AGNPH Stories

A Late Night Workout by magetorment


Chapter 1

Late Night Workout

Disclaimer: Pokemon, Mawile, Meowth, Ninetales, and Hearthome City are all owned by Nintendo and Gamfreak. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. This was requested by Chronocelebi and Thelastenigma Right, now with that out of the way let's get to the good part.

Looks meant a lot in a city like Hearthome, the Super Contest Hall was to blame for that. Ever day beautiful people with their beautiful Pokemon came to participate in the most intense Pokemon Contests in the region. These contests where held daily with the soul purpose of pitting the looks and style of the coordinator's Pokemon against each other. These battles of appearances and taste were the pinnacle of fashion in the Pokemon world. Many a trend found it's start on one of the stages of the Super Contests. With the most beautiful, cool, and stylish Pokemon walking the streets daily it comes as no surprise that feelings of inadequacy among the non-show Pokemon in the town were common.

Beauty salons, health spas, and twenty-four hour gyms began to spring up around the city in order to relieve or exploit the growing desire for self-improvement. The show Pokemon knew the secrets of poffin making and how to utilize the poffins to their full potential, so they saw no need for such arduous methods to beauty. The rest of the Pokemon population quickly made these facilities part of their daily routine. The twenty-four hour gyms became the improvement center of choice for the Pokemon who spent the day working jobs with their human companions. It gave Pokemon owners a place to take their Pokemon after a hard day's work to let it unwind and improve their body. As a recent trend several gyms started programs that allowed gym member's Pokemon to come and go without a human to accompany them. The Hitmon-Gym, one of the more popular gyms for the middle class, was one of those locations.

Dusk and Chakla had been great friends for the past few years. They worked together at a local daycare center watching the children. With a reputation for cursing and biting Ninetales and Mawiles didn't seem like they would make good caregivers, but through their loving nature and willingness to resist their natural reactions Dusk and Chakla had earned the reputation of being two of the best caretakers in the city. Dusk was a very beautiful Ninetales, his coat was perfect, his posture was impeccable, even his stride met the rigorous standards of the show Pokemon. His friends often encouraged him to join the contests, seeing how he was better looking that some of the actual contestants. He would always refuse though, he knew he was a price specimen of his species. The only problem was he was a shining example of what a female Ninetales should look like, and that would always keep him from winning any real prizes. Chakla was a charming young Mawile with a captivating smile and a great figure for her species. She was absolutely stunning, her appearance was so impressive people would often assume she was a contestant. She had been trained to be and could of gone far as a show Pokemon. Alas that was not her fate, as she developed a crippling phobia of performing for crowds at a young age. She recently decided to start toning her muscles while at the gym and the effects were starting to show. Her stomach was becoming more and more defined each day and her arms were beginning to bulge with muscle. She wasn't anywhere near where she wanted to be yet, but it was a start.

"So, do you think there'll be any cute guys there today?" The cheerful Mawile asked her fox friend as they walked down a side road. The little Pokemon was wearing a pair of short-shorts over a pink leotard to the gym. The Hitmon Gym had a unique and very odd policy; all Pokemon had to wear clothing while in the gym. Most of the Pokemon just wore whatever, their master's hand me downs, old rags shambled into lion cloths, some even came in wearing nothing but hats. She always questioned why their gym made Pokemon wear clothing while working out. Her friends often teased her by saying the owner had some sort kink for seeing Pokemon in clothing and to watch herself when he was around. Chakla hoped that wasn't true, she chose her outfit so she could tease some of the males in the gym not to get harassed by some perverted human.

"Girl I really hope so." Dusk responded with a smile. The foxy Pokemon only wore a tight pair of shorts that rode dangerously low under the tail. He wore the shorts in such a way that he drop them with the flick of his tails. Chakla wasn't the only one hoping to find a cute guy that night. "I just hope that gross Hariyama isn't there again tonight. Did you know he tried to offer me some berries to go behind the building with him?" Dusk loved telling his shocking stories in a shocked voice, it just seemed more fun that way.
"No way! What did you do?" Chakla asked in shock as they walked into the Hitmon-Gym.
"Well, I told him I wasn't that kind of Pokemon and sent him on his way." Dusk said with a huff.
"Is that all that happened?" Chakla knew Dusk better than that, there was more to that story and she wanted to hear it.
"Well, I may of lit a little fire under his rump, metaphorically speaking of course." He seemed to add that last part as an afterthought.
"Of course." She echoed with a giggle.

