AGNPH Stories

My Pokemon by Pokegirl


Story Notes:

This project was started one evening after playing a very rousing game of Pokémon Diamond (or should I say, arousing?). After writing the first short story, Momo, I was so stunned by the reviews I received in regards to my work that I also agreed to do some requests. Thus, the growing amount of stories you see here. Each chapter, again, is actually its only little story. Save for the story with Momo, they are all based on one request or another that a reader/reviewer has given to me. Some are from Pokémon POV, some from human. Some are female POV, some are male. Some have elaborate backstory, some... not so much, all depending on what was asked and what liberties I was permitted to take. Here, you find all the short stories in one place along with the request that prompted it. I hope you enjoy.-PokegirlOh, and Ps? My Luxio still kicks a$$.*******After much thought and consideration, Matt and I have teamed up to work on the requests I've recieved. Hopefully, this will allow me to write all the wonderful challenges you've given me and make them something you'll enjoy reading. As his passionate scenes are more involved and indepth than mine, I asked if he might mind taking over that area of the stories so I could give you the quality you deserve. I hope you don't think too poorly of me... I just want them to be the best they can be and with Matt's help, I really think they'll shine!-Pokegirl


There are those who are called "Legendary."

These Pokémon control the elements of the planet, from elements such as Fire and Ice to those of Space and Time. They are thought to be the strongest Pokémon on the planet and yet... their powers are naught compared to those who give the Legendaries their power.

The Untouchables.

One Untouchable for every element, 16 beings of mass power that loan a fraction of their abilities to the Legendaries, the Pokémon, and even the humans. They are named Untouchable for one reason.

If a human ever caught one... it would mean the destruction of everything.


Have you ever had dreams that seem more real than dreams? Ones that are too vivid, too detailed to be a figment of your imagination?

I have.

Not every night but often enough where I would question my sanity, I would have this dream. In my dream that didn't feel like a dream, I would hear a voice calling out. I don't think it was calling to me specifically, but I think I was the only one who could hear it. I never saw anything but murky black and would often awake only to find myself out of breath and my heart pounding, as sense of fear clinging to me...

But I had no answer as to why.

The dreams frequency had no apparent pattern. I could go a month without the dream then have the same dream every night for a week. There was no consistency or warning as to what was triggering them.

Sometimes, I thought I was losing my mind.

I tried to answer the call once, in my dream. The moment I opened my lips an unseen force flooded into my mouth, my lungs, this indistinguishable matter. I clawed at my throat as I tried to scream, unable to expel even a whimper.

As though the substance were real, I awoke trying to eject it.

By this time, I had tried several attempts at solving it. Medical advice, which seemed to include various colored pills that taxed my body more than the dreams. Specialized diets, ones where I would eat only beans or tomatoes, another where I had nothing but pizza... they made me sick after a while. I tired acupuncture once but that only intensified it. Nothing seemed to stop it and I had no answers...

Till today.

"So, this medallion," I rubbed the thin gold piece between my thumb and index finger, feeling the faded etchings on the metal. "If I keep it with me, will help stop those dreams?"

The woman sitting before me answered slowly, the expression on her face the same as it had been for the last twenty minutes of my visit with her.

"It won't stop your dreams," she explained. "What it'll do is stop the Pokémon that's projecting them."

"You mean these dreams have all been caused by a Pokémon?! Why?" I had been dealing with these nightmares for the last three years because of some Pokémon?! What the fuck did I ever do to him?!

Her jade eyebrow lifted and I tried to still my anger and my growing nervousness. I don't know why I had allowed my grandma to talk me into going to Saffron City to seek this woman's advice but now that I was here, I might as well hear her out.

"It is likely that the Pokémon doesn't even realize he's doing it. When Psychic Pokémon reach a certain power level, they unconsciously transmit their feeling and emotions." Her deep blue eyes met mine and I had to fight to keep from getting up and leaving. Something about her... the way she looked at me, it made me uncomfortable.

"Normally," she continued, "the average person can't pick up on these subconscious waves of Psychic energy. Those who can are often gifted in the realm of Psychic themselves."

I tried to prevent it but a laugh still managed to escape my mouth. Still, the woman before me, Sabrina, her expression didn't change.

Man, me? Gifted with Psychic abilities? Last time I tried to read anyone's mind had been Cody's during that math test. Either Cody was really stupid or I just didn't have any Psychic abilities to speak of.

"Perhaps you are just overly sensitive to Psychic energy then, Kari." Her voice was a touch colder, as though my laughter had hit a nerve. "I would advise you to take the medallion with you, at any rate, and see if it aids you."

