AGNPH Stories

Ember by zoop


Story Notes:

This is my first story of this nature. There won't be any sex in the first few chapters, it will be obvious as to why.This story was vaguely inspired by "Luca" by Felix

Chapter 5

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


The night was awkward. None of the four had been able to sleep, despite their exhaustion. The rock shelter, and the reach of the fire, was small; forcing Jenna closer to the three than she or they were comfortable with. Mason was unsure how to deal with Jenna, as she was the creature responsible for his injuries. Pierce had filled him in on Ember's agreement, and he wasn't sure on how to take it. He was slightly comforted that Jenna had apparently agreed to help, if only for the time being, but he couldn't completely trust that she would keep her word. She kept her distance from him though, often staring, but otherwise ignoring him.

Pierce seemed to be in a state of guard next to him, paying close attention to Jenna and refusing to sleep in his ball.

Ember was the closest to Jenna, and she was trying to hide her discomfort. She tried to talk with Jenna, but found that their callous history made it hard to talk; they had never conversed much before.

They were all famished, but the 'tortle meat had spoilt and they had nothing else to eat.

Finally, after a long uncomfortable period of silence and tense stares, Jenna spoke.

"How about you ask your friend why he's here in the first place, Ember? See what kind of story he tells."

Mason, still lying immobilized on the ground, looked up when she spoke and realised that the two were now looking at him.

"Why are you here, Mason?" Ember asked slowly.

"...What do you mean?"

"Out here, in this forest. You didn't want to capture me, so then why did you come out here at all? Didn't you intend to capture Pokémon?"

"I... yea.. no... I didn't want-"

"I was beginning to trust you Mason. I thought you might be... Pierce convinced me that he and you lived together with some sort of equality... but yet you would still come here to capture slaves.?"

"No! I didn't want to take slaves!" Mason hung his head. "I wanted... I wanted to save Pokémon from the horrible things humans do to them... they are forced to hide in the wild, constantly trying to avoid capture, fighting for their lives, and when finally caught are abused, even tortured, and extorted for their powers..."

"" whispered Ember. "So what, you thought that you could just take us for yourself, try to convince us that you're "saving us" and hope that we would cooperate with you?"

"...I thought I could earn the trust of the untamed... but when I came across you Ember, when I first saw your eyes fill with pure loathing... I finally understood something Pierce had been trying to hammer into my head... Pokémon don't want my help. They don't want to befriend humans. They've lived in fear of humans for their entire lives, how could they possibly...?"

Ember nodded, lost in her own thoughts.

"I realised that a friendship between human and Pokémon was much harder to accomplish... I guess I took it for granted because of Pierce... I also fell victim to the TV shows and cartoons that depict trainer and Pokémon as best of friends... of course while still ironically master and slave. I always thought I could avoid being brainwashed by that stuff... but I guess it still got through to me a bit, since I never fully realised the significance and uniqueness of my friendship with Pierce..."

Jenna looked up at Ember, willing to wait for a translation, but watching her facial expression to judge if she believed him or not.

"I wanted to take Pokémon in for myself, care for them, and protect them. Give them some sort of life without the constant fear and abuse. I knew some trainers had tried the same thing, and some have had some success... but... I wanted more then that. I long ago realised that Pierce isn't just a friend; he's an equal. I wanted to achieve that again, but so much trust is needed... I guess I realise now that trust like that isn't so easily achieved."

"God, I thought I'd never get you to understand that!" grunted Pierce.

"So, what now? After you're all good and healed up, what will you do?" Enquired Ember.

"I... I don't know. It seems pretty hopeless. I thought I could always rescue Pokémon from abusive owners, or even buy them. But the former is illegal, and I had no means, and the latter, well, I had no money. I always thought I could gain the wealth and means to do something eventually... but it's all looking a little bleak..." Mason quieted and stared up at the rock ceiling pensively.

Ember stared at him thoughtfully.

Jenna spoke to her quietly, "You believe him, don't you? I can see it in your eyes."

"I don't know... I don't think he's trying to trick me Jenna... if he's even able think about what he's telling me... It sounds like he's just given up on life."

"Be careful sister. But I'm curious, tell me what he said."


Jenna had eventually allowed her exhaustion to overtake her, and the other three had ultimately taken her lead. In the morning, the four were fatigued from sleep deprivation and anxiety. Mason woke to find Pierce's warm underbelly at his side, and that Ember and Jenna had awkwardly huddled together at the edge of the fire.

Ember and Pierce carefully lifted Mason from the ground and began their final trek home. Mason was glad he was finally going back; he was weak and his back jolted with irregular jabs of pain. But he felt defeated, his trip had been pointless. It was likely Ember would leave him and go back with her sister when they arrived. Eventually he fell asleep in Ember and Pierce's hold.


