AGNPH Stories

Hope by testa


Hope Ch.13

Hope Ch.13

The group was takeing a few last minutes to prepare for the attack. Bane was aquiver with anticipation, "I really hope this works."

Rika smiled, "How can it not? We attack the front while Splinter and his followers come in from the side, which means they hit from above basically. There's no way we'll be beat." She chuckled, "We capture Inferno, Sky'll work her magic, then we take care of the idiot that thought they could get away with this. You plan's fool proof babe."

Blaze shook his head, "Must be nice to have so much confidence it borders on idiocy."

Rika glared at him, "You know you're in for a shock after this." Blaze shrugged.

Sky's gaze was locked on the castle, Tia moved to her side, "We'll get him back today."

Sky smiled, "I know. But still.....we'll have to fight him." Tia nodded.

Burn cracked his neck, a huge smile on his face, "This is gonna be fun. Can we go in now?"

Mist giggled, "You're acting like a kid."

Burn shrugged, "I can't help it, I just love the prospect of a big battle." he was actually shaking, his body craving to be sent out.

Blue streched out, "I think we should get this little fight underway, we need to give Splinter a good diversion." Link nodded, grunting.

Bane took in a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds, "Alright, lets go!" Bane, Tia, Burn, and Sky all sent out a hyper beam, blasting down the gate. The group charged forward and through the gate. As they entered they encountered a large group of the humans and pokemon, Inferno at the front. He chuckled, "So you've come. I was expecting it." he shook his head, "Sarak wasn't much. I didn't need to be around him long to figure that out." Rika tried to say something, but Inferno didn't allow it, "You all must have a death wish. I mean you come here, looking to fight me. Me! How insane are you fools?" he shook his head again, "Oh well. No matter your reasons, you'll still die. I could kill you now, but then what use would these guys be? Attack." The soldiers obeyed, charging for the group.

Bane let loose a hyper beam, while Rika sent a shock wave. Mist used a hydro pump, Burn sent out a hyper beam of his own. Blaze used a fire blast, Tia used her own hyper beam. Sky sent out a razor wind, Blue sent out a shadow ball, Link knocked up some large rocks and began knocking them at the charging force. The hyper beams blasted the attackers back, toppling over one another, the shock wave hit a large portion of the front, blasting up and back. The hydro pump went into one and knocked him, as well as those behind him over. The fire blast had set a large portion of the enemy on fire, their screams echoed out across the area. The razor wind cut a line straight through the mass of attackers. The shadow ball exploded, knocking down everyone in it's radias. The rocks began crushing bones and bodies as they hit the chargeing wave.

Inferno glared at the display, "Heaven forbid you fools actually counter that barrage." he shook his head, "Idiots."

Bane had lept into the attackers, using a shadow ball to give himself some breathing room. As he landed, he used another hyper beam, blasting away a couple of eager attackers. He then went into a flurry of bites on the rest. A human charged Bane's rear, recieving an iron tail for his attack from Rika. She landed smirking, then sent out multiple thunder bolts. Bane crushed the neck of an arbok, then ripped off the arm of a shiftry. A human charged in, swinging his blade down, but it was knocked out of his hand by an iron tail. The blade spun about in the air before imbedding itself into the skull of a feraligator. The human fell as the iron tail crushed his skull, Bane using the impact to get a little higher. He sent out a shadow ball barrage, blasting away at a multitude of foes. Rika had crushed the spine of a seviper with her own iron tail, then blasted back a persian with a thunder bolt. Rika chuckled as the rest of the enemy hesitated to approach them.

Burn was laughing as he went straight into the charge, his tails flailing about. They soon got the iron tail glow and began bashing down the enemy left and right. One human crumpled from a blow to the head, a linoone was set rolling back, and an arbok's head was splattered. A breloom was set into the air, crying out in pain, then it's body was engulfed by flame. Mist was right behind Burn, bashing and blasting anything that tried to attack his rear. With an iron tail she sent one human into a group of machoke and machop, knocking them all down, and leaving them open to a flamethrower. As they burned Mist turned her attention to a charmeleon, who was charging, ready to slash out her throat. Before he got close enough she used a hydro pump, blasting the fire type back and into the wall, he fell, a trail of blood coming from his mouth. Burn had set an ivysaur ablaze, causing it to run about and spread the flames to others. Burn chuckled as a large group of the soldiers began running about screaming, and that his enemies we now more than a bit scared to come at him.

Tia had cut a large arc through the advancing enemy, using her own iron tail, blood splurting thanks to its sharp tip. After that she brought her fist straight into a leaping human, trying to use gravity to help his cut, and only getting a good punch into a seviper. Blaze was at her back, using psychic blasts to knock back wave after wave of foes, sending a fire blast every now and then to torch some of them. With one psychic he had knocked the swords out of the human hands. Blaze smiled as he lifted them with psychic then sent them out, driving through anyone unfortuneate enough not to dodge them. As he finished he got an idea, "Tia, could you do a little earthquake?" She nodded. Blaze lept on her back as she droped her fist down, so as to avoid injury himself, as her hand came down, starting the attack. As the attack went out he used psychic to give it a bit more power and range. The effect was better than he hoped, every enemy within five yards of them was tossed around, crushed, or skewered by shrapnel from the attack. Those outside of the area of effect backed away.

