AGNPH Stories

A play of three by rootril


Story Notes:

Good NIGHT it's been a long time since I last wrote ANYTHING of a mature nature. And it shows (I think), so any suggestions/constructive criticism's are welcome. Rate fairly lovelies, it's my first foray in about...4 years. Not to mention first time submitting a story here too. Gack.

Chapter 1

The twosome ventured into Lumen's room. It was rather oddly sparsely furnished, compared to the lavish quarters that the pokemon staying at the care center were treated to. A simple oak-framed bed sat silently against the north wall, facing a wooden dress with a few spare belongings strewn atop it. A door, leading to what appeared to be a closet laid slightly ajar, and on the ceiling lay a flat-screen television tightly secured. The walls were the colors of the ocean's bejeweled waters, and seemed to almost relax the pair while they silently padded in and locked the door behind them. Exchanging a glance, the two pokemon decided to investigate, to learn more about their adoptive care-giver. Kneeling down and beginning to rifle through the dresser drawers, Cadmia lifted up one of Lumen's shirts, admiring the intricate graphic that alluded to a circuit pattern.

"Aether...have you ever wondered about Lumen, perchance?"

Turning his head back torwards his friend, the violet-toned mewtwo merely watched a moment, waiting for the azure-colored lucario to continue.

"It's strange. Both of us were just dumped here at the daycare, for whatever strange reason our trainers had. And Lumen decides to take us in, effectively make him his own. And yet we know absolutely bubkiss about him."

"What're you trying to get at Cadmia?"

"That...isn't it odd for some strange, who's no longer human, but a pokecer, to open up a pokemon center, and actually remain sane enough to do the job neccesary?"

Aether stepped over to his friend, kneeling aside him, his 'voice' gentle, cupping the pokemons shoulder.

"Not all humans lose themselves due to over-pokening. Perhaps he managed to be strong enough to keep his mind intact while his body changed from the injection of the Porygon-Z and Metagross DNA."

Cadmia sighed, gently clutching the T-shirt to his chest.

"I kinda figured that, but...I honestly still don't know what to think. I....I.." The lucario's fur began to turn a slight violet color, causing Aether to blink in surprise first, then realization.

"...You love him."

Watching the fur turn even more violet, he knew that he hit the nail on the head. Though unbeknownst to Cadmia, the lucario wasn't alone in that respect. Aether himself had developed feelings for the lithe, soft-skinned and formally spoken caretaker. Several times, he and Cadmia watched Lumen able to soothe the fears and strife of several of the pokemon that were left in his care. Even mighty Tyranitar and Gyarados, pokemon infamous for their fierce and violent tempers, mewled in content under the nearly angelic touch of the center's sole operater. When he and Cadmia were abandoned at the center, they themselves were initially fearful of the strange male, and at times would even viciously attack him out of self-preservation. Still, despite the lumps and dings that the two gave him, Lumen still smiled gently at them, his eyes filled with kindness, continuing to care for them in the same way he would care for any of his temporary charges. Lifting his head, Aether smiled softly, gazing around the simple room that seemed to be a mirror image of the one who ran this place.

"Aether. You're blushing." Cadmia teased with a chuckle.

Snapping his gaze back down and blinking rapidly, the mewtwo lifted a paw to his cheek, feeling the heat from his face. Quickly shaking his head to clear the fog, Aether took the shirt from Cadmia, then pulled the lucario to his feet.

"C'mon. Let's see what's in the closet."

Nodding, Cadmia followed his cohort to the walk-in closet, and watched the oaken door slide open with a slight squeak. Within was not much in the way of clothing, but more-so equipment neccesary for the center to be run. Medicine and bandages, documentation of each pokemon that came into his care, along with the appropriate documentation neccesary for the operation of the center. Glancing around, Aether hovered forward slightly, while Cadmia leaned against the doorframe of the closet.

"Doesn't look like this is much of a closet, does it."

"It may not appear so, but my gut instinct says something could possibly be up."

His ears twitching, Cadmia stepped forward to the opposing wall near Aether, leaning against it.

"Something like what?"

