AGNPH Stories

Unknown Desire by xianyu


Story Notes:

Well, notes. Hmm. Thanks to Moro Q for making me like Vaporeons! Her pic on this site made me want to write about those sexy pokemon. I won't go so far as dedicating the story to her, that'd be creepy.Also, transformations...I've noticed that they're very, very corny, especially here, in pokeland. I hope mine doesn't fall into that horrid category of epic fail corniness.

Chapter 1

Obligatory disclaimer incoming!

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Unknown Desires

"Hydro Pump!" Mark called as he threw his Pokéball, his Vaporeon appearing in a flash of red light, her distinctive cry echoing around the area as she let loose her most powerful water-based attack.

"Vapo" She called, before she opened her mouth and a jet of water escaped her body, shooting across the distance between her and her target faster than the eye could follow.

With a wet sloshing sound, the cardboard target sagged and dropped backwards out of sight, drenched and soggy.!

"Harder!" Mark ordered, pointing at the next target. "I want to see it blasted off the table!"

Panting softly, the Vaporeon turned towards him slightly, giving him an odd look. "Vaporeon...?"

"Harder!" he said again, pointing firmly.

Turning back towards the target, the Vaporeon shook her head slightly and let loose another burst of water, trying vainly to increase the power of her attack.

* * *

"That was good." Mark said, leaning down to lightly pet at his Vaporeon's head, to which she purred softly and arched her back, her little tail flicking. "But you need to be stronger and faster, and do it while moving." He continued, and her head drooped a little.

"Hey, don't look at me like that." He said admonishingly. "C'mon, we'll go get some food for you guys."

Nodding up at him, she gave an agreeing "Vapo!" and started to walk after him as he turned on his heel and headed for the local Pokécentre, and the restaurant that was run by Nurse Joy.

"What do you feel like today?" He asked, peering sideways at her.

"Va-va-vapo-va-vaporeon." She replied sagely, with a firm nod.

Chuckling softly, he shook his head. "I wish Silph. Co. would hurry up and invent that Pokémon translator."

"Vapo!" She agreed, nodding vigorously.

Leading her towards a table after he opened the door for her, he set himself down, pulling out his other Pokéball, which contained a Ditto, and laying it on the table, pressing the button.

With a flare of red light, the Ditto appeared, staring up at him with its cute, blob-like face. "Ditto."

"What do you feel like?" Mark asked of the shape-shifting Pokémon, which immediately turned itself into a plate of fish and chips.

"Fish and chips it is. And you, Vaporeon?" He asked of the little blue water Pokémon that had just jumped up onto the table.

"Vapo-vapo-vaporeon." She said firmly, and the Ditto arranged itself into something resembling salad.

Standing up, he made a motion with his hands for the two Pokémon to stay at the table as he moved over to the counter, giving Nurse Joy a smile. "Um, can I get a salad, fish and chips, and some steak?" He asked.

"Sure, just sit down, and it'll be ready in a few minutes, Mark." The nurse replied with her courtesy curtsy.

"Thanks." He said as he turned away and made his way back to his table, amusing himself by lightly scratching his Vaporeon on a certain part of her body and having the Ditto emulate the example with a protrusion it created, which soon resulted in the Vaporeon squealing with glee as she was tickled ruthlessly from two directions.

But eventually, their dinner came, and all three settled to their meals happily, munching steadily through their food of choice.

Mark couldn't help but stare at the Ditto's eating habits, who had just crawled over the plate and lowered itself onto it, hungry sounds emanating from it. No matter how many times he saw it, he was still amazed by its odd way of eating.

Settling their plates to one side, they all rose from the table, and Mark put them both back in their balls so that they could rest while he did all the walking back to his house, which rested on the very outskirts of town, where it wasn't uncommon for wild Pokémon to wander in.

He was almost home when he saw it lurking in the alleyways nearby, a Mightyena, skulking about, looking for scraps, scratching at the ground and whining very softly as it sniffed the area, looking scrawny and skinny.

