AGNPH Stories

Umbreon by shadowfox


Chapter 1

My dreams were filled with desires and wants. I could feel something caressing me between my legs and I wished for it to go further. But before I could say anything I was awoken by a strange noise.

Opening my eyes I can see that it is the dead of night. It's so pitch black that I hit my head on the canvass of the tent I was sleeping in. As my eyes adjust I keep hearing those sounds. It was like a slow moaning and movement, close, but not to close to alarm me. What I start to see with my eyes is the inside of my nice big tent. I see some of my pokemon at the door. To be specific it is an eevee, a vaporeon, a jolteon, a flareon and an umbreon. The only one missing from our little bunch was my female espeon. I wasn't surprised to see her missing. She has been in heat for sometime and at night I know she goes searching for a mate. All of my eon's are of the highest quality blood line, but I don't mind if she were to mate with another pokemon. I was surprised when she turned down all my male eon's. But anyways, I see that they are all crowded at the door looking out into the woods. Not that interesting I guess most people would be saying...Except for the fact that all of them were standing there with massive erections.

Now I'm usually a pretty calm person when it comes to pokemon erections. I've seen a few and I've breeded a lot of my pokemon but to see all five of my male pokemon that I love standing there like that I was just tingling to feel them all up.

I took my chances and went over to see what they were looking at. Come to find out they were all staring at my espeon and her new found friend. I must say that this umbreon that was on top of my espeon was a fine catch. He was large and lean. His cock entering her tight little pussy over and over again was a sight to see. I'm not surprised about how my males were acting. The moan's from her mouth was what I was hearing. Her little crys of joy sent the umbreon over the edge. He came and her cries stopped. He dismounted and walked off. My espeon lay there and curled into a ball. I was glad that she was finally able to mate, but all this was making me go over the edge. I guess I was breathing to hard because all the sudden I have 5 pairs of eyes on me.

"Sorry guys, I didn't mean to interrupt..." I walked back over to my sleeping back, I was hot so I took of my shirt and my pants. I debated on taking my underware off with all the excitement and found that I just wanted to be rid of all my clothes. I took them off and looked up. I still have 5 pairs of eyes on me. I felt a little uncomfortable. I have always trusted by pokemon but with all the heat that just went on I was a little nervous. I laid down and no sooner did I then I was surround by my 5 males. All of them had wild looks in their eyes.

I stared to get up to get my clothes and was held down by a paw from my vaporeon and jolteon. I laid down and looked at them. They all had massive erections. They were all pure breads which I think made them even larger than an average mutt pokemon. I longed for one of their large cocks to be inside of me. I especially wanted umbreon's. He was a full two inches longer than all of them which put him at 9 inches. Which is about 5 inches bigger than any other umbreon. I think they could tell I wanted in because vaporeon and jolteon started sucking and licking at my nipples. My mind went numb with their sweet tongues. My pussy was getting wet but my pleasure didn't stop there. My sweet eevee had positioned himself right over my head. His cock just barely touching my lips. With a small yip her shoved his cock strait into my mouth and began to fuck my mouth. I sucked on him wildly, he felt and tasted so good. I moved my head with him movement and he started to moan. I started to moan when I felt a small weight and warmth on my chest. Flareon had lain down on my chest with his head facing my pussy. He started to lick my clit. His warm wet tongue licking my little pink spot. I couldn't help but move. It felt so damn good. I wanted even more. I decided that vaporeon and jolteon were gonna get something more. I lifted up my hands and placed one on each of their cocks. They gave a small start but started to move and I slid up and down their hard shafts. I was moaning and they were moaning. I could feel a small trickle of cum on my breasts from flareon. I thought it could not get better until I felt umbreon. He walked up to me, his dick hitting my leg. I wanted it, I moaned and stoped sucking on eevee.

"Please umbreon, do it, I want you!" I couldn't help myself, after my pleas eevee sunk his cock back into my mouth where I easily complied to start sucking on it again. Umbreon didn't comply with my pleas so easily. He licked up my inner thigh which sent shivers down by spine. I couldn't help but try to move my wet pussy to his mouth. He smiled at my struggles and put his paw to my pussy. He wiped it and I could see my wetness all over his paw. He licked his paw with a devilish grin. He was ready.

Vaporeon and jolteon were still on my nipples when I made both of them cum onto my sleeping bag. They both lay down but continued to suck and lick at my nipples. I couldn't believe what I was doing, my own pokemon. But just when I stopped to think about weather I should continue or not, I feel umbreon's cock on the outside of my pussy. His paws are on my hips and before I know it he rams his cock into my tight pussy. I yell and loose my rhyme on eevee. He pulls out a little and rams it in again. I can feel it enter all the way into me. It's so good. I start to pant and I moan with every thrust of umbreon's great cock. It's going it faster and faster, and I know he's not going to stop. He keeps digging deeper and deeper into my wet pussy. Eevee comes into my mouth but doesn't stop pushing in. I want more and more. I thrust against umbreon's cock and he digs his claws into my hips and pulls me into him. I wince at the claws but the pleasure out rides the pain. I'm hot and I can feel the sweat roll off of my skin. Suddenly Jolteon and vaporeon stop licking my nipples, flareon jumps off of my stomach and eevee releases me from its cock. I think that something is wrong before I realize that umbreon told them to get off of me. I don't know what's going on but before I can do anything all 5 of them push me onto my side then push me up so that I'm standing on my knees. I stand here feeling weird until umbreon's paws are on my back. He's behind me, standing up tall and very hard. He thrust's inside of me and my knees give out for a moment. I'm able to keep my balance but he shoves inside of me getting deeper and deeper. I can't believe that I'm being fucked by a pokemon. But it's so good. His warm cock deep within me, his claws tight in my skin, pulling me forward for incredible thrusts. I can't help but want more and that's what I get. He goes faster and harder and I cum. It pours all down my leg and umbreon get's slashed by it. He keeps on going and for a minute I'm not sure if he will ever come. But he does and it's spectacular. I feel its warmth shoot up into me. I lay down, exhausted from everything that's happened. I feel him slid his still erect cock from my pussy. He walks around to me as I flip onto my back. He puts his cock right over my face and let's our cum drip on my face. I slowly lick off his cock until it's clean. He steps off of me and turns my head down to the side; he lowers his head and sinks his teeth into my neck. He let's go quickly and walks out of the tent.

I learn later on that by biting my neck and leaving the claw marks on me, he has made me his mate for life. I guess that's why the male umbreon didn't do it for my sweet espeon. He didn't want her to be his for life. I guess she just wasn't his type. Well she was his fucking type but I guess not a mating for life type.

Through my adventures afterward I traveled with umbreon everywhere and I'm not afraid to show of my mark as being his. I guess umbreon was the unseen thing in my dreams. Or maybe I'm just reading to far into things.
Chapter End Notes:hope you enjoyed it, i do take requests

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.
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