Aether merely shook his head, unsure of what to even think himself. Puffing out a sigh, Cadmia lowered a paw, idly drumming it against the wall, then stopped a moment in confusion.

"What is it?"

"Just listen while I do this."

Lifting his paw again, Cadmia brought it down with force, causing the wall to give an adubile thump. Within a second or two, said wall began to creak and moan, then start to fall forward. Yipping in surprise, Cadmia quickly leapt out of the way beyond his friend. Mildly amused, Aether merely held out his hand and caught the faux wall in a psychic field. Sitting up, Cadmia shot an annoyed look at his friend, his voice laced with sarcasm.

"Gee, my hero."

"With the way you ran, I thought it would be appropriate to princess."

Snorting, Cadmia stood and stepped past the chuckling mewtwo, stopping only a moment to swat the pokemon's posterior. Aether yipped in surprise, nearly dropping the wall on Cadmia once more, then shakily set it down before hunching over, his tail flicking playfully.

"You are such a naughty little pokemon..."

"Oh, I know...and I may not be the only one. Take a look at all of this...!"

Blinking, Aether stood upright and quickly padded into the room. He noticed that on his paws, the feeling of the floor changed. From the slightly chilliness of a hardwood floor to the soft warmth of carpet fibers, it was quite a change. Looking around the room, it was like night and day. The floor was covered with plush carpeting, soft and gentle, threatening to tickle the pads of their hindpaws. While there was no furniture to sit on, there was a large screen at one side of the moderate sized room. To either side of the screen sat the tower of what appeared to be some electronic device, and opposite the screen, a strange wall sat that appeared to quiver with a life of it's own. Stepping over to it, Aether reached a hand out and touched the wall, revealing it to be like gelatin. It quietly gave under the gentle push of his paw, seeming to conform to his body. The feeling was like latex, luxurious agains this skin, and he murred softly; it reminded him of when Lumen would hug him out of that simple love he gave to everyone close to him, the soft touch and warm of his skin, the feeling of his breath against his chest, and the gentle flow of Lumen's hands up and down his back. He continued to press into the wall, becoming almost intoxicated by the feel of it, until Cadmia tugged his tail, snapping him out of the trance. Turning, the lucario motioned to his friend to the corner of the room. Standing on a form-Aether recognized it from the fashion shows that he would sometimes watch with Cadmia to fritter time away-was what appeared to be a sparse outfit. Stripped elbow-length gloves and thigh-length stockings, made of fine silk, the soft colors of violet. A lacey garder lay nearby on a table, along with what appeared to be a headband mimicing a fancy french-maid. Around the neck of the form, shining in the dim lightly, was a bright violet collar, adorned with a small heart lock. The two pokemon exchanged a glance, finally realizing what this room was hidden for. It was a room designed for what Lumen called his "private time." Designed for him to come in, and escape the pressures of the outside world, while experiencing in what many would call taboo. Though fortunetally for him, the room was discovered by a pair of perverse pokemon, and even now, the realization of what they had discovered was beginning to affect their bodies, the pinken tips of their maleness starting to tease just barely out of their sheaths. Though before the two could leave the room, the sound of a door opening and closing, then a lock click froze them in their tracks. Exchanging a glance, the two pokemon felt their ears droop. They had been caught.

"Guess we better go apologize to him."

Cadmia sighed, nodding softly, following his cohort in crime out into the closet. Neither bothered to reset the wall, they knew they had been caught red-handed. Or had they?

