AGNPH Stories

My Pokemon by Pokegirl


Story Notes:

This project was started one evening after playing a very rousing game of Pokémon Diamond (or should I say, arousing?). After writing the first short story, Momo, I was so stunned by the reviews I received in regards to my work that I also agreed to do some requests. Thus, the growing amount of stories you see here. Each chapter, again, is actually its only little story. Save for the story with Momo, they are all based on one request or another that a reader/reviewer has given to me. Some are from Pokémon POV, some from human. Some are female POV, some are male. Some have elaborate backstory, some... not so much, all depending on what was asked and what liberties I was permitted to take. Here, you find all the short stories in one place along with the request that prompted it. I hope you enjoy.-PokegirlOh, and Ps? My Luxio still kicks a$$.*******After much thought and consideration, Matt and I have teamed up to work on the requests I've recieved. Hopefully, this will allow me to write all the wonderful challenges you've given me and make them something you'll enjoy reading. As his passionate scenes are more involved and indepth than mine, I asked if he might mind taking over that area of the stories so I could give you the quality you deserve. I hope you don't think too poorly of me... I just want them to be the best they can be and with Matt's help, I really think they'll shine!-Pokegirl

Author's Chapter Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Halloween Special: And the Year After

Thanks to Matt and Resolute, who both offered creative insight and editing along the way... and Matt helped me with the sex scenes because I suck at them... or think I do. Either way, enjoy!


She was nervous.

She didn't act like it, or at least, she wasn't obvious about it. Still, there was a small spark of energy that raced along her movements, making them seem to jump and stand out. The way her upper fangs dug gently into her lower lip, causing them to darken as her scarlet eyes glanced outside the cave entry, marking the gradual descent of the sun. How her fingers moved through the air, as though digging into the plush fur of a Persian before stroking, clawing, and stroking again. The shift of her weight to the left, then the right, as her wings tugged at the white hooks of hers that kept them bound at her neck, as if wanting to spread and fly.

"You'll make a gurl nervous, lookin at her likuh dat."

A soft breeze of air came from my nose, a little wheeze of laughter.

"Your fault, Camille." Unlike her rolling, almost musical voice, mine came out as hard as the floor my ass was currently sitting on. "You're acting flightier than a Butterfree."

One of her clawed fingers went to touch upon her tender lower lip, a frown spreading as gently as a flower's bloom.

"Perhaps," she finally agreed with a shrug, the motion unhooking the white claws at her neck and letting her wings spread. "But I 'ave waited a very long for dis moment, jah?" Her wings quivered when they reached their full length, the violet insides a dark hue in this lightening, exposing her very pale and nude form beneath.

Camille, do not mistake me, is a beautiful creature. She has curves your eyes can't help but follow, skin your hands can't help but want to touch. Were we not so close, I might have even claimed her for a fuck or two, but it would be an empty exchange. The thought gave me no satisfaction, as it should, the idea of claiming this talented, young Golpire. Certainly, I had accepted a few offers from others of her flock, but I felt nothing during the union except relief at its ending...

Still... one could certainly admire and look...

Her wings quivered before closing, clasping again as she gave another look towards the entrance.

"One day," I answered for her, knowing the look on her face. She was still too weak against the sun, as her kind was, to venture far into it without harming herself, but as time went on she would grow stronger, better able to withstand larger amounts of it.

"Ah..." she answered, dissatisfaction shading her accent. "But not today, jah?"

"He's waited a year for you, Camille." I gave a snort. "He can wait a few more hours."

Her lip curled, showing her right fang to me. My own lips pulled back in response, a low growl leaping readily to my throat as my shoulders stiffened.

She merely laughed.

"You are tense, Vincent." She shook her head, her purple hair swaying. "On tonight, of all nights?"

The way she was looking at me implied she was seeking an answer but the only one I could offer came with a snarl.

"I don't like Halloween, Camille." Just thinking about the holiday made my back stiffen like a pissed Arbok. "You know that."

"Jah... and no." She turned to look at me, a mix of a groan and a growl coming when I realized she fixated on me now instead of the meeting with her plaything. "You 'ave never told me deh exact reason for yer... dis-dain." Her eyebrow lifted, clearly expecting an answer.

Ignoring the feel of wanting to roll my shoulders, to feel my back lengthen and stretch, I merely turned away from her gaze.

"It's stupid, Camille." My voice was sounding rougher than I wanted so I paused a moment to clear it. "The decorations, the begging, the fuh-" I broke off, deciding it wasn't worth swearing since she'd probably assign more importance to it than necessary. "The costumes," I said instead.

"Der be noting wrong with honoring history, Vincent." She lifted a wing, as though to stretch it again before settling it closer against her skin. "Deh decorations, likah deh pumpkins, deh came from carvin' up deh turnips, part of deh legend of Jack of deh Lantern..."

"A story of a human thief who tricked a Dusknoir that had been sent to claim his soul and guide him to hell," I scoffed. "One who captured the Dusknoir in a old style pokeball until the Ghost agreed not to take him to hell ever... but the human was such a sinner he couldn't get to heaven and was forced to wander the physical plane with only an ember of hell's fire to guide him, which he put into his turnip as a lantern to light his way." Folding my arms, the smile I gave was more of a sneer. "Served him right, really."

"Ah, so sweet, Vincent." Her voice was mocking, but a soft mocking I didn't mind too much. "And you know, den, deh history of deh 'beggin,' as you call it?"

"Where poor people and children would go door to door while singing and praying for dead in return for cakes and treats?" A laugh escaped my throat at the thought of the current generation, plump children being towed house to house in warm cars. "How many of those kids really need that shit anyway? More crap to make them hyper? More fuel for the ADD fire?"

"Your words be so bitter they would taint any toffee to enter deh childrens' mouths..." The smile on her lips made my own tug upward, almost eager for the next question I knew she was going to ask. "Den deh costumes?"

"Ways to blend in amongst the spirits, now a cross of 'what my darling wants to be when they grow up,' 'generic hero x,' and 'we don't give a shit' costumes."

"Such an optimistic view on tings..." She took a step forward, one hand pressed down on her hip. "It be surprisin' me you not be slittin yer own throat, Vince." Her hand moved from her hip to lightly graze one of the blue-violet ears atop her head. "Dis also be deh way for us who don't quite fittin to be fittin in, jah?" Her head gave a sharp, quick jerk up. "We don't all be gettin your looks, some of us have to work harder at it den others."

