AGNPH Stories

Hope by testa


Hope Ch.19

Hope 19

Dew and Sassy went to the group, smiling, "Thanks. We beat them. And some of the grass types are helping the forest grow back."

Bane smiled, "No trouble. We got the info we wanted from that bitch, now it's just a matter of dealing with the snake behind all this."

Sassy smiled, "I'm sure you guys can deal with him. Best of luck."

Dew nodded, "And thanks again for all the help."

The grouped smiled and nodded, setting off to the east, to Koshi castle, to Orochi, and to their friend. They planned to run practically none stop all day, even into night for the first day. Then day two they'd take more time, to rest for the battle that would take place. They were making great progress on day one, stopping to eat a little only once. And at night's arrival they kept going until the moon showed it was nearly 11:00. They stopped and settle down to sleep for the rest of the night. When they awoke, Bane was looking at the sky, "You know...we don't have good odds..." the others looked at him, "Orochi know's we're coming. He's gonna have his whole army there to meet us." he sighed, "An army against 9...we are so fucked."

Sky shook her head, "We are not. We can't give up. We need to keep fighting, for Inferno." she looked up, "Not just him...but this planet. Orochi's going to destroy everything, and leave it a horrible wreck, if we don't oppose him, who will?"

Rika nodded, "We can't let up. We are the only one's who can protect everything else."

Burn nodded, "It's our duty to fight for our home's, our families...and those of the one's we love."

Mist smiled, "We can't lose, we have a reason to fight."

Blaze chuckled, "Yeah...all Orochi's got is fighting for the sake of fighting, we have loved ones to protect."

Tia stood up, "And a loved one to save."

Blue smirked, "Orochi doesn't stand a chance against all of us."

Link gave a quick nod, smirking.

Bane sighed, "We're all suicidal idiots." he smiled, "But at least we're suicidal idiots togther and with a cause." They all began laughing. When it stopped they got up and began walking the rest of the way, talking and joking amongst themselve. They had too, cause Bane was right, they'd face an entire army when they reached Orochi's stronghold, and the fight would determine the fate of the world. They stopped to eat up quite a few times, enjoying the carefree air, which almost made it seem that they were going to a party, and not a massive battle for the entire planet. Burn even got tackled by Blaze, after he mentioned what a god he was. This time niether Tia or Mist seperated them, as it wasn't really serious. When they seperated, both of them were smiling.

The day was starting to end, as they were reaching a hill top. Could see something in the distance, and it was surronded by blackened earth, with lava pits, and coursing lava veins. Bane eyed the area, "There's Orochi's castle."

"And it's not going to be easy to break." They all turned as the new, yet familiar, voice spoke. They saw a robotic mightyena walk up, smiling, "You honestly expect me to put the fate of this her hands?" he motioned to Rika.

Sky smiled, "Mecha...thanks for coming."

Mecha smiled, "I'm not alone either." From behind him, a vast number of pokemon appeared, and they weren't just any pokemon. Cara, and her father and lover. The entirety of Inferno's home had come with them, even Spark and Raze. Cara's father smiled, "We heard Sarak's back again. And so is my son. You didn't think we'd just let it go without helping did you?" The other's nodded.

Another group came up, this one was mainly rock types, lead by Splinter, "We jumped at the chance to make that snake pay for what he's done to us."

Yet another group came up, Sassy, Dew, and the other's they just left. Dew smiled, shrugging, "Well...if we don't help...who will?"

The next to appear, were Spike and Thorn, Spike smiled, "Hey there. This one found us and told us the situation. We decided to move in and help." Bane smiled back, nodding.

Another group appeared, a group of luxray...the same group they had fought when they went for the Crown of Ribetium. The leader shrugged, "I hope this makes up for the last encounter. Besides...this is our planet too, we won't let this Orochi destroy it."

Rika sighed, "Well...thank you all." she ground her teeth, not sure if she was going to die when she said this, "Mecha...thank you the most."

Mecha shrugged, "No need. I'm in just as much danger if you lose this war." He smiled. "Besides, I'm not leaving it up to you, you tempermental rat."

She glared, "tempermental rat!?!?" She charged up.

