AGNPH Stories

567400 by cipher


Four: Conspiracy

What is truth?
Is it something that must be found? Or is it something that exist?
Often, truths are hidden with different meaning, and false stories. They tell you that what happened was real, when in reality, it's not.

But when we look for these hidden truths, we often find that it was better off being in the dark.

For while you remain uninformed, you remain safe.

Knowledge can oftentimes hurt.

Four: Conspiracy.

The main office's door swung open with some force. It did not slam against the metal walls, but neither did it open gently.
In the doorway stood a tall, brooding, dragon like figure; A Charizard morph.
He was about six feet in height, was pitch black in skin color, and wore a rather faded, dark blue jacket that reached up to his knees. It had many drawing of western red dragons, the kind you would see in fantasy trading card games, or generic fantasy paintings. These dragons looked almost humanoid in body shape, all save for their bright red scaly skins, gargantuan sizes, and wide, magnificent, leathery wings.
The Charizard's body looked a lot like the dragons pictured in his jacket, rather than the shape of a normal Charizards, which were both short, and tubby around the belly.

But that's where the equalities with the western dragons ended.

What made this being truly different from the rest of the pack was the fact that he had no wings whatsoever; something all Charizard took seemingly religious pride in.
In their place, stood what appeared to be skeletal remnants of them, which almost looked like extra pairs of human hands. Something had stripped the very flesh from them.

This Charizard did not fly. But he didn't seem to mind that in the least.

The Charizad's face was riddled with both stitches, and deep, pink, scared gashes, one of which ran past his right eye, which was covered with a black eye patch that blended almost seamlessly into his visage.
The only thing that showed the patch's existence, was a bright red L printed on it.
The being's only visible eye was deep blue with a black pupil.
He seemed to have some hair growing from his scalp, but it was so dark in color, it seemed like part of his very skin.

The Charizard yawned as he walked into the office. Face full of displeasure.
"You rang Ratlis?" He spoke in a deep, commanding voice.
"That's Mr. President to you." Replied the young, equally commanding voice of the president of U.R.N. He had his back to the door, making it impossible to see his face, "And yes I did 'commander'." He said, emphasizing some amusement on the commander word, "Do come in, and have a seat."
"Whatever." Replied the black dragon as he took a seat near the president's desk. His weight made the chair whine, but not break.
"So Ratlis, what is so important that you had to drag me out of my rather enjoyable nap?"
"Well, I have some bad news for you." Replied the president, now with a much more professional tone, "At around 1400 hours, we lost contact with one of your squads; the so-called Jackal Squad. Though we managed to get a few last distorted transmissions trough, most of them were too gargled to be of any use to our intelligence officers."
"What do you mean?" asked the Charizard with some interest.
"Most of the transmissions were of screaming men." Replied the president, "They all shouted like idiots into the microphones. Some had no real words to them. It was nothing but pure gibberish."
"Any word from Sectran?" Asked the Charizard with slight surprise, "I know that bastard can survive almost anything."
"None." Replied the president with a normal tone, "After 1421 hours, all communications with Jackal squad were jammed and lost. It's safe to assume the worse."
"Do you mean war with the Coalition? Or the death of my men?"
"Both." Replied president Ratlis in an emotionless tone, "But as of this moment; war with the coalition is unlikely"
"You sure? What if they plan a surprise attack?"
"That is highly unlikely. If war were that eminent, the Coalition would have made some kind of ultimatum by now. And even if they were to plan a surprise attack, our defenses would hold them off."
"So if the coalition has not yet made any ultimatum... that must mean that they still have no idea about the mission. At least not yet."
"It would appear so. Whoever, or whatever took out jackal squad appears to be working some kind of different angle. Not for the Coalition, but neither for us. If the case were otherwise, the Coalition would have done something by now."
"An unknown third party? Any ideas who they could be?" The Charizard asked with some confusion. President Ratlis merely laughed.
"If I knew for sure, we would have sent you out long ago, captain obvious."
"Whatever... " Replied the Charizard with some irritation. The president merely chuckled as he continued speaking, never turning his chair around.
"There exist so many militant groups now a days, it's nearly impossible to precisely pin the fault on any one of them without solid proof to back it up. So for the moment, it could be anyone out there."
"You don't think Council would be so bold as to attempt something like this? Do you?" Asked the Charizard with some concern. President Ratlis sighed.
"I wouldn't count such an aggression from them out just yet. Those bastards are willing to do anything for their new so-called 'god'. But that's not the point; the point is that the mission has been compromised. We also might have injured men behind enemy lines."
"Do we have any guarantee that my men still draw breath?"
"We do have one: If your men had been captured or killed by Coalition, It would be interpreted as a hostility, meaning they would mobilize their military in case of any major attack. So far, no key military movement has been detected from Coalition or any of its allies. That means that this may still be under wraps. If that's the case, we can still complete this secretly, and without major hostilities."
"But if jackal squad was wiped out so easily, wouldn't that mean that whoever is responsible for Jackals demise, would also wipe out anyone else you send in? Why would you send more men to be killed?"
"That is why I have decided on a new course of action..." The president chuckled.
"Let me take a wild guess..." Asked the Charizard in a displeased tone, "it involves me. Right?"
"We got a winner! Give the iguana a freaking price." Laughed the president Mockingly. The charizard merely grumbled.
"Pffft. Figures! Send your best agents to get killed. You never really were that bright Ratlis."
"Sticks and stones my old friend... Sticks and stones." Chanted the president in a mocking manner. The Charizard kept quiet. His eyes showed deep annoyance.
"You have your new orders." President Ratlis said with his normal tone of voice, which shocked the Charizard. Ratlis had just gone from a clown president, to a serious president.
"Extract the subject, and bring him back stateside, alive."
"The actual Subject!?" Asked the Charizard with some shock, "Isn't that pushing it too far? What if after this mess, the subject is no longer reachable?"
"Even so, we can't wait anymore. If the subject is captured by any other entity, especially by Council... you know what will happen; don't you?"
"Yeah... I know." Replied the black dragon with some dread in his voice.
"So it's settled then. You depart at 1500 hours."
"I only get thirty minutes to round up my men?"
"Time waits for no man, morph, or Pk-noid. Besides; you'll be surprised at the speed of your men."
"What do you mean?"
"Nothing." Lied the president, "You are dismissed soldier."
The black Charizard got up from the chair, saluted the president's still turned back, and began to walk out the front door. But not before saying a few last words.
"I hope you know what you're doing Ratlis. If I walk into some kind of trap..."
"Then you can blame me when they are about to put a bullet in your head." Ratlis replied with some amusement, "Until then, act like the supreme commander of Legion."
"Do I at least get some kind of briefing on what the target subject looks like? I'm not a freaking psychic you know."
President Ratlis laughed. Sain only became more annoyed at his attitude.
"Yeah, that's a good one 'Mr. Magnificent'." Ratlis cleared his voice, and returned to his normal tone yet again.
"All the info you need should be loaded into your navigational computer by the time you depart. Good luck. And may the force be with you."
"'May the force be with you'?" asked the black dragon with some annoyance, "This isn't freaking star wars you now!"
"Stop winning. It fits the damn mood. Besides, you really need to consider its existence. Now, if you excuse me, I've got things to do. Presidential things, to do."
"Whatever." The black Charizard said with some irritation. Suddenly, he smiled in deep amusement.
"At least you haven't changed on bit... Cabin boy." He said with enjoyment on his tone.
President Ratlis merely chuckled.
And with that, the Charizard left the presidential office. A wide grin of satisfaction printed on his face.