"You're holding your form better," I offered, knowing how hard she'd been working to transition into a more human appearance. So far, she was able to take on the human shape for longer durations than another Golpire but she couldn't change her wings, claws, ears, or fangs... not to mention her telltale colorings. It was something she'd focused all her attention on the last year, having hoped to have been able to meet with her human toy sooner than the Hallow's Eve, thinking she would be able to blend better with his kind.

So far, the ability still escaped her.

"Jah... from no lack of trying." The frown on her face made me flinch, the pinched look to it making me sure a lecture on my views of Halloween was quickly coming, but the brief glance she made towards outside saved me. "Dis be dark enough fer me..." Her body straitened, the furrows along her mouth deepening. "You won't be makin deh trouble tonight, jah? Der are does of us dat do likeuh dis holiday."

"Fuck, Camille." I rose, brushing my jeans off and giving her a displeased scowl. "Do you really think I'm going to mess this up for you? I know you've been looking to screw this guy since you came back last year smelling like a candle store and sex."

"Well," she remarked, with a slight huff, her attention drifting more and more toward the outside. "You can do deh senseless tings from time to time, jah? Better to be keepin it low key so I don't have to be kicking yer ass later."

The rumble in my throat was broken up into small laughs, the idea of her kicking my ass amusing. Not because I didn't think she wouldn't try, but because of how much property damage the last fight had caused. I don't think the orchard owners ever did find a plausible reason for the mess of mashed up apples, torn up tree trunks, or pounded pumpkins.
I was still finding pumpkin seeds...

"I'll be goin, den." She paused, her wings half lifted, her eyes suddenly very fixated on me. "You will be fine, jah, Vince?

The concern that warbled in her voice like a baby Pidgey's song made me smile.

"Yeah, Cammie. I'll be fine." I made a little shooing motion with my left hand. "Get going, go find your toy. You don't have a lot of time."

She bit her lip, looking to retort on the comment I'd made about her fuck buddy, but she gave a sigh and turned, giving the faintest shake of her head. A blink later, a Golbat was flapping out of the cave, the near silent flap of its wings suddenly engulfed by the rising roar of hundreds of other wings. Her form merged with the other Zubats, Golbats, and Crobats taking flight, a river of blue and purple flowing against the twilight sky.

It had begun.


I had no plans for the remainder of the evening, other than avoiding begging children and obnoxious pranksters. With Camille and her flock out, my choice of companions was limited to me, myself, and I. Still... there was something to be said for a night where one didn't have to worry about being asked why you were out so late or what the hell you were doing.

Deciding I could at least enjoy that aspect of Halloween, I lifted my head up, drawing in a slow but deep breath of air. Decaying leaves tickled my senses first, followed by the scent of dirt and bark. Fainter were the fragrances of Pokemon like Ekans, Pidgey, and Spearow, similar to yellowed letters on a page. They had not passed in some time and had only left a trace reminder of their existence.

Leisurely letting my nails scratch against my throat, I continued my walk away from Camille's den, allowing myself to travel deeper into the woods. This area by her caves was typically not frequented by humans, outside the odd hiker or two, an area too densely populated by trees for camping and yet too small for much else. It suited us fine, as a gathering place, though I was often annoyed by just how small it seemed when running from edge to edge.

The sound of voices drifted along the air, too faint to make out.

I paused, my foot half suspended, turning my head left. A quick, short breath confirmed what I thought to be, had to be, a misunderstanding.

There was someone else in the woods.

No... more than someone. Multiple people. Fou-five. Five of them. Whispering, walking. The sound of leaves crunching under their feet might have been firecrackers popping, Marshtomps stomping. They made no motion to mask themselves, their voices growing louder the closer they came.

I could feel my lower jaw pulling, the bones at my cheeks popping as they shifted and expanded. Colors swirled and brightened once before washing into a mix of browns, yellows, blues, and silvers. The sudden jump of awareness, brought on the sharpening of my hearing and the distinguishing clarity of my sense of smell made up for the lack of colors. The discomfort along my hips eased as several cracks echoed along my spine, like the crack of a rawhide whip in rapid succession. Groaning, I felt the material of the shirt I'd been wearing cling tighter and tighter against my chest till a quick swipe of claws from the collar to my sternum eased the worst of it, the fabric ripping easily and falling to the ground. My jeans had less give and suddenly broke along the seams, between my thighs and ass. The snarl along my face, which I couldn't see past my now expanded muzzle, probably would have caused some kids to wet themselves. Still, the hole was a relief in some way, allowing my growing tail an opening to expand from.

Shaking my head, I tried to focus again on the sounds of voices rather than my annoyance that my fifty dollar pair of sneakers were now useless scraps.

"...will be fun."

"Yeah." Girlish laughter followed that. "I can't believe our parents thought we were really going trick or treating."

"We're way too old for that shit."

A low growl hovered inside my throat but didn't come out. Instead, I opted for traveling closer to the voices, intending on driving the intruders away. Perhaps this land was more Camille's kind than mine, but I was here enough to lay claim to it, unlike these... intruders.

Moving forward on all fours, keeping low and hidden amongst shadows and brush, the voices continued to talk and guide me.

"...surprised your cousin actually bought us some beer."

"Yeah, he's cool." It sounded like the girl that had laughed before.

"I don't know why you invited her though." The voice from before had dropped to a whisper, likely so the one they were speaking of couldn't hear.

"It's the only way my mom would agree." The huff in the girl's tone wasn't masked, nor was her voice low like the others. It appeared she didn't care if the other heard. "'Julie's going?'" the girl's voice mocked, rising up in volume as she did. "'Well, of course it's okay then!'"

"You could have at least told her to wear something sexy," a male's voice scoffed. "Or just to have dressed like a nun."

"Sister Julie," the female's voice laughed. "That'd be perfect."

The voices grew louder yet the one in question, presuming she was traveling with them, made no response. They came into view a moment later, a cheerleader dressed in blue and white, her black hair done up in twin pigtails with matching ribbons. Her skirt was so short I couldn't fathom how she'd made it through without tearing her legs to bloody strips. The guy to her left wore a pirate costume, a cheap version of Captain Jack Swellow, complete with plastic hat and cardboard compass. Next to him was another guy, a lit cigarette lighting up his dirtied face. His clothes were also stained with dirt, ripped and frayed along the edges. I thought he had fallen on the trek here till I saw the stick with bandana bundle. Hobo. Ah... how... original.