Finding themselves stopped at the door, they noticed that Lumen's back was to them, his entire form no longer clad in the simple shorts and shirt that he typically wore, wet from the shower that purified his body from the day's work. The flow of his body was like a dancers, lithe and gently toned, the skin of his body, though appearing like the hard surface of a porygon and metagross, was seamless, soft and squishy to the touch. His body seemed to reflect the light, bending over to gather up his garments after taking a long stretch, revealing his tight little rump, and the curved, minute tail that flicked back and forth like a metranome guiding the hands of a piano player; more reminicent of a porygon than the porygon-z dna that helped alter him. Turning to the side and not seeming to notice the two pokemon watching him, Lumen revealed more of his frame. His upper arms and thighs were sleek and toned, the calves and forearms seeming to carry just the bare hint of biological armor. His chest was well-shaped, with smooth curves leading down into a cute belly with hardly any tone at all, seeming to offset the tightness of his posterior. His entire torso seemed to flow downward, the faux shine of his skin only adding to the almost shimmering-like appearance he had. The two pokemon finally watched him turn fully to face them, his face forward with eyes of violet, a scar-like mark a brilliant silver in the shape of an X over his right eye, partially hidden by a slightly wild mop of copper-red hair, a few sparse strands idly being brushed out of his eyes. Though what struck the two pokemon being oddest was the fact that despite calling himself a "he", there was no evident fact that he had the appropriate equipment to be considered so. Looking at one another in confusion, the two pokemon withdrew back into the closet, silently communicating with one another.

"Did you see him Cadmia...?"

"Yea...he' it?"

"It appears so. ...Pity..."

However, the two pokemon looked back, finding the light from the outer rooms now blocked by a silhouette, and eeped softly upon seeing Lumen standing there, still in the buff, his garments drapped over one arm...and a the barest hint of a smile.

"....Well you two are certainly not what I expected to see."

Stepping aside, Lumen motioned with his head for the two of them to step out. They followed his command, though by the droop of their ears and the fact of their tails limp and tucked between their legs, the two clearly felt they had violated their caregivers trust and privacy. Heading to the door, the two gave a final glance back before starting to open it, though a sharp cough froze them once more in their tracks.

"No. On the bed."

Shivering slightly, Cadmia was the first to the bed. He sat down with a rough plop, the sheets wrinkling when he drew his legs up and crossed them before him, his tail trembling slightly in both anxiety and perhaps a touch of lust. Following suit, Aether sat down aside his friend, wrapping an arm about the lucario's shoulders and squeezing his shoulder, though his own tail trembled with fear, and his ears remained drooped. The two watched Lumen continue to put his clothing away, then take a seat on the floor before them, his own legs crossed and resting upon his arms, watching the two of them for a moment. His smiled widened more while the two pokemon began to blush ever so slightly, then allowed his body to move to a laying position, one arm draped across his chest, the other arm idly toying with the carpet. The two pokemon were fixated at this sudden display of their master being submissive, and exchanged a glance once more before their master stood upright, his arms crossed at his chest.

"I thought so. The two of you found my little cache, didn't you."

The pair nodded, glancing down in shame for only a moment before a gentle hand lifted their chins upwards.

"STop that. You're cute when you're blushing, but at least to me, you haven't done anything wrong either. After all, sometimes it's natural for charges to be curious about their caregivers."

Aether was the first to speak, looking at him in confusion.

"You are not angry at us...?"

"Not at all Aether. In fact, I'm more perplexed at how you discovered the room, but judging by the fact that the entire wall, and not just the fake portion is missing, it was thumped pretty hard." Lumen explained, laughing softly when Cadmia ducked down, his ears idly flicking. Hrming to himself, Lumen idly rubbed his cheek, his tail finally going still before trembling a bit, then shrugging his shoulders, stretching once more, giving the twosome a good look of his supple form again.

"This is going to sound like something I've viewed on the wire. ...Hell with it."

Moving forward, Lumen began to push down Cadmia, leaving the Lucario almost too stunned to move. Gently sliding his body along the satin sheets, Lumen lay alongside Cadmia, slipping an arm over him and pulling him close, the warmth of his body next to his, laying his head upon the lucario's chest and shutting his eyes, his tail lazily swishing, seeming to stroke the bed. He felt the pokemon's body immediately flushed red, and imagined that his ears were flicking back and forth in confusion. The quickened heat of Cadmia's breath on the nape of his neck made him shiver, and lifting his head slightly to gaze at Aether, motioned ever so slightly to the mewtwo to join them.