Moving a little closer, Mark peered at the wolf Pokémon. "Here boy." He said, hand inching towards his Pokéballs, hoping to capture the hunger-weakened Pokémon without too much of a fight.

At the sound of his voice, the Pokémon swung around, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, teeth gleaming in the glow of the streetlight nearby as it suddenly shot towards him, snarling as it went, viciously.

Having no time to really react, Mark grabbed the first Pokéball that came to his hand, throwing it and diving to the side, watching as with a flash of red light, his Ditto appeared.

The Mightyena, having launched itself in a pounce to try and pin the trainer, couldn't pull up, and landed somewhere behind the human, wheeling about to attack again as Mark managed to get a hand on his other Pokéball and throw it, his Vaporeon appearing in a flash of light.

"Vaporeon, hydro Pump! Ditto, Transform!" he called as he started to move back away from the snarling wolf Pokémon, who was quickly moving towards him, hunger in its eyes.

Giving the slightest frown of confusion, he looked down at his palm, and found that it was buried in his ditto to the wrist, stuck, his Vaporeon loosing its water attack as the Ditto started to transform.

Searing, blinding pain shot up Mark's arm, and he gave a yell of anguish, trying to pull his hand free, getting his other hand stuck as he tried to lever the Pokémon off his arm to no avail.

More and more pain shot through his body, invading his senses, and he gave another cry as the world went mercifully dark.

* * *

"Do you think he's alright?" Asked a soft, feminine voice, laden with worry.

"Look at him, I have no clue...I've never even heard of something like this happening before..." replied a voice, higher, and yet, not as feminine.

"I think he's coming around..." said the female voice.

"I hope he's not angry at me..." came the second voice again.

"It wasn't your fault..."

Mark opened his eyes slowly, seeing two faces peering down at him with slight fear and confusion on them, both familiar faces, belonging, in turn, to his Vaporeon and Ditto.

"W-who's talking?.." He asked, groaning softly, his head spinning, feeling heavy and unwieldy as he lifted it, eyes opening peering around for the voices.

"Keep still." Said the feminine voice, and his Vaporeon laid a paw on his forehead, forcing him down. "You need to keep still, you could have a concussion. You hit your head pretty hard when you fell over." the voice said firmly, sound lightly worried.

:"How many paws am I holding up?" continued the voice, and his Vaporeon held up a single paw, waving it slightly from side-to-side.

" only have one paw you can hold up at once..." He replied, bewildered, and then, he paused, his mouth gaping. " can!...You can talk!" He stuttered.

" and Ditto...we kind of figured that would happen..." She replied with a shake of her head, lowering her paw.

Lifting his head again, swaying slightly and trying not to throw up, he peered up at his Vaporeon. "But...why? It's not...not normal to understand Pokémon..."

"...It could be." Came the nervous reply. "Um, Ditto, can you make a mirror?"

"I can try..." The shape-shifting Pokémon replied, his shape warping, becoming flat and square, reflective.

"You should look in the mirror..." Vaporeon said, jerking her nose towards it with a slight expression of trepidation.

Lifting his upper half a little, with odd sensations of unbalanced body weight that he attributed to his dazed state, he looked into the mirror, his eyes widening with surprise as he jerked back, giving a loud cry of shock as he saw the Mightyena coming for him again.

Gently laying her blue paws against his side, his Vaporeon shushed him gently. "You're safe! There's nothing there...just look again..." She said gently, giving his nose a worried lick.

Panting softly, he lifted his head again, peering into the mirror again, recoiling only slightly this time as the Mightyena jumped at him from the image.

Staring at the reflective surface, he slowly tilted his head, realising that it was slightly warped, that gave the impression that the image was jumping out at him, but then, he realised, where was he? He wasn't reflected at all, just a red-eyes Mightyena stared back at him.

Gulping softly, giving the softest of whines, he lifted a hand, no, a paw, and brushed it against the glassy surface, whining once more as he saw the refletion do it as well.