Sky went at her own foes with a charge, leaping into the air, then blasting the area with a hyper beam. When she land she sent out a razor wind, cutting through a chunk of them. Two humans charged her rear, swords poised to run her through, but she did a back flip, slashing their backs as she landed. The two dropped, bellowing in pain. A seviper and arbok went for her next, the seviper going for her throat, the arbok aiming for her legs. She jumped on the arboks head, using it as a spring board. The seviper lunged, but instead of her throat his jaw was going to meet with her horn, which sent out a razor wind. The seviper was cut in two, as were a few other poors fools. Sky landed back on the arbok, driving her claws into it's body. She used an ice beam, freezing a cacturne solid, and harming those around it. She snarled at her opponents, who were now all afraid to approach.

Blue smirked as the collection of human and pokemon charged forth. A human led the charge his blade ready to make a side ways slash. As he approached, Blue lept up and out of the way.

Link had lept at the charging force, his two clubs ready. He bashed away two humans then lept into another, using him as a spring board, sending both clubs down, crushing his skull. Link came back down with an iron skull crushing another humans skull, and allowing him to bring both clubs down, breaking the arms of a machop. The fighter fell back, his arms flailing about useless. Link blocked a poison tail with his left club, knocking it into an arbok, then bringing his right club to break the snakes neck. A human came in from the side, and with an upward swing knocked one of Link's clubs out of his hand, but that action left the human open to have the same happen to him. Link disarmed him, and latched both hands on the blade, makeing a 360' sweep, slicing everything close, then let it loose to implant itself into a arbok's open mouth. Link caught his loosed club then went back to blocking and bashing, against a much more frightened enemy.

Inferno spat on the ground, "Worthless idiots." he sighed, then let out a loud shout, "Fall back! Fall back!" The soldiers, both human and pokemon, obeyed without question, disengaging from the group to fall behind Inferno. When all had gathered behind him, he glared at them, "Now watch and learn. And you're to only watch, got it!?" The now severly weakened mass nodded. Inferno lept forward, staring down his old friends, as well as the new faces, "Don't think I'll go down so easy."

He charged forward, they charging to meet him. Bane came up and sent an iron tail, which Inferno dodged without any trouble, blasting Bane with a fire blast pulsating with darkness. Rika came in from the side, a mega kick coming in at Inferno, but once again he dodged, and blasted her with a burning shadow ball. Both of them tumbled and rolled after the attack. Burn lept down, aiming all nine iron tails at Inferno, but Inferno countered with his own dark and burning iron tail, negating Burn's attack. Inferno's attack kept coming, knocking Burn up and away. Mist used a hydro pump, which barely grazed him, and recieved a burning shadow ball to her face, causing her to cry out in pain. Blaze used psychic to send some crumbled pieces of the castle at Inferno, Tia prepared a hyper beam. Inferno ginned, then used the tossed rubble to leap high into the air, sending a dark fire beam at Blaze. The impact sent Blaze tumbleing back, Tia looked back at him, "Blaze!" Inferno used the distraction to hit her with a dark and fiery iron tail, knocking her back with Blaze. Inferno's next target was Blue, Inferno closed the distance, Sky noticed Inferno's speed had increased, and used another one of his special iron tails, knocking Blue into the air. Inferno continued with a dark fire beam, blasting Blue back and into the castle wall. Link tried to strike at Inferno's rear, but Inferno back flipped, landing another iron tail then followed with a burning shadow ball. Link was sent tumbleing back, hitting against the wall not far from Blue. Sky moved in and tried to hit him with her hyper beam, but Inferno dodged again, leaping up, higher then her, then sent out his dark fire beam, blasting her into the earth. Inferno landed, chuckling, "Can't you do any better?" he looked at them, waiting for an answer, "I mean, honestly, how do you expect to beat me like..." He stopped to pin Rika to the ground as she tried to land an iron tail, "Nice try, but not nice enough." He chuckled, "I guess I should start killing you then." He was about to latch his teeth into Rika's throat when he was sent tumbling back from a hyper beam. Inferno looked up and saw Sky, standing, the last bits of energy from her attack dissapating.