Nervous at first, the mewtwo quickly quelled his own anxiety, then slipped behind his trainer, and snuggled up behind him. He gasped, feeling the jell-like quality of Lumen's skin, how cool and sleek it was, like the skin of a milotic. Curving his arms around Lumen's waist, Aether allowed his head to dip down and nuzzle between the morph' shoulders, purring ever so gently while his tail coiled loosely around one of Lumen's legs. The bare tip idly teased the soles of a foot, causing him to hear Lumen give a very gentle squirm in response. Blinking in surprise, Cadmia wrapped his arms around Lumen's shoulders, then began to nuzzle his hair ever so gently, moving down to idly lap at one of his ears, causing him to squirm once again. Like his friend, Cadmia's own tail coiled around Lumen's leg, teasing the sole of the other foot, feeling him squirm and giggle softly again. Gazing beyond, Cadmia sighed contently, squeezing with his arms, then blinked, feeling something begin to gently prod his thigh. Looking back down in wonder, he heard Lumen chuckle softly, nodding.

"Told you I was a guy."

His voice muffled by Lumen's back, Aether squeezed his trainers leg with his tail, then gently moved the same leg aside, revealing the cute little member that now peeked through a small vent at Lumen's groin. The unit was almost adorably slender, ending in a slightly bulging tapered tip, made of the same crystalline skin like the rest of his form was, the sides seeming to have tiny little ridges along them that moved back and forth like waves on the ocean. Exchanging a glance, the two pokemon moved away from their trainer, instead kneeling down to idly poke and prode the new appendage.

"It's.....small compared to ours..."

"Hey, don't offend him Aether...! ...I think it's cute. But this..." Cadmia cooed, idly rubbing the sides of Lumen's shaft, feeling the small ridges on either side.

"This is so unique...."

Glancing at Lumen, Aether noticed that their trainer did little to protest, in fact, he seemed almost comfortable with them touching and examining his body. IT was like they had discovered a new toy, and like children, were eager to see how it worked and functioned. Nodding firmly, Aether then moved to Lumen's chest. With a swift motion that caught their trainer off-guard, Aether gripped his hands and pinned them above his head, securing them with psychic bonds, then squeezed his trainer's chest with his muscular thighs. Leaning down, Aether nearly touched nose to nose with Lumen, the latter's breath now picking up slightly, especially after feeling Cadmia move to restrain his legs in his grip.

"You're enjoying this..."

Lumen merely nodding, finally blushing himself, a bright pink against the deeper hues of blue and ruby that made up the coloration of his skin. Nodding again, Aether shut his eyes, seeming to speak to Cadmia for a few moments. Turning to find the other pokemon winking, Aether leaned close to Lumen, whispering softly into his ear, teasing it with his breath.

"...You will be ours tonight little boy..."

The words made Lumen shudder, giving an almost playfull whimper of helplessness. The sudden sound of submission was like music to the pokemons ears; it prompted them to action faster than either ever though the other was possible of. Immediately Aether's lips locked with Lumen's, capturing his trainer in a passionate kiss, forcing his mouth open and beginning to dart his tongue into Lumen's maw. The pokemorph shivered with anticipation, feeling the warmth of Cadmia's pads begin to stroke up and down his belly, leaning down and lapping teasingly along the tops of his thighs. With his trainer's hands bound, Aether was able to easily stroke his balled fingers along Lumen's arms while easily keeping the kiss going. He splayed his fingers along the inner skin of Lumen's arms, feeling the muscles beneath twitch, releasing the tension held there-in. Drawing down to Lumen's shoulders, Aether stroked and rubbed the flesh there, kneading the tension away and coaxing him more into the kiss, finally feeling Lumen's tongue begin to dance back with his own. Their tongues mingled for a few moments before Aether broke the kiss, leaving his trainer's tongue waggling in the air for a few moments.

"Gah...naughty pokemon..." Lumen teased with a smirk.

Chuckling gently, Cadmia continued to kiss and lap along his trainer's thighs. He gently parted them, placing his snout in between, gently lapping along the inner flesh before nippling playfully torwards Lumen's member, drawing away at the final moments to once more tickle with his tongue back down. Sitting upright, he drew himself along Lumen, idly rubbing his caretakers chest with a paw, the warm pads softly scraping his skin.

"So little like being played with like this...?"

Watching Lumen nod, Cadmia continued to stroke his chest, Aether snuggling up against him. Relaxing for a few moments, Aether then lifted his head, smirking softly.