Trying not to roll my eyes, and just barely succeeding, I adjusted my position to catch sight of the remainder of their group. Another female, dressed in scrubs with fake blood drenching the front of her shirt, and a male in matching doctor's outfit carrying a saw. Their costumes appeared to have taken more time, but only by the three minutes it would have taken to douse themselves in... *sniff* colored water.

Having counted the five, a toothy Totodile grin ran along my face, wondering if the beer toting Hobo might drop it in his fear as I rushed out or if the cheerleader would fall over in her haste to escape. Adjusting my crouch, reading my spring as they came nearer, a sudden movement along the shadowed stopped me.

There... was a sixth.

Temporarily annoyed, not sure how I'd missed them, I focused my attention on the straggler.

They were moving slower than the rest, thus, quieter. The others voices drowned out what sound they did make and the mix of cigarette smoke with the others new scents made it too hard to pick out this individual, amidst the over fragrant body sprays and perfumes that tainted the air.

All I could see at first was red.

"Hurry up, Julie," the cheerleader female whined, turning where she stood. "If you didn't want to come, you should have said something."

Blinking, I could make out more of the girl's costume, though the dark and red color made it blur in and out of sight.

Beneath the red, which I took be a cloak or cape, she wore a simple gown of blue with a white pinafore atop it, lace trimming the edges. The dress went well past her knees, stopping just at her ankles. The thin sheen of white stockings could be made only when she moved, black buckle shoes on her feet shiny in spots where mud and leaves didn't cling. Along her arm, she had a wicker basket, empty, probably intended for the initial goal of getting candy till her cheer-leading friend had lead her astray.

Her face was hidden by the red hood, a trick I wondered if she'd done intentionally so the rest of the pack couldn't see her either.

She said nothing to the cheerleader, just kept walking at her own pace, her head turning to look away from the group and upward, as if searching for something. The cheerleader shook her head, made a "tss" sound, before smiling and turning her attention to the male pirate.

"This should be good enough, don't you think, Chris?"

"Yeah, we're deep enough in... and there's some trunks we can use to sit on." As he said that, he actually flopped down on one, patting a spot on the bark next to him and grinning at the cheerleader. "Come 'ere, wench."

The girl giggled, sitting beside him before shooting a frown at the hobo.

"Come on, Steve... I want a beer."

"Hold on to your skirt," he grumbled, tugging one of the cans free and tossing it to her. She was clumsy enough to almost drop it, her frown deepening until the pirate whispered something in her ear, making her giggle shrilly.

The nurse and doctor accepted their cans, popping them open and taking a drink before anyone else. They sat across from the cheerleader and pirate, the doctor taking another long swig while the nurse merely sipped at hers.

"This is pretty nasty tasting," she said, sticking her tongue out. "Like cat piss."

"You've drank cat piss?" her partner teased, causing her to strike his shoulder with her fist.

The cheerleader rolled her eyes, clearly finding such a display too far beneath her. I was starting to wonder if she was a real cheerleader and just too good to wear anything else before the motion of the hobo trying to hand Julie a beer caught the corner of my eye.

"No... thank you."

The world around me stilled, my ears straining to hear more of her voice, my body suddenly so taunt I thought it would snap. Instead, a strange ripple ran along my skin, easing the tension only to have it return at the hobo's voice, trying to pressure her.

"Come on, Julie." He shoved the can towards her, leaving her the option to take it or drop it. "Lighten up for once."

She took the can, rather than let it fall, but as the hobo walked to hand the pirate his own beer, I noticed she didn't open it. Spreading her cloak, she sat further from the group, choosing neither fallen trunk to sit on but the floor of the forest itself. Her attention turned towards the shadows behind her, rather than the pack before her.

Circling around the group, I watched and listened.


There is little that needs to be said, of what happens when teens start drinking. The doctor and nurse, having already been on friendly terms to begin with, were now entering a more physical realm of things. The nurse was pushing her ass against his lap, his hands wrapped around her, groping at her breasts while she only giggled and moaned, sloshing what was left in her can. The cheerleader had given up her prissy act some time ago and was now on her knees, her face buried in the pirates crotch while he held head still, force fucking her mouth.

Little red had continued to remain by herself, her back turned against the proceedings as though that denied their existence. Why she remained was a mystery to me, her booze still untouched, unopened, and clearly not one interested in drunken gropes.

The hobo, meanwhile, was on his third can, evidently annoyed that his two friends were clearly enjoying themselves while he was forced to either watch or sit by himself. He had opened a forth, was about to take a sip, when red decided to lower her hood.

Brown waves framed her face, the dark tones making her light skin tone more prominent in the night. Distance and darkness covered the color of her eyes, I suspected they were the same color or similar to her hair.

Startled, realizing I'd unconsciously moved forward, I snarled silently as the hobo moved closer to her, beer splashing on his skin and almost wetting her dress.

"There, Julie... relaxing now?" He moved to sit next to her, almost falling backward with a laugh as he reached to grab her shoulder. She escaped his touch by moving just far enough away, but the drunkard didn't seem to notice. "We can has sum fun too, yah know?" He straightened himself before leaning towards her, almost shouting as he tried to whisper. "You're not Erika, but thas okay. Yer tits are still pretty big, riiiht?"

As he leaned forward to touch them, the girl moved up quickly, her cloak flapping just out of his out reaching hands and causing him fall.

"I'm going," she said, to the uncaring ears of those whom she'd come with.

Turning, not in the direction they came from, but towards Camille's den, she started walking, her pace quick but not yet a run. Following her, keeping pace along side her, I almost missed the racing steps behind her till the hobo from before grabbed her. Catching her by her wrist, she barely had time to make a sound before he was pulling her towards her.

"Fuckin' chillax, Julie..." he was snarling before I burst through the bush and showed him what a real snarl was.

My hand was on his, pulling him away from her. I could practically see his alcohol-addled mind wonder what the hell was going on, how his eyes tried to blink and focus on my form. Allowing the corners of my mouth to rise, he got a great view of my teeth that were enough to make him pause in mid-jerk.

"I think you need to head home..." I growled out, going slowly so his addled mind could keep up.

I wondered how I looked to him, with my orange fur and black stripes, my cream colored mane and tail. Could he actually make out the gold sheen within my black eyes or was he so drunk I was just a blur? Certainly the difference in our height must have registered, at the very least, and give him some measure of caution... but I have forgotten how stupid people come with beer...

"Wuhy should I listen tah you, ya fuzzy-"

Bending my head down closer to his face, I let my grip on his tighten on his wrist as he'd allowed his grip to tighten on hers. I could hear the bones creaking but the mass quantities of alcohol he'd consumed had deadened most of the pain he'd have otherwise felt. Still, his eyes were widening with a clarity that hadn't been there before.