"...I'm...a...a...a Mightyena?!" He asked, eyes wide, a bewildered, unbeleiving expression on his new muzzle.

"We think that it happened when Ditto transformed...please don't be angry master..." Vaporeon said, leaning close and giving the lightest of reassuring licks to his cheek.

Giving another whine, he shook his muzzle, his tail laying flat on the ground and his ears laid back unconsciously. "B-but I'm not a Pokémon!" He protested.

Climbing to his feet suddenly, he shot past them, finding his feet with a speed that would surprise any scientist, only stumbling once as he retreated towards the outskirts of town.

"That....could have gone better." Vaporeon said with a shake of her head, her tail laying flat on the ground as Mark's new tail had.

"He was mad...Or sad...Or both." Ditto replied, and then gave her a slightly sad look. "We have to go find him, don't we?"

Nodding grimly, she returned the look. "He could get hurt...or captured...if he gets captured...I don't know what will happen, but I'm sure it won't be good..."

* * *

"M-master?" Vaporeon asked as she tentatively stepped forwards towards the river, seeing a Mightyena sitting by the waters edge, peering into it intently, almost as if watching for a fish.

The Mightyena's head lifted, and peered back at her with a wide yellow eye, before turning back to the water.

"I'm a Pokémon." He replied, his head shaking as he stared at his reflection.

For several long moment, he stared at his reflection, before sweeping a paw over it, ruining the stillness of the water and the reflected image, turning away in disgust and starting to walk past her.

A solid, firm stamp of the Vaporeon's paw stopped him though, and she stepped in front of his walking path, eyes narrowed.

"Out of my way!" He snarled, giving her a soft growl.

"No!" She said firmly, stepping in his path once more as he tried to go around her.

"Why not?" He asked, sitting down and staring at her petulantly.

"Because you made me give a vow. You remember it, right?" She asked, staring at him coldly. "'Do you vow to be the best you can be and fight the best that you can and work the hardest that you can work so we can both be the strongest we can be?'...Your exact words." She stated. "And right now you're being weak! You're running away!"

"I'm not running away!" He snarled in reply, rising to his feet and trying to dart past her, yelping loudly and peering back at her with wide eyes, his tail caught in her relatively powerful jaws.

Snarling again, he rolled onto his back, paws slashing at her, aiming for her face instinctively.

Vaporeon let go of his tail, dodging backwards, and then forwards, after his initial blow had missed, and pinned him to the ground effortlessly, staring down at him with a soft growling note at him. "Why are you trying to run away?!" She asked in a snarl that would easily match his own.

"Because I don't want to be A Pokémon!" he shouted back, turning his head and trying to hide it as best he could, a hurt expression on his muzzle.

Sighing softly, the Vaporeon leaned down and lightly licked at his neck in a soothing way, nuzzling him softly. "It's okay, you were forced into it...It's alright." She said calmingly.

"I want to go back..." He murmured, a single tear falling from an eye, startling the Vaporeon.

"Well you can't get back if you run away." Vaporeon said firmly, nuzzling at him affectionately. "So harden the fuck up and lets go find ditto and see if he can turn you back."

Nodding slowly, he pulled away from her, sliding from underneath the water Pokémon, and then rolling to his feet, staring at his paws. "T-this is so strange..."

Nuzzling against him gently, she nodded. "Yes, it would feel strange, I don't know, not exactly, but I can guess...But we'll get you back to being normal again." She said firmly.

Peering at her sheepishly, he lightly wiped his muzzle with a paw. "Sorry...You shouldn't have to see me like this..." He murmured, shaking his muzzle.

She shook her head, looking back at him, smiling a little, her little tail waving.

Mark blinked slightly, realising that because of his reduced stature, it gave him an interesting new view of the world, and of his Vaporeon.

They both made their way back towards the place where he had initially fled from the duo. Ditto was waiting for them there, looking anxious, resting in the middle of the lawn and watching them approach with its features slowly rearranging into something approaching relief. "You found him!" It said in its high voice.