Inferno growled and was about to go after her when another hyper beam knocked him around some more, this one coming from Bane. Before Inferno could recover Burn was up to him, knocking him into the air with nine iron tails, Mist further pushing Inferno up with a hydro pump. As Inferno reach the max height, he began falling, he saw Blaze use a psychic to send Tia speeding at him. Tia landed a punch, knocking Inferno into the ground, the speed from Blaze's attack adding more force. Inferno was tumbleing around as Blue came up and used a shadow ball to blast him back into the air. Link met Inferno in the air, and brought both clubs down, knocking Infero to the ground with a loud thud. Inferno let out a grunt as he hit, Rika moved in and used a mega kick, knocking Inferno back. Sky rushed in, determined to pin him, or if need be, knock him out. As she got close she saw him staggering, she felt so terrible, he was hurt, and she was going to worsen it. She didn't have long to regret the action through, before she got close enough a giant scyth went spinning between her and him, leaving a giant scar in the earth. Sky lept back to avoid being cut in two. Inferno looked to the side, from where the attack came from, the others did the same. Burn's mouth went agape, "No fucking way."

They were looking at a tall individual. He had big armor, resembleing a snakes scales, the shoulders where in the shape of serpent heads, a sevipers to be precise. His skin was a deep blue, much like an absols, and his face had bizarre black markings, with a little red. The markings were simple bent lines, endng at a point. His hand was up, as a strange energy emerged, then takeing shape into the scyth that just went by. He lowered it slowly, his face showing no emotion. His eyes were cold, remorsless, and evil. What they were looking at was the very thing the statue they saw with the clefairy and clefable was based on. What they were looking at was Orochi. The thing looked them over, "So," his voice sounded warped, "We meet in person at last. I am Orochi."

Burn was still staring, his mouth only slightly more open, "No way...that can't be."

Sky glared at him, "Are you the one who..."

Orochi didn't let her finish, "Inferno, fall back. Return to the main castle, rest." A dragonite came out of nowhere and picked up the battered houndoom, then took off. Orochi smiled, "I can't have you say anything that could ruin all that I've planned."

A human, this one a female, came out and stood beside Orochi, "That's right. After all the work it took to get Inferno in his current state, letting him remember would be a very bad thing." She was thin, and small, no more than five feet tall. She wore tight leather armor, black with a dark violet trimming. Her hair was long, and of the same color. Her skin resembled that of someone who didn't get out into the sun very often. Her eyes were like that of a cats, her mouth was in an evil little smile. "Ohh just so you know, my name's Dasi. I'm Orochi's right hand human, and your precious Inferno is the right hand pokemon."

Sky glared at them, "You've put a lot of work into him? What do you mean?"

Orochi just kept smiling, "I mean that everything that has happened till now was my doing. I led Sarak to his home, directed him to his mother. I had Sarak kill the mother but spare the child. When Inferno left to find Sarak, I recieved a request for power."

Dasi was smiling, "Guess from who Sky."

Sky's face became a blank slate, "Damien?"

Orochi nodded, "He wanted revenge. When I saw you, and what you were like I knew you'd have a good chance to get close to Inferno, to love him, so I gave Damien the power. I made sure your trainer had the strength to save you, after that her fate was her own. I lead you both to that forest, using my serpant minions. After that it was just a matter of waiting for Sarak to become whole once again with Biogen. When that happened you two had already met Bane. I knew who Bane was going to help, so I let things go that direction. Then you met Blaze, you learned of Biogen.....and it's capabilities."

Blaze's eyes went wide with shock, "The potion he took."

Orochi nodded again, his smile never fading, "No matter what, Inferno would have heard of Sarak's continued existence, and he would have gone there, and gotten that potion." Orochi chuckled at his cleverness, "After that, I needed him to die. I had already gotten the Crown of Ribetium, I was prepared for his death. And once again, Damien and Scar came in handy. I knew that they would kill him, that's why I let you meet him Sky. If you loved him, they'd try to kill him." the group was speechless, "I knew what would happen, from start to finish. I knew he would die, and I knew he would be resurrected, to serve me."

Sky was starting to cry, "WHY!?"

Orochi was still smiling that horrible smile, "He had amazing potential. The why for him is related to the why I'm doing all of this." He looked up at the sky, his smile finally fading, "This world..." he said it with such distaste, " too weak." He looked at them, "I will purge this realm of you weak little fools. Inferno, was to strong to just be purged." His smile returned, "I want you all to know this. I want you all to realize that this was all planned. I want you to suffer with this knowledge." He began laughing, a dark, wicked, and evil laugh, "You're all so weak, so stupid.....and so very dead." He pointed his scyth back at them, "Attack."

The soldiers, who had been repleneshing their numbers during the exchange, rushed forward. Just as they had crossed half the distance a rumbling could be heard. Every looked up to see Splinter chargeing down on the castle, breaking through the walls like a ram, his followers coming through the hole. Orochi gave the situation a quick look then shook his head. A salamance and another dragonite appeared. Orochi and Dasi, lept on the two dragons and flew off. Sky tried to stop them, but was set upon by the enemy soldiers. Reluctantly the group turned it's attention toward the battle and began tearing through the forces of Orochi, their newest enemy.
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