"Cadmia...I believe I know what our little pup is trying to beg for..."

Tilting his head, Cadmia watched Aether drift downwards, still keeping Lumen bound by his powers, then began to gently massage one of Lumen's feet. The reaction was almost immediate, Lumen beginning to squirm. Surprised, Cadmia quickly moved down and joined his friend, taking ahold of the other foot and running his warm paws over it, gently stroking along the sole and teasing under the toes. Watching Lumen continue to squirm, he carefully lifted the foot and closed his mouth over Lumen's toes; sucking softly, his warm tongue began to pass between them. Finding himself enjoying it as well, Cadmia shivered, closing his eyes and loudly sucking, taking a time to nibble on each toe before caressing his sole. Not wanting to be outdone, Aether smirked teasingly, then set Lumen's foot in his lap, idly tickling the sole with one paw, while the other playfully wiggled and tugged on his toes. His voice carried a teasing tone, smirking softly.

"This little poke went to market...and this little poke stayed in his ball..."

Lumen blushed even deeper from the attention given to his feet; he squirmed and wiggled against his bonds, starting to pant softly, his toes flexing while the two pokemon continued to tease his feet. The soft licks of Cadmia's tongue, darting between his toes along with the momentary suckling, while Aether continued to lightly tickle and tease him with his paws and words before joining his partner in suckling his toes. Shuddering, Lumen attempted to pull his feet free from their grip, only to find the two pokemon easily overpowered him. The two continued to lap at his soles before caressing them with their paws, and finally choosing to gently nibble the sensative flesh there. Still attempting to pull away, Lumen whimpered in lustful protest, and finally felt the teasing to his feet come to a stop. Panting gently, he lifted his head and looked at the two pokemon. It was apparent they enjoyed themselves like he did, but the look on Cadmia's face perplexed him even more.

"Cadmia...what're you doing...?"

Nodding to Aether, Cadmia moved torwards Lumen's back, then allowed Aether to turn Lumen over, proceeding to straddle his back. Leaning back, Cadmia smirked at Aether, then used his hind paws to rub Lumen's rear. Realizing what the lucario had in mind, Aether too leaned back, joining his partner in caressing and proding Lumen's hindquarters. The morph shuddered, letting out a low moan of pleasure while the two of them continued their massage, the warmth of their paw pads easily slipping along the tender flesh. Though the canine of the twosome shuddered, bowing his head, his breathing picking up slowly, the tip of his maleness beginning to slip more from his sheath.

"'re a naughty little canine. So excited to be doing this."

Shaking his head, Cadmia attempted to focus on rubbing the tender, slickened flesh that his hindpaws gently patted upon. However, he moaned softly, his pinkened member now fully posed, starting to twitch upwards, ever so slowly, teasing torwards the sky. Growling in frustration, he withdrew and whirled around, laying atop his owner, ignore the surprised yip of pain from the spine in his chest digging into Lumen's back. Easily snapping the psychic bonds, he forced his caregivers arms to his sides, then gripped him in a tight hug, beginning to grind his doghood into the small of Lumen's back. Slipping his hindpaws beneath, he found the morph's own phallus, twitching with excitement, and quickly pressed it against Lumen's body, the soft warm pads easily slipping along the slickened flesh, teasing the sensative head, and scraping slowly along the sensative ridges lining the side. Hearing Lumen moan loudly, arching his back more to meet the heated flesh that slipped along, his shaft seeming to thicken, a tiny droplet of fluid gathering at the tip. Continuing to growl in earnest, Cadmia leaned down and gently gripped one of Lumen's elfish ears in his teeth, sucking and pulling at it a moment, causing his trainer to yip before lapping briskly at the reddened flesh. His body continuially ground against his trainer, the spine on his chest pressing into the tender flesh, adding a mild jolt of pain with each thump against his back, his paws fumbling with the slippery member in his grasp. Shuddering with delight, the lucario arched himself, letting out a beastial howl, his member twitching with eagerness, the base thickening into a firm knot before spasming, soaking Lumen's back with his seed. The trainer whimpered loudly, squirming against the animalistic strength that held him, then joined his pokemon in a high-pitched whine, his own sex spasming, unleashing a clear, shimmering fluid onto Cadmia's paws. The skin began to tingle softly, almost as if it was being energized by Lumen's essense; Swaying a few moments, Cadmia shook his head, then glanced down at the panting form beneath him. Noticing the bruised, violet flesh that was caved in on his trainers back, and the small rivers of fluid that trickled down Lumen's sides, he finally realized what happened. Turning back, he noticed Aether smiling almost too sweetly, continuing to rub Lumen's rear with his paws, though the flesh was a darker color now.

