AGNPH Stories

Travelers by testa


Travelers Ch.20

Travelers Ch.20


*Mecha is standing infront of a pentagram, a book is at his feet, there is a evil and insane feel in the air*
Welcome everyone. This is beginning of the end as they say. The second to last chapter. It's been a long road from Traveler. But before we begin this ending I need to summon a little demon to keep me company.
*Begins reading book, starts chanting and dancing in a very wierd and stupid manner*

Where's my demon!? I did everything it said in the book. *Looks at back of book* What's this thing? "Note: This book is for show. It can not summon a creature from hell to your beck and call." *Mecha looks stupified for a few moments* I SPENT $100 ON THIS!? AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
*Very very long string of profanities, in many many different languages*

The sun was directly overhead as the group saw Azuchi Rise. It was a small mountain and it had a trail up it. Inferno smiled, "Now we should get there before sunset." He jumped up and began going forward, which made everyone else chuckle.

Sky caught up with him, "You really want to see this thing don't you?"

"Not entirely. I want you to see it too." Sky nuzzled him.

The others caught up to the two, Rika was on Bane's back, Blaze and Tia were just a bit away so they could talk without any eavsdropping. Sky looked at the mountain again, "So these falling stars are really that beautiful?"

Inferno nodded, "In fact your about the only other thing I find more beautiful."

Bane made gagging sounds, Rika smacked him in the side of the head, but couldn't help giggling. Sky giggled too, "Your such an idiot."

Inferno shrugged, "That's what I'm told. I like to think I'm a romantic though."

Sky nuzzled him, "I think your both."

Tia turned to Inferno, "So Inferno what is so special about this little happening, aside from the way it looks."

"Well some believe that if you make a wish on these falling stars it will come true. I'm not sure if thats true, but I do know they're a beautiful sight and thats enough for me."

Sky chuckled, "I've never seen you this happy."

Inferno rocked his head in thought, "Well a lot of good things have happened. I should be happy. Sarak's dead, along with Biogen. I'm an all new me. Things can't get much better."

They continued walking down the path which would lead them through an open plain before they'd reach the mountain base. Inferno was leading the group, as kiddy as a puppy, eagerly waiting for the shower tonight. As Inferno jumped every which way the wind picked up the other direction. Inferno stopped suddenly. Every ran up and asked what was wrong. Inferno sniffed the air once and turned his head toward the source of the scent. His eyes were wide, "No."

Suddenly a small rumble could be heard and it was growing louder. The others looked in the same direction as Inferno. As the rumble grew louder and louder some shouting was coming into the noise. Then all of a sudden a massive vehicle crested a rise and stopped. On the vehincles side was the insignia of Biogen. A large number of Biogen agents and pokemon appeared around the vehicle. Death flew in and landed infront of the group, "Did you think something as powerful as Biogen would just roll over and die!?"

Bane was impressed, "Without a competent leader how much of a threat are they?"

Sky was wondering that too, and why Inferno was still shocked, then she heared that voice, "Who ssssaysss that Biogen issss lacking leadersssss? From my point of view I ssssay they have all the leader they need heh heh heh." Sarak emerged from the mass of Biogen soldiers, "Surely you didn't actually entertain the hope that I wassss dead and gone? I am the emobiment of hatred, or ssssorrow, or evil. I can not die! I am the God of Dread! I am darkness made manifest! I am the living epitome of all that is chaotic! I am Sarak and I am immortal!"

Inferno recovered from shock, at least he hoped he had, and started growling, "WHY THE HELL WON'T YOU DIE!?"

Sarak smiled, "Because, as long as their is ssssstife, I will exist. I am the everything that is corrupt and darkened. I will live for all eternity for there will always be suffering and I will be causing it." The group was staring down the Biogen remnants, Sarak just kept smiling, "I ssssee your headed for Azuchi Rise. We are too. Thissss is the Ending Cannon, and with it the world will bow. Thosssse that don't will be.....ended ha ha ha. But enough talk. Inferno you have been a pest for far to long. I was caught off gaurd last time, I never expected you to alter your genetic code in the least. Now that I know what to expect I will not be defeated again. You and your little friends die today. The last of Biogen! Attack and leave not a soul alive!"

The grunts obeyed and charged, Death went straight for Bane, Inferno was shooting past the grunts for Sarak. Death pushed Bane back with the initial charge and soon the grunts were cutting the hero's away from one another. The pokemon and people were all aiming to kill them all. Inferno closed the distance and began his fight with Sarak. Inferno launched a barrage of shadow balls which were whacked aside by Sarak's wing. Sarak flung himself at Inferno unleashing a poison sting. The attack hit Inferno, but the Inferno disappeared. Sarak laughed at the double team, he jumped into the ground and felt for the vibrations of the real Inferno.

The plan was sound, but only if Inferno was on the ground. Inferno was in the air and unleashed a fire blast into the hole. A loud scream of pain erupted as the blast hit. When Inferno landed he was sent back into the air by a swift blow to the gut. Sarak had reemerged from the ground and was bashing Inferno higher into the sky.

