AGNPH Stories

567400 by cipher


Two: 399

We often hide our faces to prevent our true emotions from shining. others hide their faces to keep a dreaded secret.

yet others... have much more complex reason for doing so.

should someone be judged by what he does or not? Can someone be really labeled only by what he believes?

And can emotions really conquer all?

Two: 3.9.9

"EMPTY! WHAT DO YOU MEAN EMPTY!?" screamed a masked man over the intercom.
"I mean empty as in EMPTY! There is absolutely nothing of worth for us in here anymore!" Replied a voice over the same intercom.
"WHO THE HELL COULD HAVE TAKEN IT UNDER OUR NOSES!?" The masked man slammed his fist against the tank's roof. "WE WERE THERE FIRST DAMMIT!" The rest of the platoon only watched the scene unfold. They all reeled back in intimidation of their commander's massive fury, he was quite literally up in flames.
Sectran was enraged, furious, outraged! Beyond even his own margin of temper. His mission failed, he could no longer acquire what his employer needed, so now he was going to get hell. He cursed his rotten luck, but he cursed more the soul of whoever had actually stolen his objective.
He turned around to face the rest of his men, all sitting in rather retro looking tanks. The tanks had a unique style all their own. A cubic form, with a dull black chrome coloring. Each tank was composed of several aspects: for starters, the main body of the tank was nothing but a giant square/rectangle. Underneath the main body were the chains that allowed the tank its slow, but unrelenting movement forward. The central part of the tank was split into two halves; the lower half remained stationed and firm all the time, The upper half could rotate 360 degrees in any direction, allowing the tank commander total vision of the battlefield. Finally, at the very top of the vehicle, right in front of the beast's mouth, stood a short, but massive cannon. It was only about five feet long, not quite the long range weapon many would want from a tank, but the barrel itself packed quite the caliber; seven inches across meant that the shell had enough power to level a small building in one shot. More than enough make up the poor range the shells had. (Poor when compared to other long range tanks, for the actual range was still well over 500 yards) And even if that was still considered a poor trade off, all tanks held the capability of rapid fire. Each one could unload a total of two shell per second. When grouped together, they could very well devastate a city in minutes.
Each tank held a total crew of two, plus room for a third member, usually a tank commander who surveyed the situation and gave commands to his crew. But today, only one tank held a commander. He surveyed his outfit's reaction; and he could not help but notice the overwhelming effect of his slight rage outburst. His men looked quite concern about his attitude.
Sectran took a look down at the spot he had taken his anger out on, and noticed a slight dent in the metal plating of the tank. He smiled as he raised his head towards his troops, all of whom were wearing what appeared to be black and purple full body combat armor. Sectran himself did not look that different than the rest of the men he was running with, except for three major details: A black, purplish hooded coat that covered his equally black and purplish full body armor. It was adorned with the picture of a black lucario. A black flamed headband that not only covered most of his forehead, but also kept his rather messy hair in place. But none could ever hope to notice the headband/bandana due to the rather daunting mask that covered his face at all times. The mask itself seemed to be made of some kind of ceramic material, probably a ceramic alloy, which would make it just as strong as the tank Sectran was riding.
The mask was big enough to cover every aspect of his visage, while at the same time, allowing him full sight of his surroundings and enemy. The masquerade had a rather oriental design to it: white overall coloring, black glass eyes with shining red edges, a wide, gaping fanged mouth with real Seviper fangs, four horn-like extensions from the sides (could be considered ears as well) and finally what could only be black Oni style hair at the very forehead. All this details where multiplied by the fact that Sectran usually wore his hood down. But today, he had no hood covering his visage. He had no need for it at the moment.