"Mason! Mason wake up!" shouted Ember in a panic.

He opened his eyes to find himself on the ground again; Ember was standing over Jenna, who was lying face up next to him.

"What's wrong?

"We've reached town, but Jenna just collapsed suddenly! I don't know what's wrong, but we need to get her help."

"Here, let me hold her in my arms, you two can carry the both of us to the center. We're almost there."

Ember nodded. She picked up the Charmander's body and lay her in his arms. Ember picked Mason up and laid his legs on Pierce's back.

"Alright, it's about a mile down this road."

Ember nodded. "Alright Pierce, lets go!"


They started to pick up pace, and were soon running down the road at a quick pace, while keeping Mason and Jenna as secure as possible.

"Mason, promise me that they'll take care of her."

"You can trust the staff there. They don't share my mentality, but they'll think I'm her trainer and won't take her from me or anything. Don't worry, your sister will be safe."

They soon reached the building, Pierce rammed open the doors ferociously and burst into the room with Mason and Ember.

Everyone near the entrance area turned their heads at the commotion; several people gasped and a nurse hurried towards them.

"What's the matter here?" she asked.

"This Charmander just collapsed, she's pretty badly injured, but I don't know what happened. Also the Nidorino has some bad burns on his back and belly, and I think I have some broken bones, I can't stand or move much." explained Mason.

A stretcher was brought for Mason, and Jenna was rushed to an emergency room in the arms of a nurse. Pierce and Ember were confined to a waiting room of sorts, as the center was understaffed and Pierce's injuries did not require immediate attention.

"So what, we're just supposed to wait here? We can't leave can we?" asked Ember.

"Yeah, they've got us locked in here, its a precaution for Pokémon without a ball, a "nicety" to trainers to prevent us from escaping. Of course, they'll let us out if Mason gives 'em permission, so we shouldn't have to wait long."

"Thank god. But don't you have a... ball?"

"Yeah, but Mason probably told them I don't, or that I don't like to be kept in it. Hell, he will probably try to convince them to give us a room," Pierce chuckled.

"A... room? What do you mean? All I want right now is to make sure that they're alright."

"Don't worry, we'll be able to eventually. But yeah, they've got these rooms for trainers, with huge soft beds, hot showers, air conditioning, room service... it's amazing. Would be a welcome change from the last few days, I tell ya."

"I have no idea what you're talking about, but it sounds nice."

"Heh. Well you might get to find out for yourself."

They waited for around an hour, sitting on the worn bench placed on the side of the room. Eventually the door to the room opened and a male doctor awkwardly walked in. He held a clipboard in hand and wore a nametag that read "Dr. Dave Glee".

"Uh... your trainer wanted me to... keep you informed... for some reason. He's got fractured bones in his lower back, nothing too serious... painful, but he'll be fine." The doctor coughed nervously. "The uh, Charmander was poisoned and has several fractured ribs. It looks like she was treated with primitive plants of some sort, but it wasn't enough to rid the poison. Your trainer didn't know what poisoned her and without an idea we might have trouble treating her."

"It was me. I poisoned her," said Pierce, raising a claw to point at his horn.

The doctor jolted back slightly. "A- oh, I. You can talk. Well I see... that's... helpful." He paused and continued with a confused look, "We're able to treat your burns now, and err, Mason wanted me to ask... the Charmeleon if she would be fine with us checking her over quickly for any injuries or problems."

Ember gave him a puzzled look. She felt fine, but she had been through a lot recently. She didn't trust this man, but understood Mason's concern.


"My god... he's taught the both of you to speak English?"

"Not... exactly. It's easier to teach then you humans think though, as long as you put some effort into it, starting from a young age." Ember explained, lost in thought about her own teacher.

"...right, well. Would you two, uh, follow me?" he asked awkwardly. He had been told that the trainer trusted these Pokémon to behave, but this was all very strange, especially for the trainer to tell him to talk to his Pokémon directly.


Pierce's burns were easily treated and fully healed with the center's facilities. Ember was checked over and found to be fine, except for being exhausted and in dire need of rest.

Pierce and Ember were then finally permitted into the room in which Mason and Jenna were being treated.

"The Charmander is still unconscious, there's still a small amount of poison in her system, but we're trying to expunge it. Nidorino poison is quite potent however," explained a nurse standing by Jenna's side.

"If you're going to train your Pokémon by having them fight against each other, be more prepared! Have strong antidotes and potions so you can treat them properly and right away; especially if you own such a lethally poisonous one," said the doctor next to Mason.

Mason bit his lip. Hard. "Alright," he turned to Ember and Pierce, "How are you guys holding up?"

"They're f-"

"We're fine," Pierce said, interrupting the doctor and making him jump again. "I think we all need some rest though. How about you?"