"I did." Vaporeon said with a firm nod.

"I want to be changed back!" Mark said, cutting across the both of them.

"Well....I don't know if it will work, but we can try the way you were turned into a Pokémon in the first place..." Ditto replied, peering up at him nervously.

Nodding firmly, Mark stepped forwards, placing a paw within the Ditto and gritting his canid teeth. "I'm ready." He said firmly, nodding once.

The Ditto scrunched up its face, starting to transform, and Mark yelped as pain spread up and down his front legs, wrenching himself free and stumbling onto his side, wimpering and whining at the shocks of pain that shot up and down his body. "Hurts! Too much! Too much!" He said, shaking his muzzle frantically and backing away a little.

"Shhhh." His Vaporeon said gently, slipping forwards to gently nuzzle at him. "Be still, it'll go away...All pain fades." She said firmly.

Nodding once, he tried to calm his breathing, shivering and peering at the Ditto fearfully. "D...does it hurt that much when you transform?"

Tilting its head slightly to one side in a good approximation of a quizzical expression, The ditto shrugged its blob-shoulders. "Only the first few dozen times." It replied casually, making Mark shudder.

"We should go back to my home...I want to sleep..." Mark murmured, shaking his muzzle and started in that direction without waiting for the.

It took them only a few minutes to get back to his house, and Mark slipped through the flap he had fitted to the door himself for his Pokémon to get in and out, though his Vaporeon and his Ditto were the only Pokémon he owned. He had hoped to get more, but had never actually gotten around to it.

Immediately, he headed to his room, jumping up onto his bed and worming his way under the covers, curling up and trying to sleep, whining to himself quietly. Luckily, he lived alone, having moved out of his parents house when he got sick of his mother and father bickering.

It was a few minutes later when Mark heard Vaporeon enter the room, the soft padding of her paws making their way to his bed, before her weight came to be on the covers, and she wormed her way under with him, curling up against him wordlessly, nuzzling slightly before she closed her eyes and gave every impression of happily trying to sleep.

Following her example, Mark laid his head on his paws, giving a single, last whine before trying to sleep as well.

* * *

For a few, strange, disorienting moments, Mark wasn't sure what was going on when he awoke, his perspective seeming to be skewed, but then it all came back to him. The transformation, his Vaporeon finding him by the river, and then, trying to go back...and the pain it had caused. Shivering slightly, he wondered if he would ever have the nerve to try that again...and if he would be stuck as a Mightyena forever.

Sighing softly to himself, he climbed to his feet, moving to the end of the bed and peering out the window into the forest beyond, trying to think, and trying to clear his mind at the same time, finding it impossible to do either to any degree of success.

"We should go for a walk." his Vaporeon said from behind him, and he felt her weight move closer and an affectionate nuzzle to his 'shoulder'.

"Why?" He asked, curious, and in a slightly defeated tone.

"Because it'll be good for you. It's what I used to do before I was captured if I got stressed and didn't know what to do." She said calmly, leaning further forwards and lightly nuzzling at the back of his neck.

"Do you have anywhere in particular planned?" He asked, peering at her, curious, an ear perked in an unconscious canid action.

"Well...there's a lake I haven't been able to visit for a while..." She said, a hopeful note in her tone.

Nodding slowly, he slipped off the bed, waiting for her to as well. "Lead the way." he said, jerking his head towards the door.

Vaporeon practically bounced off the bed, walking rather faster than usual towards the door, and then through it with a flick of the fan on the end of her tail.

Mark followed after her, doggedly chasing her white-tipped tail, glancing about at his home and the way his new, lower perspective made everything looked warped and weird. Especially his Vaporeon. His new angle made it rather hard to follow her like he did without his eyes constantly, albeit not totally on purpose, straying beneath her flicking tail, and before they were even halfway towards the forest, his new furry cheeks were flushed with blood at the almost constant sight of the tight, pursed lips of her sex, the same blue as her body, and yet with a glimpse of shadowed pink within every time they stretched slightly with her every step.

