AGNPH Stories

Unknown Desire by xianyu


Story Notes:

Well, notes. Hmm. Thanks to Moro Q for making me like Vaporeons! Her pic on this site made me want to write about those sexy pokemon. I won't go so far as dedicating the story to her, that'd be creepy.Also, transformations...I've noticed that they're very, very corny, especially here, in pokeland. I hope mine doesn't fall into that horrid category of epic fail corniness.

Chapter 2

Unknown Desires part 2

Mark whirled on the spot as the Geodude sailed past him, one rocky hand catching him on the side of the muzzle in passing,making his ears ring and a loud yelp escape his muzzle as he dropped flat on his stomach, stunned, though he hadn't been the rock Pokémon's target.

The blow had only been a glancing thing, to distract him as it went past, it's true target, Vaporeon, unprepared for the attack, just stared, eyes wide as the Geodude slammed into her chest and sent her sprawling, rolling and coming to a stop, winded and stunned as well.

"Geodude, rock throw!" The trainer called, and Mark's eyes narrowed.

"Leave us alone you cliché son of a bitch!" He yelled at the trainer, though it translated only as a lot of growling and barking, him being a Pokémon now.

Eyes widening, he turned towards the sound of a pained yelp, eyes narrowing and teeth gritting as he saw a rock, thrown by the Geodude, slam into his unprotected Vaporeon.

Snarling, he leapt forwards, dragging his claw back and slicing at the Geodude as hard as he could, the attack coming unexpected from him, a reflex action, paw slamming into the Geodude with massive force.

Mark's eyes widened again, and he stared down at his paw, a long, yelping whine erupting from him as he rolled onto his side sheltering his paw that felt like it had been broken in several places.

"Geodude, finish it! Rock smash!"

Blinking away his canine tears, Mark struggled to get to his feet, half limping towards his Vaporeon, but not in time, the Geodude accelerating, moving quickly towards the prone water Pokémon, who was just getting back to her own feet, looking up and seeing the rock Pokémon coming for her, having no way to block or dodge in time, wincing.

The Geodude rolled before it reached her, grasping the ground with both of its arms, clasping on and then seeming to handstand, it's large rocky body perpendicular to the ground, before it fell forwards, right atop the Vaporeon.

She didn't cry out in pain, didn't make a noise at all, just took the hit with dignity.

The Geodude moved back, it's job done, and Mark could only stare, eyes wide, at the Vaporeon, who lay silent and unmoving, her battered body on display for anyone to see, before she disappeared in a flash of red light, a pokeball hitting her.

Not a single struggle was seen, as the ball went silent, dead, and a soft growl bubbled up out of Mark's new canid throat, the pain in his paw forgotten as the trainer strode over to claim his prize.

He didn't see it coming, the black flurry of Mightyena that he had thought defeated, and the jaws snapped, right across his face, the weight of the Pokémon dragging his body sideways, teeth tearing two lines across the trainers face, blood dripping as Mark let go and dropped onto all four, head lowered, ready to pounce, lips pulled back, snarling loudly.

About to leap, he tensed his legs, the trainer looking a little scared for the first time, before an epic blow to his side sent the Mightyena skidding off his feet and rolling, the Geodude having reacted on instinct, to protect his trainer.

Mark lost consciousness, the last thing he was aware of being hitting the water of the lake and sinking beneath its clear blue waves, and water filling his lungs...

* * *

He awoke coughing.

Air seemed like the most beautiful thing in the world at that point, his lungs filling with it as he rolled and coughed water onto the grass, his body shaking, fur wet, head still spinning from lack of air and the blow he had received but a few minutes earlier.

Turning, he blinked a few times, having a hard time focussing on what ever it was in the water that had saved him. Eventually, it came into focus. The blue head, those lovely eyes....but it couldn't be?

He blinked and shook his head a few times, realising that it wasn't his vaporeon, no, it was a Dragonair.

Coughing some more, he turned fully to face his rescuer. She gave him a cute smile, the orb on her head glowing once before she turned and disappeared back into the lake with a flick of her serpentine tail before he could thank her.