Sectran and his men were all traveling at a constant pace towards Jubilife city. The formation was composed of nine tanks plus the lead tank. Each tank held two men: a driver/gunner, and a navigator. Sectran was ridding the tenth and final tank, the lead tank. It was the only one of the bunch that was adorned with hot rod flames, a little personal touch Sectran had painted on the metal beast himself.
Sectran looked forwards towards the city in the horizon, he then looked back at
his platoon. He raised his voice over the roar of the tanks. "Listen up!" He shouted out loud with vigor, But no one seemed to have caught ring his voice. He fumed with annoyance. The navigator of his tank handed him a megaphone, Sectran took it from her hands and pulled the trigger. The first thing that struck his ears was a missive amount of feedback. So much, Sectran's head began to hurt. Sectran slowly waited for the feedback to die out, but at least the feedback had managed to at least catch everyone's attention.
Sectran noticed this, and simply cleared his throat, as if implying that nothing had happened. He brought the megaphone back to his face and began to speak. "Now listen up! All of you! We have a little situation going on." He paused momentarily, and continued. "Apparently, what was going to be our mission has been snatched from our hands by some jerk. Now I know some of you were quite itchy to get some action today, but alas... That is the way things apparently roll for us." He paused once again, but this time, he looked at his pocket watch. It was about to be noon. He brought the megaphone back to his face. "So, how's about we do this instead: we all head out for lunch." All of Sectran's men simply raised their fist into the air, cheers just as loud as the tanks they rode.
Sectran shook his head in amusement and finished his speech. "Very well then. Any ideas where we should eat?" At this request, a storm of names and ideas rang and bounced about like a pong ball in a pong game.
"Lets go to Mc Donald's! I could use one of them happy meals!"
"That place is nasty! We should go BK!"
"NAH! I hate BK, lets get some soup instead."
"Sushi anyone?"
"Lets get some salads!"
"Lets get chicken! I Love Chicken!"
"Let us eat cake!"
"I could sure use some cookies right about now!"
"Man, what type of cookies you talking about!?"
"I want some Chinese food. I feel quite oriental today!"
"Anyone up for pizza! Pizza is always good!"
"Hot dogs, beer, and chips is all I need."
"Lets go to Wendy's!"
"How about you all eat my fecal matter? That should be fun!"
"Ew! You nasty boy!"
"I want some ice cream! Where is my ice cream!"
Sectran held his hand on his face for the duration of the trip, he was now quite regretful he had even asked about food choices.


Not too far away from the caravan of tanks stood a rather human-like figure. His body shape was covered in a what appeared to be a suit made out of some kind of black metallic liquid. It's eyes were filled with amusement and intrigue. He smiled as he gazed towards the front tank in the caravan. "So... is this the fool that wanted this?" He pulled out what appeared to be a data disk of some sort from his back pocket. The being burst into mad laughter, "Please! I could make far better use of this info than he could! And as a matter of fact, that is what I precisely will do!" He turned around in a fashionable manner, and slowly walked away, disappearing into the near woods. his mad laughter echoing all over the forest.
It send chills down the spines of every last being in the there.


Edgar sighed in deep depression. The pain was gone, but dread filled its place instead. Edgar could not help but wonder what would become of his friends? What would become of ANYBODY around him? When his transformation was done, he somehow knew that he would attack anybody that got too close to him.

But just how long did he really have before it was all lost...?

That was a good question indeed. He looked at the foot of his bed, and spotted his backpack. Edgar picked it off the ground, and inspected it thoroughly. The pack was covered in his own dry blood, but otherwise, looked safe and unharmed. He peered inside, and found what he was looking for without much trouble: The red little book. He had been reading this when he had gotten attacked, that much of his dream was real. Just thinking of the dream made him shudder.
Edgar took a quick glance at the red book's cover. It was a little torn and stained with more blood than before, but it was still readable, and that was all that mattered to him now.
He quickly ran past several pages, he passed the intro, the exposition, and even neared 'Apogee's' entries. But he found what he needed to know before that. A page was entirely dedicated to the experiments in the Rocket labs.


October 2. Project Apogee.

We have finally completed phase three of experimentation... and to say the least, I believe that we have done something horribly wrong here. Perhaps it's just me, but I feel as though these creatures will bring nothing but suffering and death wherever they go.

Edgar could not have agreed more with the guy.

But then again... That is what Team Rocket want in the first place. I just hope they turn around and decide to use such creatures for other purposes other than the original one.

Our creations exhibit remarkable capabilities... some of which are simply incredible, and quite unforeseen to say the least.
To begin with, they look nothing like originally intended. They have a body that clearly resembles that of an insect or lizard, but has certain features that are only found in monsters from literature and mythology. Their shape is that of a humanoid and stand at ten feet tall. Their face resembles more a snout, than a face. Their teeth are located on the outside, giving them an ever present toothy smile. To make matters worse, each tooth is at least four inches long, and sharp enough to slice trough steel as if it was butter. They have no visible lips.

