AGNPH Stories

My Pokemon by Pokegirl


Story Notes:

This project was started one evening after playing a very rousing game of Pokémon Diamond (or should I say, arousing?). After writing the first short story, Momo, I was so stunned by the reviews I received in regards to my work that I also agreed to do some requests. Thus, the growing amount of stories you see here. Each chapter, again, is actually its only little story. Save for the story with Momo, they are all based on one request or another that a reader/reviewer has given to me. Some are from Pokémon POV, some from human. Some are female POV, some are male. Some have elaborate backstory, some... not so much, all depending on what was asked and what liberties I was permitted to take. Here, you find all the short stories in one place along with the request that prompted it. I hope you enjoy.-PokegirlOh, and Ps? My Luxio still kicks a$$.*******After much thought and consideration, Matt and I have teamed up to work on the requests I've recieved. Hopefully, this will allow me to write all the wonderful challenges you've given me and make them something you'll enjoy reading. As his passionate scenes are more involved and indepth than mine, I asked if he might mind taking over that area of the stories so I could give you the quality you deserve. I hope you don't think too poorly of me... I just want them to be the best they can be and with Matt's help, I really think they'll shine!-Pokegirl


"Why did they have to use Mudsport?" I grumbled, trying to wipe the mud from my face. Both my Volbeat, Burr, and I were coated with soil, stones, and other cave gunk in such a copious amount, I felt like an Ursaring with its winter coat. "Electric attacks don't work on Rock types anyways!"

"Bii..." Burr fluttered his wings intensely, flinging globs of the mud around before shaking his whole body in an attempt to be rid of the rest of it. It slid around but remained firmly on his body, practically covering his taillight, the thin rays escaping through tiny patches to hazily illuminate the cave.

"And then," I continued, spitting dirt from my mouth, unable to use my hands to get the grit off my tongue due to their own filthy state. "They run away! Why use an attack and then run away?!" I shook my head, droplets of mud raining down from my hair. "Not even a good or a productive attack but Mudsport! If it's not Geodudes with Mudsport, it's Zubats with Supersonic!" I tried spitting again. "I hate fucking caves."

"Bi bi bi." The Volbeat nodded so hard that mud slipped off his head and splattered the cave wall nearest to him.

I examined my arm, my clothing coated with mud to such a degree I couldn't tell where my skin started and my clothing ended. "Damn... this stuff isn't going to come off without water."

Burr pointed to his mouth, indicating he could use Water Pulse to help but I waved my arms wildly in front of myself and backed away so hastily I almost bumped into a stalagmite.

"Nonono! I remember last time, Burr! It took me an hour to get all the honey scrubbed off after you knocked me into that pine! Not to mention we had every Bug and Plant type with a sweet tooth after us! No thanks!"

The Volbeat huffed, humming indignantly that he'd come a lot farther since then, crossing his arms before beating his wings again, freeing them enough to hover. Mud was still covering him in a patchwork fashion, but he was still a great deal cleaner than I.

Sighing, I pulled out the now filthy map I'd been looking at before the (insert choice words here) Geodudes had interrupted with their impromptu mud treatment. I'd bought it from a salesperson in the last town, one who'd stated it would get us in and out of this cave as soon as possible. Yet, after at least two hours of trying to follow it, I was reaching the suspicion I'd been had.

"Shows what I get for buying something from a Magikarp salesman," I muttered, ready to crumple it before I noticed something. It could have just been a stain of ink, but it almost looked like... "A pool?"

It was impossible to tell with the dim light so I waved Burr over, the Volbeat sulkily making his way to circle around my head. The few stray lights and dirt didn't help much but it looked as though there could be a small lake or pool located inside the mountain. I was loathe to get my hopes up, considering the helpfulness of the map so far, but I didn't want to pass up the opportunity if there was one either.

"Come on, Burr. Let's see if we can find some water."


The Volbeat gave a final loop before opting to fly a short distance ahead. Though Burr didn't know the way to go, I could direct him once we came to a split. It was the way we normally did things, though we had a lot less lighting this time around.