Mark stared after her for a few moments, and then gave a soft groan, climbing to his feet, giving a soft yip at the pain that putting weight on his paw sent through his body, and then trying to catch his breath, looking about. He knew which was town was, but where was the trainer? he couldn't very well walk around town as a Pokémon, he would get captured.

He groaned softly to himself and shook his head, limping towards town, eyes narrowed, determined. The trainer would need the pokecentre, he knew that the damage he had done to his face was bad enough for medical treatment.

* * *

A soft growl bubbled up out of Mark's throat as he watched through the pokecentre window as the trainer who had his Vaporeon sought medical attention, Nurse Joy tending to his torn up cheek with gentle dabs of a cotton ball soaked in super potion.

Whining softly to himself, he dropped down from the window, head tilting as his new, acute canine ears listened to the voices from within.

"Just what happened? Did you get over zealous in battle again?" Asked Nurse Joy.

"No...I think that stupid mangy Mightyena that's been hanging around took offense to me capturing the Vaporeon he was chatting with." The trainer replied, his voice tinged with a little contempt.

"You caught a Vaporeon? how do you know it's not someone elses? Vaporeon's don't occur very often in the wild..." Nurse Joy replied skeptically.

"It's mine now." The trainer replied firmly.

"But if you captured another trainers Pokémon then it's against the law to keep it." The nurse replied stiffly.

"Well it's mine." The trainer said again, sullenly.

"I think that's all the attention the cuts need. Your room is upstairs." Nurse Joy said, her tone a little icy, the jangle of keys reaching marks' new canid ears.

"Fine." The trainer said and then he heard footsteps moving up into the building.

Mark was at a loss for what to do. He knew where the trainer was, but getting to him was a slight problem. He couldn't just walk up there, not as a Pokémon, people already thought he was the wild Mightyena that was hanging around town.

Standing at the side of the Pokémon centre, Mark thought, and thought, and wondered just how he would get his Vaporeon back.

* * *

"D-ditto...transform!" Mark said, tentatively, trying to sound authorative pointing with a paw at the picture he had purloined from downstairs. His parents weren't home, probably out at work doing something or other, and he had taken a picture of himself from the family album, which he was now ordering his Ditto to transform into. Not into a picture, but into him...if it worked that way.

his other paw was planted firmly in the squishy purple body of his Ditto, and a searing pain shot up it as the Ditto started to transform, his teeth gritting and ears pinning back as he gave a low, keening whine, trying not to pull back or break contact...

But it was too much. With a loud yelp, he leaped backwards, and the Ditto morphed fully into him, wearing the same clothes as the picture and everying.

"Bizzarre..." Mark murmured to himself, staring for a few moments, and then shaking his head. "Ditto, back to normal." he said, his breathing fast and shallow, pain still arcing through him. It felt like someone was electrocuting him.

Mark shook his head a few times, staring at his paws, wondering if it was even possible to get back to being human from where he was now. Maybe it was just a freak accident that had changed him?

He whined softly to himself again, shaking his head a few more times, and then narrowing his eyes. He was going to make this work, for Vaporeon.

Snarling softly to himself, he took a step forwards, planting his foot in the Ditto again, and then growling low in his throat, he ordered, "Ditto, transform."

Pain lanced up his leg and right into his temples, but he gritted his teeth and pressed down, his breathing starting to stutter out of control and legs failing, weakening, before the world went black.

* * *

Mark gave a soft groan, rolling over, an arm coming up to shield his face fro the sunlight streaming through his window. It took a full ten seconds for the nausea to hit, making him roll back onto his stomach and retch, realising for the first time that he was naked.

"Ditto." said the purple Pokémon consolingly, a tendril reaching out to pat him on the shoulder gently.

All he managed in return was a groan, focussing his entire being on trying not to throw up all over the floor.

""Vapo-vapo-vaporeon." Said a high-pitched voice he knew, and his eyes immediately opened, staring in wonderment at his Vaporeon.

"Vaporeon." She stated, before morphing back into Ditto, and he groaned.

