AGNPH Stories

The Journey of A Pokemon Gamer by gs_bassxx


Ch. 4 - Battles, baths and actual beginnings

"Alright, let's do this." I took a battle stance just for the heck of it.

"This will be a one-on-one battle," Professor Rowan announced, "I will referee this match."

"Are you ready Piplup?" Dawn asked.


"Ready for your first real battle?" I asked Lily.

"You betcha! I mean, how much harder can that Piplup be than you?" she said mockingly.

_ _ _ _

"Go Piplup! Use Bubblebeam!" Dawn yelled as her pokemon launched a stream of bubbles at Lily.
"Lily, use Teleport and get into optimun attack position." I pulled down my headband slightly to make myself look more menacing.
"Roger!" Lily said then disappeared, the Bubblebeam travelling straight through where she once was.
"Uh-oh, Piplup watchout," Dawn ordered then noticed Lily appear right behind Piplup, "Lookout! Behind you!"
"Too late! Strike with Confusion!"
Lily's eyes glowed as Piplup was lifted into the air, and spun, over and over and over.
"Erg," Lily grunted as her eyes stop glowing and Piplup plummeted with a faceplant.
"Pip...lup." Piplup managed to say before fainting.
"Whoa, that was quick," the professor rudely said, "I mean, Piplup is unable to battle, Lily is the winner!"
_ _ _ _

"Hey, is Piplup okay?" I said while reajusting my headband.

"Yeah, he is. Just needs to rest in his pokeball," Dawn said while zapping Piplup back into his ball.

"Brr," Lily shuddered just looking at it.

"Hey, how strong was you Piplup anyway?"

"Lvl 15, why'd you ask?"

I stared in shock. "Because Lily's only lvl 8."

"WHAT! Wow, those EVs must really help huh..." Dawn said while staring at the ground. At that moment I scanned Lily with Dex. Everything was about regular for a Ralts except the Special Attack. According to the chart it was nearly 50!

-Let's see, 140 divided by 4 equals...35 points...- that's means she already had 15 SpA points already?!? -This pokemon has yet to not amaze me.-

"Hey, why don't you come over to my place? You can have lunch and *sniff*...take a bath." Dawn offered, holding her nose.

"Hmm?" There was a glint in Lily's eye. "Are you trying to seduce Kole?"

"What! No! Eww! Never!" Dawn responded.

"Gee thanks," I said sarcastically.

"No, I didn't mean it like that. You're okay looking Kole, but you're just not my type."

"Oh okay."

"Well then, let's go! See you later professor!"

I looked up at the pokemon resting on my head, "Hey Lily, this day's been great so far huh?"

"You can say that again!"

"Yeah." My first pokemon, my first battle, a brand new start - this was awesome! "At this point nothing can go wrong!"

*fraaaaaaaap* whoops.

"Ewwwwww!" both Lily and Dawn screamed.


- - -

At Dawn's house.

"Thank you for lunch ma'am," I said to Dawn's mom. -Hey, thank her for your meal!-

"Thank you ma'am." Lily responded.

"Oh, that's alright! And you don't have to call me "ma'am", just call me Johana," Dawn's mom replied. "Oh dear, "ma'am" already?" she seemed worried as she left us.

"So how was it?" Dawn asked.

"It was pretty good," I said with one hand on my stomach.

"It was horrible! Don't you DARE try to feed me those pokepellets!" Lily exclaimed while threatening me, pulling me by the collar of my shirt while standing on the table.

"Now that's a shocker! I've never seen a pokemon that didn't like my mom's pokemon food blend," Dawn stated in amazement.

"Yeah, well, don't treat me like your average pokemon," Lily said while chowing down on my leftovers with my fork. ("Ahh! I was saving that for later!")

"So, is that thing on your wrist is the PokeT Professor Rowan was talking about?"

"Yeah, it lets me use pokemon attacks and copy pokemon fighting position and abilities."

"Fighting position? What's that?" both Dawn and Lily asked.

"Well, how can I explain this, it basically makes it so I take the physical positioning of the selected pokemon?" I tried to explain but it was pretty complicated. "I'll give you an example to make it simpler; let's say I select a quadruped pokemon like Mightyena. I would then be forced to walk on my hands and feet like one yet it would feel natural to me. I'd also get some of the pokemon's basic personality traits."

"Wow. So you basically become a pokemon without actually becoming a pokemon?" Dawn tried to explain.

"Yeah." -Wow, that was way better than my explaination.- "But there are exceptions. Like if I copy a pokemon with more than four limbs. I'll still be forced into it's basic position but the PokeT would create the extra limbs out of some kind of energy, like phantom limbs: not really attached to me but responding to my thoughts. Same thing applies to wings. Then there's pokemon without limbs. I don't get forced into any position at all, though I noticed I floated a little when I copied a Glalie."

"So that's how it works," Lily and Dawn both whispered to themselves.

After a long discussion about pokemon ("You know so much about pokemon Kole! Are you sure you don't want to be a pokemon researcher?") Dawn seemed to wince at the smell of something (I wonder who?)

"Hey, why don't you take that bath now? It's down the hall to your left." Dawn more ordered than suggested.

"Uhh, okay." I said as I quickly left the room.

"Hmm," Lily hummed then an evil grin flashed across her face.

- - -

"Ahh, this is the life," I sighed while lying in the bath tub. So warm and comfortable and peaceful and not a single thing to disturb me-

"Hey Kole!" came a peace-shattering yell from the door. I sat up and looked to see Lily standing there.