Silently, in his mind, he was berating himself for staring at her, for lusting after her, but he had always felt a strong attraction for her. As a human, it was taboo. but he wasn't a human any more, was he? Plus, his new point of view made it impossible not to stare! It was no wonder Pokémon didn't walk in single file!

"Something on your mind?" Vaporeon asked, peering back at him for a moment with a slightly concerned expression, her head curled to the left, left paw raised, and, for some reason, the dual action raising her tail higher.

Wrenching his eyes from this sight as fast as he could and trying to act nonchalant, he replied with the first thing that came to his head. "Just...wondering why your skin is blue." He said nervously.

"Oh...It's blue because I'm a Vaporeon." She said simply, turning back and continuing to walk, ruining the pose she had attained, tail flicking as she muttered under her breath, "Though I'm sure you weren't staring at blue area's..."

"W-what?" he asked, peering at her, ears perked forwards.

"Nothing." She said brightly. "Just wondering what colour we are when we're shiny." she said with a firm nod.

Nodding slowly, he followed after her, nose down, and eyes up, half ashamed at the way his eyes kept straying under her tail, and he was sure, that several times, she caught him looking, though she didn't say anything, and when they neared the lake she had spoken of, he was starting to be aware of an odd, unfamiliar tightness in his lower belly, and, pausing for a moment, he could see that it was his sheath, swollen and full.

"It's what happens when you keep staring." Vaporeon said bluntly, looking back at him in that same pose she had held last time she peered at him from over her shoulder, her tail, slightly lifted, swaying back and forth.

"Um...I...I...I couldn't help it!" He said defensively, eyes wide as he realised that she had known all along.

"You like staring, don't you?" She asked, giving her tail a slow flick, but not lowering it, despite the way his eyes strayed towards what lay underneath for a moment, before he wrenched them back to her own eyes.

"N-no!" he said with a shake of his head. "It was an accident!"

"Why can't you just admit that you want to stare? I can smell your arousal from here...and I'm upwind." She replied with a chuckle, staring at him with her head slightly cocked to one side. "And I remember, when you had me doing those 'climbing challenges'." Her eyes narrowed on his as she turned and sat in front of him, licking the top of a paw innocently. "You were taking pictures. I remember. You took a lot of pictures when I got 'stuck' near the top of the climbing frame, you know, when I got my tail caught up high?..."

Mark gulped, shaking his head a little and wondering why his Pokémon was talking to him in such a...well, such a seductive tone of voice.

"And I found those pictures...Interesting pictures they were, they showed a lot of me that most humans don't especially look at. And I found them in your top drawer, where you could get at them easily...and they smelt like you, like you looked at them a lot." She said calmly.

Gulping again, he stared down at his paws, blushing heavily, shaking his muzzle still, trying to protest, though he found it hard to find his voice.

"I think you're scared. I think you want to go back to being human because you're afraid of what being a Pokémon will bring." She said calmly, rising to her feet and moving towards him, lightly licking his brow, the softest of purring sounds in her throat. "I think you want me, and that, as a Pokémon, you know you can do what you never could allow yourself to as a human, and I think you're scared of what you want." She said calmly, nuzzling past his head lightly.

Lifting his head a little, Mark gave a slight stutter, as if about to speak, and then a loud yelp of surprise, going rigid, eyes popping as Vaporeon slipped her muzzle lower and gave the tip of his sheath a slow lick

Looking up at him, she grinned a little, leaning closer and giving another slow lick to the entrance, loving the oddly enticing taste that spread across her tongue. "So are you too scared to do what you always wanted to do? Or are you going to be strong and take it?" She asked in a seductive tone, leaning closer and giving him another slow lick.

Gasping, he arched his back, his paws scrabbling at the grass below them as he gave a muffled yip, shaking his muzzle, but making no move to stop her, or push her away.