The black Charizard walked into the main lobby of the military base, still sporting the same wide, toothy smirk. He felt slightly content with himself, but also mildly annoyed at Ratlis' attitude.
Power had slightly gone to the guy's head.
But he could not blame him; he himself often liked to act as though he had all the power in the world, and not a single care to go with it.
But more often than not, he found himself cranky at most people and pokemon's lack of care.

It was ironic.

But in reality, he knew better than anyone else in this base, just how deeply important this new mission was. Almost everything hung on its success:
If he failed it, it would not only mean that the U.R.N would likely enter into armed conflict with the Coalition of the Southern continents and any of its allies; but it would also mean that a very dangerous, and powerful weapon would fall in the wrong hands.
There was also the fact that one of his best lieutenants, Sectran, was most likely K.I.A by this time.

None of those facts boded well with him, even if he loved the challenge of a tough, seemingly impossible fight.

Most of the time, he was wise enough to never bite off more that he could chew. But if his fears turned into reality, he would be biting off a colossal piece. A piece he could not even hope to chew.

If he somehow managed came back home alive with the subject in tow, and any survivors he could find; he would most likely become a legend.

If he didn't... well, at least his funeral would be quite fancy.

"Get it together Sain! It's only a small mission... You've been faced with worse odds in the past!" The black dragon told himself over and over.

Sain was starting to have some second thoughts. His missions had not been this dire since he had fought in the great battle of New York back in 46. And admittedly... he was a bit worried...

But he had to put his fears aside. The orders were straight from the president himself, missions did not get any more dire, direct, or important than this.

But even Sain had to admit, Ratlis was being too rash with this. Specially considering it had been Sain that had once trained the young Ratlis into what he was now.
During the time Legion worked as a mercenary group, Sain had taken the promising young lad as his cabin boy and personal apprentice at the age of ten.
He baptized him into the art of war and combat at the age of thirteen, and had already wiped him up into a feared, and respected commander by the age of seventeen.

But now, it was Ratlis who was in total command of him... They sure grow up fast.

Sain must have trained him too well.

The black charizard had been so deep in thoughts, that he failed to notice he was in from of his mighty ship: the Albatross.

The Albatross looked very unique when compared to other airships in current development and use.
The albatross' style was very much like mixing retro, WWII style and engineering, with high cutting edge, space age tech. It looked and felt the part. It was almost like something out of a flash Gordon comic, except not as shiny.

Weighting in at a whooping 200,000,000 Tons, packing six, ten inch, twenty-five millimeter cannons, Twenty, five inch pulse cannons, over a thousand smaller anti air guns, lots and lots of automated turrets, and its main weapon of destruction: the extremely powerful, and extremely devastating, antimatter charge beam, which literally erased anything in its path off the face of the planet in an antimatter explosion, the Albatross was quite the magnificent, and deadly ship.

It was more than capable of decimating a small country single-handedly.

About 50% of the original ship's components were still intact. Most notably, the Albatross' original MK 2 antimatter reactor, from which the antimatter charge beam, and all other weapons on board drew their massive powers from.
In fact, the reactor itself was so powerful, that even at half capacity, it still pumped out enough juice to light a city the size of New York for almost ten years straight.

But with that much power concentrated in a single place, it became obvious that terrorist organizations, or even invading armies, could target the Albatross. Which is why the ship was never kept running unless it was necessary. In fact, no one even dared light reactor to its full capacity; for if the chain reaction got out of hand...

...Well, lets just say that it would cause an explosion of epic proportions. The resulting crater would be around the size of Texas.

In order to cope with this lack of power, the Albatross was fitted with a nuclear fission reactor. Which in many ways is a bit safer and easier to manage, but nonetheless, just as dangerous.

The MK. 2 antimatter reactor is still considered by many top scientist and engineers to be years, if not decades, ahead. And its creator, the one only known as Silth, is often seen as a legend in his own right.

The many new antimatter reactors created and used in the recent years are all based on the Albatross' very own model. Many scientists often call these copies 'cheap knock offs' for they could never truly match the Original. At least not yet.

All of this made for a renowned ship, quite the staple for an airship as it old as the Albatross really was. 66 years old to be more precise.

The German scientists, and Silth, had constructed the original version alone in 1944, during the Second World War. But the ship had not entered actual combat until around 1946, right around the end of the war.
But once the ship had gotten its baptism of fire, it had proved to be virtually unstoppable. Its very presence drove the enemy into a frenzied retreat. The allies had considered the ship to be the very definition of death! That is how it had earned the nickname Albatross.

Even today, The Albatross is still widely considered an unbeatable airship. Very few dare tangle with it. And those who do, often crash and burn.