Sky was put on the defensive as fifteen Biogen agents/pokemon were on her. They kept up the attack, afraid that giving her one moment to counter would be their end. The other forty-five felt the same way as they kept their attacks on Blaze, Tia, and Rika. Rika's attention was more on Bane then her attackers though.

Death was going after Bane without a second thought, he would kill him at least. The tentacles were flailing to and fro as Death kept inching closer and closer to stricking his brother. Bane was struggling to find a way to counter attack. The tentacles were getting closer and closer and he was getting more and more tired. Death wasn't going to let this continue, so long as the other Biogen dogs could keep the little raichu busy he could take care of Bane. As the assault continued Bane made a mistake and was soon caught in a whirlwind of attacks. The tentacles would beat him to one side then yank him back in for a attack to the face. Bane was already starting to lose consiousness as Death kept the barrage up.

When Sarak was content with Inferno's position he did a little front flip and smashed an iron/poison tail into Inferno sending him plummeting into the ground. The earth split at the site of the impact, and Sarak let out a evil laugh. Sky saw this out of the corner of her eye. She immediatly put caution to the wind and blasted the ground next to her with a hyperbeam. The surronding Biogen goons were sent flying back, and Sky nearly followed suit. She forced herself to stay in the spot and then she dashed for the crater. As she neared she saw Inferno's new hyperbeam shoot out and hit the cannon. An explosion created a large plum of smoke, Inferno got out of the whole and examined the damage he did. When the smoke cleared the cannon was barely even scratched, Sarak burst out laughing, "Do you honestly think that you can destroy the cannon with such a weak little attack?" Inferno looked at the cannon and then he got a plan.

Sky had a plan too, while Sarak was busy laughing he didn't notice the razor wind that cut off his left wing. Sarak plummeted to the ground and let out a curse as he hit it. Sky smiled and was about to continue the attack when Inferno stopped her. "Sky listen get everyone out of here." Sky looked at him dumbfounded, "Please I need you to get these guys to Azuchi."

Sky was still confused, "But what about you?"

He smiled, "I have a plan. Just listen to me and get them out of here."

"Not until you tell me what your planning!"

He gave her a quick nuzzle, "There isn't time just go please Sky, for me."

She was afraid, she wasn't sure what he was going to do and she didn't like it. But she reluctantly nodded, and set off to help the others escape. The Biogen soldiers were taken by surprise when Sky and Inferno attacked their rear flank and soon Tia and Blaze were free. When they got to Rika she had already taken down half of the attackers, while she was trying to reach Bane. The others didn't last long and soon Bane was the only one left. Inferno shot back toward the cannon, while the others beat Death off of Bane. Sky told them they needed to run, and they were all a bit hesitant. Inferno turned around, "ALL OF YOU GET OUT OF HERE!" The group gave him a confused look before nodding and following Sky toward the mountain.

As his mate and friends took off Inferno nodded, "at least they'll be safe," he thought. He turned his attention back toward the cannon. And barely was able to avoid Sarak's claws. Without his wings Sarak's speed had been badly hurt. No he was no where near as fast as Inferno, at least in terms of moveing to point B. His reflexes were unharmed however. Sarak hissed with anger, "Do you think they will be ssssaved!? I won't let them live!"

Inferno growled, "And I don't intend to let you hurt them!" Inferno shot past Sarak and went for the cannon.

Sarak laughed, "You can't pierce the armor no matter how close you get to it!"

Inferno turned around, "Who said I was aiming for the armored parts?"


The Biogen grunts that survived charged at the cannon, trying to stop Inferno before he could render the cannon inoperable. Death launched himself into the air and took after Inferno, who was busy leaping toward a perfect spot to attack the red glowing power core. As Death neared he saw Inferno prepare a hyperbeam, and increased his speed. Death was almost there when the attack was launched, it hit the power core dead center.

Sky, Rika, a battered Bane, Tia, and Blaze were already scaling the mountain. They were nearly there when Sarak appeared. They were all concerned about leaving Inferno behind, but Sky was certain he knew what he was doing. "I know Inferno will be okay. Don't worry guys. It's Inferno we're talking about." The others nodded. And yet, despite her own words she was still afraid.

To everyones suprise it didn't blow up, Sarak was about to laugh when arcs of energy flew out from the core and hit various objects leacing a crater where that thing was. The energy continued to zap out as Inferno and Death ran from the cannon. Sarak let out a scream of anger, his men began running, "Master Sarak run the cannon's going to....." the rest of the sentence was cut off by the explosion.

Sarak let out another scream of anger as his body was first shattered by the explosion then melted by the flames.

The Biogen agents and their pokemon screamed in terror as the fireball engulfed them one by one.

Death was thrown away by the force of the blast, his world went black soon after.

Inferno was flung forward by the explosions initial force, he was turned so he could see the ball of fire engulf him, then he blacked out.

Sky looked back as the echoing boom sounded and her heart stopped as she saw the fire ball engulf the area where her beloved was.
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