Reaching the first junction, I tried to consult the map again but its wisdom, if any, seemed even more distorted than the last time I'd glanced at it. Next time, I'd have to closely examine the map before buying it.

"I guess we go right."

Burr turned his head to look back at me, his scrunched face giving a "you guess?!" expression before obeying, flying a little more hesitantly than before.

"Oh, come on, Burr! We've been in plenty of caves before... we'll find some water then get out of here..." I trailed off as Burr smacked his head on the very solid dead end, wincing in sympathy. "Eventually."

He gave me a sullen look, rubbing the bump on his head rather than saying anything.


My Poketech's artificial green-blue made my eyes hurt, the digital numbers only confirming my suspicions as to how long we'd been wandering around. Releasing a frustrated burst of air from my nose, I shifted my shoulders, the mud that had once been wet now gradually drying in patches, tugging at my skin in a way that made me want to itch. Problem was, when I tried to scratch the dry stuff off, I ended up smearing more wet mud about so the whole process began all over again. Burr wasn't any happier, having given up on flying, currently buzzing heatedly as he kicked any stray pebble that happened to be in his path. My best guess was that his wings had dried the mud faster along his back, due to the breeze they made, and he'd opted for walking to try and delay the drying.

"Can't be much farther now," I tried to offer, putting more hope in my voice than I really had. All it did was earn me a narrowed eyed glare from my Pokémon. Unfortunately, the words had lost their moral boosting abilities after the forth utterance.

This was now the ninth.

"Well, we did find some cool stuff in the rocks."

That phrase, too, seemed to have lost its luster, Burr's back tensing as he gave a muffled, quick "Bizzt!" sound which, though I didn't understand Pokémon, sounded fairly derogatory.

Taking in a breath, I decided to keep quiet for the time being. We hadn't run into any Wilds for some time, nor any trainers, something that made me curious and a slight bit worried. Normally, there were at least Hiker types wandering around in the caves, especially in the deeper areas. The tunnels we were traveling were quiet, to the point that if not for our footsteps it would be suffocatingly so. The rays from Burr's bulb were dimmer, though I knew it wasn't anything on Burr's end. It was almost as though the further we traveled, the darker it got. Finally, I felt compelled to speak, not wanting to dwell on the sudden squeeze I felt around inside me, nor the quickening of my breathing.

"Yup, not much farther now." The words lacked conviction this time, spoken almost without thought. Honestly, by this point, I would have been happy just to leave this cave and get cleaned up at a Center.

Burr's body shook once before the Volbeat slowly turned around, head even further squished down on his shoulders before unleashing a mighty volley of shouts that echoed off the walls around us, magnifying themselves as he shook his hands and hopped up and down, wings beating the air in an equal fit of distemperment. Again, I couldn't make out a word of it though I felt I knew him well enough that most of it was directed at the situation and less about whether or not I'd been born out of wedlock or my mother's possible work professions.

The rush died down to pants, my Volbeat still venomously glaring at me, as though daring me to say -One-More-Thing- before pointing to himself, then me, then forward. Not giving me time to protest, he buzzed back into the air, leading the way as he saw fit.

Well, following Burr for a while couldn't hurt, right?


"I think we passed that rock before."

Burr gave a grunt, one born out of agreement instead non-commitment. He'd led for a good thirty minutes, cooling off as he flew, before we'd both come to the conclusion he was leading us in a wide circle sort of shape but with more twists, bends, and dead ends than a circle would normally have.

Okay, so it was less of a circle really and more of a convulsing oval, if you thought about it, but we were essentially back where we started.

Upon reaching another junction, this one having four possible ways to travel (we'd been here twice already, I was sure), Burr glanced back at me, swaying from side to side. I gave a jerk to the left, figuring we'd past through the ones on the right and might as well give it a try. With a nod, Burr headed to the furthest left entrance, seeming in a better mood now.

The air was fairly still, the passage grew smaller the further we traveled. At one point, I'd thought we'd reached a dead end till Burr exclaimed excitedly about something. Looking at the stalagmite he was dancing around, I found a passage almost completely hidden. I thought about just turning back, the space looked incredibly tight, but my Volbeat tugged on my jeans, frantically pointing to it.