Hovering till the tip of my nose nearly touched his, I shoved him away, so hard that he stumbled and rolled, trying to get up and falling again. He was up in running in a moment though, clipping his shoulder against a tree in his haste.

I think he got the point.

The growl dwindled as he left, presumably to go tell some drunken, rambling story to his preoccupied friends who wouldn't care in the midst of their other activities. Lifting my head, I was startled when I realized the girl was still there. I thought she would have taken the moment to run but no, here she stood, looking at me as though I were the most fascinating thing in the world.

Trying to cough and mask the remaining tendrils of my growl, I hesitated. She, unlike the hobo, was in complete control of her facilities.


"Ah, are you alright, miss?" I tried to smile but stopped myself, realizing if my jaw moved to easily it'd be a lot harder to pass it off as some kind of mask. "You really shouldn't be out wandering by yourself." I kept my words stiff sounding, trying to open my jaw with each word without my lips actually moving.

I couldn't let her know I'd been following them practically since they'd entered the woods either... better to play it off like I just so happened to be there... by myself... without a good reason.

Aw... FUCK!

"I wasn't by myself," she answered softly, before her voice turned thoughtful and she glanced back the way she'd came. "Then again, perhaps I was..."

She turned to look back at me, a fragile sliver of a smile on her face.

"Thank you, anyway."

"You're..." My voice died away, my nose finally latching on to her scent. The perfumes, the body sprays, and the smoke from the others still clung to her, like a Grimer refusing to let go, but her own, natural aroma was emerging like an Oddish in the morning. It was so faint it was distracting, I couldn't fully pinpoint it as it kept dipping and hiding amidst the other scents.

"A-anyway," she stuttered lightly, "I should probably get going."

"To grandmother's house?" I smiled, seeing her do so. "Well, if you'd rather not go back, I can walk with you... make sure no one bothers you."

She kept her gaze on me, not sparing another one to the pack she'd traveled with before. Her gaze made the fur along my shoulders want to bristle, uncertain what she was seeing. I was certain she was going to decline (primarily why I'd offered) so when she gave a slight nod, I felt my jaw start to drop before I caught it.

"I'd like that," she said, her head tilting. "Though... should I really be traveling with an Arcanine? Loyal as your kind can be, I think the tales depicted a grim fate for my counter part..." While the words were light, almost playful, there was a silent question lurking within her eyes. They were as dark as the eyes of a young Stantler, one who still saw wonder in the world but had also seen enough of it to be cautious.

I felt the cool air along my canines as I smiled, answering quietly.

"Well, I suppose I could lead you into the woods, gobble you up, and leave the bones for the birds..." I let the air grow silent around us, tensing and relaxing my claws, before breaking the quiet with a laugh. "But I'm not a fan of cleaning blood off my fur."

The silence that returned was heavier and I felt my ears twitch, wanting to lower, not liking the oppression from it. I figured that should be enough, to drive her back home with her tail wagging behind her like the stray Mareep in Little Bopeep. She seemed different from the rest of her group, so I thought that would be it... but when she took a step closer to me, I felt my tail twitch, my body tensing as if she were challenging me.

"Would you gobble me up?" she asked, her voice dropping even lower, quiet and serious. "And leave me behind?"

The weight in her words made me pause, considering my answer. My tail gave one twitch, from left to right, before I could stop it. I moved closer to her as well, impressed when she didn't back away, despite the clear difference in our height and strength. She was close enough now she could feel my breath... she must be. I was close enough to smell her, the mask of other odors finally slipping enough to expose me to just... her. The more I breathed in, the stronger her scent became, as if building up inside my head. She smelled like... something I should have.

I couldn't explain it any other way.

"Not sure," I decided to growl, lifting and turning my head, trying not to get so fixated on her scent. "Depends on how you taste. If I like your flavor, I might just keep you around... take little nibbles here, a bite or two there. Make you last..."

My right eye slid to look at her while my muzzle remained facing the other way. Her eyes were still watching me, her thoughts unreadable. Those dark eyes of hers seemed wider, or at least her pupils did. I could see her pulse from here, fluttering rapidly against her skin almost as much as Camille had been in her cave. I would typically mark these as signs of fear... which was a complete contrast to what her scent had told me. There was no stench of potential terror, just... her.

"And... should I run, would you chase me?" she finally asked, her own head cocked, as if to better hear my response. "Try to catch me?"

A sudden possibility of her behavior jumped to mind, one that made me laugh silently to myself. That would definitely explain the dilution of her eyes and her jumping pulse, but I was still unsure. She didn't seem like the cheerleader back there, who'd be content to be fucked by just anyone.

The thought of fucking her, however, was making my veins burn beneath my fur in ways that surprised me. The problem was, my anthro form did not contain my desires easily, just like a real canine. The coy words, whether innocent or seductive in intent, were feeding the hungry beast within me, providing me with a thrill I'd never experienced with any of the Golpires. I couldn't object, couldn't fight it.

She shouldn't have said that word.


"No... I wouldn't try to catch you," I answered, taking a slow breath through my mouth to try and avoid breathing more of her... it only made it worst, I could practically taste her scent along my tongue. "I would catch you." I took a step closer, even as my rational mind was telling me to back away, to disappear and just leave her with an odd story to tell her friends that no one but maybe the hobo would believe.

But I never was a good listener...

"I would catch you," I said again, the words deep with promise. "And you'd be mine."

"And..." The word trailed off. There was no audible swallow, but I could see her throat move as she did. "If... I gave myself to you?" She closed the distance between, her hand reaching to touch the fur along my chest.

Surprisingly, I let her, even knowing that there was no chance she'd mistake the skin under my fur for a costume.

"Would my story end better than red's?" she continued to ask, her hand coming into contact with my body.

"It might," I growled, my hands moving on their own accord.

One of them gripped on top of her hand on my chest, crushing it tighter to me, completely defeating the slim desire I'd had of driving her away from me. The other, it was hungrier. That simple, pretty dress she wore... my hand let itself rest on her waist, my claws digging in just slightly. "Just slightly" was enough, the fabric quietly tearing. If I clenched my fist, I could yank this whole outfit off of her... she'd be naked for me.


"What large hands you have," she spoke suddenly, her voice stuttering as her hand twitched under mine.

Not letting her hand go, I did loosen my grip a little. "The better to hold yours with," I chuckled, thinking hers were just really small.

Her real concern should have been the sharpness of my claws.