Giving a light chuckle, she slipped her muzzle forwards, tongue returning to her mouth as she gave a kiss to the tip of his sheath, which quickly turned into a suckle, her lips closing around the edges of the sensitive flesh, tongue lashing out to slip into the sheath and tickle at the tip of his quickly growing canid length.

Yelping softly, he shivered, squirming, shaking as his length slipped free, incredibly sensitive, not just at the tip as a humans was, but all over, and it grew right into his Vaporeons mouth, her suckling, tonguing mouth, that made him yip and give a light thrust of his hips with every sharp suckle she gave him.

Slowly, she slid her muzzle down his length further, so her lips met his sheath again, closing her mouth and suckling hard, eyes half-closed, sparkling with delight. She had always wanted to do this with her trainer. Pokémon or no, he was still her trainer, and now, she was getting what she wanted.

Rolling, she spread her legs, tail flicking as she laid on her back, flushed sex revealed, no longer plain blue, but with a pink flush to it, the lips slightly spread, the pink interior readily revealed.

Unable to help himself, Mark leaned in, his paws shaky as he pressed his nose tight to the source of a new scent that quickly invaded his senses, powerful, musky, enticing.

Vaporeon gave a light groan, twitching her hips and her tail as she felt his cold, wet nose press against her heated sex, and then gasped around his length as she felt him give her a slow lick.

Licking slowly, he pressed his nose tight to her once more, letting his tongue flick out again and again to stroke along her lips, spreading them slightly with the light pressure of his tongue, making her groan around him, the sensations it awakened in his impossibly sensitive length causing shudders to erupt in his body.

Very, very quickly, he felt something spiraling up within him, his length twitching and dripping pre into the Vaporeons willing mouth, which she drank down eagerly, savouring his taste a moment before resuming her suckling.

The Mightyena's head raised, and he let loose a howl, arching his back and thrusting his hips slightly as his length pulsed in her muzzle, trapped, throbbing and jerking heavily as thick canine cum spilled from its tip.

Vaporeon gasped, swallowing once as she tasted the hot liquid spilling into her muzzle, before the angle of her head made it almost impossible to swallow any more, the creamy wolf seed spilling from between her jaws as she panted against him, smiling to herself and pulling back, starting to slowly lick his member clean as it spilled its last few spurts over her throat and chest.

Mark groaned, resisting the impulse to collapse and sprawl over her with great difficulty, panting, his eyes clenched shut, shuddering in the aftershocks of his orgasm.

When he opened his eyes, Vaporeon had already shifted, climbing to her feet to stand with her back legs spread, her front almost touching the ground, tail raised high and dripping sex revealed to his hungry gaze. Almost instantly, he felt his slowly softening length harden again, and stared at her tight sex, watching a slow drop of liquid trace down her blue flesh.

"Well are you going to stare or do something about it?" She asked in a seductive tone, giggling slightly as she gave her tail a flick from side-to-side, an alluring movement that stretched her sex slightly with each motion.

Growling to himself instinctively, he leapt at her, his hard canid length driving itself between her tight cunt lips on instinct, slipping deep as they both moaned, Vaporeon lifting a paw and lightly scraping it against the ground in pleasure, arching her back.

Mark panted against her, straining, arching, as he felt her tight sex massage his sensitive length in an unparalleled sensation that quickly had him thrusting deep into her body with short, needy strokes, his paws gripping her tight around the middle, tail swaying.

Moaning loudly, she pushed her hips back against his thrusts, arching and shivering at the feeling of his length spreading her sex wide, slickening liquids spilling from her body as his pink length drove into her repeatedly.

Gasping softly against her blue neck, he humped into her body deep, shuddering and panting, his tongue hanging out as his paws scratched at the grass, feeling something at the base of his shaft, something odd, swelling, and started to drive against her outer lips with each of his thrusts. "w-what's that?!" he asked, groaning softly, unwilling and unable to stop pounding against his vaporeon's body.