"Yeah, alright. Thanks."

Heck, I'd tried everything else. Why not sleep with a piece of metal?


That night, after changing into my pjs, I found the medallion within my bag and fingered it again. I still wasn't sure why she'd given it to me, especially not for free, but hey, I shouldn't look a gift Ponyta in the mouth, right?

Still... I was nervous it wouldn't work.

"What makes you so special?" I wondered, tilting it a little to see if I could make out the worn designs on the metal. Unable to distinguish anything, I reluctantly climbed into bed and put it under my pillow, the only place where I thought it stood a better chance of not being lost amongst my blankets. Grabbing for my Teddiursa doll, I hugged it tightly before trying to settle into sleep.


The dream started out the way it always did. The darkness, the calls, and the inability to do anything, the same thing. Yet... something seemed different. The calls that I could hear but never make out seemed to be a little closer, a little clearer. I could almost make out what it was saying...

I felt something in my hands. That alone was enough to startle me. I had never felt anything in these dreams before, save for that suffocating feeling when I opened my mouth. Looking down, I saw the medallion in my hands, emitting a glow that was struggling to preserver and pierce the dark.

The cries stopped. The medallion flared.

Suddenly, I wasn't alone.

I could feel something moving just outside of the medallions faint glow. I turned to see it but the murky black wouldn't part to give way. I could hear something moving, something breathing, but I couldn't see anything. There was a faint sound to my right and I instinctively moved away from it, almost dropping the medallion.

[[Who are you?]]

The voice echoed, distorting as it drifted around, not ceasing until the voice spoke again.


A gust of warm air came from just behind me and, despite its warmth, a shiver wracked my body. I opened my mouth to answer but recalled what had happened the last time I tried to speak in my dreams so I immediately shut it.

[[Find me.]] The voice whispered, the warm air twirling around me, pulling at me. [[Find me.]]

Before I could find a way to ask how, I woke up, the medallion gripped tightly in my hands.


I debated with myself all day, going back and forth between whether I should go, whether I should stay, whether it should even matter to me at all. I mean, it wasn't my concern, right? Why should I go to him? It?

I worried the medallion between my fingers, absently tracing the faded impressions on it.

I didn't want to go, didn't even know where to go, so that should be it, right? I wasn't the one sending dreams to him, why should I have to go see him? He could come to me, should come to me!

Yet... that voice... it echoed again in my mind, feeling so real, like a touch.

[[Find me.]]

"Whether I stay here or leave isn't going to make any difference." Annoyed by my own indecision, I slammed the medallion on my desk, forbidding myself from touching it again. "I'd rather stay here anyway."

Leaving my room, shutting the door on both the medallion and my problems, I couldn't shake the odd feeling of disappointment that followed me.


That night, despite my earlier decision to leave the medallion alone, I found myself tucking it under my pillow as I had the previous night.

"It did help a little," I muttered, feeling a little silly to be admitting that the piece of metal made me feel safer. "Besides, I'm sure that it'll work even better tonight."

Touching it one last time, I turned to stare up at my ceiling, waiting for sleep to come.


[[Find me.]]

I could feel his presence from behind me, feel a soft pressure on my skin, but when I turned there was nothing there. Even the medallion, once more in my hands, failed to illuminate what lurked in the shadows.

A small sigh of air brushed by my shoulder and neck, the weight suddenly more pronounced, as though something were laying its head there. It made me tense at first but when nothing more happened I was surprised to find the action comforting, though slightly unnerving when I couldn't see anything.

[[I am waiting.]] The voice didn't echo or distort this time. Each word was drawn out, spoken with great care and consideration, holding a gentle, yet firm, power to it. [[Find me.]]

"Where?!" The word slipped from my lips before I could stop it, recall the foolishness behind doing so. Oddly, the mysterious force that had tried to drown me before didn't present itself, though the darkness extending beyond the medallion seemed to wriggle and convulse.

From behind me, there came a light. I tried to turn to see it but the pressure around me became more solid, as though he were standing right behind me, holding me still. I ceased my struggle when it became apparent I wouldn't be moving.


Before me, the shadows slowly began to swirl, picking up speed with each turn. The light from behind me seemed to be sucked into the churning black, forming more of a gray shape that began to rise, peaking into what almost looked like...


I left the next day, leaving little explanation to anyone. I took some modest supplies and my mother's Nidorina, as I had no Pokémon of my own. I still wasn't one hundred percent sure where I was going but at least I had a better idea now.