"Wh...what did I do...?"

The mewtwo laughed softly, moving forward and straddling Lumen's buttocks, idly playing with the stiff tail.

"Apparently, nature took it's course with you. After all, I wouldn't want to disturb you my little puppy."

Cadmia blushed. Listening to Aether describe how he nearly raped Lumen, while he continued to tease the morph's rear, stroking with his paws, then using them like a paddle. He slapped Lumen with each bounce Cadmia gave, echoing perfectly with each slap of his thighs against Lumen's back while he ground away, then moved back to rubbing while the excitement subsided. Though the feline smirked softly, slipping off, before slinking past the lucario to his trainers face, gently laying it in his lap. The two pokemon listened to him breath quickly, Cadmia slowly unraveling his arms and legs, freeing Lumen from the grip, though glancing at his paws, he noticed that they seemed to shine with an unearthly glow.

"....What the hell...? Did I just make a lightbulb orgasm..?"

Panting softly, Lumen giggled innocently, bending a leg up to gently rub the Lucario's back.

"N-no silly's a side effect...f-from b-being human. S-see...when I p-poked myself with those..a-artifical pokemon DNA...i-it m-modified my b-body...down to the f-finest...detail......"

Letting out a loud breath, Lumen leaned up, landing on his rear with a soft oof, running a hand through his copper-toned hair. His skin was a bright violet, blushing from head to toe, though his maleness continued to stand proudly, dripping a tiny bead of fluid to the damp bedsheets, leaving a glistening trail, like that of a spinarak's web in the morning dew. Glancing down, Aether seemed to almost admire his trainer's sex a moment, before leaning down to draw in a soft breath. The scent made his nostrils tingle, a strange musk that seemed to invigorate his own body. Giving a soft mewl, Aether felt his own member well with anticipation, then slowly kissed the tip of the throbbing organ, getting a touch of fluid on his lips. The reaction was almost immediate, a shockwave of bliss surging through his body, his lips seeming to almost involuntarily quiver from the nectar. Shaking his head in an attempt to clear the fog that threatened to cloud his mind, Aether quickly opened his jaws and consumned the slick member, greedily beginning to suck. Yipping loudly, Lumen quaked in delight, his arms clawing at the sheets, his metallic fingers threatening to shred the satin sheets. Aether continued to eagerly suckle, his tongue moving like it was possesed, tickling the head of the shaft, tracing along the slit, only to massage along the underside. The ridges were soft and flexible, and feeling along with his tongue, Aether discovered that they were extremely sensative.

'I wonder how it would feel to me...'

The thoughts rushing into Aether's head, of feeling Lumen's body pressed against his, that ridged manhood taking him, his slender thighs slapping against his own tight buttocks while his tail held him tight made Aether flush bright red. Shutting his eyes, the mewtwo murred softly, beginning to bob his head. The slow draw of his head torward the tip of Lumen's cock allowed a loud slurping sound to be heard from both, causing Cadmia to lift his head, finding Aether now quickly bobbing up and down on Lumen's sex, his tail trembling with delight, drinking up the sweet nectar that trickled out slowly, the flesh shining with wetness. Growling a bit, Cadmia slipped from behind Lumen's back, lifting him up, Aether easily following, his lips glowing a light blue, adding a mild shock with each brisk bob.

"Think you're going to have all the fun, fine! Then I get this..." Cadmia cooed, using his paws to gently spread Lumen's butt, smirking.

