18 to read this.

Alright we have new character in the mix and he's aiming for blood.
Inferno: Don't forget about Biogen
Bane: Bah. They were a bunch of....*mecha tackles*
NO MORE SPEAK!!! You idiots would ruin the whole damn adventure if you could.
Rika: I'm so looking forward to the day you say something stupid that nearly wrecks the plot.
The thing is unlike you I'm not stupid.
Rika: I wish I had fingers so I could give you the bird.
I wish you had fingers too, that way I could shove the bird right up your.....
Sky: Shouldn't we get on with the story?
Wha....oh yeah. Now just read and enjoy.

Rika, Inferno, and Sky stared at Blaze, "You want to what?" they all asked at once.

"I'm going to destroy Biogen. Now are you in or are you out, because I don't have a lot of time to waste on you guys." Blaze spoke in a gruff way, not to offend, it was just the way he talked.

"Blaze perhaps you should tell them a little more about Biogen before asking that." Bane was trying to prevent an all out brawl.

"Feh. Alright then. Biogen, it's a group of people, if you can call them that anymore, but anyway they're a group of people and pokemon. They're smart too as well as dangerous. The people geneticaly alter themselves and their pokemon. Of course nine times out of ten the pokemon doesn't have much of a choice." The groups attention was fully on the story, "I am one of the nine that didn't want the change. Now most will just break down and obey after their bodies become irreversibly altered. Those that don't, well another gene is put into their body that makes them obey. I got out before that happened though and during my escape I freed Bane here. As I'm sure you can imagine, I wasn't exactly the most welcomed guy. My life was wrecked after what they did to me so I decided to pay them back. I've spent two years gathering whatever data I could. Biogen is a big, bad, and powerful group. They're obsessed with bringing about a new world order where genetic alteration is king. To do that they have stolen, destroyed, pillaged, and slaughtered hundreds of people and pokemon. There that's the gist of it now are you lot going to help or not?"

"If Bane's helping then so am I." Rika proudly chimed.

"I see no reason not to. I don't like the sound of these guys so I think they should be dealt with." Inferno finally said after a time of silence, "Providing you don't mind Sky."

"Forcing pokemon to become something they don't want, thats horrible. We need to stop them."

"Well looks like we all in." Bane turned to his friend.

Blaze just huffed, "I suppose a little extra muscle won't hurt."

"Don't worry Blaze this group isn't just a little extra muscle."

"I'll take your word for it." Blaze began to walk off, "We're gonna leave in the morning so enjoy this damned festival. I'll be off to get some rest."

Inferno watched the typhlosion go, "Not a merry one is he?"

Bane sighed, "He only gave you the basic gist. A lot more happened then what he said."

Rika looked at the departing Blaze than at Bane, "What else happened?"

"Well he won't give a damn if you know so long as he doesn't have to tell it. Alright listen up; Bane was a quilava when he was abducted by Biogen. He was with his entire family at the time out looking for food when they arrived. They wanted some more minions and attacked. Despite the defence they put up Blaze's family was beaten down and took those that survived, which was only Blaze who wasn't allowed to fight and his sister. They brought them back to their base and started the process of reconstructing them. Blaze survived, but his sister died in the process and her body was tossed out like trash. Blaze was thrown into a cell and examined. When he was determined to be uncooperative he was going to recieve the gene. They were about to get him when he blew the door down and made his escape. I had been caught and was about to be changed when he came by and blasted my captors. He set me free and we fought our way out of that place. I thanked him and asked if I could be of assistence in any way. He said he was just going to head home so I offered to make sure that those Biogen creeps didn't get him again. When we reached his home the other inhabitants didn't seem to want anything to do with him. He told them who he was, but no one cared, all they saw was a freak. He even had a girl friend at the time, but she got one look at him and called him a abomination. Not the best of things to hear from someone you thought loved you. We left the place and I stuck with him for a few days, during which he stayed silent. One day he said that if I wanted to repay him that I should meet him at the festival two years from then. He said he was going to make them pay. I told him I'd be there and he took off. I'd hate to think what he's been through since then."

There was a long silence. Inferno eventually broke it, "So his entire family was destroyed by Biogen and his new appearence cost him someone he loved."

"Bah. If she loved him she wouldn't have cared about the way he looked." Rika said with her irritated voice.

"Regardless of her feelings he was hurt. Man no wonder he wants Biogen dead." Sky seemed a felt so bad for Blaze.

"Just don't bring this up around Blaze. He doesn't need to be reminded of what Biogen cost him."

They all nodded, "So then what do we do now?" Sky asked.

"I say we enjoy the festival a little and then get some rest. I think we're gonna need it for tomarrow." Inferno then went into the crowd with Sky right beside him. Bane and Rika took off after them. They spent some time just strolling through the cherry blossoms and eating various piles of berries and other food stuffs. Before it got too late they set off toward where Blaze had went, they found him a fair way away from the festivities in a quiet little spot. They settled down and slept.

"Alright you guy's rise and shine." Blaze watched and saw no one stiring, "alright then." He walked up to them, "GET UP!"

The shout woke all four of them up and had them on their feet. Bane looked around for a while to make sure nothing was happening, "That's one hell of a wake up call."

"We need to move. A small band of Biogen is setting up a base close by. They plan to take advantage of the festival to get more slaves." Blaze set off for where he knew he had to go. The others followed him and kept silent.

They walked for about fifteen minutes before Blaze told them to keep their eyes and ears open. "Ohh yeah before I forget keep your voices down, the humans can understand us. It was one of their genetic alterations." They continued forward staying in the thick cover. Then they saw one of the pokemon that Biogen controlled.