The image from my dream had taken what appeared to be the shape of a mountain. There were no distinguishing features about the mountain but I was rather fortunate because the only closest mountain in the area was Mt. Moon. I figured it was as good a place as any too start looking.

"A Psychic Pokémon couldn't project much further than that, right?"

My mother's Nidorina tilted her head, giving me a blank look.

"Thanks for the help, Rina."

"Nidorina!" She continued to lumber beside me, happy for the simple fact that she was going on an extended walk.

I had taken the medallion with me, tucked under my shirt and hanging from a necklace chain I'd grabbed from my jewelry box. I didn't know how long it was going to take and if I had to sleep while trying to find this Pokémon, I at least wanted to be well rested when I awoke. However, I was hoping it wouldn't take more than a day to get to Mt. Moon. After all, we really weren't that far...


"Nidorina, Body Slam!"

The force of her body sent the Geodude crashing into wall of the tunnel. Poised, Nidorina was prepared to follow through with another attack but there was no need. Snorting in the general direction of the fainted Geodude, Nidorina stomped back over to me, tail swaying contently behind her. So far, she'd seen more action today than she'd probably seen the entire year.

"Good girl, Rina." I turned to examine the tunnels. Right or left? Up or down? It was getting harder for me to remember where I'd been too and where I was heading. I'd run into some trainers in the tunnels earlier too, ones who had been very insistent upon fighting me and Nidorina. I was more annoyed than anything, I mean, I wasn't even a trainer. Well, it was a good thing I brought as many Potions as I did...

"Let's try left this time, Nidorina."

"Rina." She gave a nod and shuffled in front of me, head held high as she drew in a deep breath. Releasing it, she confidently trotted forward. "Nidonidorina!"

Through my shirt, I lightly fingered at the medallion, hoping we were going the right way.


"Hey, Rina, maybe we should stop for the night and try tomorrow." I turned to look behind my shoulder, shuddering at the sound of what was either a Zubat flapping in the dark or a Paras scratching along on the ground.

"Rina!" There was a slight negative tone to her voice.

"Nidorina, I'm getting tired and we've been walking around for hours now. Aren't you tired yet?"

"Nido-nido!" Another negative.

I rubbed at my eyes, a subtle moan of dismay leaving my lips. "Nidorinaaaaa!"

She paused, ears twitching but not seeming to be paying attention to me. Rising up as far on her haunches as she could, she began sniffing repeatedly. That caught my attention.

"What is it?"

She pointed off into the dark, gesturing and chattering excitedly by some discovery I couldn't fathom. Scampering forward on all fours, I had to run in order to keep up.

"Rina! Hey!"

She almost lost me at a turn, her bulky form moving surprisingly quick around the corner. Shouting after her, she still seemed unwilling to slow down. I thought for an instant that she had gone feral, deciding to ignore my commands, when she halted suddenly, causing me to trip over her and land solidly on my knees.


Nidorina, ever concerned for my well-being and safety, was staring at the wall intently, squinting at it and sniffing. Then, without warning, she began Digging and smashing the rocks, dirt and gravel flying behind her.

Lips tightly pinched, I tried to keep my temper in check. Clearly, something on the other side of the wall had her attention... but, FUCK, that hurt!

"Little warning next time." Grumbling, I stood up and rubbed my knees, wincing a little.

She didn't even acknowledge me. More soil and rocks flew out, the hole now so deep that only her tail was sticking out. By now, I was intrigued.

"What's over there?" I wanted to lean in and take a look but I didn't feel like having a mud facial with sharp slivers of stones imbedded into it.

Nidorina continued to ignore me, now completely immerged in her hole. I waited for her to stop and come out... but she didn't come back.

"Rina?" I cautiously leaned my head to peek into the hole, the dirt having stopped flying. "Hey?" I couldn't see her. "Nidorina?" Annnnd... now I couldn't hear her either.

"Oh, shit! Mom's going to kill me!"

I was on my hands and knees in an instant, my very, very SORE knees, mind you, crawling through this hole filled with dirt and hopefully just dirt. There was just enough room for me to crawl through but my shoulders kept scraping at the sides.


She'd dug about ten feet or so (I'm 5ft, 5in and I know the tunnel was longer than I was tall), before the tunnel gave way to what I guess could be called a basin. As far as I could tell, Nidorina had actually tunneled OUT of Mt. Moon and we were now somewhere on top of it. It was kinda weird though, the way the ledges were shaped around us, it was almost as though we were in a bowel of sorts, stray boulders and rocks lying about and some tufts of what could be really long grass growing in patches.