Edgar gulped. Just reading about what he could become was enough to scare him. And it only got worse as he read on.
Their skin is dark green, but certain classes have a pitch-black color to them. Each one has what appears to be hair-like tentacles growing from their heads, each one capable of the same actions of a hand. These tentacles also appear to be fuzz of some kind, giving each creature a unique look all its own. These beings are quite intimidating in battle; I at least would not like to face one in a dark alley. That much is certain.

Each possesses a tail with a scythe tip, and needless to say, they pack a handful of diamond-sharp claws - they are to be some of the many weapons it bears. And of course, their speed is simply incredible to say the least, As should be expected.

With such high nimbleness and swiftness, they could easily beat any enemy they may or may not come across in battle. These are truly, and in every sense of the word: KILLING MACHINES!


But there is a dark side. Because of their unstable genetic makeup, they posses no special attacks of their own. Rather, they can only copy other attacks and abilities they may come in contact with. At least we got that part right.
It is really hard to create something from scratch without some kind of genetic map. Unfortunately, I never really found the original body of that Flygon. Many of us were beginning to think that the rumor was nothing but myth. But then, why would something fake be located in government files? Some kind of cover up?
Yeah right! Next thing they will probably say aliens like Deoxys don't exist! HA!

The thing that makes these creations so unique is the fact that they can spread their genetic information at will, simply by piercing and/or rupturing the skin. This was something that was not intended at first. But somehow wound up developing. This process is probably due to the fact that a reproductive system had never really been developed for them... That was a huge mistake on my part.
Due to that fact, the genetic information is EXTREMELY invasive, anybody who is infected will become like them in a matter of five days, maybe less. It all depends on the seriousness of the attack. Those killed become like them in a matter of minutes.

Edgar could not keep reading any further. Only five days or less until he became a mindless killing machine. What the hell was he going to do now?

He had no choice. He either had to find a cure... Or die. He did not want to risk hurting those he cared about the most.
He also needed to get out of the hospital, and fast. Something told him that the doctors were quite eager to cut him up, and see what was really wrong with him. He realized the only living being that could help him now, as much as he dreaded thinking about it, was Gengar. He feared Gengar the most. Edgar truly feared Gengar. He feared him more than the corrupt police, or any thugs walking down the streets.
It was true that Gengar was the most loyal pokémon Edgar had in his disposal; But Gengar's attitude had always been a bad one. Gengar did everything he was told, regardless of the consequences, and often without any mercy whatsoever, and THAT was the reason why Gengar was so dangerous. He would often take his orders quite literally, and would not stop unless he finished the job, or got himself killed. Although nobody had gotten seriously hurt yet, it was only a matter of time before Gengar did something that would hurt someone, even if it were his m-
"That's it!" Edgar's head lit up. He had been struck with a brilliant (if somewhat reckless) idea. Gengar would help him alright... He would have no other choice. Edgar began to do something he never expected to be doing willingly; he called Gengar out of hiding.