Reaching closer, he buried his muzzle into the tight pucker, the coldness of his nose causing the morph to yip in surprise, looking down and blushing profusely. Giving a playful yip, Cadmia reached out his tongue, starting to lap at the sensative muscle. His trainers moans slowly grew in response to the soft tongue tantalizing him, attempting to slowly prod into the unbreached gate. Licking slowly, Cadmia growled, rubbing his nose along the crevace before quickly pressing his tongue against and briskly rubbing. Lumen's hips began to rock, his hands gripping into the sheets, shredding the fabric, energy trickling down his form like beads of sweat. The two pokemon continued, Aether sucking him off with loud, greedy slurps, his head bouncing now before pressing down eagerly, seeming to almost gently gnaw at the throbbing maleness. Cadmia continued to eagerly lap and tease along, poking his tongue several times at Lumen's rear before nipping at the entire whole. The brief jolt's of pain coupled with the heavy suction finally pushed Lumen over the edge, his body nearly spasming uncontrollably, his penis throbbing in delight, spilling it's sweet nectar for Aether; he sucked without hesitation, drinking up every last drop, his entire body tingling from the taste. Feeling Lumen's body sway, he drew his head upwards before releasing his trainer with a light pop, lips flecked with a touch of ambrosia, still shuddering from the ecstacy that caused his own pokehood to dripple a few droplets of seed.


Moving from beneath Lumen, Cadmia turned and embraced his trainer from behind, watching his partner with a curious gaze. Aether leaned back against the lush pillows on the bed, sighing heavily, his breath still coming in soft pants, reaching a paw down to idly stroke his own sex. Quivering from the hypnotizing display before him, Cadmia began to gently rub his own sex between the tight flesh of Lumen's behind.


"Only if you will pet...but I'd rather you fight." Cadmia teased, playfully nipping at Lumen's ear again.

Giggling gently, Lumen shook his head, instead choosing to move forward, resting on his hands and knees. Blushing, Cadmia nearly pounced upon Lumen, wrapping his forearms around and holding tight, once more pressing the spine upon his chest into the morph's back. Within a few seconds, Lumen felt Cadmia's rock-hard pokehood slowly spreading his rear open. It slid with ease, filling Lumen with warmth, his body trembling in delight, once again clutching at the sheets which were not damaged from the prior moment of ecstacy. Moaning softly, he squeezed his rear around the shaft, smiling gently at hearing Cadmia moan. Glancing back, his stiff tail seeming to flick slightly, he nodded slowly, then looked back at Aether idly squeezing and stroking his own shaft.

"Aww...I can't let my little kitten go unrewarded..."

Reaching forward, Lumen grasped onto Aether's thighs, pulling him forward, the mewtwo's sex within reach. Beginning to kiss along the tender flesh, he used his tongue to lap along, cooling down the twitching member. Using his lips to nibble along, he tickled up and down, pulling lightly at the tightening flesh. He kept squeezing along Cadmia's shaft, before attempting to pull away, only for Aether to once again lock him in place with psychic bonds. Glancing back, Aether now smirked at him, holding a small piece of silk in his paw.

"Tsk tsk...poor little boy...unable to escape us...and now..."

With a mild way of his paw, the silk flittered upwards with a life of it's own, and quickly wound about Lumen's eyes, blotting out his sight. He gasped loudly, hearing the two pokemon chuckle gently, then feeling a soft paw slowly guide his head downwards. Something hot and wet pressed against his lips, and knowing full well what it was, he opened and invited the mewtwo's member in. Drawing his lips taught, his throat remained idle, using his tongue to rub and lap at the twitching organ.

Murring softly, Aether leaned his head back, gently stroking Lumen's hair. His tail drifted upwards and pressed against the morph's head, softly encouraging him to begin to suck. Moving his hindpaws forward, they drifted along Lumen's body, exploring his curves and valley's before arriving at his sex, encompassing it within warm softness. Nodding, Cadmia wiggled himself a moment before unleashing an animalistic howl, thrusting quickly into Lumen's rear with gusto.