Sain entered the main bridge, and was immediately greeted by a fellow commander in chief, Xotil, or as he liked to be called: Mephisto. He was a Marowak morph.
He carried with him a huge bone staff that seemed to be made out of several other bone parts. He also wore a distinct bone and metal helmet with red glass eyes on top of his actual cranium, which was a skull as well.
His coat was a little shorter than Sain's but it too had pictures on it. This one was adorned with several skeletal warrior figures. One of which looked much like a samurai wielding a long Chisakatana blade.
"So, let me guess; we got to go save that stupid Sectran. Right." Asked Xotil with some annoyance in his voice. Sain merely sighted in reply.
Xotil snapped his fingers, "I knew it! What did that bastard do this time?"
"Most likely got himself killed." Replied Sain as he walked towards the navigation computer.
Xotil laughed.
"Sectran! Killed?! You've got to be kidding! Nothing can kill that guy! NOTHING!"
"I don't know all the details. All I know is that communications with him were lost. We have to assume the worst." Sain typed into the computer, "besides, just think of this as an excuse to go out on a filed trip."
"Yeah. 'Welcome to Sinnoh! Home to the most pious and tight nosed bastards in the world! Please do come in, have a seat, and get ready to be executed!' gee, sound like fun!" Shouted Xotil with plenty of sarcasm in his voice.
Sain scoffed at the Marowak, "Who are you supposed to be? Freaking Sarcastro? Just get everyone into the ship will you?"
"Done!" Quickly replied Xotil. Sain turned around a bit shocked, "They're all here?"
"Yep, got here a few minutes before you did."
"Oh, Ratlis send out the memos. Didn't you get yours?"
Sain only grumbled under his breath. Xotil tried hard to not laugh. Ratlis was obviously having some payback from his younger years.
"Ok, lets see who our target is..." Said Sain as he brought up the file on the computer.
The picture of a young kid wearing a dark, black fire headband appeared on the screen.
It read as follow:
'Name: Edgar Sysoles.
Age: 18.
Height: 5.11
Weight: 200 Lb.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Dark brown
Skin color: light brown
Parents: Mark Sysoles. (Father)
Unide Sysoles. (Mother)
Siblings: none.
Blood type: O positive.
Date of birth: Sep. 28, 1999
Place of birth: Sinnoh general hospital...'

The list just went on.
Most of the other info was just plain useless. Who on earth would want to know what middle school the guy went to? And why were his favorite foods even posted? It was just taking up space.

Both Sain and Xotil scanned the file, ignoring most of the useless info along the way. Right around the end, they both found yet another picture of the young man in question. This one was from a few moths back, unlike the first one, which was dated to five years ago.
Immediately, Xotil became surprised at the young man's visage, which looked eerily familiar.
Xotil, who had been studying the young man's face quite deeply, became aware of who the kid really resembled. Sain had known whom the guy looked like from the very start.
"Hey, that kid kinda looks like-"
"Yeah, I know." Sain Interrupted Xotil's sentence, "he looks like the bastard who made us all into freaks of nature." He finished Xotil's sentence exactly as he would have said it himself. Xotil merely frowned, but paid no real mind to it.
"...Why would this guy look like him? Could it be this kid is -"
"Doubt it."
Said Sain, interrupting Xotil yet again. Xotil only became annoyed. Sain was finishing everything he was about to say. He hated when Sain did that.
He crossed his arms, gave Sain a look of intrigue, and opened his mouth once again, trying to speak. But Sain finished what he was about to say yet again.
"Yeah, I am stealing everything you say."
"Will you stop it then?" asked Xotil with some annoyance.
"Fine." Replied Sain, "What do you need to say?" He asked.
"I was going to say that this kid might be another one of them... what did he call them... ah yes, Apogees."
"According to the files; No. His records show that he might be full blow human." Sain Pointed out. Xotil merely scoffed at his Commander's lack of imagination.
"Yeah, that is according to the files..." He said in an unconvinced tone, "but his family were the Sysoles. They probably were the best scientific staff that Cipher had hired at the time. Also, we know for sure that on September 28, of 1999; the first real successful subject of the Apogee project was created. Couldn't it be this kid? His file might just be a forge."
"This guy has the same DNA traces as the Sysoles. This kid is their legitimate son. But there is no way to verify if the records are forged. The Sysoles were killed two years ago. Whatever the truth really was, it went down with them."
"This all smells like some sort of conspiracy! Even you have to admit that."
"It doesn't matter what it is or isn't." Sain said in irritation. He turned to face Xotil dead on, his look was one of total command, "All that really matters is finding this guy, and getting him back stateside alive."
"If you say so..." Said Xotil with some disappointment in his voice.
"Maybe you should stop with the conspiracy theories, and start acting your age Mephisto..." Rang a deep, shadowy voice.
Sain and Xotil both looked around the bridge but spotted no one out of the ordinary. The rest of the crew grew tense. They began to draw their firearms, and stand, ready to shoot on sight.
"Boy, it must have been a while since I was on this ship. What has it been... sixty years tops?" Spoke the same shadowy voice with some amusement.
Sain merely growled.
"Why the hell are you here? Haven't you already done enough?"
"Well, apparently not enough." Replied the shadowy voice in an amused tone, this time more physically sounding. It rang from the back of the bridge, from the shadows.
The crew all pointed their guns towards the source of the sound. Seconds after his words had been ushered; a being dressed in a white lab coat emerged from the dark, slowly becoming visible.
Sain merely sighed as he signaled his men to lower their weapons. He then turned his attention to the man.
"What do you want? We're kinda busy."
"What's the matter? Don't you want any help?" The man chuckled.
Sain growled deeply, "Yeah right! Last time you wanted to 'help' you turned most of us into these freaks."
"But you are not the only freaks in the world anymore. Not ever since the Morphs and Pk-noids spread."
"But those morphs were once pokemon. And the Pk-noids are still pokemon. We were once human Dammit!"
The man merely sat in an empty chair, and smiled.
"I know what your mission is. And I can help."
"What can you possibly help with this time Silth? Turning everyone in Sinnoh into freaking morphs?"
Silth only laughed heartily.
"Oh, I had forgotten what kind of humor you have." He cleared his throat, "no, even better. I know were this Edgar is."
"Oh really? Where is he then?" asked Sain with some intrigue.
The man smiled, "A little place I like to call eternity..."