Hopefully, she'd realize those claws were more dangerous than she could take. But she'd better realize it soon... my sheath was already swelling behind the tattered remains of my pants. Shifting my weight, I stifled a groan as I realized the thick, red tip of my cock had slid up against my boxers, along the denim, and between the waistband of my jeans and my thick-furred abs. Maybe my fur would hide the fact that I had a red dick, a canine's dick, that was practically pouring precum out of its sharp tip. Then again, perhaps she should notice... if there was anything that would get her to run back to her friends, to safety, where I couldn't chase her without getting caught...

Hell... even if I was caught, exposed, I don't think that would be enough from pursuing her. Not when the feel of her hand under mine was enough to make my hips want to thrust, her scent potent enough to make me draw her closer when I should have pushed her away.

Her eyes widened, her breath a quiet rush of air as she inhaled. I thought, for a terrifying moment, that she knew. That she knew and would run, as I wanted -didn't want- her to do.

When she leaned her head closer, resting her cheek against my chest, I felt myself relaxing.

"What soft fur you have," she said, her fingers moving under mine, with mine, to stroke along my chest.

"The better for me keep your attention with," I answered absently, certain I felt her breath against my fur and skin as she spoke.

She laughed a little, my tail giving a short but quick wag at the gentle sound. Her body shifted against mine, a curious expression spreading along her face before she looked down and a quick gasp confirmed that she had seen what I wanted -didn't want?- her to see.

"What..." She lifted her head back up, her cheeks nearly as red as her cloak. "What a..." her words failed her and she gave a nervous sounding laugh. "What a big boy you are."

"I am." I told her, fully aware that she had not pulled away, even when she had fully seen evidence of my... desire for her.

Every instinct howled from within me, to take this woman who was offering herself and claim her as my own. The rush of pressure within my head was enough to make my eyes burn, my cock throb. This... this delicacy before me, this sweetness I'd been craving without knowing the cause of my hunger... she would fill me, sate me...

My body was well aware of what it wanted and didn't wait for my consent before acting on it. My hand had let go of her hand and was now crawling along her back, pressing her even closer to me. There was no avoiding, no mistaken, the feel of my hard dick against her belly, the heat of it pressing through her dress and against her skin. The glazed look in her eyes told me as much, her lips pouting and plush.

"All the better to claim you with, my dear..."

My claws moved under her cape, catching on the material along her shoulders and pulling down. I heard her make a soft sound of surprise as my claws tore her gown, each nail leaving its own groove along the fabric, the trail ending along her mid-back. More tearing, more rips of material, and soon the top of her dress was nothing more than ribbons, hanging down along her hips. A white bra, plain in style with only a little lace design, remained whole under her red cloak... but that wouldn't be the case for much longer.

She still wasn't running, though she did give a slender shake, like a willow branches touched by the wind. I didn't realize, my own form warm in fur and fire, that she might be cold. She merely stepped closer to me again, her arms wrapping around me so that my heat enveloped her. She gave one last shiver, a pleased whimper coming from her as her body warmed itself against me.

Why... Why did she have to sound like that?

Like she wanted me?

"Tell me to stop." The words were almost an indistinguishable mess of growls, coming from the last rational vestige my brain still clung to. "And I will."

With that, my sanity slipped, leaving me only as sane as a common animal, with the pale hope that I would be able to stop if she did ask.

I wanted her naked, to feel all of her against me. Even as she clung to me, my claws worked against the remainder of the dress that hugged her hips and let it fall. The pinafore fell away once the ribbon tying it to her back and the slips that clung to her shoulders were cut. I let the red cloak remain, though her bra had to go. The thin slip of matching panties, those too I let her keep, but only because I was distracted by the soft flesh of her breasts against my rough pads while my other hand went to cup her supple ass.

Her hands reached to touch the fur along my face. I jerked my head back, concerned of what she might gleam from it, but the flicker of disappointment within her eyes was enough to make me bend my head down again.

"Don't..." She swallowed, her ass wiggling in my hand as she gasped. "Don't stop."

She rose up on the balls of her feet, presumably to reach further back along my face and to pet near my ears... but all I could focus on was how her crotch rubbed against my cock.

In a sudden, uncontrollable moment of desire, I reached behind her, grabbing her by her ass and lifting her against me to thrust herder against her. Her arms went to grab around my neck, her startled cry muffled against my fur as her legs instinctively wrapped around me. Squeezing each cheek of her ass, I could feel my claws dig against her skin, just shy of puncturing. I would spare her cloak. I would spare the hood. I'd even spare her skin as well, though only just, still desiring to mark her with red trails and pricks against her skin.

My own clothing, what little remained, had become an obstacle. Moving my right hand to steady her against me, I moved my other to pop the button of my jeans, relieving the uncomfortable tightness I'd felt during most of my conversation with her. The tattered remains of denim fell without trouble, my boxers trying to cling but a quick swipe removing that problem.

My free cock now slapped happily against her crotch and belly, sticky pre leaving a trail against her skin, trailing down and soaking into her panties. Still, even with my bestial cock rubbing against her, she made no move to push away or flee.

I didn't know if I should be happy or worried.

She still didn't know what she was getting into... What was about to get into her. I was going to show her a bit of my beast, maybe all of it. Who knows? I didn't have the willpower to really stop myself at this point. Even now, my hips were humping between her thighs like a puppy with his first rut.

Her hands were moving along my back now, her nails digging against my skin but my fur was so thick I hardly felt them. Every so often, a needy pant would break out, or a thrilled moan as I pushed just right against her. My knot was so fucking hard right now... I couldn't wait any longer.

Slipping my claws under the sides of her panties, the material ripped but didn't fall. My dick was keeping them smashed into place right now, my dick and a mix of our juices practically plastering them against her skin.

When I put her down, pushing her away, I thought I might have regained a trace of sense. That little hope was dashed when I found myself undoing the thin ribbons that kept her cloak on her shoulders, letting it fall and sparing it from destruction. Turning her away from me, I wrapped a hand around her belly and pressed my dick between her two hot ass cheeks, completely drenching the small of her back with my pre.

Pressing her down on her own cloak, getting her to her knees, I caught a whiff of fear amidst the scents of arousal.

"You're... okay?" I barely got out, my dick still twitching with the want to be in her, despite my wanting to make sure she was okay.

"You're just... larger than I was expecting," she answered, her head turning slightly to look back at me.

I laughed a little, a deep rumble from within my belly. She still wasn't trying to run away! She wasn't afraid! That's good... Really good.