"Ditto." The Pokémon said firmly, nudging him.

"I know...I gotta get up and save her..." he murmured, his voice weak and oh-so-soft, barely audible. "But I feel like shit..."

"Ditto!" Came the reply, and suddenly, a wash of cold water splashed over him.

Spluttering, he came up for air, gasping and staring at the Ditto who was now a Vaporeon again. "Okay! I'm up!" he said, ponderously climbing to his feet and heading for his drawers, looking for clothes. Already, it seemed like a long time since he had to look for them.

A few minutes later, and he felt more human, more ready to actually walk somewhere, or think straight, and his eyes narrowed as he called his Ditto back to its Pokéball and headed out the front door, making a beeline for the pokecentre, preparing himself mentally for the confrontation.

* * *

The trainer was seated at one of the pokecentre table, commandingly ordering his Vaporeon to stand up and beg like some common canine. The blood in his veins turned to ice at this image, and then a fiery heat consumed him, the need to hit something a very real compulsion at that point.

He stepped through the sliding doors and stalked towards the trainer, his Vaporeon catching sight of him, turning towards him, mouth opening for a joyous hello, before she fell quiet at the look on his face.

"That's my Pokémon." He said bluntly, motioning towards the Vaporeon, who peered up at him cautiously.

"No, it's mine." The trainer replied, eyes narrowing as he looked up at Mark, an insolent sneer written across his face. "I caught her fair and square."

"But I already own her." He replied, his voice calm, his hands shaking slightly with withheld anger.

"No, I caught it. I threw the ball, it didn't escape. It's mine." Came the cold reply, firm and rife with finality.

Mark almost growled softly to himself, his eyes narrowing. He could have forgiven the trainer if he were to give him back his Pokémon right away. But not now, oh no, now, it was a matter of personal insult, to both him and Vaporeon.

"Give her back now, or you're gonna pay." He said quietly, his eyes dark.

"Make me, bitch." The trainer said, turning back to the Vaporeon and giving her a smirk. "Bubblebeam this stupid nerd." He said, jerking his head towards Mark, an order.

On instinct, Vaporeon turned, her mouth opening, but then paused.

Mark merely stood there, holding up a hand. "Who is your master?" he asked of her.

Vaporeon looked up at him with sad, hurt eyes, and then forlornly pointed at the other trainer with a paw, downcast.

Mark didn't seem to have any issue with that, though the trainer grinned maliciously at him. "See?" He asked.

Leaning a little closer, Mark said something to her in a tone so soft it did not carry far enough to be heard by the trainer, but Vaporeon's stance changed immediately, her body tensing with unexpected surprise.

"Do you love your master? Would you server your master, or the one who loves you first?" Was the question he asked, gently, the Vaporeon looking up at him with starry eyes, seemingly dazed and confused.

"Bubblebeam him." The trainer said firmly, a proper order.

Vaporeon opened her mouth, and Mark pulled back slightly, his eyes widening. There was no way to dodge at that range, and all he could do was throw am arm in front of himself to try and help protect his face.

A great gush of bubbles exploded from the Vaporeon's mouth. And far from being like the normal bubbles, these were painful. Each bubble was, as most bubbles are, merely air encased in a thin film of water. But it was the way the air inside the bubble was stored that was so magical. Each bubble was super-pressurized, with the water holding it in, so the surface of these bubbles was rock hard, and yet extremely fragile, as water tends to be. So each impact was like a tiny explosion of pressurized air, which was more than capable of leaving deep bruises on a human.

Mark winced as he heard the bubbles impact, but not on him. The trainer was knocked clean off his seat by the first bubble, which exploded against his chest, sending him off balance, saving him from the rest by removing him from the line of fire.

A short smile of triumph came to his face, and he was about to pick up his Vaporeon when the trainer lifted a Pokéball and recalled her, leaving Mark reaching out to empty air.

"I told you, it's mine." The trainer said bluntly, holding the Pokéball out and moving it back and forth tauntingly. "If you want it back, you'll just have to fight me for it." He said smugly.