At least at first glance it looked like a pokemon. Instead it was a human. He, or it, had the tail of a houndoom but the fur of an eevee. The only thing that said he was human was that he wore cloths, a red shirt with a big black B,that looked like a bunch of DNA strands, on it and same colored pants, and walked upright. He stood where he was, as any good gaurd would. Blaze moved up behind him. A twig snapped and the gaurd turned around in time to watch Blaze hit him with a fire blast. The gaurd was pushed back, but still stood. Inferno came in and solved that, he launched himself at the gaurd and bite the back of his neck, severing the spinal cord and causing the man to fall lifelessly to the ground. "It's going to take some time to get used to killing people, even if they are the kind of scum Biogen is."

Blaze just kept moving, "It won't take that long trust me."

They continued moveing, as they went the gaurds became more frequent. They met with a few close calls, due to the fact that patrolls came by. They eventually reached a big camouflaged bunker. "This is their base. It's just been set up so we won't have to worry that much about defences." as if on cue the doors opened as a group of four left the place. As they went through the woods the group ran in through the opening. Blaze led the way through the twisting coridors aiming for something. "Hey Blaze what are we looking for?" Inferno was fed up with waiting.

Blaze kept walking, keeping an eye out for any Biogen agent, "The master computer of this place. It has the data I need the most, the location of their leader."

"You know how to work a computer?" Inferno was skepticle.

"Yeah you'd be surprised how easy Biogen makes working their little machines." They turned a corner and walked right in front of two Biogen agents.

"Intruders! Sound the alarm!" The other one fliped a latch and hit a button. An alarm went off and the two agents brought out their pokemon. One was a persian with red fur and a black jewel, the other was a ariados that was white all over with red eyes. "Okay, go my little cat use a psybeam." The persian complied and launched the attack at the group.

"Listen you four, watch out for any of these pokemon. They can use any attack they want if their genes were messed with enough." Blaze yelled as they dodged he then launched a psychic at the ariados. The twisted bug was launched back against his trainer and both fell to the ground. The attention of the two standing combatants turned toward their fallen comrades and off the intruders. Inferno and Bane siezed the opportunity to strike, Inferno went for the trainer, Bane the persian. The trainer collasped as his limp came off and began screaming. The persian felt a chomp around the back of his neck and then blacked out. The other agent and his pokemon were getting up when a razor wind cut through them sending them both back down in multiple pieces. "I think now would be a good time for running." Sky stepped forward.

"I think your right." Blaze ran off with the group on his tail. They encountered more agents popping out of doors or turning a corner and took them out before they could attack. The body count was at twenty when they reached the room Blaze said held the computer. They entered and saw a giant monitor in the wall of the room. The place was filled with important looking doodads and high tech stuff. Blaze approached the main monitor and started to type stuff on it.

The screen kept jumping from one window of data to the next aqs Blaze typed in something or another. One of the data bits had the model of a mightyena with tentacles sticking out of his sides and giant wings. Blaze zipped by it, Bane gave him a preturbed look, "What was that thing?"

"It was a little project, one of their bases was planning to do. Don't worry about it, the thing is still in the debate stage and it has been for some time, Biogen isn't going to go through with it not after that long of a debate." Bane still seemed a bit concerned, their was something about that thing that made him feel uneasy. Blaze kept zooming through the data until he stopped on a data sheet. "Here we go. It looks like their boss set up a main base in a volcanoe."

Inferno gave a short cough, "Well that narrows it down from the entire planet to little spots all over the planet."

Blaze ignored him, "And that volcanoe is Mount Dalmascan, located at...."

"A largly uninhabited area that few pokemon and even fewer people go to. I know where it is. Hell I avoided the thing. It's a dangerous place due to the unstable ground. A lot of pokemon and humans ended up in a pool of lava that they thought was solid ground. Not even fire types like that place due to the lack of cover from the rain."

"It rains there?" Rika was standing infront of the monitor.

"Yeah a lot. And it's not cold rain, it's boiling hot. Boiling or not water is still water and that is unpleasent. Another little thing you should know is that the volcanoe itself is very unstable. The only thing that keeps it from exploding is the various vents that allows the energy to leak out, but one slight surge of energy could send the whole place up in fire."

"Since you know the way would you mind taking me there. I don't expect any of you to come into the place I just would like a guide to my target."

"Sure. And honestly after seeing the way some of these people look like and what they've done to pokemon I want to stop it."

"Thank you." Blaze gave a small bow, "Now lets trash this room and get out." The group began to blast everything around them. When they finished they proceeded out. As they ran down the corridor they came to a large open room. On the other side were a five Biogen agents. The one in the center had the fur color of a typhlosion, the tail of a mightyena, and his back had the jagged groves of a sandslash. He wore a badge on his uniform that disinguished him from the other grunts. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

And that does it for chapter 12.
Bane: And next up we meet a....well you just have to read 13 to find out.
My god you guys are actually getting the hang of it.
Inferno: Hey were not idiots.
Yeah well I suppose not all of you are.
Hey your thinking that not me.
Rika: Ohh my cute little ass! You think I'm the only one here who's too dumb to do anything right.
You said it not me.
Rika: Alright listen you freaking robot-dog thing I've had it with you and your attitude.
And I've had it with your damn voice! Do you ever shut up!? Ohh and by the way your ass ain't that cut.
Rika: Please you dream you could have my ass!
That isn't a dream it's a nightmare!
Sky: Were going to be here all night. See you later folks.
*Rika zaps mecha* thats it you little bitch.
Rika: Bring it on you pint sized giant japanese monster wannabe!
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