AGNPH Stories

Lucario Dreams by neopika336


Story Notes:

I wrote this story after reading part of Felix's story Luca.I would like to thank him for inspiring me to write this story.I am sorry for amy similarities that may show up in the story.I would like to say that it did not mean to end up that way and would like to give Felix credit.

Chapter 5

Someone was talking to me, yet there was no one there. I was in a dark endless void.
"Your seal is breaking to soon, you need to wait", the voice rang from the nothingness.
"Who are you, where are you?", I demanded.
"Power that can not be controlled weakens the user and destroys, so the seal was placed."
"What seal, what are you talking about?"
"Your mark on your back"
"How did you know about my birthmark?"
"You think something like that could be a birthmark?"
"So, those keepers never told you anything."
"Keepers what he heck are you rambling on about?"
"Those who have raised you where your keepers."
"Ya, what about my parents?"
"Your knowledge is at a low rate, I will have to meet you in person"
"I swear you are ticking me off now just for the fun of it."
"So young, no respect"
"It's hard to respect those who hide"
"Keep your self in check or you could break your own seal and lose control", the voice faded out and every thing went a cobalt blue shad and I started to feel a sharp pain in my back and I collapsed in pain and blacked out.

I jolted up in bed only to meet Kari's head with mine in a hard headbutt. "Ow, what was that for?",
Kari asked as she fell back holding her head. "What where you doing over me?", I asked back while trying to shake off the pain from my head only to feel a heat from my back burning ta me.
"Well, you where mumbling and you seemed stress and I wanted to know what you where saying, plus you smelled like something burnt", she said. "Listen I need to talk to you about somethiii ahhh!", I tried to say only to be brought to a halt from the pain in my back.
"Oh my gosh, are you ok?"
"No, my back is burning"
"Here let me take a look"
She pulled up my shirt to fin a large red burn mrk on my back shaped like a paw print.
"There is a large paw mark on your back", she screamed at me.
"Ya its my birth mar", I started only to bring back the thought of what the voice said about it,"I mean its a mark I have had since I know of.", I told her as I brought my shirt back down and turned around to face her. "Will you be ok?", she asked. "Ya, I should be, but I need to talk to you about my past and who I am.", I said as I tilted my head down.
"Is something wrong", she asked.
"Yes, there is, you remember that story I told you about Jacob and Dustin?"
"Yes, how he killed his own brother over that Pokemon because he joined Necro Chaos."
"Well, there is more to it, after I woke and called the police three men showed up and asked me
about a large amount of stuff then a fourth guy came up and said something about the hide out being found and it was confirmed about it being the 3rd DNA Trans Lab along with Dustin being seen entering the building. I jumped at what they said and they quickly grabbed me and stuffed me into there car and the back cabin filled with gas and I blacked out."

"So, what happen?"
"I woke up in a white with no windows and a door blocked by two men and one of them walked up to me, he was one of the men from before. He said he was sorry for the actions they took, but I was not meant to hear that, I asked what they where gonna do with me and all he said was that I would not remember any of this and started to walk out. I jumped up and told asked what was going on, the man only turned and laughed before telling me since I would not even remember any of it he would only tell me that TNC was larger then Team Rocket and they where working on experimental morphs between Pokemon and human along with Dustin being part of it all as one of the experiments, so they would be more powerful and he left the room. I sat there torn between what to do. I knew I could no just sit there and let them take away what I knew and doing something about it. I got up, busted down the door and took off down the hall only to run into a boy about my age back then with a uniform the other guys where wearing. I took the chance to knock him out and remembering all of the spy movies I had seen I stole his clothes and changed into them and stored him into a nearby room, but before I left i took the passkey and bar code ID he was wearing around his neck. Later down the hall I was stopped by another man who asked me why I was here and not in the briefing room with the other transfers. I only told him I was lost and I could use his help, so he walked to to a door up 7 floors from where I ran into him and I entered the room to be confronted by a guy wearing a black lab coat. He told me the others had been sent off on there missions and I would be taking on the DNA Trans Lab from a recent discovery.
He gave me the run down and handed me 6 pokeballs with a belt. I put them on all played along to what was going on and from the sound of it I would be seeing Dustin soon."

"Why have you kept this from me?"she asked as I took a quick breath.
"I didn't have really any reason to tell you till now"
"Why is that?"
"I am getting to that. Now I was led to a small little plane and the guy told me it would take me 5 miles from the lab and I would have to head north from here to get to the lab with out being seen. After he gave me the run down and told me how to start it up and close the hatch a alarm sounded and a voice rang over the loud speakers. "Ace Keys has been found in the conference room knocked out and the prisoner from today has escaped" The man turned and looked at me with wide eyes. "So his name was Ace Keys, at least I know what the bar code says now", I said as I hit the start button and closed the hatch and before the guy could stop me I was out of there and I looked back to see where I was and to my finding I was somewhere in Jhoto. To make this story short for you I got to the Lab sneaked in and blew it up after releasing the Pokemon and getting back my friends rare Pokemon, but due to my anger I blew up the lab and everyone in it, but before the blast hit me I clasped from a pain in my back and I started to fade out and I thought everything was going blue. When I woke up I was back in the white room chained up this time and boy was I in trouble. After that day I served them for 8 weeks to pay for what I had done and it turned out they where there to counter act TNC and get rid of them, I stayed longer then the 8 weeks and joined up for a few months and became on of the top agents, but I got tired and left to finish school."

"So what does that have to do with now?"
"Well this snowstorm is not normal and I made a few calls and there is a large magnetic field within this area and I think its TNC that is causing this, I don't want to get involved with the organization any more, but this is hindering us from getting on with our travels and I am sick of wait, so I need your help since on this mission I don't have 6 elite trained Pokemon."
"What are you saying I am not as powerful as them?"
"No I am asking you to help since I don't have control over your choices like them"
"Would you have it any other way with me?"
"No not any"
"Then yes I will help you, Jren you can always count on me",after all was said and done she jumped on top of me and kissed. I was happy, but that dream kept popping back in my head and what he said seemed to be true and I got thinking about how I even was alive after I blew up the lab.
Chapter End Notes:Well I know where you might be going with what happen in the lab, but just wait and you will see
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