"Alright, Burr. I trust you, let's go."

With a happy, "Bii!" and several wiggles of his body as he crammed himself into the crevice, I gave it one more reluctant glance before sliding sideways down the tunnel. I could just make out Burr's light but he was able to shimmy faster than I was, the light growing farther away.

"Burr! Hey! Wait up!"

I tried to hurry but the faster I tried to go, the more I became wedged between the literal rock and a hard place. Finally, shutting my eyes, I just shoved till I lost my balance and feel free, keeping up my inertia till I stumbled and fell, landing harshly on my side.

"Shit... that hurt." Opening my eyes, I rubbed along my ribs, the skin tender but nothing damaged. My eyes were stinging and I brought a hand to rub them before I remembered how filthy they were. That light was too bright...


Now more focused on my surroundings, I took a look around.

We'd stumbled into what appeared to be an upside-down basin, the top of which had several crystals stretching down from the center of the ceiling. Some of them were the length of my body, if not longer, an array of colors from pale blue to a shade of violet. The light seemed to be coming from there, but I didn't think the crystals were making it. I bet some of the crystals either reached the outside or there was an opening allowing the sunlight to reflect through them, making the gems sparkle with light, the reflection of which sparkled in the pool of water just under them.

Burr was already flying towards the water, skimming the surface with his feet before splashing and submerging, zooming out after a quick rinse and landing back on shore. With a quick shake, Burr looked refreshed, though he seemed to be breathing hard. He'd been out for a while, it would probably do to have him rest. In a cavern this secluded and well lit, I'd be fine.

"Return, Burr. Good job!" A short burst of red later and Burr was back in his pokéball. Attaching it to my belt, I hastily shrugged off my bag, stripping quickly from my clothes. I'd hold off on washing them till we got to a Center and just change into a new set after I got clean. I just hoped the water wasn't too cold.

Leaving them in a heap with my belt placed carefully on top, I headed to the water, splashing in it, submerging as far as my neck before going all the way under, rubbing my hands over my skin, trying to scrub off the mud with my fingers. Surfacing to breathe, I quickly went under again, working at trying to get the thick clumps of dried mud and clay out of my hair. I could feel some of it crumble away, the rest grew slick and persisted in staying there. Frustrated, I had to surface again. Leaning partially back, I let my head sink in the water, swishing my head from side to side, hoping the motion might dislodge some more of it.

Unfortunately, not so much.

"Well, it has to come out eventually," I grumbled to myself, opting to float for a while rather than just keep dunking myself. The longer I stayed in, the looser the clay would become till it just dispersed of its own accord.

Remaining on my back, I looked upward at the crystal formations, taking the time to fully enjoy them now that I felt substantially cleaner. In a way, it was like looking at an abstract, 3-D, stained glass window. What kind of crystals were they anyway? Amethyst, I was sure, for the purple, but the blue? Maybe I could get Burr to get me a sample before we...

Funny, it felt like the water had stirred.

Turning my head to the side, I looked for ripples but didn't see any apparent ones. Still... perhaps it would be best if I got out of the water.

Taking a breath, I rolled over and under, swimming leisurely towards the shore, trying not to give in to the tightening sensation around my inner chest. Hell, it was probably just a drop of water from the stalagmites and crystals above the ceiling, nothing to be majorly concerned abou--


I inhaled water, coughing both it and air out as I propelled myself faster towards land. I felt something circle around me, constrict, and hold me fast. I pushed against it with my arms, managing to pull free once only to be encircled again. When I tried to struggle free, this time, another something looped around my arms, holding them fast to my sides. The more I fought, the tighter it gripped till I felt my spine crack and the air rushed from my lungs, taking the form of bubbles as they fled for the surface. I tried weakly to get free again but the struggle to breathe and lack of oxygen prevented me from doing much. Trying to view what held me, the water blurred my vision and I couldn't make out anything. Finally... I just relaxed.