Mark stared at him, anger bubbling up out of the pit of his stomach and crashing across him in waves, his teeth gritting, before he took a step forwards, and then paused, looking to Nurse Joy, an impartial bystander in all this, watching in almost fascinated awe. "Did you hear him?" He asked, his eyes narrowed.

"He wants to fight you for your Vaporeon..." Nurse Joy replied in a quiet tone.

"Oh good." Mark said with a nod, turning back to the trainer, and then looking down at his shirt, straightening it out, brushing an imaginary speck of dust off it, and then bringing his eyes back up to face the trainer. And then he punched him in the face, hard.

Unprepared, the trainer went sprawling, one hand coming up to his nose, the other trying to break his fall as he toppled backwards, Mark following, landing another heavy blow to his face, flattening the trainers hand against his own face and transferring the force of the blow through it to his cheek and nose.

Having got his point across, Mark reached down and snatched the Pokéball from the trainer, his eyes narrowed as he held up his fist threateningly, "If you ever..." Was all he managed to get out in his anger, though the trainer was hurriedly nodding, looking up at him through fearful, red-rimmed eyes.

Mark gave him a look of contempt, sliding off him and to his feet, calling his Vaporeon out of the Pokéball, and then holding up the opened red and white sphere.

With a few quick twists and a large amount of force, he managed to bend it back far enough that the Pokéball snapped in half, dropped the two halves next to the downed trainer and calling for his Vaporeon to follow as he stalked out of the Pokecentre doors.

* * *

It was not until he was inside his front door that his restraint broke and he leaned down, gathering his blue water Pokémon into his arms and holding her close, lightly rubbing at the back of her neck lovingly, cheek pressed against her own happily. "I thought I'd lost you." He murmured.

"Vaporeon!" She said, nuzzling back and him furiously, blue tail waggling.

He grinned a little and then pulled her away from him a little, enough that he could look at her, before leaning in and kissing her nose, awkwardly, not sure how the measure of human affection would work on a Pokémon.

Vaporeon made a happy sound, leaning into the kiss and lifting her mouth a little, so their lips touched, kissing each other in a rough approximation of a true human kiss, before she pulled back and licked at his face affectionately, smiling.

"Vapo-va-vaporeon." She said sagely, giving what sounded like a giggle and licking his nose.

"I'm afraid I don't understand you any more." Mark said with a sad shake of his head, sighing.

"Vapo." She said firmly, nuzzling at him, and he took it to mean that it didn't really matter.

Mark sat back against the wall and half-closed his eyes, pulling the Vaporeon into his lap and giving a contented sigh. "I feel sick." He murmured to her. "Alright if I just sleep awhile...?"

"Vapo." She said gently, but he was already asleep.

* * *

An insistent nuzzling awoke him, and he gave a soft groan, trying to come to grips with the fact that he was now awake, his mind working slowly, a feeling not unlike a hangover swilling through his head.

Opening his eyes, he could see Vaporeon, lightly nuzzling at his leg to get his attention, nudging a packet of food towards him, which she had no doubt purloined from the cupboard. Suddenly, he was ravenous, falling upon the food with hunger, stopping just long enough to offer her some, right until he was done, sitting back against the wall and giving a happy sound, almost properly awake now.

"I think that transforming thing takes a lot out of you..." He murmured, lightly rubbing at Vaporeon's head.

"Vaporeon vapo." She said knowledgeably, giving a nod, and he laughed.

"I miss when I could understand you..." he said firmly.

"Vapour. Pore. Eon. Oreo." She said with another nod, grinning at him widely.

"I mean more than a few words." He said with a slight shake of his head, pulling her close and kissing her nose again.

She snuggled up to him happily, giving a content 'Vaporeon...' and closing her eyes, letting his fingers play over her body.

Mark kissed her nose again, lightly stroking at her back, his fingertips sliding down over her smooth blue skin, caressing over her back and then down further over her tail, his breathing picking up just slightly as he entertained the idea of slipping his hand underneath, wondering if he would be allowed to, and having no real way to ask her without it being awkward.