Pulling myself all the way out of the hole, I tried to get the dirt off the best I could but it still clung to me. Giving up, I turned my focus on Nidorina, who for some reason was on all fours, growling.

"Rina? What's wrong?"

Her eyes were fixated on a spot in front of her but when I looked, I couldn't see anything but rocks and grass.


Her fur bristled and her body was trembling as she took a step back. Was it a Ghost Pokémon? That would make sense as to why I couldn't see it... Odd, though. I didn't think Ghost Pokémon lived in (or on) Mt. Moon.

"Hello?" I took a small step forward, trying not to listen to the eerie noise Nidorina's teeth made as they chattered together. "Anyone here?"

What happened next is hard to explain. I guess you could say I say the area Nidorina was staring at "shifted." Like... like there was something there. But I didn't see anything.

I glanced at the area but nothing moved. Besides Nidorina's chattering teeth, the air was still and quiet.

"...let's go, Rina."

I'd begun to back away, keeping my eyes on the location where I thought I saw the funny shift in the scenery. When my back bumped into something, I held my breath and felt around behind me, hoping to feel the rock cropping where the hole should be located.

Whatever I felt behind... it sure as hell wasn't rocks.

I flung myself away from whatever I'd been touching, turned so fast I almost fell, only to see...


"This isn't funny!" I shuffled closer to Nidorina, her whiskers trembling as she now glanced around the basin. "Who's there?" My voice was between the pitch of a Growlithe's howl and a Zubat's squeak, shrill and loud. "Show yourself!"

I wasn't even aware of reaching for the medallion under my shirt until I felt a warm heat under my fingers. Glancing down, I could see a soft glow from behind my shirt but swiftly looked back up when I caught sight of movement to my right.

" God."

This was no Ghost Pokémon. This was no Pokémon, as far as I could tell, at least none I'd ever seen or heard of. Fact was... there were parts of him that looked...


The torso was human, male, as far as I could tell. His face was human looking too... but he had horns on his head. Horns! The looked the same color as a Stantler's horns... but were shaped more like Charizard's horns, but with extra prongs extending from it, curling. There was a red gem imbedded in his forehead, something similar to an Espeon's and there was this pair of white wings extending from his back. His hair was the same color as an Absol's fur, mostly white but with a few darker streaks. His eyes were closed but in spite of that, I got the very strong feeling that he was looking directly at me.

Oh. Did I mention that the lower half of him was like a Dragonair's tail except waaaay longer? As in, encircling around me and blocking the way out, longer?

[[You are here.]] He moved towards me, his lower half shifting like an Ekans as he came closer. In his hands was a staff of sorts, a paler white than even his hair or wings, with a glow that was gentle to the eyes but brightened the area as though it were day. The top part of the staff was HUGE. Like, two times bigger than his head!

...his hands had claws... One "thumb" and two fingers...

"Rina!" Nidorina rushed to put herself between me and whoever or whatever this thing was. He halted his progress, turning his closed eyes down to her.

"Are you a Pokémon?" I immediately felt chastised for asking, somehow feeling it was rude to have asked.

His head moved back up to "look" at me, but his eyes remained closed.

[[I? I am what all once were.]] He turned his focus back to the bristling Nidorina. [[Neither human nor Pokémon, neither completely one or the other.]] His coils shifted and I noticed he was actually hovering inches off of the ground. [[But a perfect blend of both.]]

I wanted to ask him more but Nidorina took that opportunity to launch into a slew of dialogue that I couldn't fathom but sounded somewhat... derogative. And a shade vulgar.

[[She cannot see me.]] This was said in such a way that I guessed it was a common place event, one that seemed to pain him in some way. [[She is not gifted by me but the one who is under me, thus, she senses me... but still is blind to me.]]

"Rina." The Pokémon gave a small jump, as though she'd forgotten I was there. She looked over her shoulder at me. "It's okay... I don't think he's going to hurt us."

The weird thing is... I believed it.

Nidorina grumbled under her breath and shifted from side to side before agitatedly working on smoothing her fur down. She still cast glances toward him, as though waiting for an attack.

Looking back at him, I felt my face become flushed. Pokémon, human, or whatever, he was still half or all naked, depending on how you looked at it.

"So... who are you?"

His nostrils flared as he took a breath. Odd as it was, he reminded me of Nidorina when she's scenting the air for something.

[[I am Okemos.]] He exhaled. [[THE Psychic Pokéman.]]

The emphasis he placed on "the" gave me the feeling as though he was on a power level beyond that of any average Psychic Pokémon. I was so caught up in that realization that I almost missed the inflection of the other word in his statement.