As quickly as the thought had been formed in Edgar's mind, a black colored Gengar appeared out of the shadows. His stare matching that of a mercenary who enjoyed his job a little too much.
He also had the look.
A look that demonstrated intense fanaticism, the type of fanaticism only seen on terrorist ready to blow themselves into oblivion.
Without hesitating, Gengar lowered himself into a low bow. "How may I help you... master...?" His tone of voice seemed unnatural for some reason. For the first time in his life, Edgar could actually understand it. He replied in a clear non-threatening tone. "Heh! So THAT'S what you always mean by that!" Gengar was both shocked and a bit anxious at Edgar's reply. He took a step back, surprised. Not surprised at Edgar's sudden ability to understand him, but rather at the reason why he could. Gengar and Edgar both stood quietly for a moment, shadow energy already forming in Gengar's fist. "So... It has begun?" asked Gengar in a cold tone. Edgar gave him one long unhappy look. That was all he needed. "If you want me to kill you... then by all means... I will carry out your orders..." Said Gengar as he readied himself for a strike.
"No. At least not yet." Replied Edgar in a cool tone. Gengar wondered what Edgar had in mind, but decided to see for himself instead. The energy Gengar had been gathering in his fist dissipated at his command. Both Edgar and Gengar remained in place, each of them giving the other a long glare. Gengar would hate himself for killing him, but if his 'master' wanted to die by his hand... he would comply.
He spoke in an unemotional tone. "It would be an honor to carry out your order... I only hope you can forgive me... but if not now, then when?" Edgar stood up with some effort at first, and tried to walk as best he could. Surprisingly though, he found no problem getting back on his feet. Ignoring what Gengar had said he spoke in a commanding voice, "Listen... I need a favor of you... I want you to go home- " He stopped, reached for his belt, and took off the empty pokéballs clipped to it. "-And I want you to wait with them..." he pointed at all the others who were still deeply sleeping. Edgar showed the empty containers to Gengar, who actually looked quite surprised - he always carried someone with him. If it wasn't him, then it was Olivia. Gengar looked at Edgar. "What the hell could he be thinking?" He thought to himself. Instead of saying his mind, he said something different. "But you'll need them to defend yourself inside the-" Gengar did not finish his words, as Edgar gave him a look of dead seriousness. Edgar's face was stretched into a look of pure antagonism. Gengar had never seen him so dead serious; he was admittedly beginning to become afraid. "Could this really be the 'master'?" Gengar thought to himself. "What happened to the happy boy that I had always admired, and hated at the same time!?"
"Don't question the order I've given you!" replied Edgar with an unnatural, ruthless tone, "I'm giving YOU this job because I know you will do it flawlessly!" finished Edgar, just as his skin began to become darker. Gengar took notice of some kind of black liquid that had began to ooze from Edgar's fingertips, but the ooze stopped crawling up his skin the moment Edgar relaxed his voice.
Gengar took a few steps back, afraid that the guy would jump and attack him... When no such thing happened, Gengar relaxed a little bit. Edgar continued his speech, but his voice was now back to normal. "Once you take me inside the labs, do what I've told you... And then wait." Gengar looked shocked at this last statement. "I don't want anyone to suffer; I will look for a cure myself."
"Fool... there is no cure..." was all the ghost thought to himself.
Gengar did not have the heart or will to tell him that there was no cure. He had been looking for it, he had looked even longer than anyone really knew. Long before this mess even started. Had there been a cure, he would not have hesitated to use it.
Edgar, now seemingly tired, looked out the window. "Gengar," he said, rather faintly, "If I haven't returned by the sunset on the fourth day... No matter how much I beg you... No matter how much I plead... Even if I attack you..." He fell momentarily quiet, then turned to face his Gengar, his eyes glowed red, "Terminate my life. Make sure nothing is left of my body." And with that, Edgar fell on the medical bed, exhausted.

Gengar now found himself too deep into this mess for comfort... if things went wrong, he would be killing Edgar... but if he didn't, he would be possibly putting so many people and pokémon in danger, including himself. Gengar began to think of something that would save his plan... but could think of nothing. He sighted and decided to play along. "Yes..."
"I will seal off the entrance, making sure not one of those things gets out... You will be my only exit." Finished Edgar. He raised his hand into the air, and using the pokeballs, brought everyone back. Edgar's look was dead serious again.
"Are you sure about this?" asked Gengar in a final doubtful tone, Edgar simply smiled confidently, "As sure as I'll ever be."
"I was afraid of that..." Thought Gengar as he took the now occupied balls and sank into the shadows. As he did, Edgar spoke to him faintly. "We leave in two hours. I need some rest..."
And with that, Edgar fell sleep. Gengar gulped. "Two hours...Talk about cutting it short..."