"Wake up..." Rang a soft, young, ghostly voice. It was as if it was talking straight into her very mind. She could only moan in reply. Her lips and throat were both desert dry, and her muscles were sore and painful.
"Wake up! You are still among the living." Rang the voice one more time.
The young morph slowly opened her eyes and looked around.
"Wha- what happened..." She asked in slight confusion, " ooh, my head..."
"You took quite the hit there you know." The voice answered, no longer a ghostly whisper, "Busted right trough the wall over there. I was surprised you still drew breath after such a violent impact. Though your arm, leg, and tails are a different story."
"Where am I..." Belatrix asked in a daze.
She slowly rose up from the ground, wincing as the all too real pain of broken limbs and torn muscles quickly entered her body and mind. She grabbed unto her right arm, which seemed to be broken into dust, and turned around to face the huge caved-in hole on the wall. She wondered just how on earth had it been possible, that her flesh and bone body broke trough the hard rock wall without getting crushed in the process.
She winced in pain again, this time from her left leg, which was seriously injured. It bleed profoundly.
"At the very least, you can still slightly walk." Rang the voice in the dark, "That's good news. Now, I suggest you use those legs of yours to get out of here quick."
Belatrix turned her face towards the source of the whisper, but saw nothing but bare darkness. She could barely see ten feet in front of her. It was that dark.
"Who are you?" She asked towards the darkness, "Where are you?"
"I am nowhere, leave it at that." The voice replied, "Just leave before you suffer my fate as well."
"What fate?" Asked a confused Belatrix. The voice kept momentarily quiet. It sighed in apparent defeat.
"Are you sure you want to really know?" It asked in caution.
"Well, you are telling me to run." Belatrix said in her usual playful tone, "It's only fair I know what I am really running from. Right?"
The being chuckled, "True. Very well then..." It groaned as it was heard walking, "But don't say I didn't warn you."

Belatrix heard footfalls near her position from the darkness. The sounds were divided into two sets: one, which was soft and light, the other which was heavy and menacing.
Suddenly, half of a young man's body stepped out from the shadows.
The guy was maybe in his twenties, was about five six feet tall, had dark orange hair, green eyes, pale white skin, and wore a rather torn and bloodstained lab coat.
Belatrix realized what the guy had really meant by his fate as more of the young man's real body came into clear view...

She took a step back out of slight surprise. She let her mouth hang open, just about ready to gasp. Never had she seen such a thing...

The left half of the young man's body was covered in what looked to be some kind of dark, thick, greenish goo. It formed what appeared to be another body shape on his human body.
It looked a lot like that of a lizard or insect, but was barely recognizable, for many of the features still appeared to be undeveloped or in their infancy.
His left side was characterized by a dark green colored arm whit white bone-like rings and spikes. It was complete with deadly looking white claws.
His left leg was dark green in color as well. It was straight, but already showed sings of bending. Four sharp claws extended from his toes, forming long, extremely sharp, pearly white talons.
The young man's face itself was split into two halves. On the right was the young man's normal human visage.
But on the left, was the monster's visage.
It was covered in the same dark green goo from the rest of his body, forming a partial snout, a bright red eye with a yellow lining, and two rows of extremely sharp fangs that hung on the outside of his mouth. He appeared to have no visible lips on the left side of his face.
He had many tentacles where his normal orange hair would be, each of the massive dark green stalks waved around as if a soft zephyr were moving them.
In his back was a very long and thin tail that seemed quite agile. It was maybe two meters in length, and waved around like it had a mind of its own. The tip was a razor sharp Blade, colored black.

Belatrix, though initially shocked at the young man's look, did not scream or flee in panic, but Rather, smiled childishly as if she was in the freak show of a circus.
Her curiosity lit up brightly, and so did her sense of amazement. She got nearer to the young scientist, who only turned his whole body around, clearly ashamed of his look.
"Don't come near me!" He shouted in sorrow, "I am a monster!"
Belatrix merely laughed.
"Are you kidding?" She blurted out loud, "you look freaking awesome! I haven't seen anything as awesome as this in a long time!"
The young man blinked in amazement, as he slowly turned to face the young morph.
"Really? I don't strike terror in your heart?"
"Why would you?" She replied with a wide smile. "You seem like a decent enough guy."
The young scientist only beamed at the beautiful young morph in front of his eyes.

To him, Belatrix was like some kind of Valkyr or angel that had come down, to finally lift him out of his permanent hell, and into heaven.

But as soon as the thought entered his mind, he frowned in misery.

He once again gave his back to Belatrix, who only gazed at him with confusion.
"I don't deserve to be saved." He said with sorrow in his voice, "I have done horrible things. I- I don't..." The young scientist merely walked back into the darkness.
Belatrix grabbed his left shoulder, hoping to stop him in his tracks.

The young man did, and sighed. He spoke but one single word...


He turned back to face Belatrix, tears were already forming in his right eye.
"You don't belong in this god forsaken place. Get out while you still have your soul!"
"Soul?" Asked a puzzled Belatrix, "What do you mean?"
The young scientist closed his eyes. A single tear rolled down his right eye.
"I- I once lost a dear friend because of what I did. We- I was a fool to believe that such an experiment could be tamed... now look at the results! I've brought forth nothing but a nightmare! And now, my worst fear has become reality..."
"What happened here?"
"Don't you know?" Asked the young scientist in shock.
Belatrix slowly shook her head, her face a mix of confusion, and curiosity. The young scientist sighed.
"I thought you knew..."
"I was never told any details. All I know for sure is that this was once a Rocket research facility, and that something went horribly wrong; that is why it was sealed." She smiled, "but I could never imagine someone still lived down here. How have you managed?"
"I would much rather not talk about It." Replied the young man.
He sighed, "You should not be here! If they find you... I will not be able to protect you for long."
"Who will find me?" The morph asked.
The young scientist turned his back on Belatrix, but replied to her question in an almost mortified tone.
"...The imperfects..."
"Imperfects? Are they some kind of metal band?"
The young man brought his right hand to his face. He sighed as he looked at Belatrix in the eyes.
"Listen! These things... if they find you here, they will not hesitate to kill you! But you will not die. Oh no... if they get their hands on you, something much worse than death itself will await you." He glared into her eyes deeply. Belatrix caught just how serious he was.
"Ok, I get it!" She said with some intimidation, "I would gladly try to leave. But..." She pointed at her broken arm, tails, and leg, "I am a bit injured as you can see."
The scientist's right cheek blushed bright red.
"Yeah... I kinda forgot about that." He rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, "you can't even hope to get far with injuries like those." The young scientist sighed yet again. Belatrix only looked at him with confusion.
"... Something wrong?"
The young man only gave her a look of sadness at first, but suddenly smiled.
"Looks like I'll have stop living in the damn past... I think it's about time I got you out of here."
He grabbed the young morph by the waist, and placed her on his back. His tentacles wrapped around her body for further stability and protection.
Belatrix, blushed at first, but suddenly started laughing. The young man only became confused at her sudden laughing fit.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Its just that this would seem so wrong if it were a hentai!"
"Hentai? Isn't that - Oh..." The young scientist coughed nervously, "well, yes! I guess it would be wrong... but this has nothing to do with that!" He said nervously. Belatrix only continued giggling.
The young man coughed nervously once again, "well then.... Shall we get going?"
"Actually, can you do me a big favor?"
"What's that?"
"Actually, its two favors." Belatrix said with some innocence in her voice, "The first would be if I could have your name."
The young man paused briefly, but spoke not long after, his tone full of cheerfulness.
"You can call me Apogee for now. And what might be your lovely name?"
"Name's Belatrix!" She replied cheerfully, "Glad to meet you!"
"Pleasure's all mine." Apogee replied, "Ok, what was your second favor?" He asked Belatrix.
"Oh right! Lets see..." Belatrix thought about it momentarily, "I remember now! Can you take me back to the same spot I got blasted trough? I need to see how my friend is doing."
"Ok, I can do that."
"Great! Thank you!" Belatrix said in happiness.
"No problem." Replied Apogee, "Just hang on tight." He said.
"Why?" Asked Belatrix. Apogee only chuckled.
He got on all fours, and took off. His speed was immense; he was maybe going sixty miles tops. No wonder he needed to grasp her with all his tentacles, otherwise, she might just fly off his back, and into the ground, possibly increasing her injuries, or killing her altogether.