Or was it bad?

All I could really think of was the way she was kneeling before me, how her hot pussy would feel surrounding my wet, pulsing cock. Grabbing her shoulder with one hand, I pushed her forward, making her take the position of a bitch on all fours.

My bitch.

My other hand went to her hip, peeling off those soaking wet panties. Her ass clenched, likely from exposure, as my neck dipped low enough to press my nose against her slit. Her body twitched and she made some soft words of protest, but my hand only tightened on her hip in response.

Her scent was stronger her, spicier...

Slipping my tongue out, knowing she couldn't see me from the angle she was at, I pressed the whole of it against her petals, mashing them into her skin before diving it into the source of her liquid pleasure.

She was unclaimed.

"Damn..." I whispered, the words weaving through my teeth as I pushed my tongue back within her.

"You... you don't have to do that," she protested, sounding flustered and breathless at the same time.

Amused by her, I pulled my tongue out slightly before thrusting it back in, swirling it in a way that made her gasp and try to pull away. She hadn't told me no, hadn't tried to stop me, so I wasn't about to let her get away.

Both hands moved to grip her ass, tightening enough that she stopped her squirming and just offered a weak whimper instead. Smiling to myself, I pulled my tongue back in my mouth to fully experience her flavor before giving a serious of quick laps against her petals. My tongue wove around them, between them, then gave a slight dip into her cunt. She bucked, pulling more of my tongue in rather than pushing it out.

Slipping it in even further, her ass was suddenly pushing against my hands, her loud moans reaching my ears.

"Your tongue... what a long tongue..."

The better to taste you with, I thought to myself with a smug grin, continuing to stroke her warm walls with it.

"I-" She broke off with a startled gasp. "I want to taste you... Please?"

Her request made me pause where nothing else would have.

Should I let her?

She'd know without a doubt that I'm not like her... besides just the thick, hot reason jutting between my legs. Physically, she would see how my cock differed from all others of her kind. There was no hiding something like that...

"Close your eyes..." The demand wasn't harsh, but my words were guttural. "Don't open them."

She already knew, didn't she? She had to... but... I don't know. If she did, why hadn't she ran? Left? Or even just asked?

I saw her body stiffen slightly before she nodded. "Oh-okay." There was a slight shake to her voice which concerned me till I heard her speak again, her voice now steady. "They're closed."

My growl started soft, curling and deepening, hopeful but concerned over her words being true. My hands released her hips but stayed along her skin, stroking up her sides and pausing at her shoulders. I my right hand let go, allowing me to walk around her as my left hand slid to her opposite shoulder, letting her know where I was. A quick glance at her face showed she was telling the truth, both eyes shut so tightly there were furrow marks along the edges of them.

"What?" she asked suddenly, making me realize I'd been laughing under my breath.

"You're just very beautiful," I answered, leaning my head closer to place a light lick on her cheek.

She moved her head down, as though trying to hide her telltale blush. Rather than letting her, I slipped my paw under her chin, lifting it firmly but gently.

"Open your mouth," I whispered, letting my warm breath touch her face. When she did so without complaint, her eyes still tightly shut, I encouraged, "Stick out your tongue..."

Her small tongue obediently passed her lips.

I should feel bad... I didn't. The thrill from before was magnified by her submission, her acceptance into becoming a blind tool for my pleasure. Keeping my hand still on her chin, the other went to my cock, stroking it as I watched her waiting for my dick, her nostrils twitching as my scent reached her.

"Just like that," I said, feeling some of the pre coming away on my fur as I gave it one last, hard yank.

Pulling my hand away, I guided the ruby tip towards her mouth, a faint trace of her warm breath hitting it. I nearly swore, the sensation of that alone so good a spurt of pre hit her tongue even before I could put my cock in her mouth. Her tongue started to pull back, a wrinkled look of confusion on her face before she stiffened it and kept it out.

"Bad tasting?" I asked, wondering if she'd prefer to just skip to the part where I spread her cunt and fucked her harder than an Onix.

"Not... really," she answered slowly. "It's kind of like vinegar chips..." She gave a shrug, a thoughtful frown on her face. "I guess it's something you just get used to?"


Unable to spare any words, my thoughts already raging in my mind for me to claim her, I pushed my dick close enough so the tip finally touched her tongue. The wrinkles along her eyes smoothed but she still didn't open them, her little red tongue wiggling under the head of my cock. She took no more in than I granted her, the lithe organ of hers stroking the underside, running slowly back and forth so that more of my precum dripped into her mouth.

"Use your hands," I ground out, concerned that I might start face fucking her if she didn't.

Moments after saying the words, I thought of taking them back, realizing that she'd be able to feel the difference even if she couldn't see it but it was too late. Her hands were already reaching, touching along my hips and sliding closer to my shaft. They were slow, uncertain. Her tongue had paused, her hands taking over the exploration. Her left hand remained against my inner hip, as if giving her a guidepost, while her right went on, touching upon the base of my cock.

Right where my knot was.

Bulbous, wet with a sheen of hot precum, it was hard as a rock and definitely different from anything a human male would have. If she saw it, she'd realize what kind of monster she had her lips around.

My hand stroked along her throat and chin, silently waiting for some sign of realization or disgust...

But there was none.

She gave it a slight squeeze -how could she not notice I was something different? Wasn't there a limit to innocence?- and continued to move up along my cock, her mouth now moving to close around my tip, enveloping it in warmth. Hissing, more like a feline than canine, my hips jutted forward, I had a fierce desire to shove myself as deep down into her human throat as I could, to have her choke on it. To show her, without a doubt, who was in control. But no, she just wanted a taste... just a taste...

I could let her have that much, couldn't I?

Lost in trying to contain my bestial desires, I almost missed out on enjoying her mouth working its way up and down my cock, her tongue still running along the bottom of my cock. In fact, the more I seemed to stroke her skin, the more eagerly she took to trying to shove my dick down her own throat.

A pleased growl filled my throat, this desire of hers to satisfy me making my mind suddenly hazy. Before I realized it, I was shoving myself deeper into her mouth, thrusting almost as hard as I would if I was burying myself in her pussy. Hearing her sputter around my cock made me stop just as suddenly, pulling out my dick to leave her coughing for air.

Just as I was going to mutter an apology, I heard her voice, raspy, but clear.

"It's... okay." She covered her mouth with her hand that had been previously on my hip, coughing slightly. "Juh-just..." She gave another, lesser cough and laughed softly. "Just try to leave me in one piece, okay?"

