AGNPH Stories

567400 by cipher


Prologue: The project

"Computer. Access data file, codename: 567401." A calm, deep voice commanded the computer terminal.
"Processing data." The computer loaded for a couple of seconds. "...Done." Rang the feminine mechanical voice. The computer screen turned momentarily dark. A single dot danced on it for about one second. Suddenly, the screen turned white as it lit up with information. Numbers, words, blueprints, and other general data gleaned on the white screen. The feminine computer voice rang once more. "Warning! Corrupted data found."
"How much of it is corrupted?" the asked the man. "About 99%." Replied the machine. The man sighted, "Show me the 1% that is not corrupted."
"Processing data..." The machine scanned trough hundreds of files. All of which were damaged beyond repair. Many dated back to 2012, approximately five years or so ago. After several minutes of scanning, the computer came to an abrupt stop. The highlighted file was the only one undamaged. The name was 'Sysoles' and it was dated to October 2012. No specific date was given. The man smiled. "Found you." He cleared his throat "Computer, play video file."
"Affirmative." replied the computer. Suddenly, a 30-second recording played on the screen. It was a digital diary. The message played as though it was fresh off the oven. The man grabbed onto his chin, his face a mix of happiness, and concern. He watched the message play.

" Mark Sysoles. This is a message to Silth.

" The experimentations have failed. Subjects have become increasingly violent. We are having a hard time trying to maintain order with so many casualties... My wife and I cannot continue on this project any longer. Too much is already at stake. So, we have both decided that subject No. 567400, one of the only three successful experiments, and our very son, is to be placed under you care." The man looked saddened. But other than that, he was not surprised in the least. The message continued.

"Listen, we have known each other ever since the second Great War. And you and I are among the few that know what is really going on. Things are starting to get out of hand. I fear that THEY are not too far behind. If you are watching this message, then you probably know what this really means. I made sure to destroy everything that could jeopardize your plans, but by this time, my wife and I are surely dead.

If that is the case, then it is all up to you old friend. The tools you need are already at your disposal; all you need now is work with them.

You may be the last hope, you must stop your f-"

The message was cut. Static danced for a few seconds on the screen. The message resumed about a second or so later. The man was becoming more and more intrigued.

But remember this... if my son's true potential wakes up prematurely... there is a high chance of total failure... Be careful my old friend... be careful..."

The message stoped once and for all. Nothing but static filled the screen. The man punched the desk, his face a slight twist of anger, fear, and sorrow. He spoke once again in a rasp tone. "Rest in peace my old friend..." He sighted, and then directed his gaze at the Computer. "Show the status of project Apogee."
"Loading" replied the machine as it struggled to get the undamaged files from the Sysoles folder. "Done." Replied the computer. The screen lit up with three sets of numbers. The feminine computer voice then began to talk the man trough them.
"Project 567399. Status: Active. Power levels: 100% optimum condition. Project 567400. Status: unknown. Power level: unknown caution required, infection detected. Project 567401. Status: active. Power level: 19%. Warning! Subject No. 567401's life readings are at critical levels, subject requires rapid medical treatment." The man frowned. He rubbed his chin. "One is under my total control. The other is watched, but still a threat nonetheless." He looked at the last of the files, No. 567401. "That last one.... Better find him quick, before he dies." He got up from the chair, and turned around. As he began to walk away, he snapped a few last words towards the computer. "Begin self destruct countdown." The computer's screen turned dark, as the feminine voice replied. "Self destruct initiated. Ten seconds until detonation." The man smiled, "More than enough time."

Suddenly, he vanished into thin air.

He looked down from a hill over the old installations. They were in ruins, but nonetheless, still quite active. As he slowly pondered his next move, the installations blew up. It was one massive blast at first, followed by several smaller explosions.
The man turned around and walked away. He slightly smiled as he did. "Not much useful data. But at least I now know something useful." The man frowned, "Why did you get yourself hurt? You could have waited at least a couple more years..." he shook his head as he slowly walked away. "Now I'll have to deal with you, 567400. I'll have to deal with you... Edgar."

Behind him was now a giant pillar of smoke and fire.


"It's been a while Pryce. How's it going?"
"Things could be better. What brings you to contact me on such short notice?"
"I need info. I know for sure you used to work for Cipher."
"I would much rather not talk about them."
"But it is absolutely vital that we do. The plans depend on it!"
"Have you already forgotten what those people did to me and Epoch?"
"I am well aware of what they did. But more to the point. I need to know for sure what they did with the third part of the Apogee project."
"They hid it. I have very little idea of where it is located. All I know is that they did not want the Rockets getting their hands on it. They were adamant that is was the only thing that could save everyone should the other two turn out too perfect on their jobs."
"Well, we have total alliance from one. It's the other two that worry me."
"What happened? Its not like you to worry about stuff like this."
"Well, it was the report from the computer that had me a bit intrigued. Apparently, 567400; Aka Edgar, has gotten himself infected. It's a rather long story, and I don't want to bore you with the details"
"How did this happen? I thought you were watching him."
"I was, But I had no opportunity to stop it."
"What are you talking about!? YOU have more than enough power and opportunity to do ANYTHING!"
"You know as well as I do what would happen if I even used the slightest of my true power!"
"Even so! You could have done something!"
"I already told you. I COULD NOT!!"
"Fine then... Is he at least still alive?"
"Yes, but he has become infected with that thing the Rockets were experimenting on, what did they call it... The Imperfect virus."
"Yeah, that. Damn! Have you any idea what is about to happen?"
"No. that is why I am calling you."
"Two things will happen: Either he will learn to control it, or he will succumb to it. For all our sakes, I hope he learns to control it."
"What will happen if he Succumbs to it?"
"I don't know. But It can't be good."
"Will this alter the plans in any way?"
"That is all up to you. All I can say, is that as long as you can get what you need, and actually carry it out, everything will all be fine."
"I guess. Well, that still does not answer my question: where is 567401?"
"I don't know. The files were all erased, and anyone involved in the projects was terminated. He is lost... Or at least lost until he fully awakens."
"How, and when will he awaken?"
"Well, according to what I know, 567401 will awaken when he detects the energy of his two brothers. Once he does, he will hunt both down, and possibly exterminate them. It was a fail safe. Or so I think."
"Until that happens, we have very little choice. We must lay low. The council is up to something big. And I want to know what it is."
"I'm sure our other agents will get the info you need."
"They better... They better... Out."

Chapter End Notes:just the ussual: feedback becomes really helpful
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