While Apogee focused his mind only on running, Belatrix could only think about Sectran.
Whoever or whatever had attacked them had simply tossed her aside, as she was nothing. Just what was it capable of doing to Sectran?
She hoped he was still all right.
"Oh Sectran! You better not be dead!"


It was a beautiful day outside Jubilife city. The breeze was nice and cool, the sun was warm and comforting, and the grass was almost like blankets of green soft cloth.
Edgar sighed in delight as he lay under the shade of a big tree, and hugged the one girl that he knew would make his life happy, Olivia.
Not too far away from them were Ragde and Rasputin, both of whom trained and sparred. It seemed like fun.
Gengar sat in the middle of the green fields, eyes closed and legs crossed; he was deep in meditation of some sort. Nothing seemed to be able to break the ghost out of his trance.

Edgar could spot the bustling metropolis that was Jubilife in the horizon. The city almost looked peaceful from this distance.

It was such a nice day. Nothing could ruin it now.

Edgar smiled. With Olivia at his side, he felt as though all the troubles of the world did not exist. Screw the laws that prevented him from being with her! He was willing to break the law for a gal as smart, beautiful, and caring as Olivia was.
She was one in a million.
The only thing he cursed himself for was the fact that he had hidden his real feelings for her for such a long time.

"Isn't this a beautiful day?" Edgar asked Olivia, who snuggled him tighter.
"It sure is!" She replied, "Nothing could ruin it now, could it?"
"Nah! Nothing!" Edgar said in a glad voice.

Things were truly peaceful now.

All of a sudden, Edgar felt the strong urge to use the can. He got quickly up, and directed his voice at the startled Gardevoir.
"I'll be back." He said.
"Sure thing hun!" Replied Olivia with a smile on her face.
Edgar planted a kiss on her check, and ran past the training ghost and Gecko, and past the still concentrating Gengar, down the small hill, and into an outhouse conveniently placed in the foot of the hill.


Five minutes later, Edgar was all done. He let out a sigh of relief, flushed the toilet, washed his hands, and stepped out of the outhouse, hopping to get some fresh air.
But as soon as he took a step out, a sharp, fearful scream broke the serene silence of the hilltop.
He immediately recognized the scream. It was Olivia.

Something was wrong.

"HELP ME!!!! " Shouted Olivia with terror. She continued to scream with fear into the air.
Edgar sprinted up the hill. Praying it was nothing but some kind of joke. His heart pounded with foreboding and anxiety, his lungs were on fire, his muscles only tighten up as he made his way to the top.
As he ran, he noticed several figures sprawled on the ground; some kind of liquid was below them in a puddle.

Edgar's heart skipped a beat the moment the sprawled figures came into his clear view.

The dead bodies had once belonged to two of his closest friends: Rasputin and Ragde.
A few moments ago, they had been sparing and having fun...
Now, they both laid dead in ever expanding pools of their own bloods.

Edgar felt tears build up in his eyes. His knees had began to wobble, he felt sick...
"How- How..." He said to himself in sorrow.
"HEEEEELP!!!" Olivia screamed again. Both her eyes were now waterfalls of tears.
Edgar turned his gaze towards Olivia and an evil creature that Edgar swore had not been there before.
Rage suddenly build in his soul as he saw the creature's bloodstained claws. The blood no doubt belonged to his two now deceased friends.

The monster looked lizard-like, and most of its body seemed to be formed of black goo, though it still appeared mostly humanoid in shape.
The creature was maybe seven feet tall, and swung an almost two meter tail around the spot. It occasionally snapped like a whip of some sort. The very tip of the tail looked like some kind of sharp ebony blade.
It stood and walked on two legs, though the creature seemed capable of running in all fours. It had many tentacles swaying on its head, and a pair of sharp claws, sharp enough to slice trough steel.

Olivia continued to walk backwards in terror. She was mortified beyond imagination.
The hideous black creature only walked forwards, towards the terrified Gardevoir. Its footfalls were loud and heavy, its snarls deep and menacing. The creature's toothy maw was twisted in what could only be a sneer.

Olivia Finally bumped onto the tree in the hilltop, the same tree Edgar and her had been laying against in peace earlier on. She cried in dread as the creature quickly neared her. Edgar ran towards them both at full speed, but he seemed to be unable to reach her. Both Olivia and the monster only seemed to get further away.

Suddenly, the creature raised one its arms.
Edgar tried to run faster, but found his legs slowly failing.
Olivia only stood by the tree, mortified into paralysis.
"NOOOOOO!!!!!" Edgar screamed as he finally neared them. But it was already too late.

To his horror, the creature plunged its claws deep into Olivia's fragile body, piercing her chest, and plunging them in the tree.
Olivia coughed blood by the buckets into the creature's claw.
She looked at the beast's eyes with a look of pure sorrow.
"...Why... Why E-" Olivia never finished her words. She slouched over, dead.

More blood flowed down to the base of the tree behind her now lifeless body.

Edgar fell on his knees. His soul was filled with both hatred and sorrow unlike anything he had ever felt in his life. He had been so close...
But in the end, he could do nothing to save the ones he cared for. He had failed them all.

He looked at the monster with a gaze full of hatred. He slowly stood back up with a look of determination. He seemed ready to rush the devil himself.
The creature only snarled as it turned its head around to face the young man. It withdrew its claws from both the tree and Olivia's body, which fell into the ground, forming its own pool of blood.
The creature then turned its whole body towards the enraged young man.