My spine stiffened, my tail frozen in mid-swing.

She... fuck. She just didn't know when to stop, did she?

"Of course," I told her, my voice carrying a weight as heavy as a Snorlax.

Moving my hands back to her shoulders, I pushed gently against her till her back was lying against that red cape of hers. My body hid hers from the chill of the air, but even so her nipples stood erect against her mounds, like pebbles of cinnamon on white cake. My dick was wetter than it had ever been, so eager to push between her legs I could remember no other joining I'd had where I was ready to cum before I'd entered. It slapped up against her sex, the wet popping sound and the raw heat that followed making me give an unprepared thrust out of reflex.

Truly... was I some mere pup, to lose control so easily?

My cock slid up her belly until my knot knocked against her clit, making her arch and lift against me. Pleased I wasn't the only one without power over my body, I continued to grind against her, watching her lips open and close in breathless pants. Her hands had moved to my arms, digging into my fur and clenching it tightly as she bucked against me.

"I want to see you..." she all but moaned.

That made me turn my head to look at her, surprised to still see her eyes closed but pleased. The fact she was willing to listen to me to such an extent was a promising thing indeed.

I kept one hand against the ground, to balance myself, while the other moved down to my cock, positioning it and guiding it to kiss the entrance of her pussy.

"Alright then," I told her, the tip of my shaft squirting pre right onto her honey pot, wondering for a moment if she'd even let me get away with marking her in a true canine fashion. "Open your eyes..."

Seeing her lashes flutter, the moment they focused on me, I pushed inside her.

She jumped against me, her face burying against my chest in a muffled scream. My free hand moved along her back, holding her to me as she adjusted to the size of something much larger than my tongue. Her pussy was going wild around me, making my tail lift, my body eager to continue even as I used what little rational I had to hold back.

I was right. She was unspoiled.

Until now.

Muffled sniffles came from amidst my fur, her hands relaxing the death grip they held along my arms. I had not even tied with her, a thankful thing, as her reaction would have probably been much worse. My hand stroked against her mid-back, my head lowering to whisper softly into her ear.

"That's right... relax, little red..." I pulled out slowly before pushing gently back in, flicking my tongue soothingly against her ear. "I've got you..."

I could feel her quick breath from her back slowing, shuddering, working on becoming normal. Her face still remained within my fur, though the fistfuls she'd grabbed were gradually becoming released. Continuing with the slow, steady motions, I heard her finally give a soft sound of pleasure, her body lifting for a moment in the joy of it, before her tear streaked face pulled out of my fur, her eyes wet but I saw nothing in them to dissuade me from continuing.

"I've got you," I whispered one more time before pushing deeper inside her, moving to the point where my knot was pressed against her petals but not daring to go further.

Still, there was plenty for me to enjoy with the depth I did enjoy. As the tension dwindled from the air, once again giving way to the steady throb of passion, my hips began to rock faster. Soon, my knot was mashing against her pussy, her own juices and mine dribbling down her ass. My balls were swinging between my thighs as my pace increased, enjoying myself while enjoying her.

I thought she might lie there, content to enjoy... but my little red wasn't one to sit still, apparently. A glance my way and she turned her head away, her cheeks flushed as little gasps left her from my entry. Her hands slipped down to her breasts, holding them, squeezing them, pushing them together and teasing those dark nipples for my enjoyment.

Panting, my tongue lolling out, my hips jumped and went faster still as I watched her. Drops of my drool splashed against her neck and face but she did little more than blink, opening her mouth and catching some on her tongue.


Soon, I was pounding her like the dog I was. Like the animals we were. I could feel my knot straining to enter her tight hole, stopping just short of doing so. Her legs had moved around me, wrapped along my lower back, just above my tail. Her body rocked against mine, following the rule of motion every object, even human, must obey. My nails dug into her back, trying to keep her closer to me. Her hands had to leave her breasts, the rocking too fast to allow her a good grip anymore. Her moans reached my ears, her breathless, needy sounds making me try and thrust even more of my dick into her.

I wanted to knot this bitch, my bitch. I wanted to flood her body with my seed, pup her and tie her to me. I would take her with me, away from the humans she knew and to my den. I would fend for her and care for her and leave her wanting nothing more than my dick inside her.

There was no other option... I would never be able to let her go.

Pulling completely out, in one swift motion I had her turned around, back on all fours like we'd begun. Hands back on her hips, my cock was back in her so fast I doubted she ever registered it left her.

Picking up my thrusts, my hips jerking and ramming into her so fast her body barely had enough room to do more than bounce. Her pussy was so wet her scent was flooding the air, her juices squeezing past my cock and splashing on my fur and the ground. If I fucked her hard enough, fast enough, I was certain I could pop my knot inside her, finally getting the relief I sought.

"Ah-all of it!" I heard her suddenly get out, her ass lifting higher for me to push into. "I want... all of it!"

Leaning over her, practically on top of her, my chest rubbed against her back, my arms along side hers. I gave her every ounce of power I could spare, forced it all into that untrained body, heedless of its limits when she was willing to go so far. Best yet, she took it.

Beautifully, even.

The musk in the air was so thick, I was surprised the drunken humans the short ways back couldn't smell and choke on it. Even still, they must have heard my howl. The loud, raw and diamond clear sound ringing past the leaves and trees, given power by the final push that enabled my knot to slip past her entrance.

Her lips closed around my base, that sensitive spot being touched by the cunt of my mate. Were it lava itself running in my veins it could not have been a hotter sensation. I tied, and came, in the same thrust, continuing to hammer her as I filled her with that thin, copious canine seed my kind was famous for. It'd be hot... very hot. She'd be safe though, protected by her own mix of juices.

I felt her scream along my chest, though my howl swallowed it so none within the woods heard. Her pussy tightened along my cock, her climax like a cool dip of water as it mixed with my hotter seed.

My arms wrapped closer around her, feeling her energy waning, expecting that her climax might take what adrenaline or lust had prompted her towards accepting all of me and leave her weak. Carefully, I helped her lay on her stomach, knowing it would be some time before my knot would soften enough to free her. Listening to her quiet pants, I moved to cover her, wishing to keep my fragile red safe from the very air that would chill her.

Gently licking along the back of her neck, I found I had to ask...

"You know...?"

I heard her start to say something but the sudden rush of broken twigs and rasping leaves overpowered whatever she'd started to say.

A savage snarl roared from my throat, her body suddenly tensing under mine as her old pack rushed through the clearing. Protect! shouted through my mind and the fire was already at my lips, swelling up in size to release my flames in one heated bark upon those who would dare trespass.