[[Yes.]] His upper torso swayed, as though he wanted to move closer to speak but Nidorina was successfully staying between the two of us and lowly growling. [[A long time ago, there were only Pokéman and Pokégirls... now, only seventeen of us remain.]]

"What happened?"

I think his grip tightened on his staff... but I'm not sure. [[It is not a story that we tell lightly. There was much loss and suffering...]] His head shook a little from side to side. [[There is still much suffering.]]

"Oh..." I didn't know what to say to that. The sudden tenseness of his flowing coils made it clear this was a painful subject matter for him. "I'm sorry."

[[It is enough that I can see you.]] He inhaled through his mouth this time, two fangs clearly showing in contrast to his otherwise human looking teeth. [[I have not met one of my blessed in a long time... the last time... I believe was when the land was one.]]

Land was one... PANGEA?! Wait a second...

"How old are you?!" Then I realized something else. "Blessed? Me? Whoa-whoa, what?!"

His head tilted to the side, as though examining my behavior and finding it interesting.

[[You are one of few humans blessed by my gift. As my other seventeen siblings bless humans and Pokémon alike, so too, do I. However, it is rare among humans and it takes a certain degree of it before one can see me.]] He bowed his head. [[Fewer are the number who I would trust with my presence.]]

This was all big, very big, but it still felt as though I was missing something. Again, slowly, annunciating every word, I asked,

"Who. Are. You?"

[[I am Okemos. The Psychic Pokéman.]] There was a deep growl which reverberated from his throat, the only sound I'd heard him make that hadn't been within my head. [[Through me, all beings are gifted with thoughts and few with the ability to manipulate these thoughts into Psychic abilities. Pokémon...]] The growling died down but was still making its presence known. [[and Human.]]

"This, again?!" I pulled the necklace out from under my shirt, the medallion still warm but no longer glowing. "Look, this is the only reason I knew that you were here! Without this-"

I was going to go into a rant about the nightmares I'd had because of him but he totally threw off my train of thought by using the tip of his tail (God knows where it had been in the mess of coils surrounding me) to reach and grab it. His tail pulled the medallion towards him, lifting it in front of his face to sniff it before his growl descended into the deepest snarl I'd ever heard, his whole face distorting.

[[Get out of here.]]


He spun his head towards me, opening his mouth wide as he hissed. [[Do it! Now!]]

I backed away but it was too late. Lights flared on from over head, their glow harsh and blinding. Stumbling, I almost fell again but Okemos' scales pressed upon my back, steadying me.

"Get him!" A female voice yelled. "Use the Dark Nets on him, don't let him escape!"

There was this weird sound, a kind of "thunk-whoosh," as though something was being fired. I felt his tail jerk, throwing me off balance again but my eyesight was coming back.

There, along the edge of the basin, were men and women dressed in black outfits with what looked to be red "R"s on them. They were releasing several Pokémon, most of what looked to be Poison types. Several others had these bazookas that were firing black nets with black feathers on them at Okemos. The majority of them were missing, his body able to curve and maneuver quickly to avoid the ones that got close. I don't think that they could see him, not at first, anyway. But some of the nets hit him and there was this ripple effect that washed over him and I knew for certain that they could see him as easily as I could.

"Nidorina!" She'd been frantically looking around, unsure of what to do, but immediately snapped to attention at my call. "Toxic Spikes, aim for wherever they're climbing down!"

At that moment, I would have given anything for Nidorina to have known something like Smoke Bomb or Haze, something to have given us some cover! As it was, most of her attacks, at least, the ones I knew, were close combat moves. I was hoping the Toxic Spikes would at least slow down them down while I tried to get the netting off of Okemos.

I ran over to the closest one, trying to be careful as his serpent like body was lashing around, trying to throw off the netting. I grabbed the corners of it, tugging, swearing suddenly when I felt a sharp pain lance in my hands. Those motherfuckers had put barbs in the netting! He was only lucky his scales were hard enough they didn't pierce!

Not so lucky for my hands.


He fired a blast of what I can only assume to be Psychic energy at the largest grouping of those with bazookas. It flung them backwards and sent many more scurrying but others soon replaced them, firing more and more of the netting. I didn't run as he asked but managed to pull one of the nets off.

Golbats and Zubats were flapping around in the air, some of them dive-bombing close to me, others pulling at my clothes and hair. I tried to shoo them away with my hands but it had little effect. A sudden wave of energy washed over me, shoving the Zubats and Golbats out of the way as Okemos moved in, hovering over me, staff raised high and glowing stronger. However, more nets were hitting him, wrapping around him, and as I watched, the light began to dim from his staff.