There was nothing more I could do.

The moment I gave up, I felt myself being lifted. It wasn't the graceful ascension I thought it would be, more like being shot out of a cannon then being caught short by a bungee string (but with a lot less bouncing). Lightheaded and dazed, I coughed up a portion of the water, still feeling bound by whatever held me. Blinking the water out of my eyes, it took my blurry vision a moment to focus.

Dratini... no. Dragonair.

I had no idea why it had grabbed me, though it didn't seem to be out of malice (if it had been, I expected I'd have been dead by now). Its face came closer to mine, nostrils flaring slightly before releasing a breath, chilling the water along my skin. The coils loosened, and I thought to wiggle free, but it tightened around me again, holding me firmly in place.

From what I could tell, it had two lengths of its body draped around my midsection, a third holding my legs near the ankles. I couldn't kick or push free, making me wonder if this was a version of Wrap and how often it used it to catch things swimming in its pool.

My head, I think, was resting on its tail, the orbs of which were at the top of my head. I could have been wrong about that though, I couldn't really tilt my head back to see anything and its body prevented me from seeing anything past my chest. Mainly, I could just tell from the texture of its skin on mine, a sort of rubbery sensation that I wouldn't have normally associated with the Dragonair.

It leaned its head closer and I flinched back on instinct, not that I had anywhere to go. Its head tilted a little to the side, the pair of wings on its head flapping once, causing more air to rush over me. The shiver that ran through me apparently wasn't enough of a concern and it didn't flex its body that time, though it did make a questioning sort of noise at the back of its throat, a mix of a hum and a sigh, as though curious of my reaction.

"It's cold," I offered, though quietly, feeling stupid for answering. The odds were, it was completely wild and didn't understand human but still, perhaps by speaking it would opt to let me go.

No such luck.

The horn on its head, a translucent pearl, glowed faintly, either due to its own power or the lighting, offering a calming effect despite the predicament I was in. Unintentionally, I felt my body relaxing in its grip, felt the tenseness slowly drain from my body. Was this an attack? Something to make my guard go down? I didn't recall it doing anything, yet, it was beneficial in a way. In the midst of relaxation, I was able to observe something about my captor.

It was blind.

Its eyes looked at me but didn't truly look at me, more at a distance, as if seeing something beyond me and had a milky sheen to them, lightening the normal brown shading to a pale bronze color. Perhaps it had grabbed me to determine what I was, if its gentle prodding to my cheek indicated anything.

Its muzzle felt softer than the rest of its body, less like an inner tube and more like wet silk as it brushed over my face. I could still feel tendrils of air running against my face as it breathed, but proximity made it warm, my own breathing stilling at its closeness.

The coils relaxed around me as it continued its exploration, sliding the tip of its muzzle along my face, as though feeling what I was. It rubbed its cheek against mine, the texture there rougher than that of its gentle muzzle and I winced a little as it rubbed against me. It didn't hurt but there was some friction as its skin brushed against mine, tugging lightly as it moved. Its wing ran against my nose as the side of its face swept along my mouth and chin, the feathers much like any Pidgey feathers you'd find though it matched the same creamy white as its horn, rather than the drab brown feathers of the Pidgey.

Another soft sound came from its throat, a low hum that rose at the end, again as if it was questioning who or what I was. That velvet muzzle stroked by my lips again, those copper eyes that didn't focus still managing to lock gaze with me. I couldn't answer him and just remained in his coils, focusing on breathing.

Its body constricted a little, mainly because it was moving, its whole body slowly slithering around mine as it reached his head further, exploring my forehead now. It didn't keep its fascination for long, though it did run its face along mine, as if measuring the size and shape of it. Starting at my right temple, it used the side of its muzzle to slide slowly along the jaw line of my face, bumping it lightly against my chin before following the opposite side back up towards my other temple and back again to my forehead and down along my nose and lips, as though to see the whole of it. I didn't realize my lips had parted till its breath mingled with mine, making me close my mouth and swallow harshly. Whatever calmness it was radiating over me, it was slowly ebbing with the fact that I felt myself becoming oddly aroused by these touches.

