AGNPH Stories

My Pokemon by Pokegirl


Story Notes:

This project was started one evening after playing a very rousing game of Pokémon Diamond (or should I say, arousing?). After writing the first short story, Momo, I was so stunned by the reviews I received in regards to my work that I also agreed to do some requests. Thus, the growing amount of stories you see here. Each chapter, again, is actually its only little story. Save for the story with Momo, they are all based on one request or another that a reader/reviewer has given to me. Some are from Pokémon POV, some from human. Some are female POV, some are male. Some have elaborate backstory, some... not so much, all depending on what was asked and what liberties I was permitted to take. Here, you find all the short stories in one place along with the request that prompted it. I hope you enjoy.-PokegirlOh, and Ps? My Luxio still kicks a$$.*******After much thought and consideration, Matt and I have teamed up to work on the requests I've recieved. Hopefully, this will allow me to write all the wonderful challenges you've given me and make them something you'll enjoy reading. As his passionate scenes are more involved and indepth than mine, I asked if he might mind taking over that area of the stories so I could give you the quality you deserve. I hope you don't think too poorly of me... I just want them to be the best they can be and with Matt's help, I really think they'll shine!-Pokegirl

Request Guidelines

Request Guidelines:

1. I am willing to do any pairing (M/M, F/M, F/M, F/F/M, etc), however, I am not likely to use a Pokémon I've already used in a story, even if it's a different evolutionary form. (For example: I already have a Bayleef story so I'm not inclined to make a Chikorita story.) The only exception to this might be if there are more than one Pokémon involved (example: Chikorita and Luxray with a trainer). ***Unfortunately, due to the number of repeat evolutionary requests, I'm going to have to advise that this is a very, VERY chancy exception. I may or may not do it, especially considering the repeat evolutionary requests I'm getting. I WILL add it to the list, but the odds of working on it are slender, more so the more often the same Pokémon is asked for.****

2. I've got nothing against impregnation stories, however, I find it hard to believe that a human could get a Pokémon pregnant or vise versa. The only types I can imagine this working on are the Human-Like Pokémon, like Jynx or Lopunny. That isn't to say I won't do an impregnation with a Pokémon like Zangoose... just no impregnations with a Pikachu or an Ekans, okay? I can't even imagine how those kids would be getting out... (Note: If it's an Anthromorphic Pokémon, that's fine, no matter the species)

3. I don't mind doing specialized requests for people in regards to "me and my Pokémon," all I ask is that you give me some backstory to work with so that I can get a feel for who the character is. I also ask that you keep in mind that these stories are typically 5,000 words and all of said backstory may not appear, it's more for my benefit than the readers though I will try to include some.

4. I am flattered and honored that so many of you are asking me to do your requests. It shows me that I am clearly doing something right in my writing and that you appreciate my efforts. That said, I am being hit by a ton of requests. Not, mind you, that I'm bothered by this, but I do want to advise you that I have no specific order or method to choosing which I'll be writing next. It depends on what I find interesting or what inspires me to write. Please don't take offense if your request takes longer to be done than another's or if your request isn't done, even if it is added to my list. I will try to do all of them but I don't want to sacrifice quality for quantity. I hope you understand.

5. Kinks... throw whatever you like at me. The only three I can see myself possibly shying away from are scat, vore, and death/necrophilia. However, you may catch me in a mood where I'm interested by such a challenge, depending on which Pokémon you select for the story or there reasoning behind such acts. At any rate, I'm open minded so please don't hold back for fear of being judged or rejected.

That being said, if you'd still like to submit a request, feel free to either review and put the request in or email it to me. Just be sure to title the email as most letters from this site are directed to the spam box (don't worry, I save them!). All requests are put on my list with requirements and pairings, updated frequently based on new requests and accomplished works.

I hope to hear from you. ^^Chapter End Notes:There you have it! Hope that helps answer your questions, if you had any!

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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