Something in those nets was weakening him.

"Teleport!" The word ripped from my lungs as soon as it struck my mind. "Teleport! They won't be able to get to you."

[[But they will get to you...]] He's lower half wriggled as he raised himself higher in the air, raising his staff high as it pulsed. [[I have not the strength to transport three.]]

He waved his staff, the top part of the bulk peeling away to look like a flower bud before a large ray of light shot out, similar to a Hyper Beam but still far more powerful. It made me worry as to what a fully charged one of those would be like.

More Pokémon came pouring down the basin, Nidorina's spikes causing them damage and pain but they still kept coming. I could barely make her out but Okemos' scales were loosely wrapped around me, as though to keep me from harm. I tried to pull at some of the nets that were within my reach but he pulled out of my way each time. I finally gave up for fear I was distracting him.

In the end, there was nothing Okemos could do. Like watching a slow movie picture, the events following flipped through my mind. Okemos did his best to ward off the nets, using blasts of energy and simple shields, but each one that hit him weakened his next attack or block. One finally struck his human torso, knocking to the ground where he lashed around, trying to rise but pinned down. He was hissing or shrieking, with sounds that were not human but were, crying out in my mind in such a way that I had to clutch my head.

I was grabbed by two men as Okemos flailed about, I tried to yank away from them but they wouldn't let go. I tried to cast a look around for Nidorina but the best I could figure was she was surrounded by the mass of Pokémon at the far side of the basin.

Who had done this? Who had even known where Okemos would be? I hadn't even known...

Someone came riding down on a Venomoth, the wings obscuring me from getting a good look at the face until the Venomoth had fully landed. Then, it all became clear.

"Why?" I tried even harder to get myself free of the men holding me but their grip was too tight. "Why, Sabrina?!"

Her eyes barely touched on me before looking back to Okemos. "He is strong enough for what we need." She smiled but it was a very cold one. "When you mentioned having those dreams for so long and such vivid ones at that, I knew he would be perfect. The medallion confirmed it and led us straight here."

I stopped my struggling for a moment, wanting to hear what she had to say but dreading it at the same time. "What do you mean?"

She took a step closer towards Okemos, whose tail was lashing, his wings beating the air as white feathers fell from the force of his flaps. His head turned towards her, eyes still closed but clearly he could sense her. A snarl appeared over his face, his lips pulling back to show his fangs.

"He will be the next step in our cloning process."

[[You do not know what you are messing with, child.]] Okemos' voice projected outward, the air humming and crackling around him as he struggled with the netting currently binding him, mentally and physically. [[By this act, you damn not only yourself but all of living life as well.]]

"Perhaps." Sabrina pulled out what looked like a pokéball but had dark purple and pink markings on it, a Master Ball. A simple push of the button and she enlarged it. "But I severely doubt it. By cloning you, examining you, we may finally be able to make the first successful human/Pokémon hybrid." A sharp smile appeared on her lips as she threw the ball towards him. "Any other consequences are minimal in comparison."

All I could think of was Okemos strapped down to some table, faceless scientists cutting into him, needles sticking out of him, his silent cries of pain until one day the completely silenced him.


I felt something leap out of my body, throwing the men back who were holding me as it knocked the Master Ball out of the way in midair. Whatever it was, it literally took a lot out of me and I could barely keep from crashing to the ground.

Sabrina's eyes narrowed. "I knew you had some abilities, it is a shame you chose now to exhibit them." Her eyes momentarily flashed and something slammed into me, throwing me backwards into the rocky incline of Mt. Moon. The rocks cut along my skin and the force caused pain to ricochet up my spine. I was held there, actually levitated inches off of the ground, before her eyes closed and I feel in a heap on the soil.

"Stay out of this." Her voice was callous as she lifted her arm, the Master Ball rising from where it had landed. "You have no hope of winning against me."

"Leave him alone, Sabrina!" I tried to stand but my limbs weren't working as well as they should.

She didn't even acknowledge me as she swung her arm, the Master Ball again sailing through the air. I tried reaching for it with the same power that I'd used before but nothing came to me, nothing aided me. I struggled to rise, my left arm hanging at my side, pain shooting up it whenever I tried to move it, while my right one grasped at the side of the mountain for leverage. Okemos opened his mouth wide, hissing in a way that sounded like acid dripping on metal. He turned his head aside, away from the Master Ball, as though by not facing it the ball would have no hold over him.