Unexpectedly, the creature began to laugh in the most evil way imaginable.
Edgar only shook with pure loathing.

The creature's body began to slowly dissolve into a liquid. It seemed as though the monster was melting away, whatever did not fall on the ground, retreated back into the being's body.
Not before long, the figure of a young man the same size as Edgar stood in from of his horrorstruck eyes. He took a step back. He was truly aghast at what he saw in front of his eyes.

The being snickered even more, as it licked the blood clean of his hand.
Edgar could not move. His legs had gone numb, his voice went silent, his very blood stopped flowing.

The being continued smiling as it reached for a bloodied headband, which he placed in his forehead, and tightened with almost religious vigor.
The being turned around, giving his back to Edgar, and walked towards the north, towards Jubilife city.

Then, he stopped. He started to laugh madly yet again.

A laugh of pure evil.

Edgar's gaze only continued to remain frozen in terror. His spirit wanted nothing but to tear the demon apart, but his body would not respond.

All of a sudden, and without any kind of warning, a bright flash erupted from the horizon, straight from Jubilife city. The flash was so intense, it blinded Edgar entirely.
When his vision finally returned, he was greeted with a truly ghastly sight.

A gigantic mushroom cloud of destruction had consumed Jubilife.

The cloud rose several miles into the air, raining spears of radioactive death all over the horizon. Edgar could just barely make out the screams of thousands of dying humans and pokemon.
A pain unlike anything Edgar had ever felt in his life struck his entire body and mind. He fell on his knees, every nerve in his body screamed in agony.
He looked at his skin, which was now beginning smoke. He screamed in terror as his entire body was quickly engulfed in radioactive flames that did not burn, but rather melt.
His skin began to dissolve, his bones quickly became exposed, his muscles turned into rivers of boiling blood and skin, his eyes flowed down his now skeletal face, his very soul screamed in unimaginable torture.

The being only continued laughing as Edgar promptly burned into cinders.
He tightened his headband again, turned around, and walked away. Seamlessly unaffected by the intense radioactive heat of the blast.

Edgar screamed one last time as his body was finally stripped from all flesh by the first shock wave. All that remained of him was a scorched skeleton.
The second wave hit him not long after, obliterating what little remained of him into ashes and dust, scattering them into the now radioactive winds.

The being only continued laughing as he walked down the hill, and vanished.


Edgar woke up a truly terrified guy.
His sweat was ice cold, his head sweltered with pain. It felt as though someone had struck him with a sledgehammer, it also felt as if it was ready to blow up. He had never felt such a migraine in his life.
He shook his head from side to side, hoping to disperse the pain. But all it did was bring back the memories of what had occurred. They quickly raced back into his head. So quickly in fact, it almost overwhelmed him.

He slowly got up, his muscles sore from all the roughhousing; he was having some trouble keeping his balance. He felt drunk and dazed.
Now he was sure that Gengar hid something from him. He wasn't even sure if this was the same Gengar he had recruited five years ago.
Otherwise, why would he have knocked him out in such a way? Why would he try to kill him? And why had he gotten so upset at the mention of Arceus, Nemo, and Ixol?
Just who the hell where Nemo and Ixol anyway? He had never heard such names in his life.

Edgar stumbled into the rail of the bridge, grasping it quite strongly, for he did not want to fall into the bottomless void below him.
He slowly scanned the area, and marveled in astonishment at the amount of damage he had done to the bridge.
The leftmost pillar was completely shattered; it was just gone, broken beyond any hope of repair.
How could his fragile human body do so much damage to a solid, crystal structure like that without taking any real damage (other than the possible concussion in his head) to his body? He was flesh and blood after all, not stone or metal.

But then again... he was not even sure if he was still human. Especially after this.


After a short five-minute breather, Edgar began to feel like his old self again. His body was starting to recover energy, the pain in the head was mostly gone, and he could finally walk normally again. By this time though, Edgar had begun to wonder what was really going on. None of the factors made any sense.
He had been attacked and infected, but somehow bared no real scars or lacerations from his assailant.
He awakened in Jubilife's central hospital, yet bared no real recollection of ever getting there.
He had suddenly gained new abilities, abilities he was sure were not there before the attack.
Yet no one really knew how he had gotten them.
One of his pokemon had just tried to kill him. Yet he obviously survived the vicious attack without any major injuries.
And now, he was trapped in some god-forsaken dimension without any hope of getting out!
Not to mention those two other names he had just learned: Ixol and Nemo.

Edgar was pretty confused, but as he desperately tried to make sense of the situation, but none of it added up. It just made no sense.

He began to suddenly recall the dream he had just experienced, it had felt so real, he could almost smell his skin burning.
"It was just a dream! Dreams are not real..." He said to himself. But he could just not get the images of his head; his friends laying dead, eyes wide open in shock and fear, Olivia's mortified look, her impaled body, her aghast, lifeless eyes, the being's evil laugh, the being's real look...
"IT WAS JUST A DREAM DAMN IT!!" He shouted angrily to himself.

But no matter what he did, the images did not leave his mind.

Edgar sighed. Something told him the dream was more than just a dream...

"Bad dream?" rang a voice, which seemed to be eerily similar. It was young and full of wisdom and charisma, but at the same time, seemed withered and decrepit.
Edgar, who had been busy thinking over his dream, turned to face the source of the voice. It had come from a being completely covered in some kind of black goo. It seemed to be all over his body, forming an almost impenetrable shroud. He looked pretty much like an upside down water drop with a fanged face.
"Was it the one where your beloved dies?"
"How did you know?" asked Edgar with deep intrigue.
For some odd reason, his initial fear passed just as quickly as it had appeared. The being 'walked' towards Edgar, at least that is the closest thing he could think of, for the being seemed to be gliding in the ground, leaving no visible trail of black liquid on the floor.
"Oh, I know a lot of things! Example: I know what you are slowly becoming. I know how you really feel about your beloved. And I know that you want to get out of this place."
"Go on..." Edgar said with mistrust.
"Well, I know how I can help you." Replied the being.
"Why would you want to help me?" asked Edgar in interest and wariness.
The being replied to his question rather quickly.
"Lets just say that by helping you, I am helping myself."
"Ok then." Edgar said with even more mistrust, "How can you help me?"
"Simple..." the being brought out of his body what looked like a black clawed hand, and pointed towards the same Arch Gengar had walked trough.
Suddenly, it lit up as another portal materialized.
"That portal should take you straight were you want to go. I am sure you'll find what your looking for there. And you might just find someone who can help you prevent your nightmare from becoming reality."
Edgar looked at the portal with some suspicion. He turned to face the being.
"What's the catch?" He asked. The being smiled.
"Lets just say this one's on the house..."
Once again, his voice sounded eerily familiar.
Edgar picked up his things off the ground and eyed the being with intrigue.
"Something wrong?" The being asked in puzzlement.
"Yeah. How can I trust you when I don't even know who the hell you are?" Replied Edgar with some anger. The being 'smiled' though it looked more like some kind of sneer, "Good point! Just call me Ayon."
Edgar noticed that the dark face of the being almost seemed very much like his own; if he had grey skin, black eyes, was maybe ten years older, and had sharp fangs that grew out of his lips.
But other than that... yeah, they kind of looked alike.
"Well Ayon..." He walked towards the portal, "I guess I'll see you later."
"Oh, I'll be seeing you sooner than you think!" The being began to silently laugh.
He sneered with delight.
Edgar shrugged his shoulders, and walked into the portal and vanished.

