AGNPH Stories

Ember by zoop


Story Notes:

This is my first story of this nature. There won't be any sex in the first few chapters, it will be obvious as to why.This story was vaguely inspired by "Luca" by Felix

Chapter 3

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


Pierce's idea on how to carry Mason worked better then Ember thought it would. Mason's legs lay over Pierce's body, precariously positioned on either side of the barbs on the Nidorino's back ("Careful! Don't neuter him!" Ember had warned). Pierce's large ears prevented Mason's legs from sliding off. Mason's arms were crossed on his chest. Ember had positioned herself so the boy's neck rested between her own neck and right shoulder. Her stubby arm wrapped around his neck to secure it in place.

It worked because Ember was about the same height as Pierce's back, being rather tall for a Charmander.

(Nidorinos are listed as 2' 11", but assume that this is including the barbs on the back. Charmanders are an average of 2' 00", but Ember is around 2' 05". Who says all Charmanders have to be created equal?)

Mason was nervous with this awkward position. It surprised him that the two could support his weight, but his crotch was uncomfortably close to the barbs on Pierce's back, which shifted as the Nidorino walked. It was also strange to have his neck and head so close the Charmander. Although Charmanders had scales, Ember's were so smooth, flexible and warm that it almost felt like skin. It felt rather nice against his neck.

"So, uh..." started Mason, a bit flustered, "how is it that you can speak English?"

The Charmander carried him silently for several minutes before answering.

"My... my mother taught me."

"Your mother?" asked Mason, perplexed.

"She was raised by humans, her master taught her English. She escaped to the wild after being forced to breed with another Charmeleon..."

Ember was quiet for a moment.

"She taught me and my sisters how to defend ourselves... against humans. She taught me how to speak English; she told me it would be useful if I ever came across one of you. My sisters however, had so much hatred for humans that they wouldn't allow themselves to learn the language. My mother had told us so many awful tales about them... about... you..."

Ember continued in an almost-whisper, "I couldn't believe that all humans were so... evil... I couldn't believe that there was not a single redeeming quality in any one of them."

"But when my mom was...... well... I started to believe it."

Silence overcame the three for several minutes. A tear dropped onto Mason's neck.

"What happened?... To your mother?" asked Mason quietly.

"She... she was beaten... raped... and captured. It was probably the man she had run away from who did it."

"I'm... I'm so sorry."

Ember continued so softly that Mason could only barely hear her. "But maybe... maybe I was right. Maybe not all humans are like that."

"Well, I like to think so." said Mason.

Pierce chuckled. "The sad truth is that Mason here is one in a million. There are others who seek friendship and a few others who seek equality. But even those who seek it don't often achieve it as Mason has."

Mason blushed at Pierce's admiration. He had never quite realised just how much devotion the Nidorino had for him.

"You're lucky you have Pierce, Mason," said Ember quietly. She turned her head back sideways to look at him, his neck still resting on hers. "It's only through his conviction that I can believe you might be... different. Through any other mouth, his words might seem like delusions."

Mason nodded. He was reminded of just how much Pierce meant to him...

"No, I'm the lucky one," corrected Pierce. "Without Mason, I would never have known what it's like to share a close bond with someone."

...and how much he meant to Pierce.

"Pierce... I love you man."

"I love you too, Mason." Pierce replied without hesitation. "Now for gods sake, are we finished with all the fucking drama?!"

Mason and Ember were jolted from their pensive moods, shocked for a moment, before all three burst out in laughter.


Their journey was slow going, as it was tiresome for Pierce and Ember to carry Mason. They took regular breaks, and were cautious not to cause further injury to the boy. Mason estimated that it would take them at least another day of traveling to reach their destination.

It was now dark, and the three decided to stop for the night. They ate some of the remaining 'Tortle meat; which they had been slowly devouring throughout the day. It wouldn't keep much longer.

Ember and Pierce had made a rather impressive fire. Pierce had felled small trees, while Ember did what Charmanders did best. But even with the heat of the flames, the night's ferocious wind iced their bones. It left a question of sleeping arrangements.