Thankfully, there was someone else who intervened, though not of their own violation.

Nidorina, my mother's Pokémon, whom the Rockets had tried to keep at bay with their Pokémon, startled everyone when she began to glow and let out a Roar. Somehow, she must have come in contact with a Moon Stone because all of a sudden she wasn't Nidorina anymore, she was a very large, very pissed off NidoQUEEN. And when I say pissed, I mean "hide the kids, this is going to be messy."

I'm not sure what moves she was using but Rockets and Pokémon were going flying! The Master Ball actually struck a Rocket Grunt who'd been flung by, having no effect on the Rocket but still preventing the orb from reaching its intended target. As she Roared yet again, all of the Rocket's Pokémon scattered, the Ekans and Arboks racing as fast as they could slither toward crevices in the mountain where they could hide, Golbats and Zubats taking to the air and not looking back, even the Acranine that one of the trainers had tucked its tail between its legs and ran. The trainers, without their Pokémon, seemed to decide that fleeing was in order too, preferably without Nidoqueen's help.

With the chaos going on, I was able to make the short dash between myself and Okemos, though each step sent lances of pain through me. I tried not to focus on myself though, Okemos was in much more danger than I and with all those specialized nets on him, preventing him from using his Psychic powers to help, he wasn't going to be able to defend himself. I thought that maybe if I could get some of them off, he could at least Teleport himself.

I reached him without anyone hindering me, Nidoqueen currently their major concern. I didn't know how long they'd be distracted so I tried working on the net that bound his upper torso, cut marks already appearing from the barbs on his skin. I guess the part of him that looked human was no different than the parts of me that were human...

I didn't know the right way to go about this without hurting him more so I just worked on trying to get off it period. I wished I could have been more gentle but there wasn't time and from the way he was looking at me...

He was looking at me.

It's silly to say that time stops. Time doesn't stop and even with as potent as this moment was, I could still hear the Rockets crying out behind me. It was fainter, but still present. I could hear my heart beat, followed by a second beat, one that I think was his but I couldn't be sure. I felt myself sway, the sight of his gold eyes with jade flecks weakening me... but also, strengthening me.

I felt stronger. And different. A lot different, actually.

"Well, it seems there's an easier way to make a Pokémon/human hybrid than we thought."

I jumped and turned, dodging to the side just as a blast of Psychic energy pulverized the ground where I'd been standing. Oddly enough, I didn't imagine I could move so fast! Must be the stress of dealing with Psycho here.

"Your Nidoqueen was a mild inconvenience but you and he will make wonderful subjects."

"Me?!" I felt my ears lie flat on my skull. "What do you mean..."

Oh shit. Since when do I have ears that can lie on my skull?

She fired another blast at me and I easily got out of the way, suddenly a lot more preoccupied by the lady trying to kill me or capture me or whatever, as opposed to fact that it now seemed I had ears on top of my head. And a tail. Did I mention the fucking paws?!

Surprisingly enough, my first thought was: Oh my god, my mom is going to fucking kill me when I get home.

This was followed up by: Wow, that blast coming for me is sure going to hurt, isn't it?

I threw my hands up, trying to protect myself, but the hit never came. Cautiously peeking through one eye, I saw there was a shimmer of a shield in front of me. Either Reflect or Barrier or something, I wasn't too particular about the name at the moment, only that it had protected me.

I had to do something fast before I got my ass handed to me.

Sabrina was watching me, her eyes glowing when I felt a sudden power wrap around me. Panicked, I tensed and braced for a pain that never came. She seemed very pissed about this. I can't blame her, really, I had no fucking clue what I was doing. Personally, I'd love to find out how to activate some cool attack powers about now.

The fur along my body went on end and I dodged to the right before it even registered, a large rock flying by at record shattering (which is what happened when the rock hit the ground, by the way) speeds.

Oh come on! You know what, screw this.

I ran for her as fast as I could and decided that if I couldn't figure out how the hell I was doing what I was doing, I just get up close and personal with her face. I was actually surprised to get a good blow in before she flung me off with her powers. I could actually hear and feel a growling sound coming from my throat. This bitch was pissing me off.

"You can't defeat me," her eyes flashed and one of the nets that had missed prior hovered in the air. "This form or the other, it is of little concern to me. I have honed my skill since childhood, you have not the proficiency to defeat me!"

The net came flying for me and all I could think of was how much I didn't want it to touch me. Again, for the second time that night, I felt the pulse of power erupt from me, fly out towards the net that was heading for me and all the other nets in the area, flinging them back. Sabrina screamed but my eyes were already closing, my body falling back as darkness engulfed my mind.