Mecha shook his head, "Save your energy." He smiled, "I think those of you with special someone's...should have a potentail last night together." Rika charged down, nodding, and looking to Bane.

Sky sighed, and walked off, as the various couples walked off together. Mecha walked up next to her, "I know what's been happening. I'm sorry Sky."

She looked at him and smiled, "I'm okay."

Mecha shook his head, "No you're not. Not 100%. You lost Inferno, and he's fighting against us now." She sighed, and he nudged her, "Listen're the only one who can get to his real self. But you can't beat him back to himself. Fighting isn't the way." She looked at him, as he smiled, "You'll have to figure it out yourself." She stared at him, getting an idea, and nodding, smiling.

Rika and Bane were in their own little section of the forest, and she was licking his face again and again. Bane was returning the affection, "I love you Rika."

She nuzzled him, "I know." She went on all fours, and propped her rear in the air, "Come on love." He nodded, as he took up position on top of her, and gently pushed his member into her. She let out a happy moan, as he began to pump. He licked her as he went at her, going at a gentle pace...a loving pace. Rika smiled, her tailing coiling around him, moaning as he went. Bane was beginning to moan too, as he still kept it gentle, pushing into her deep and licking her body. Rika let out another moan, "Ohh, Bane, you're so sweet." Bane smiled, using his paws to get a better hold, as he licked her cheek. Rika smiled, moaning more and more as she felt her body quiver, getting ready to cum. Bane kept his pounding up, panting and moaning, "Rika!" he groaned, as he gave one more drive in, and hilted her, his seed pouring into her. Rika let out a wail, her own orgasm hitting her hard, and their combined juices soaking both of them. Bane fell on his side, panting, "Ohh...Rika...I love you." Rika licked his cheek.

Tia and Blaze had found their own deserted spot, Tia on her back as Blaze kissed her again and again. Tia smiled, blushing, and giggling, " sweet thing." she kissed him, back, "I love you."

He smiled, "I love you beautiful tyranitar." He kissed her, and began to nuzzle her, as he prepared to enter her. She smiled up at him, as he found her entrance, and dove in, both of them letting out a moan. Blaze groaned, as he pumped, pushing into her as he licked at her face, getting her to blush as she panted and moaned. Blaze grunted, going at her even faster, slapping against her body again and again. Tia panted, " good." Blaze smiled, and kept pounding sending his rod deep into her, as he panted and moaned. Tia was panting, blushing as he went, moaning more and more, feeling him go at her. Blaze was grunting with each thrust, pushing into her with all the love he could muster, as he felt his end getting close, "Tia...I'm gonna..." she wailed out, beating him to it, splashing his crotch. He moaned, and kept his pounding up for several more seconds before he came, shooting his seed into her. He fell on her, as their arms encirlced one another.

Mist was giggling, as she and Burn got a nice spot, open enough for their fun, but small enough to prevent any real spying. She had her head down, as her tail lifted up to reveal her sex. Burn smiled, as he began to mount her, she cooed in responce, as his rod began to push into her. When he was fully in, Burn began to pound her, going hard and fast. Mist let out a loud moan of pleasure, "OHh...Burn...more!" he smiled, granting her wish, and really began to hammer her, stuffing her full of his member. She moaned doing her best to milk him, her juices flowing and allowing him to go even faster. Burn groaned, grinding his teeth, the pleasure building fast, " good." She smiled, blushing, squeezing his rod, getting all the pre she could, as he juices soaked his crotch, before she let out a wail, and felt the orgasm tear through her body. Burn moaned, and kept pounding her until he let out a loud mail, "MIST!!" He began to fill her with his seed. She screamed, cumming again. Mist panted, "Burn...I love you."

Burn smiled, "I love you too."

Night decended as the whole army slept. When morning came, they were all awoken by Sky. She stood on top of a rock formation, "Alright...I think we all know what's coming today. We're in a war, for the earth itself. If we don't stop Orochi here...the planet will be destroyed by his evil." They all nodded, "This is the only chance we've got to stop Orochi, and we have to make it count." She turned to Koshi castle, "This is our last hope."
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