"As long as I don't move I don't feel much pain. Doctor says I'll be walking again in less then a week or so. Fractures take a couple months to completely heal so I'll have to be careful. In the meantime, I need to get some bed rest and undergo a bit of physical therapy."

The doctor gave a timid nod. "You and your Pokemon are in dire need of rest, I suggest you all do so."

"Dr. Glee! The Charmander is coming to," shouted the nurse.

Jenna stirred and slowly opened her eyes. "Where am-" she jolted upright, wincing in pain. "Humans! Sister you fool, we've been captured!" Jenna spouted in tongue.

"Jenna, calm down, you were poisoned and you collapsed, they're only treating you."

"Don't be naive sister." spat Jenna, but calming down slightly.

"What's wrong Nicole?" the doctor asked the Nurse.

"I don't know Dave, she just startled, I'm going to have to sedate her if she doesn't calm down or she'll hurt herself further."

"Jenna! Please, just trust me. You'll hurt yourself, and they'll try to sedate you if you don't settle down," explained Ember.

Jenna stopped struggling with the nurse. "Alright sister, but if this is a trick, It'll be no trouble for me to kill your beloved Mason here."

"Don't you even try, you bitch! Or have you already forgotten why you're here in the first place?" growled Pierce.

"Pierce, please!" cried Ember, laying a paw on his shoulder. He grunted and looked away from Jenna.

"Pierce! What's wrong?!" shouted Mason, confused.

"Nothing. Jenna is just... confused. It's fine."

"Alright, she's calmed down. But we need to make sure the poison's completely out of her system." stated the nurse.

"Can I stay here with her?" asked Ember.

"hmm... normally I wouldn't allow it," said the doctor hesitantly, "but if you can keep her calm, and you can stay out of our way... then yes. What do you say Nicole? Mason? and err, Jenna?

"...uh... yeah that should be alright," said the nurse.

"Fine with me," shrugged Mason.

"Jenna, I'll stay with you, alright?" asked Ember.

Jenna nodded. "They'll... let you?" she asked thoughtfully.

"I told you, we're safe here."

"Okay, Nurse Carol here will get you and your Pokémon anything they need Mason. But for now I suggest everyone get some sleep!"

"Alright Pierce, is it alright with you if you sleep in your ball?"

"Aw, no room?"

Mason laughed. "What, you want me to try to convince these guys to let you have a room all to yourself? You can't even open a door on your own! Don't worry, I'll be out of this hospital bed and into a nice guest room in a day or so I think."

"Alright, alright." Chuckled Pierce.

The Doctor and Nurse looked at each other and exchanged nervous laughs.


The main lights in the hospital room had been turned off, and only several dim lights remained. Mason had fallen asleep, as had Ember in a small guest chair. Jenna lay awake, unable to calm her nerves.

"Sister... Ember!... Wake up."

"hm... wha-?"

"How can you put your guard down and sleep in a place crawling with humans?"

"Jenna, I know it's scary... but I don't know, I feel... safe with Mason. We aren't trapped here, and he's made no attempts to force us to stay. You said yourself that you're with us partly for your own survival, and I promise you, Mason will take care of us. If he somehow deceives us Jenna, I swear I'll rip his guts out along side you."

"Hm. Fine. Only I won't need any help from you to kill him... He's rather vulnerable right now, isn't he? Lying next to us, unable to defend himself. I've got to give it to him, whether he's trying to deceive us or not, he's got some balls," she smirked.

"Oh, he's not completely unprotected," said a voice from across the room.

"I thought he put you in that damned ball!" spat Jenna.

"He did. But you two are not the only ones not trapped here. Sorry, didn't mean to eavesdrop." Pierce smirked as he appeared from behind Mason's bed.

"Ember's told me about you. How you are so sickenly close with your trainer..."

"I would have thought nearly killing you would have made that clear."

"Please, calm down you two." Ember pleaded.

"How can you allow yourself to serve a human?" Jenna hissed.

"I don't serve him, you bitch!"

"Please Pierce, calm down. Explain to her about you and Mason. Tell her what you told me."

"She won't believe me Ember. My words are meaningless to her."

"Let her listen anyways."

Pierce grunted, and reluctantly started telling Jenna his life history with Mason.
Chapter End Notes:Yes! Not a month this time!

Tried using italics for Poké-tongue, hopefully this will make things a bit less confusing.

And yes, I finally gave in and used the word Pokémon, numerous times! It was a good experiment, but overall I can't have them constantly being referred to just as creatures or animals. They need a name for their overall race/species, and I'm too lazy to come up with something else (I was originally thinking Pokémon could be a sort of derogatory word). I'll still try to be creative in my use of wording in order to avoid repeating it too much though (which can get annoying).

Anyways, thanks for reading.

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