I felt something rubbing against the side of my head. I thought it was Rina so I pushed her way, wanting to go back to sleep. My head was hurting and I felt really comfortable where I was.

[[Awake, Kari.]]

The voice. It was from my dreams. God, I was still having those dreams? Again?


Reluctantly, I managed to get one of my eyes open. It took me a moment to orient myself. I recognized the fact that someone was holding me, cradling me, but it took a moment for my brain to catch up with what I was seeing.


[[Yes.]] He nuzzled my neck again, his head lightly brushing against mine. [[I am glad you are well.]]

"What happened?"

[[Your gift, Kari. It is untrained but its desire to protect is very strong, perhaps too strong.]] I felt his chest exhale and could feel the air brush along my skin. [[The power was ripped from your body, both times, raw.]]

I felt my body tense, suddenly remembering. "Sabrina?! Where is she?"

[[She and her followers are back where they started, with no recollection of the events that have transpired.]]

"She gets off?! Nothing? No punishment, no jail time?"

His answer was simple. [[It is not for me to judge. Arceus will judge us all.]]

It still seemed like a jip for all that work. "Where's Nidorin...Nidoqueen?"

[[Resting.]] He paused, almost guilty. [[I wanted this time to say goodbye.]]

I wanted to say that this was unexpected but I kind of figured it was going to happen. It didn't make it any less painful, which was odd really, but I understood it.

[[You are the first Pokégirl in over a millenniums time to be created. Your path will be hard, harder now than most, and I am sorry for that...]] He squeezed me tighter to him. [[But I do not regret having done what I did.]]

In some ways, I could understand that too. I was still a little pissed that I hadn't had much choice in the matter but hey, if he hadn't, we might not have made it out as well as we did. Although, this new found "understanding" was making me question just how much of it was based on my own comprehension and how much of it was based on whatever Psychic skimming of his person I might unconsciously be doing.

[[I want you to go with me but it is not possible at this time.]] His voice sounded tighter, restrained, as though he'd give anything to take me with him. [[You are too new to your powers and there are tasks yet for you to do.]] One of his claws reached to trace my cheek, his golden eyes reflecting an image back to me that was familiar and foreign all in the same glance. Myself. [[Know that one day, I will come for you. This is meant to be.]]

Yeah, you don't have to be Psychic to see what happens next here.

He kissed me. A gentle kiss, lip to lip, that held a hint of self-control on his part, as though if he gave in to that moment, he wouldn't be able to leave. A side of me wanted to see him give in, to lose control. The other side of me was more than glad he showed restraint. Both sides were affected by the strange bubbling of warmth I felt in me at his kiss, and the sting of knowledge that it couldn't be.

Not yet.

When he pulled away, he leaned to set me down. I felt a flare of panic when he did, despite how his hand lingered on mine. I didn't know how I was going to deal with hiding his from my mom or the rest of my family. What was the protocol for "Oh yeah, I'm part Pokémon now," anyway?

He chuckled. The bastard chuckled at me.

Okemos bent down close and leaned his lips beside my ear before whispering in the softest, most delicate voice imaginable, more delicate than a Butterfree's wing,


Then, he was gone. And I was left at Mt. Moon, looking no different on the outside than when I'd arrived but with a lot more questions, power, and turmoil on the inside when I left.

"Nido?" Nidoqueen hobbled out from behind a rock, shaking herself to get all the dust off. Strangely enough, even though I know it should have sounded like "Nido," there was also this echo to it that sounded like "Well?"

"Well, what?"

Nidoqueen rolled her eyes. "Well, what are you going to do now?"

A gleam caught my attention and I moved few steps to see what it was. Picking up the object, I detected no malicious intentions or what have you behind it, so I rubbed the metal and hung the item around my neck. A token, I suppose. Or a reminder.

"I guess we tell mom we're going on a journey for a lot longer than we intended."
Chapter End Notes:No. Do not ask. Do not even THINK about asking me if I'm continuing this or not. The answer will be a biiiig hit with a very blunt object. Short. Stories. ONLY. You wanna play around with it, be my guest. Leave credit where credit is due.

Apologizes that it wasn't a full transformation or even a very detailed one. I hope you enjoyed the story either way though.

Ah, and one more thing, just so it doesn't come back to bite me. Yes, Okemos' last word spoken was meant to be with quotes. I didn't blunder. Spelling, on the other hand... perhaps. I'm lucky I caught the "protocal/periodical" blunder at 5am much less anything else

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