Throwing caution to the wind, he slipped his hand lower, and then curled it around her tail, rubbing at her tailbase, just backwards of her sex and tailhole, his fingertips lightly massaging the area.

Vaporeon peered up at him, and then closed her eyes, relaxing into his chest with a single 'Va.' And shifting her tail slightly to give him better access.

He took the offer eagerly, slipping his fingertips lower to her sex and lightly stroking at it, a surge of lust flowing through body and causing his length to swell quite noticeably against her.

Grinning, she peered down at the offending object, and then deliberately rubbed herself over his shorts, teasing his length as he lightly stroked his fingers over the firm lips of her sex, which were rapidly growing damp.

Mark kissed her nose again, and then slid out from underneath her, making her give a startled sound, and then another as he quickly slipped around behind her, grasping each of rear legs in a hand, like someone holding a divining rod, though where the two handles he was holding joined was much more interesting than one of those.

Holding her legs like this left his thumbs free to rub up in tandem along her sex, the pad of each thumb caressing her firm lips, until they reached the top of them and lightly spread her open, revealing to him her pink interior, which he gave a slow lick, making her moan loudly and lift her tail higher.

With a nervous twitch of his hands, Mark lifted his thumbs even higher, lightly applying pressure to the opening of her tight tailhole, a ring of blue flesh that firmly resisted his pressure, though he wasn't trying to penetrate, rather, just rub and massage, testing.

Vaporeon lifted her tail higher, her head curled upside-down to stare at him as his thumbs continued to lightly rub around her tailhole, though her expression was not one of alarm or disapproval.

Mark grinned at that, his thumbs moving back down to he sex and holding her open so that he could give her a few more quick licks, making her moan and shudder, her blue tail lifted as high as she could get it, her front half against the ground, back legs spread as her human licked her firmly.

Looking about, he spied what he was looking for and grinned, quickly reaching over and grabbing it, holding up the tube for her inspection. Her eyes widened, and she quickly looked forwards again, body tensing, knowing what it meant, though she didn't protest, her tail waving rather nervously. "V-vapo.." She murmured.

Grinning, he opened the bottle and smeared some of the liquid onto his fingertips, and then applied them to her sex, rubbing the thick, lubricating gel over her entrance, tossing the bottle aside.

The label read 'Poke-lube! For when your Pokémon need help getting out of tough situations!' Mark had last used it on his Ditto, when it had gotten stuck trying to slide under the door. Now, the lubricant would serve an altogether different purpose.

Grabbing her legs again, he gently slid his thumbs through the lubricant, slipping them up against to her tailhole and rubbing gently, smoothing the slippery gel across the tight entrance, making it shine as Vaporeon started to pant with anticipation and slight fear.

Mark slipped his hands from her again, giving her back leg a slight kiss as he rubbed a finger through the lube, and then pressed it against her tailhole, his other hand gathering some of it and slipping into his pants, rubbing it over his aching length.

Vaporeon shifted her tail even higher and tried to relax as best she could, feeling the fingertip worming against her tight entrance, and then slipping inside, her eyes going wide as she felt it slide deeper and deeper into her, the lube making it painless, almost enjoyable, the stretched sensation making her squirm slightly and pant harder.

He slid his finger into her until it was fully embedded in her tight tailhole, before pulling it almost all the way out and then sliding it back in, making his Vaporeon give a light moan for his troubles. He pulled the finger out till just the tip then, and began to swirl it around in a slow circle, trying to widen her entrance, make it give more, knowing on instinct that it would need to be stretched first.

With a soft groan, the water Pokémon starting to sway her tail back and forth, panting heavily, and then looked over her shoulder at him with pleading eyes. "Vapo-vapo-vapo..." She murmured encouragingly, and he smiled, his breath catching in his throat as he pulled his pants off, revealing his hard length, hardly able to believe what he was about to do.

Vaporeon groaned and her eyes widened as she felt the tip of Marks length press against her wet, lubricated tailhole, starting to slowly stretch her open, her legs trembling as she felt her muscles undulating against him, squeezing and trying not to give, though she was relaxing as much as she could.