"Why are you in here?" I said in a slightly pissed off voice.

"I'm gonna take a bath with you!"

"Hmm," I saw something like that in an Anime. "Alright, come on in."

"Okay!" I expected her to jump right in but instead she just stood there with her hands at her neck.

"Uhh, what are you doing?"

"Taking off my clothes, duh."

"Oh, is that all-" Wait, clothes?!? "Where'd you get clothes?!?"

"I made them out of my egg so they'll grow with me. You didn't think I'd walk around naked, did you?"

She did have a point. "So do all Ralts wear those clothes?"

"How am I supposed to know?" she said rudely as she finally undid whatever was holding her "dress" on. As expected, she had the physique of a little girl, albiet a very small little girl (-Hey! I heard that!-).

I noticed that she had miniscule nipples and a bellybutton. She had small fingers and thumbs on her hands and small feet with toes as well. -I guess that's what they look like underneath their clothes.- She also had a small clit about the size of my fingertip, thus physically proving that she was indeed a girl.

"I'm coming in!" she yelled as she jumped into the tub, almost landing on my crotch.

"Whoa! Watch it!" I yelled.

"I'm sowie," she said with those darn puppy-dog eyes (How evil!)

"...Aww! You're so cute!" I said while hugging her. -It's a good thing I'm not a pedophile.- Sure, when I browsed the internet I saw a couple of loli pics, but I just found them to be cute and not sexually appealing. -So this must be how it feels to have a little sister.- I thought with a content look on my face. Lily was looking down at the water but I didn't think much about it. "Okay, let's start with your hair," I said, placing her on my lap and working the shampoo into her hair.

-Damn! It's not getting up!-

- - -

After a grueling battle between Lily and the scrub brush ("Kyaa! Stop it! It tickles!") we finally finished our bath at about 3 in the afternoon. Lily seemed a little frustrated but it was probably from the bath, right? When we had finished putting our clothes back on (washed by Dawn's mom) Johana told us that Dawn had gone to Professor Rowan's lab. So we went there too.

At the lab Dawn and the professor were talking. She told me she was going to stay and help Professor Rowan a bit more before heading out again. The professor was a little nicer and gave me 2 pokeballs (-Well, at least pokeballs don't disappear when they fail to catch a pokemon here.-). And then we headed off down Route 202, again. Suprisingly (not really) we weren't attacked by any pokemon this time, infact they seemed to run away from us (me). I was also finally able to keep my promise with those trainers I met the other day, although those battles weren't nearly as interesting as my battle with Dawn ("Whoa! How'd your pokemon get so strong in just a day!" was what each one of them asked).

Once we reached Jubilife City, "Hey, wanna go to the pokemon center?"

"Eh, sure, why not." Lily seemed a little bored, even though we had just beaten three trainers (and received a little compensation from each ^_^).

- - -

"Yo! Nurse Joy!" I said as I walked into the pokemon center. The power seemed to be back but it was still empty. -Guess it's too early for trainers to be looking for a place to sleep.-

"Oh! Hello there Kole," the nurse replied. I assumed she knew my name because the professor had talked with her before I arrived (or possibly before I even left Sandgem Town). "So is this the little Ralts I've heard so much about?"

"Yep!" Lily said. There was a gasp but it didn't come from the nurse. I then noticed that there was a hefty looking man in a suit and a young boy with her.

"So you're Kole!" the man said, "Pleased to meet you. I'm the President of the Poketch Company and this is my son Landis."

"Hi! Your Ralts is cool! It can talk!" he said. Lily went over to him and they started playing together.

"Ahem," Landis' father interupted, "I actually came here hoping to give you this," he said while holding out a dark blue Poketch, "I thought it would go perfectly with the PokeT on your right wrist."

-Well, they're both the same color.- Wait a sec. "Uhh, how'd you know about the PokeT?"

"Silly! I helped make that for you! Afterall, I'm one of the leading researchers in pokemon wrist technology!"

"Wow, then thanks!" I said while accepting the Poketch. "So, how many features are built into this one?"

"Why, all of them! And a few special ones too, but I'll let you discover those yourself!"

"I see," I said while opening up the map on the Poketch. "Oh yeah, thanks for lending me this map Nurse Joy." I said while returning it.

"You're welcome. By the way, are you going to Oreburgh City?"

"Huh? Oh yeah." I just remembered that's where the first gym is. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, I have something to give to the Nurse Joy over there," she said while blushing, "Could you give this parcel to her for me?"

"Uhh, sure." I took the parcel and put it in my bag. "Okay, see ya!"

"Good bye!" all three said.

"Bye Lily!" Landis added.

- - -

"So, why are we going to Oreburgh?" Lily asked.

"It's the closest gym at the moment."

"Oh, okay. By the way, don't you think that nurse was a little...odd?"

"How do you mean?"

"I mean, she was looking at me strangely, and I don't think it was because I could talk," she said with a sinister grin.

"She's just really nice, that's all," I said. -Huh, I wonder if there are any lesbians in this world?- I suddenly thought.

"Hey, look over there!" Lily interupted my thought. "It's a pokemon!"

"Really?" I got a little closer and noticed what pokemon it was. -What's that kind of pokemon doing all the way out here?!?-
Chapter End Notes:Okay, I know I said I'd put some pokemon catching in this chapter but to make up for it Kole's gonna use both pokeballs in the next one
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