Ayon chuckled silently, "He, he, he, he, he. That's right. Walk towards your unavoidable destiny... I'll make sure you reach it... one way, or another..."


"I don't get it. How could he just leave me behind like that?! Why would he just... disappear?" Olivia said to herself as she yet again scanned the ward for any clues.
Her face was filled with unease, but no sorrow. She had long since stopped crying, and pulled herself together. Now was not the time for tears.

The only thing she had to worry about was Edgar's well being.
And judging by his abrupt departure, it was in more peril than she could have conceived at first.

It had been exactly half an hour since Edgar mysteriously left the ward. She had scanned the small room almost ten times now, and still could not find any definitive answers to his motives.
She feared time might be running out.

She had known something was wrong the moment Edgar left unexpectedly. For he never went anywhere without first leaving something to point to his final destination.
It was a rather handy, if somewhat annoying habit he had picked up in his youth. All thanks to the fact that he always found himself in deep trouble.
Edgar was not the luckiest guy on the block. Especially growing up.

Olivia could only come up with a single disturbing resolution to his action; Edgar left no clues or messages behind, because he did not want to be found or followed.

But why would he choose to vanish just like that? Was he trying to hide something?

Olivia closed her eyes, and scanned the room one last time, hoping to find useful.
She intensified the scanning radius. Now she was scanning both the lavatory, and the halls of the hospital. Her strenght and energy were running low; this might be the last full-fledged scan she might get, so she had to make it count.

And sure enough, she found something.

Inside the restroom, On top of the sink, near the toilet, sat an old, torn, bloodstained, red book. It was wide open, and filled with Edgar's anima signature. One of the pages was folded, as if to mark that certain page for later reading.
Olivia, who was stunned she had missed the object for such a long time, immediately recognized it as the same red book Edgar had found and read inside the rocket labs.
The book was not only stained with the blood of several unfortunate souls from the past, it was also stained with Edgar's very blood, which was still quite fresh.
This only made Olivia feel uneasy.

To think that while Edgar had been nearly killed in a horrific manner, she had been enjoying a nice nap inside her pokeball. It made her feel horrible.

How could she have not sensed his distress sooner?

Ignoring the uneasiness in her mind, Olivia opened the restroom door, and walked in.
The small room was quite warm and humid; it was easily over ninety degrees inside. It made the restroom a very unpleasant place to stay for long.
Olivia did not dwindle in other thoughts for that short moment; she grabbed the book and exited the lavatory just as quickly. But that brief exposure had been enough to make her slightly sweat.

She looked over the small book in her hands, and gulped. The book itself felt heavy; not from physical weight, but rather as if something more was in it... it was really hard to explain it. But it felt as if the book was somehow much more important than it seemed.

Wiping the sweat of her forehead, and taking a deep breath of air, she proceeded to decipher just what Edgar had been reading prior to his departure. Maybe it would hold some kind of clue to his current location.


Olivia dropped the book, her ruby eyes had widened in horror.
"No... this has got to be some kind of sick joke..." Was all Olivia could say to herself. She collapsed on the medical bed, her body fidgeted in dread. The book had been helpful all right...

But now she was starting to wish she had never read it in the first place.
Her mind was now only full of anxiety.
"How can something so horrid be happening to someone so goodhearted?" Olivia wondered in sorrow.

Just how much more could Edgar lose?

Edgar was a good human, and a good being overall. He believed that everyone in this world (pokemon or human) deserved to be respected and treated fairly.
Even if the laws made that impossible in the southern continents, he still believed that pokemon where more than just inferior beings or slaves.

To him, Pokemon were fellow humans, friends, and even family.

Edgar always looked for was to help out the cause of racial equality, ways to put an end to the horrid practices of slave dealing, gladiatorial fighting, and other evil deeds that took place in the 'Hellhouses' and other locations. He was quite known for being the goody good guy, he had even helped a nameless wandered disband the notoriously evil team galactic.

Ripper and other militant organizations from Coalition, on many occasions, had threatened him with death, or worse.

But that never had never stopped him. Not even when his parents were killed.

The pain of loosing one's family is deep and painful. Olivia knew that pain all too well...

The day of his parent's funeral, Edgar made a promise to Olivia and the world.
He promised that he would not stop with his goals in life. He would square his shoulders, walk forward, and be the best he could be. He would avenge his parent's deaths, not with blood, revenge, and death: but rather with hope and progress.
He would do everything in his power to try and change the world, for the sake of all who lived in it.
For he knew his parents had died with the same goal in mind.

Even though Edgar would rather walk that path alone, he would never be alone... for even if he did not want anyone to follow him, Olivia would always be right behind him, for Edgar was the only real reason why Olivia still held hope for a better tomorrow.

A tomorrow she was willing to fight for. A tomorrow she hoped to share with him...

But now, those dreams seemed to be nothing but drunken delusions.
All those promises... lost.

If the book were right, in a matter of hours, Edgar would cease to be the boy she had deeply fallen in love with, and would become a monster. The very thing that had nearly taken his life.

Olivia wept.
"NO!" She shouted into the empty air of the ward, "NO!! THIS IS A LIE! IT HAS TO BE!!" She fell on her knees, and slumped into the floor, "PLEASE! OH PLEASE ARCEUS! LET THIS BE A LIE!"
She continued sobbing, unaware that something was watching her.


"Ward 56, so that is where Edgar is."
"Apparently. We should hurry Cyrus, Something is really wrong here."
"I agree. Let's go."
Cyrus and the hooded being continued walking down the empty halls of the hospital. With every step they both took, the feeling of uneasiness grew.