Thankfully, it found something new to play with. My hair. Perhaps it was because it didn't have any of its own but my hair seemed an endless source of intrigue for it. Resting its head atop mine, it almost began to coo as it rubbed the side of its face against my hair, continuing this for several minutes along the whole of my scalp. It wasn't till it took some in its mouth and experimentally tugged that I yelped, making the Dragonair jerk away and squeeze, making me (and my ribs) agree to keep silent during the rest of the examination.

After that, it shied away from my face, moving to examine the rest of me. When I felt its muzzle touch my leg, I flinched again, pulling away only to find I couldn't. The grip it had was firm, but not painful. I was more or less reassured of its intent not to harm me at this point, but I found it discomforting not being able to see what it was up to.

That, and its breath tickled as it spread along my legs and up to my thighs.

My legs also seemed to be another source of fascination for it. I could feel the Dragonair touching its face along them, pulling back for a moment when it came to where they were divided. The query it made was one of shock, as though it had never entered its mind that there could be those of us with legs instead of tails. If my arms were free, I'm sure it'd have made an equally large fuss. Yet, that didn't prepare me for what came next.

It ran its tongue from my lower legs, just above where its body lay, all the way up to my thighs, following the small valley my legs made when pressed together, stopping only when its nose bumped gently at my nutsack, causing me to suck in a breath of air and arch slightly, though I hadn't intended to. The saliva trail it left grew cold, apparently my legs were forgotten as it examined this new oddity my body presented. Pressing its muzzle closer to my sac, I jerked away, not wanting it to explore there, but again it held me, warm and cold air teasing my sac as it drew in one lazy breath after another, fascinated by the scent or something in that area. One more nudge and I shifted as best I could, trying to will myself not to get a hard-on from this, that it wasn't something I should be feeling aroused over. The Dragonair had other plans, apparently not satisfied with the information it was gleaming with its snout. The next thing I knew, something warm and wet was pressing itself against my balls, making my dick instantly contract and harden, in spite of my prior desire not to.

It was using its tongue to play with my balls.

Again, it made a pleased sound, that coo mingled with a sigh and a hum, as if happy though still curious about its findings. Its tongue moved away, giving me a moment of respite to try and stifle my unintended erection before that tongue came back. The licks the Dragonair placed along my thighs, just to the right of my balls and dick, then the left, running it where my legs connected to my groin, did little to ease the ache I felt from my wanting shaft.

Thrashing accomplished nothing. The Dragonair still held me as easily as before, merely constricting enough to hold me in place, stopping its licking with a curious sound, as if asking had it hurt me, before lightly bumping my balls again with its nose. Rubbing them from the underside, it slipped its tongue out again, the length of it enough where my sack could easily rest on it without falling off. Holding it that way, it finally tucked its tongue back in its mouth before sliding it out again, running the tip of its tongue over my balls inch by inch, as though to get a mental picture of what it was playing with.

"H...hey. S...stop."

It didn't respond. Another surge caused my groin to ache as it slipped my balls inside its mouth. That mouth was like a sauna compared to the chill of the air, I didn't want to, but I thrusted upwards, my cock throbbing with a desire to be touched. If I could just get a hand free, I could take care of it in an instant...

Or maybe the Dragonair would do it for me.

Before I could argue with how wrong that would be, my thoughts shattered as the Dragonair began to suck and tug lightly on my nuts, perhaps examining them to see if they were removable. It must have learned a lesson after the hair incident though, it was thankfully gentler this time around. Its tongue was fondling each individual orb hidden under the skin, pressing one to the roof of its mouth, then the other, suckling on each, then both, rubbing its tongue up and down over my sac.

When he let go, I wasn't sure to be thankful or resentful. I had a hard-on that was almost painful, I could feel each pulse of blood traveling to it, causing it to swell and throb. When that ever-curious muzzle breathed over the base of my shaft, I was as hopeful as I was fearful he would continue.