The sudden assault caused Lumen to yelp loudly, clenching lightly around Cadmia's member, which in turn caused the lucario to thrust even harder. His rear was slapped with each thrust, the pokemon's strength causing his penis to rub along Aether's hindpaws, stroking the soft pads, the head being tickled by the mewtwo's toes when within reach. And the heat from that same mewtwo's sex warmed his mouth, trickling a sweetness that he had never had before. Starting to suck eagerly to entice more out, his eyes shut beneath the blindfold, listening to the chorus of mewl's and yip's that reached his ears, causing his own shaft to stiffen back to attention.

Glancing down, Aether smirked, pressing his hindpaws together, giving Lumen's pet a firm grip a moment before sliding free with ease, allowing his toes now to grip and begin to milk. His trainer's voice of delight muffled by his thickness, Aether groaned, his tail holding onto Lumen's head, supporting himself with his paws, panting heavily, feeling a tongue tickle and tease along, while a hot mouth trembled around him. His hindpaws continued to milk in desperation, wanting that sweet nectar to soak him, to tingle his flesh and make him whimper.

Watching his fellow pokemon's face, Cadmia groaned, his own member gripped by the tight rear of his trainer. Leaning up, he wrapped his paws around the stiff tail before him, crying out in delight, thrusting himself into the trembling form before him. He quivered, his pokehood trembling in delight, sliding easily from within only to plunge in once more. His thighs slapped the tender flesh with each pound, Lumen's body moving with each thrust, causing him to bob upon Aether's sex. To the near point of snarling, Cadmia continued to thrust with intensity, making Lumen nearly collapse under the strain before finally letting lose a loud howl. The base of his member thickened, entrapping himself within Lumen, causing the morph to whine loudly, filled with Cadmia's own essence.

Trembling, Aether too felt himself growing close, and unleashed a mild jolt of psychic energy, stimulating Lumen's penis with his hindpaws. The morph's cock trembled, then seemed to explode with nectar while the ridges flared; his essense made Aether's own hindpaws tremble with delight, causing the skin to tingle, same as Cadmia's had. Shuddering once more, Aether allowed his own growl to escape his lips, finally succumbing to the pleasure that throbbed along his own sex. His seed spilled forth, flooding Lumen's mouth, small trickle's escaping from the corners, though he tried to swallow down all he could.

Finally releasing the mewtwo, a few final spurt's spattering his face, Lumen panted heavily, bowing his head to lay atop Aether's stomach, his rear still filled with the canine's knot. The two pokemon panted heavily themselves, then moved in such a way to allow their trainer to relax between the warmth and softness of their bodies. All three of them panted gently, Cadmia lapping softly at one of Lumen's ears, while Aether gently stroked along his legs and feet with his tail. Finally feeling the lucario's cock relax, he squeezed his rear softly, causing the pokemon to moan softly while his member slipped free. A few moments of silence passed between the three of them, before the two pokemon glanced down to find their trainer giggling softly.

"What's so funny....?" Aether asked, raising an eyeridge slightly.

"If you liked playing with me as a little boy....maybe you should see my as a little girl.."

Blinking quickly, Cadmia exchanged a glance with the mewtwo, then nodded in agreement, ruffling Lumen's hair.

"If you want, just give us time to recover....we're not machines like you are..."

"That's okay you're just featherweights..." Lumen answered with a soft laugh.

The action made the mewtwo chuckle, idly pinching a tender place on Lumen's chest.

"Even so, that was more fun than I ever thought. However...why is it that I am hearing a door open."

"Oh! It's a couple friends of mine! I called them over to play, but you two got to me first! That's okay though.." Lumen explained, sitting up, idly rubbing some of Aether's nectar on his cheek, a light trail of Cadmia's still trickling down his legs.

"They're a lot of fun. That is, if you can stand a pair of dominant pokemorphs...."

The two pokemon exchanged a nervous glance, then looked over, Cadmia managing to be first to find his voice.

"Wh-what are they..?"

"An Absol/Mareep, and a Nidoqueen/Dragonite, pure morphs! But don't worry!" Lumen added with a giggle, flopping on the bed.

"They'll give us a couple minutes to recover before they start."

"A couple minutes?!"

"Yep! In fact," Lumen warned, watching the door knob begin to turn.

"Here they come now!"

The two pokemon once more exchanged a nervous glance. It was going to be a long day.
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