"Ember, you can use the sleeping bag again. Me and Pierce'll just use the tent."

Ember shook her head. "I'll be fine by the fire." But even as she said this, Mason could see her body convulse from the freezing wind.

"No. You won't. You're still weak from the Wartortle, and your sister's burns. You're a Charmander for god's sake, this wind could kill you!"

"I'm weak?" asked Ember incredulously. "What carried you here? Because it sure wasn't your own legs! And besides, Pierce's burns are still quite sensitive. I'm sure he'd gladly share his body heat with you, but it'd likely be very painful for him to expose his skin to the cold. He's already supported your useless legs with his sensitive back for a day; he's likely gone through enough pain!"

"It... it wasn't that bad." Pierce interjected. "Really, I'd be fine with it Mason."

If Pierce had a fault, it was that he was a terrible liar. Mason felt horrible, he hadn't realised that so much of his body weight had been supported by sensitive burnt skin.

Pierce would be able to sleep in his ball. It offered perfect protection from the weather, and provided an almost coma-like sleep. Pierce really enjoyed the deep sleep, and it was one of the reasons Mason still used the balls. Although, it only had been the other night that Pierce had slept aside Mason in a selfless act to keep the boy warm.

But Mason decided that Pierce had done enough selfless acts; that goddamned Nidorino would sleep in his ball whether he liked it or not!

Ember however... The dying fire would not be enough to keep the Charmander warm, or even alive, as it offered no protection from the wind. Mason knew she still had conflicting emotions and still didn't completely trust him. He knew it might not go over well if he offered her a place in one of the spare balls. He would effectively be capturing her. She would not be ready to trust him with that. But Mason only had the one sleeping bag and tent...

Ember had obviously gone through a similar train of thought.

"Would you share the bag and tent with me?"

Mason was shocked that she was the one to suggest it.

"I... uh... but um... o-okay. You're uh... comfortable with that?"

"I figure it might be a bit hard for you to rape me when you can't even stand up straight."

Mason lay in aghast.

"'course, if you tried anything anyways, I'd burn you alive like the pig in a blanket you'd be." Ember said, only half-joking.

"Mason, you sure you wouldn't just rather me-" Pierce began.

"Pierce, you're sleeping in your ball, you selfish prick." Mason interrupted with a grin. "Besides, what's Ember going to think if we're sleeping together all the time?"

Pierce chuckled. "I think you should be more concerned with what I'm going to think about you sleeping with her in a single-person sleeping bag and tent. I really don't want to see you cooked alive, buddy."

Mason laughed nervously.

"Come on Pierce, help me get this pig into his blanket." Ember ordered jokingly.

"Fine, fine. I guess worst case scenario, we'll both have a nice breakfast tomorrow."


Although she had put on a show of confidence, Ember felt very conflicted about sleeping beside Mason. It didn't matter if he would violate her or not, it was the simple thought of being so close and intimate with a human.

The sleeping bag afforded enough space for the small Charmander to fit beside Mason, but their bodies pressed up against each other's. Although Mason's shirt had been ripped apart by Jenna, he had brought a few changes of clothes, so could have the decency of being fully clothed.

Ember's head was at neck level, her back against the boy's stomach, and her hind-claws just below his waist. Ember's tail was tucked behind her legs, its flame giving off heat from the center of the bag, but failing to burn the sleeping bag or Mason. While Mason had slept, he had unconsciously wrapped his arms lightly around her body, as if she were a pillow.

Ember felt awkward like this. The boy's large body produced a lot of heat; it felt wonderful against her back, even through his shirt and bandages. His large arms hugged her tenderly, bringing her closer to his chest, intensifying the pleasant heat.

But it felt so wrong. The species that had raped her mother... sharing body heat with one. She felt as if she was betraying her mother. She also felt vulnerable; wrapped tightly between the thick bag, and the large, warm body of the sleeping boy. She hated herself for enjoying it...

A small sound from outside the tent caught her attention. Suddenly the tent was zipped opened by a stubby figure, outlined by the firelight.

"Suzie!" Ember said in tongue, trying to get out of the sleeping bag, embarrassed with her position.