"Its your...your knot!" She cried in return, humping her hips back against him with eager, enthusiastic motions, her sex tight around him, seemingly undulating along his length, muscular contractions sending him wild. "You should put it in...god! Just! Shove it into me! Fuck me!" She cried out, arching her back further and lifting her rear, giving him a better angle at her reddened, inflamed sex, which he took eagerly.

Shoving himself against her, as per her request, he growled softly, his teeth sinking harmlessly into the flesh of her neck, holding her in place as he gave her his last few brutal thrusts, eyes widening as she arched and thrashed under him, her sex vicing down on his length as he drove his knot hard against her, sinking it between her cunt lips, her swollen flesh seeming to clamp around it and draw it into her body, the undulating, massaging motions of her sex increasing as hot Vaporeon liquids literally gushed from her sex, washing against his knot, surprisingly large amounts of the liquid dribbling and spurting from her sex to run down both of their thighs.

At another time, he might have wondered if her being a water Pokémon is what made so much of her hot liquids gush out of her body, but the moment her sex tightening and throbed around him, all thoughts brushed from his mind as the sensations filled his head, and he would have pulled out to stop the exquisitely painful feelings flooding his mind, but he was tied with her, stuck, a loud, convulsive howl wrenched from his throat as her gushing sex milked him.

Only a moment of the sensation was all that was needed to make him come, his hot seed gushing out as he arched and humped his hips as best he could, the sensations intensifying and making him almost collapse and black out as his hot seed shot deep up into her body, her milking sex pulling more and more from his length, enticing him to flood her needy sex with his hot liquid, which was eagerly, contentedly supplied

Eventually though, the actions came to a halt, and finally, he cold relax, panting heavily and sagging over her, giving a yelp of surprise as she collapsed, panting happily up at him, a smile on her face.

Mark smiled in return, his breathing hard and heavy, licking down at her face lightly, his eyes fluttering a little as he tried to keep them open. "That was...That...That was just..." He panted, unable to find the right words.

Silencing him with a paw, she smiled again. "I know..." She said, kissing him happily. " what I wanted. I've wanted this for so long..." She murmured.

"I..." He paused a moment, shaking his muzzle. "I...I wanted this as well." He said, nuzzling at her gently. "B-but I'm a human..." He said, seeming to be slightly distressed.

Shushing him again, she giggled slightly, shaking her head. "This is what I was talking about..." She murmured. "You're scared, because you know you're not a Pokémon any more..." she said with a slow smile up at him.

"I guess..." He admitted, and then nuzzled at her lightly, licking her nose. "I...don't know...I don't know what I want. I want to be human...but I want you as well."

Smiling a little, she lifted her paw, quieting him. "Quiet. Let us just enjoy this while it lasts, we'll take care of the other problems when it comes to it." She said firmly.

* * *

Some time later, he awoke, having seperated from Vaporeon while he slept, blinking his eyes open and staring around in bewilderment, not realising where he was at first, but then smiling a little as it all came back to him. He leaned forwards and gave a lick to the forehead of the sleeping Pokémon, to which she awoke with a yawn, peering up at him. "Morning..." She murmured.

"Morning." He said in return, giving her another nuzzle. "I've made my choice." He said, calmly.

"Hmm?" She asked, sitting up suddenly and staring at him intently.

"Well, I've decided that I-" But he was cut off by the sound of sudden footsteps nearby, and a voice, accompanied by a rock Pokémon very quickly streaking towards them.

"Geodude, Tackle!"
Chapter End Notes:Hope you liked the story, chapter 2 should be up when I get the chance to write it. Please comment if you liked it, it'll spur me to write chapter 2 a hellofalot faster
No comments posted
    Just a gamer and dude that likes having fun
    Reviewer: Dsc
    Date:Aug 23 2012 Chapter:Chapter 1

    HOT VERY HOT ^.^


    I love the Mightyena X Vaporeon chapter!


    ^.^ You should make more of Mark in his Mightyena form rutting his Vaporeon! ^.^