"Change of plans, we need clear that god forsaken lab before he goes in."
"Who goes in? you?"
"You already know who I am talking about. Stop playing stupid!"
"Can it wait? We just found a good place that had parking for ten tanks! Have you even the slightest idea how hard it is to find good parking for tanks?!"
"I don't care if you found a car wash that does tanks, I NEED THAT PLACE CLEARED NOW!!"
"Why do you have to always kill the mood? Can you at least give me an hour to finish up? I'll have you know that as your employee, I am entitled to certain rights!"
"That is still an implement of employment. Besides, an hour will not kill you."
"We may not have an hour! Have you even the slightest Idea of what is really happening?"
"Nope. All I know is that you wanted some data disk from the Rocket labs, and I wanted to get a nice fat paycheck. But I guess no one will get what they want today."
"What do you mean 'No one'?"
"Well, someone else took the disk before we did. And since we have no disk to give, you have no pay to give either. So in the end, everyone loss. Am I right?"
"Yes. Apparently, someone beat us to the punch. They blew a giant hole in the entrance, blew some more walls inside, and pretty much killed anything in their path to the disk. But I am sure that disk only had minimal info on it."
"That disk... had all the specks and data for the Apogee project... without that info, we are walking into a dark room!"
"How much info could that little disk hold? It can't be that important."
"You idiot! If someone went trough all the trouble of bust their way into the labs just to get that data disk, don't you think it would be important!?"
"True. I still doubt other research houses would want that project. It's the devils work after all.
"Use your damn head! It is not just other research houses that can make good use of the info. There are so many other potential buyers out there... there is no telling what could happen if the disk were to fall into the wrong hands."
"You make it sound so dead serious, its just a harmless piece of silicon. I'm sure we will get the info from the mainframe. Chill out man."
"You know what; you've ruined my appetite. How's about I round up my men, and go on a killing spree until we find the disk, huh? Does that sound fun?"
"Could you be any louder. Please, I can't seem to hear you."
"Take it easy man. You take life too serious you know."
"Alright then, I'll get to it right away. But you owe me big."
Sectran clicked the line. He deeply Sighted as he looked around at his men, all of which were enjoying a hearty lunch. He got up from his chair and cleared his throat.
"ATTETION!" he shouted out. All of Sectran's men took notice of his sudden call. Sectran continued with his oration. "Good news boys! It seems we have a 'search and destroy' mission on our hands! The boss wants a new data disk, and at the same time, wants anything in the labs destroyed! Hence; search and destroy!"
"HELL YEAH!!!" screamed the entire twenty men platoon. Sectran smiled, "so I hope you are all finished here, because we have a mission to get to!" The men did not even wait for Sectran to give the order, all of them got up in a hurry, and raced back to the tanks as quickly as possible. As they scrambled back to the tanks, many tables and chairs were knocked out of place. Sectran only laughed as he walked towards the counter to pay for damages and food consumed. The young lady at the cashier met him with a smile. "I see you and your men enjoyed our fine Italian cuisine."
"That we did, that we did."
"Well, I hope you and your men have a nice day!" added the young cashier. Sectran laughed heartily "The day is only about to get better!" the girl looked a bit puzzled. Her confusion only fed further by the fact that Sectran's mask made it impossible for her to know what his reaction really was. Sectran handed the girl a wad of money, then turned and walked away. the girl simply rubbed her head in confusion.
"What a strange group. Strange, but at least not out of the ordinary. What a weird city..."


Gengar walked back and forth outside Edgar's ward. It was already two in the afternoon, Edgar would be waking up any minute now, and he would be expecting the escort into the labs. Gengar's head was filled with nothing but uncertainties and doubts. Because of what he had agreed to do, Edgar would surely die, and by his own hands as well. Gengar could already imagine himself having to deal the killing blow...
What if things only got worse? Would all his plans go to waste? He knew that Edgar would fail in finding a cure... would he actually want Gengar to take his life? Or would Gengar find himself fighting for his own? He had no idea if whatever had caused Edgar to awaken prematurely would actually be able to kill him as well.
Gengar cursed the fact he had gotten involved with them all... This would end up causing his plans to fail. He snarled at his own misfortune. "Damn, why did I ever take part in those stupid projects!? What the hell was I really thinking? Was I so sure that the answer would be found on t-" Gengar's train of thought was derailed.
A huge slap came out of thin air. It hit him straight across the face. He reeled back in shock, not from pain, but from surprise. Right in front of him stood Olivia. Her eyes flared with intense fury towards him.