Suzie stared at her in disbelief. "Are you... sleeping with him?" she asked incredulously.

"No I-"

"Ember, we have another chance to kill this bastard. Right here. Right now. I don't know why you spared him before, but surely now you must see the truth. He's just like all the others." Suzie said in disgust.

"We're not sleeping together! At least... not in that way. He's got broken bones, Suzie. He'll die if I don't help him"

"Then let him die. Or better yet, I will help you kill him now."

"Suzie, you don't understand!"

"Oh, I understand Ember. You've betrayed me and Jenna, and you've betrayed your mother."

Tears formed in Suzie's eyes. "Jenna's... dead" she whispered. Ember was taken aback as Suzie collapsed and embraced her.

"I hate you sister. I hate you so much for helping this human. But... but I don't want to lose you too. Mom... Jenna... and now you. You must see, sister! You must understand that I can't lose my last sister the same way we lost mom.

Ember had never felt so confused in her life. Her sisters had never hugged her. They hated her! Suzie had just said so! Yet... it sounded like Suzie genuinely cared about Ember: her last remaining sibling.

"It's a bit too late to show that you care about me, Suzie. After all the bullying; the teasing; the abuse. Why should you care if I'm taken away by a human?" Ember asked.

Ember knew Suzie had been Jenna's lackey; Jenna being the one who truly orchestrated Ember's abuse. Suzie perhaps did not carry the same loathing Jenna had; but this did not excuse her from her actions.

Mason was still sleeping soundly, completely exhausted and dead to the world.

"I... I know. I'm so... I'm so sorry..." Suzie sobbed. "But I know... nothing I say can change anything. But... there is something I can do. I can kill this human. Then we can be together sister! And then you will see that I am truly sorry." Suzie took her arms off Ember, and walked towards the boy.

Ember cut her off, and put her hands on her shoulders. "I won't let you kill him Suzie."

Suzie forced herself from Ember's grip, and darted towards the boy with her claws extended.

Before Suzie could touch the boy, Ember leapt and tackled her, pinning her face to the floor of the tent beside Mason.

"Don't make me hurt you, Suzie. You could travel with us. After the human is safe, I will go back with you. He won't be able to hurt us sister, he is weak and at our mercy."

Suzie stopped struggling, and appeared to think about this.

"I... I don't think I could ever help a human, Ember. Not ever."

"If you wanted to show me that you are truly sorry Suzie, then you would do this for me.

"I've already told you how I will prove my forgiveness." Suzie said, pushing herself up with all her might, throwing Ember off her back.

Ember crashed onto the ground, but got back up quickly. Suzie raised a single claw, readying to cut open the boy's neck.

"No!" Ember shouted, and leapt using every ounce of her strength, tearing into Suzie's back with her claws.

Mason woke from Suzie's howls of pain. He watched as Ember and her sister fought; claws swiping every which way, tearing into each other's scales. Suzie suddenly turned towards him, and let out a sudden burst of flame. Ember jumped to block it, succeeding in protecting Mason, but the tent was now ablaze. Ember swung her arm around with all of her remaining strength, connecting with Suzie's face in a claw-filled strike. Suzie flew backwards into the flaming tent, blood spraying into Ember's face.

Ember moved quickly, using her stubby claws to help pull out Mason from the burning tent, he was now wide-awake. It took a lot of effort to pull him out of the bag and tent, as she had only managed to get him in with Pierce's help.

When Mason was finally safe, Ember was exhausted. She slowly went over to Suzie, and pulled her from the blaze. Suzie's scales were scorched black, and hot to the touch.

It was ironic then, that her tail-flame had been extinguished: Ember had killed her sister.

Mason watched Ember; he saw her body begin to glow. Brighter it became, until her form almost blinded him. Shielding his eyes from the light with an outstretched arm, he saw her shape transform before him.

The Charmeleon kneeled beside her sister, weeping in a low hiss.
Chapter End Notes:In addition to this chapter, I've fixed a few minor errors/wording in chapters 1 and 2. Second-time readers won't likely notice a difference though.

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