It brushed its nose against the base again, moving along the whole length leisurely, again, as if to go gradually and make a mental picture of what it was touching. I had to hold myself still to keep from thrusting against its face, needing to remind myself it didn't know what it was doing, that I couldn't...

It'd reached the top of my shaft and was breathing on it, the warm air traveling down my cock and heating it, making a vague whimper squeeze past my throat. Lifting my head as much as I could, I was just able to see over its body that held me, see it stick its tongue out and touch it against the backside of my dick. The Dragonair didn't stop at my gasp, instead it kept reaching its tongue down and along my shaft, reaching from the tip to the base, warping its tongue around my dick and pulling it back in its mouth before repeating the same sensually slow process all over again.

My hips were thrusting against his tongue. I wanted to stop myself but doing so would have been excruciating. It was worst now, now that I could watch the Dragonair, see it rolling its tongue along the head of my cock, lapping at the pre that must surely be oozing out by now. When the Dragonair took my dick in its mouth, I couldn't keep my head up any more to watch, I threw it back, crying out softly as that warm mouth engulfed me, suckling on my dick. My thrusts were harder now, the Dragonair thankfully not restricting my motions as it kept pressing its tongue against my dick, bracing it against the roof of its mouth, taking the full length. When it pulled its head back, leaving my cock coated in its saliva and several spurts of my pre, I could feel my chest heaving against its scales. When that mouth descended again, I still wasn't ready for it. The tugging, sucking sensations the Dragonair used, similar to the ones it'd applied to my balls, was far too effective.

Confliction prevented me from cumming fully, my surge more of a squirt, small and hardly satisfying, a fact my still hard dick testified to. The Dragonair withdrew immediately, flailing a little, clearly not having expected that. Lifting its head, I watched as it audibly smacked its tongue against the roof of its mouth, as if trying to place that taste. Still breathing raggedly, I was hoping it wouldn't figure out what it was when suddenly it gave an enlightened sort of cheep. One coil, the loop closest to my head, slowly unraveled from my body, pulling away as the rest of the Dragonair's form shifted and slid around me. Now, the coil was directly above my head, at least fourteen inches away. Before I could even put my mind to work to fathom what it was planning, the Dragonair lifted its head over, nudging at a section on its scales.

Slowly, a slit became visible as a pink tip started to emerge, my breath catching. Running his tongue against his own shaft, the Dragonair gave a contented "Huoow," his body shifting again, moving it closer to my face, as if to show me he too had one of them. The Dragonair's saliva glistened on his shaft, continuing to grow longer as he nuzzled it with his muzzle, again making sounds of inquiry as his dick brushed just right of my lips, the wet tip slick against my face. He pressed lightly down, licking his shaft again before nudging my face, licking my cheek with his tongue, as if to include me in his exploration.

His dick was longer than mine, no doubt about it. Nine, maybe ten inches of length, slender, almost coned at the tip. It was of small consolation that he was slender, just under my girth, and that I didn't see any balls.

I upped him on at least two things, then.

I went to turn my head away from his shaft, when he began to make that soft humming sound again. Each hum varied in pitch and tone, some starting high then going low, others low then high, each continuing one to the next, so long that they might have formed a song when combined. I could feel his dick pulsing against my face, small rivets of warm pre trickling from his shaft and down my cheek. His horn began to glow brighter, my body relaxing again as I felt myself turn my head, the tip of his dick leaving a damp trail as it came to rest on my lips. Wetting them, I caught the taste of his juices, a variation from the bitterness of my own. It seemed saltier, more than bitter, and I licked again to confirm this, actually sliding my tongue out of my mouth to touch the small slit of his dick. The song arced higher, the Dragonair touching his tongue to mine, both of us, for a split instant, licking his dick and each other. He gave himself a few more licks, his coral pink shaft pulsing more pre out before he lifted his head and moved back out of my line of vision.

Still, I continued my own explorations of him, licking the new pre off my lips, touching my tongue to his tip again, as he had done to me. I took a little of him in my mouth, sucking experimentally when I felt something nudging my balls and the feeling of his breath again tickling my thighs. When he took my sac back in to his mouth, I moaned, the Dragonair using the opportunity to slip more of himself in my mouth. My dick, which had temporarily moved down the priority list, shot back up, pulsing insistently. Still unable to move a hand to help ease the pressure, I did the only thing I could do.