Cyrus felt as though a thousand invisible eyes watched his every movement. Studying him and his companions for any weaknesses.


"Damn! You're one tough motherfucker. I'll give you that!" Spoke Blade in an amused tone as he swung at Sectran's body yet again, who took the hit full on.
Though he was pushed back several feet, Sectran managed to barely maintain his balance. He still stood tall after thousand of direct hits. And yes, he had been counting. But he had loss track of the attacks after two thousand or so hits.

Sectran's body was riddled with slashes, bruises, and cuts. The young commander's body was a true mess.
Thousands of deep cuts bleed nonstop, dripping blood wherever he went, forming pools of the crimson liquid at his feet.
Blood drenched his clothing and body as if it was water.
His armor was nearly nonexistent; the bulletproof vest was shredded into ribbons, his coat was ripped, torn, and bloodstained.
His pants, once reinforced with ceramic plates, showed many lacerations and tears.
Even Sectran's indestructible mask showed signs of wear and tear. Several cracks and scratches were present, as well as splashes of blood.
Blood ran underneath his mask, down Sectran's neck, and into his now exposed chest.

Blade, who had just finished another set of vicious attacks, stood both Staggered and amused at the humans' incredible resistance.

Never had he seen anyone last this long... specially a human.

Sectran panted. He held to his arm, which had gone entirely numb by now. It kept bleeding profoundly, more than anything on his body.
Surprisingly, Sectran barely felt any pain from all his wounds; his body had gone numb after the one thousand hit mark.
All that was bothering him now was the fact that he felt weaker with every passing minute. He figured that his fatigue was due to massive blood loss.

Blade looked at the young commander as he tried to slowly walk, and merely laughed in amusement at Sectran's pathetic attempts to move.
"Look at you! You're a mess!" He continued laughing cruelly, "so far, you've lasted twenty minutes... That's a new record!" He charged his blade, which turned a bright purple color, "You've set the new standard. You can die now you know."
"You... Wish... you... bastard..." Sectran wheezed weakly. Blade merely smiled.
"I was hoping you would say that."
"Why... is... that..." Asked Sectran weakly.
Blade only sneered, "now... I can use my trump card."
He jumped backwards a good five feet, placed his now vivid purple left blade in front on his body, much like a lance, and charged at Sectran with incredible foot speed.
Sectran was too weak to move out of the way. Or block it.
Blade pierced him straight in the gut; the purple blade ran trough his body like hot knife trough butter.
Blade then lifted Sectran off the ground, his blade still lodged into his stomach, and he twirled him around as if he were a weightless Doll. He then tossed him against the nearest wall with not much force.
The blade becoming loose by the very force of the toss.
Sectran slammed into the wall with almost no real force, at least compared to other times he had been slammed against a wall.
He knew because he left no visible cracks on it.
Sectran slid down the wall, leaving a trail of blood in his wake, and slumped over.
Blade chuckled at the sight of the young commander's apparently dead body.
"Dead already?" He shouted out loud with some disappointment in his tone, "You just had to go out in the most anticlimactic way possible, didn't you?" He finished with a laugh of disappointment.
Blade walked towards Sectran's apparent corpse. But much to his surprise, Sectran slowly raised his head, and looked straight at the gallade's eyes.
"...Pitiful ..." he wheezed as he slowly raised himself of the ground, "That last attack... was your weakest yet!" He winced in some pain as he finally made it to his feet. Sectran took a step forwards, towards Blade, who continued to smile.
"You'll find that killing me is harder than you thought." He managed to say normally. He still had a lot of fight left in him.
Blade, who had been watching the young commander get up, broke into pure manic laughter.
"...What... is ... so... funny?!" Sectran spoke weakly.
"You are!" Replied the Gallade.
Sectran tried for a comeback, but found his voice was suddenly silenced.

All of a sudden, his very veins began to burn in unimaginable agony. It felt as is someone was slowly chocking him alive, and burning him from the inside out, all at once. Thousands of needles pierced his every last pain receptor. Though he wanted to scream, Sectran had no voice to do so.

But had he one, he would have been shrieking in unimaginable agony.

Blade only continued to laugh as he watched Sectran squirm like a worm dying from sun exposure.
"Oh good! It seems like it kicked in faster than I thought." He crouched right next to the young commander, who continued to fidget.
Sectran now felt as though his muscles were being slowly ripped out of his body.
"Now, you die by my real trademark." Blade smiled in delight, "You'll find my toxic attack to be the most potent there is. But it won't kill you quick like you hope..." He sneered this time, "you'll die in a matter of two hours. But during that time, you will be unable to move, unable to speak, unable to pray..." He quickly got up and started walking in circles around the squirming young commander. Blade seemed to be enjoying every last moment of his agony.
"The first thing to go will be your muscles. Then, it will be your non-vital organs. The pain will be so unbearable... Oh how unbearable it will be!" Sectran continued to squirm, but suddenly stopped as his muscles finally shut down. He could still move his now widely open eyes. He followed Blade's walk around him, glaring at him in utter abhorrence.
Blade circled him like some kind of carrion buzzard. It remained him slightly of Belatrix.

Blade broke into more laugher the moment the young commander stopped squirming. He really was enjoying the show.
"The last thing to go will be your very mind. That way, you'll be able to feel every last ounce of pain inflicted on your body as you die." He added as he stopped walking in circles.
He chuckled, "You have about an hour and fifty nine minutes to live. Enjoy the pain while you can!" Blade crouched once more, reached into Sectran's pocket, and pulled out the disk he had originally come for.
The case was a little broken, but the disk itself was miraculously still in one piece.

Blade faced Sectran dead on, an evil smile slowly stretched on his face.
He reached into his own pocket, and pulled out a bottle filled with a purple syrup-like liquid.
Blade smiled yet again, and placed the bottle in Sectran's chest. He laughed heartily.
"You see this bottle?" he asked in delight, "It contains the anti toxins for my poison." He got up, but continued to face Sectran's eyes, "Well, if you can reach it, you can save yourself! Too bad you can't move your arms." He laughed as he walked away.

Sectran's mind was torn between the utter loathing towards the damned Gallade, and the almost unbearable pain his body was going trough.
He managed to look at this chest, where the small bottle stood. He tried to move his hand to reach it, but found he could not.

Another wave of agony struck him. This one felt as though his very skin was being ripped of his being.
"OH GOD!!! SOMEONE KILL ME!!!!" He thought to himself.


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