The pirate screamed loudest, I think, the only thing that probably saved them. The shrill sound made my ears fold, the flames coming up short due to being startled, leaving them unscathed saved for the cheerleader. She had stumbled and fallen, the fringe of her skirt getting licked at by the flames. It didn't catch but it had all five of them shrieking and running back from whence they came.

I tried to get up to pursue them further but my own knot stopped me, plus my little mate's soft plea of discomfort.

Giving a dissatisfied growl, I settled back, nuzzling at her shoulder, silently begging apology for having upset her.

"That will be a hard one to explain tomorrow," she sighed, after a few licks against her neck and cheek.

I paused, suddenly remembering the question I'd been waiting for her to answer.

"I guess there's no point in asking now..." I mumbled aloud.

"Probably not," she agreed, her voice soft and sleepy sounding.

As she still had yet to scream, I felt comfortable to offer a slight chuckle.

"May I amend my question then?"

"Hmm?" she sighed, turning her head so she could look at me with one eye.

"Since when?"

She made a cute, fussing sound, her mind clearly struggling to focus based on the scrunching of her face.

"Since when did I know?"

At my nod, she closed her eyes and smiled, more to herself than at me.

"Since I saw you... but I didn't know for sure until I touched you..."

My breath was coming out faster, my pulse going as quickly as a Dodrio. "And still... why?"

This time, she gave her own soft, one noted laugh, her eyes opening again as she smiled at me.

"If you spent your whole life dreaming and had a chance to taste something greater than reality could offer you, could offer anyone, would you really give up that one moment, that fleeting Keldeo?" She drew in a short breath. "Or would you do everything you could to lengthen it and burn it to memory."

"There's only one problem with your logic..." I found myself growling, my teeth lightly digging into her skin.


My growl deepened further.

"You presume I'm going to let you go..."


"Oh, shit..." Erika ran her hands through her hair for the sixth time, rocking back and forth on the bench in front to the school.

"She didn't come home?" Chris whispered, trying not to draw the attention of anyone else mulling around the building, waiting for the bell.

"Fuck, no," Erika answered, her lip raw from worrying it. "We're going to be so screwed... what if they go looking for her and find the booze we left behind? They're never going to believe..."

"We don't say anything," Steve broke in, leaning between the two. "What happened last night? Never happened."

Amy leaned closer to Jacob, whispering something. Steve's head lifted instantly.

"What?" he asked, eyes narrowing.

"It's just... I mean... we have to do something," Amy said, her voice almost dying to nothing under Steve's glare.

"The fuck can we do? No one would believe us... hell, they'd probably try to pin it on us!"

"Or you," Jacob said cooly. "You were the one trying to hit on her."

"I was drunk!" Steve protested. "I didn't mean for... I wasn't trying to..."

"Is that an apology then?"

Everyone's head lifted, voicing in unison. "JULIE!"

Amy was over to her in an instant, her hands taking her friends. "Oh my god, Julie... what the hell happened last night?"

"Last night...?"

"Don't fuck with us!" Steve moved closer, stopping just short of touching her himself. "There was some... some fucking Arcanine or something that looked like it was going to fry my ass!"

"Was that before or after you tried to touch my breast?" Julie asked, the question stated so casually it might have been innocent if not for the sharp glance she was giving him.

Flustered, Steve clenched his fists at his side. "I'm sorry, okay? I was thinking of asking you out and with the drinks... it just got... a little more than I meant."

"Which is well and good," Erika broke in, pushing him aside. "But that doesn't answer what the hell was going on last night! That didn't look like an Arcanine, I've seen one of my cousins before... it looked like some kind of..." She trailed off, suddenly glancing over her shoulder, as if making sure no one was listening.

"Some kind of...?" Julie asked, turning for Erika to the others, none of whom were willing to meet her eyes.

"Some kind of Were-Arcanine," Jacob finally muttered.

"A Were-Arcanine..." Julie frowned, putting a finger to her lip. "You mean... like the ones in the books I've been reading? The ones that you all had told me weren't real? Just like the Dewgong Sirens?"

There was some light mumbles and foot scuffing amongst the group before Steve offered, "Yeah, Julie... like that..."

"Huh..." Julie shook her head. "Well, if they aren't real, they aren't real, right? So, you couldn't have seen one."

"Then what the hell fried my costume last night, Julie?" Erika put her hands on her hips, her head lifted high. "Tell me that!"

This looked like my cue.

"Looks like we can't keep it from them any longer, Julie," I said, moving from around a small cluster of students, where I'd been waiting for just such a moment. Putting my arm around her shoulder, hugging her to me, I felt a smolder of warmth as she looked up at me and smiled, feeling it might actually be worth being here amongst the rest of the peons if I could get her to look at me like that.

"Keep what from us... who's this?" Steve asked, glancing from her to me and back again.

Julie gave a soft sigh, frowning as if truly disappointed before turning back to her audience.

"Well... I was sick of your teasing so I asked Vincent here to help me with setting up a prank... we worked on the costume for months... and even some pyro tricks with wire and fuel to make it look like he was breathing fire..." She gave a soft laugh and turned back to me, grinning up at my face. "We just... well, we just started liking each other along the way so..."

Her cheeks flushed naturally, amidst the yarn she was weaving, likely thinking of our mating last night. My lovely little red...

Deciding to jump in, I grinned, my human teeth showing in a canine's warning, not that they would ever catch the meaning.

"I'm Julie's boyfriend," the word made me want to spit, knowing her to be more than that. She'd convinced me, however, that mate or fiancé would be too hard for them to buy... it was something they could be told later or not at all. "Vincent Wolfe."

Glancing from each face to the next, making sure I caught their attention, I let my smile widen, enough that each of them looked properly nervous.

"I hope we'll have many more Happy Halloween's together..."

There were some more mumbled words, only Amy and Jacob seeming sincere. A few excuses about studying or tests and the group broke apart, leaving Julie by my side, smiling as she watched her pack depart.

Her ex-pack depart.

Keeping her by my side, I lowered my head to kiss along the side of her shirt, my mark from the other night hidden by it. I didn't like it... but I understood her wanting to protect our secret and admired her for it.

"The next full moon's a week away," I whispered against her skin. "We'll have a lot of practicing to do until then."

When she turned to smile at me, a golden sparkle warmed within her eyes, her pupils slowly turning from circles to slits.

"Of course, alpha," she replied, leaning in to kiss me just as the bell of the school house rang.
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