I sucked the Dragonair the way I wanted him to suck me.

His song hitched, going for one more hum before dying out, a cry issuing as flap after flap of air washed over me. His head wings were beating to the pace I was sucking, his scales flexing and loosening in a similar fashion, as I slid him in and out. He didn't quite fill my mouth, as far as girth, and I didn't have the skills to take him all the way down, but he was definitely enjoying himself, if his body language was any indication. He continued to nuzzle and lick at my balls but the motions were becoming more frantic and less explorative than before, his tongue lapping with such pressure it almost became painful.

Thankfully, he eased up, pulling away again from my balls and going back to give one full length lick of my dick, swirling his tongue at the tip, before taking me back in his mouth, nursing the head of it with a practiced experience he hadn't shown before. I pushed myself upwards, trying to get him to take more of me, almost forgetting to suck on his own shaft, which was pulsing in my mouth, begging me to keep going. The veins within his dick throbbed against my tongue, his soft gasps reaching me as I continued to hear the beat of his head wings. I took more of him in, just to the point where it hit the back of my throat, almost causing me to gag on him. There was still a good five or six inches of him I couldn't fit in, not at this angle and not without a fair amount of training. He, however, was able to take my length in one swift bob of his head, his tongue curling around my shaft like a piece of candy as he sucked, soft muzzle bumping against my sack and making me thrust my hips. Fuck, this was better than any blowjob I'd ever gotten before... even if I was reciprocating.

The Dragonair's hums were turning into low whines, his dick trying to plunge further into my mouth, making it harder to breathe. His thrusts were becoming more primitive, less elegant, as he began working on fucking my face. I would have complained, but the speed he was using to forcefully rape my mouth was the same he was using to suck me off. I had barely a warning as my balls tightened and a spray of cum erupted from my dick and into the Dragonair's mouth. Dazed from my release, I didn't have the sense to pull away as he made his final thrusts, his cry echoing loudly as his own climax came pouring into my mouth in thick, salty abundance. I had to swallow to keep from drowning, feeling some of it leak from around the corners of my mouth as I failed to keep it contained. The coils around my body finally loosened their hold almost completely, but I didn't have the energy for escape. Instead, breathing heavily, his cum marking my face and still lingering in my mouth, I just lay comfortably in his coils.

The Dragonair removed his head from my shaft, licking the last few drops of cum from my head, giving one gentle suck to be sure it was gone. I suppose he was either doing it because he liked it or he was cleaning me, wasn't sure which, and it didn't settle the question when he removed his own gradually softening cock from my mouth and licked it clean, even licking the stains off my face.

Watching him through half closed eyes, my chest rose and fell, trying to catch up on missed oxygen. The hum he gave was quiet yet content, his cheek brushing mine again, the same friction from before making it itch a little. He left his head at my shoulder, one wing fanning over my face, shading my eyes from the light of the crystal, though I wasn't sure if it was an intentional gesture or one that just so happened. Experimentally, I tried shifting a little, moving one of my arms. The Dragonair didn't tighten around me, so I took it as a good sign.

Lifting my arm, I slowly brought it up to the Dragonair's face. He jumped at the touch, his head wings going back and flattening, almost like a Meowth's ears, before settling, fanning back out again.

"Well," I spoke quietly, hoping to get him used to the sound of my voice. "I guess that map wasn't a complete waste after all."
Chapter End Notes:There you go, short and sweet. ^^ Fair warning, temporary hiatus. I'm entering the AGNPH contests (yes, plural, I'm entering them all for the heck of it) so wish me luck! Expect me back late December or early January, alright? (Really, it's not that much longer than normal, but I'm feeling like Brian from Family Guy, I really should work on my novel...) Maybe if you're all good, you'll get something for Christmas. ;) We'll see how the muses moves me.

PS: Before I get hung for the name, Del means "to give," in this case, head. X

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