Gengar found himself more than confused; he was dumbfounded. Olivia was supposed to be home, he had taken all of them there when Edgar had ordered him. He had made sure they were all still inside the balls when he had left. So how was it possible that she stood but a few inches away from his face now? Olivia was absolutely livid. She spared Gengar absolutely no mercy.
"HOW COULD YOU?!?!" She screamed louder than Gengar had ever heard anyone scream before. Her voice was a mix of both rage and sorrow. Gengar replied with his normal snickering smile. "What are you talking about?"
"DON'T TRY AND SWEETTALK YOUR WAY OUT! I HEARD EVERYTHING THAT YOU TWO SAID! IF YOU KILL EDGAR, YOU WILL HAVE TO KILL ME FIRST!!!!" Replied Olivia with such force of lung, that even Gengar found himself staggered at the strenght of her normally, soft and delicate tone.
Gengar was surprised to find out that Olivia had been eavesdropping on him. But even when she did this, she never got this upset.
But, then again, this was a completely new territory for them all. Gengar never had really cared much for feelings. The only emotions that he had ever really felt were happiness, joy, and anger. He continued speaking in his normal sarcastic tone.
"So... you heard every word me and Edgar said, huh?" He smirked as usual, "I'm not surprised at all. After all, you are a Gardevoir." He finished with a deep, supple cackle. Olivia calmed herself enough to think clearly, while Gengar continued with his words. "You have to understand this, Things are really bad. It may be the only way."
"I don't care if it's the only way. I WILL NOT LET YOU HARM EDGAR!" Olivia raised one of her hands in a show of force. Her eyes began to glow, and bluish energy formed on her hands. Gengar simply laughed. He's was a cruel, sarcastic laugh.
"You think you can actually fight me? HA! I bet you are even too afraid to look at me directly in the eyes. But I don't need to explain why you fear me so much... You already know I am no ordinary Gengar, don't you?"
"I...I... I..." was all Olivia could reply. She knew well what Gengar meant. No matter how much she tried to shake off the fealing of dread and fear, they still lingered in her mind and spirit. Gengar smiled, he continued with his words. "File yourself as lucky. For I have no real problem with you or Edgar. But there are things that even you cannot begin to understand. I have waited too long..." He looked at the horrified Gardevoir, and laughed once more. "I think I now know why you care so much for Edgar. And all I can say is that you of all people should know not to break the law. That is, unless you want him and yourself dead."
"Damn you..." was all Olivia could say. Olivia fell on her knees, slowly sobbing, barely able to form any words. Gengar simply scoffed at her sobbing. Olivia took a deep breath, and spoke in a truly broken voice that echoed all over the empty hallway, "Oh! How I wish I could let him know! How I wish so badly that we could live together for the rest of out lives! You have no idea how much pain it brings me to have to hide my true feelings from him every waking moment of my life! Why can't the world just accept it as it is? Why does it have to matter what specie you are?! LOVE IS LOVE!!" Olivia finished by sinking into the ground. Her tears formed a puddle where she laid.
Gengar smiled as he shook his head. "And that is why love is only for the weak. I once actually respected you... now I just pity you. Now, if you excuse me, I have something to do." The black Gengar slowly opened the door to Edgar's room. As he walked in, he was greeted by a serene darkness. Gengar could feel it linger in the air of the room. Edgar stood by the window, in his hands was the red book. Gengar closed the door behind him, and directed his gaze towards the young man. As soon as the door clicked, Edgar turned to face the Gengar, whose face was steely to say the least. The young man sighted, his face showing a bit of sadness. "So... all this time, we both felt the same way..."
"You were hearing?"
"How could I not listen? My hearing has improved. If it did not bring grim news, I would actually be happy about it." The young man sighted once more, " Gengar... why do the laws exist?"
"I don't know..." Gengar lied; he knew well why the laws existed. He quickly changed the subject. "Are you ready to go?"
"Not yet. Just give me a sec." Edgar entered the small restroom in his ward. There he took off his hospital getup, and took out his normal clothes. They were a little torn, but they would do. Edgar got dresses in record time. As he exited the lavatory, a new being greeted Gengar's sight. Black pants, red shirt, a folded sleeve black jacket, and a black skull and crossbones head band that covered an equally black and messy hair. The Gengar smiled, "you sure you don't want a change of clothes?"
"Nah. These will do." Edgar picked up his bag and faced the Gengar. "Ok, so how are we going to get to the labs?" the Gengar once again smiled his toothy smile. "You leave that to me."


Outside the ward, the broken female Gardevoir wept. Her weeping carried all over the eerily empty hall. Suddenly, she felt a surge of energy coming from Edgar's room. She quickly got up and opened the door, hoping to stop whatever was happening. But she was too late. The young man and the black Gengar both vanished in a blink of an eye.

The Gardevoir only fell on her knees once more. She held on to her chest, a pain swelled inside of her. she spoke in a weak voice.
"Why... Please... Why...?"

Chapter End Notes:R&R! updated to ver. 1.
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