Eventually though, he pressed forwards with more pressure, the lubricant helping the head of his cock press her open and slide into her, making them both gasp at the feeling of her tight tailhole convulsing around his length.

He gave her a few moments to get used to it, before he pressed forwards again, the downwards angle of her body helping, his hands lightly rubbing at her neck and chest, soothingly, as his thick cock started to slide into her lubricated opening, gradually stretching her.

For Vaporeon, it wasn't all that fun, her chest against the ground, tail high in the air, feeling her body being stretched around the comparatively large cock, and feeling it delve deeper and deeper, inexorably slipping into her tailhole until it was fully embedded, his pulsing tip deeper inside her than she could have thought.

She shivered all over as he started to pull out, leaving a deep empty feeling in her, her sex quivering as he slipped out until his tip was only just in her, and then actually thrust his length into her body.

Unprepared, she shuddered and gave a loud cry of surprise at the feeling of her lubricated flesh slipping around his cock, her cheeks flushing as a guilty rush of pleasure welled up from deep inside her body at his first thrust, her sex starting to leak instantly.

"Do you like it?" he asked, breathlessly, his length hilt deep in her tight tailhole.

"V-vapo!" She admitted guiltily, her cheeks flushing further, and he smiled, rubbing at her blue hide lovingly as he pulled back and then delved deep into her body again, making her groan aloud at the sensation.

"Vapo-v-vapo!" She said shakily, arching her back and moving her hips slightly, already impatient with his slow movements, almost teasing her with the occasional fast thrust, and he took the hint, grabbing her hips and actually starting to fuck her, thrusting at a slow, even pace that had an almost constant croon erupting from his Vaporeon's throat.

Shuddering, she slipped forwards, so that he withdrew from her, and before he could protest, she had dropped and rolled onto her back, spreading her legs for him, her tail slowly swishing back and forth as she gave him her most seductive glare, the lubricant and her own liquids shining on the blue hide around her sex and tailhole.

He didn't need to be told twice and got down between her legs, lining himself up and pulling her back, spearing his length into her tailhole again, starting to move once more, hands holding her in place as he thrust.

Vaporeon started to moan louder, her sex clenching and convulsing on nothing as her tailhole was taken, her paws gripping at the air as she arched her back and cried out, hot liquids cascading from inside her body, her tail spasming, even as he continued to fuck her up the ass with steady, ever-increasing strokes.

Panting, she groaned and arched her back a little further, giving a wanton coo and shifting her hips into his with each thrust, before rolling onto her paws again, slipping forwards and then bounding up onto the nearby cupboard, swaying her tail back and forth in the air invitingly, hot liquids dribbling from her sex and splattering on the floor.

Mark took the invitation immediately, climbing to his feet and quickly moving behind her, finding her tailhole with his fingers and then pressing his length against it, driving himself into her body again, the cupboard at exactly the right height for this, the blue water Pokémon bending over further, submissively lifting her tail for him as he took her tailhole.

She started to cry out with each deep, powerful thrust, her sex convulsing still and spilling her liquids down her inner thighs, the lubricant shining as he took her tailhole repeatedly, cock plunging in and out hard and fast now, the Pokémon groaning every time his tip jabbed deep inside her, his cock starting to throb and pulse as his movements became desperate.

Vaporeon pressed herself back against him one last time, arching her back and crying out as loud as she could, a heavy splash of her liquids spilling from her sex as his cock plunged deep into her tailhole, stretching her, making her shudder as she felt the thin lubricant within her body suddenly mix with thick, creamy gushes of his seed, his hot cum spurting deep into her tailhole as she convulsed and cried out at the delightful feeling.

Mark sagged over her a little, and then slid himself free, picking her up and turning her to face him, kissing her lovingly, panting deep in his chest. "I love you..." He murmured.

"Vapo-va-vaporeon." She replied sagely, nodding, panting herself, squirming at the empty feeling in her body as he gave his nose a single lick, telling him without words that she loved him too.
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