Cinder and Neuko meandered up an empty side street on their way to the Hitmon-Gym. The duo weren't even sure why they were even bothering today, since they were both exhausted from a hard day's work. The two worked as security guards at the Jubilife Television Station, it wasn't all that glamorous, but it paid well and wasn't that hard. Usually. They were the only Pokemon of their breeds to work in television station, which may of attributed to them becoming friends. That day had been a hectic one, some celebrity neither of them had heard of had an appearance on one of the shows and it was there job to keep the crazy fans away from the start. The job turned a lot harder than they thought it would be. Seriously who would of though that guy had fans fanatical enough to try and use the air ducts to sneak in to see him.

Neuko's body was well suited for his job thanks to years of training. When he first started working with security guards he was a typical Meowth, nothing special and certainly nothing to be intimidated by, but that was years ago. Now Neuko was quite the avid bodybuilder and has the physic to show for it. The cat knew his limits though and wouldn't allow himself to become absorbed in it like some people did. He knew the limits of his small frame and was careful not to let his muscles get too big. At the moment his body was just the way he wanted it. His muscles were toned and defined; bulging out slightly but not to the point where they looked swollen. Cinder, like his well defined friend was more muscular than the average member of his species, however unlike Neuko his size was not by choice. Most Ninetales were slender and graceful, focusing more on speed and trickery to get the job done. Cinder was built like a tank, a remarkably unique trait for his kind. He was easily on of the largest Ninetales alive and was nearly twice the average weight, the bulk of that weight being muscle. Cinder's father was a Donphan, so he and his siblings inherited some of their father's girth. It was thanks to his odd lineage that Cinder was larger and stronger than the rest of his kind. He was proud of his distinctive strength and often trained his body to improve it. Both Pokemon were stricken by the same unfortunate circumstance that kept them from the glorious contest stage. The two were amazingly well suited for the tough styled contests, sadly both of their species were destined for other styles of contests, severally crippling any hope of gracing the contest stage for either of them.

"Why are we still going here tonight?" Neuko whined. The Meowth had been given a pair of black sweatpants to wear to the gym. The waistband on the pants had snapped some time ago, making the pants very loose and often looked like they on the verge of falling off. This forced Neuko to stop every now and again to pull the pants back up in order to them on. "Didn't we get enough of a workout crawling through those vents?" His knees were tender from all that crawling around and the scrapes on his hands still stung.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to." Cinder said coldly. He had choose to wear a loose blue tracksuit. Cinder didn't like the feeling of tight clothing against his fur, so whenever he was forced to wear clothing he always choose loosing fitting garments. The large fox had been going to gyms on a daily basis for years now, he wasn't about to miss a workout session just because he already had a workout at the TV station.
"Oh no, you're not ditching me that easily." The Meowth said with a smile. "Who knows what kind of trouble you'll get into if you don't have me around." He teased as the walked into the Hitmon-Gym.
"Whatever you say Neuko."

The Hitmon-Gym was just a typical gym, just like any other in the city. It had two rows of treadmills off to one side next to an equal number of bike machines. Most of the gym housed a wide variety of weight machines, each one catering to a different type of Pokemon. The back corner of the main floor was lined with mirrors and covered in mats, for those who wanted to do aerobics or yoga. They even had several sets of weights, each set a different size for different species. In the back were the locker rooms and showers, one for the males, one for the females. All in all it was a fairly decent gym, probably one of the best facilities that remained within most people's budgets.

Dusk and Chakla were chatting away on the treadmills when Cinder and Neuko wandered in. They were by no means the only Pokemon using the gym at this hour. Though most of the other Pokemon were overweight Pokemon struggling to shed a few pounds. Their type were common at this hour; many of them had low self esteem and would avoid places like the gym during the more crowded daytime hours. "Ooh girl, don't look now but a pair of hunks just walked in." Dusk whispered to his friend.
"Ooh, you're right." The Mawile giggled. "Though the fox looks like a thug, I wouldn't go near him. Hmm, the kitty's kind of cute though."
"What are you, blind? That's a man's man right there." The fox argued.
"But I'm looking for a lady's man, you're the only one looking for a man's man." She teased.
"Of course, of course. Say, why don't you head over to the weights and see if you can't lure that little boy toy over to you?" He suggested. Chakla giggled at her friend's suggestion, she knew what he was really after. He wanted her gone so he could flirt with that new Ninetales. With a quick flash of a thumbs up she was on her merry way, skipping through the gym towards the mirrored aerobic section in the back. As she skipped she thought about her friend's suggestion. She did go through the trouble of wearing her form fitting outfit, and she did want to tease a boy that night. Maybe toying with the kitty wasn't such a bad idea after all.

Neuko gave his friend a reassuring pat on the shoulder as he watched Chakla skip by. "Well, you enjoy your workout buddy. I'm going to... go work out on one of the machines in the back." The Meowth casually followed Chakla to the aerobics section. He couldn't help himself, her form fitting outfit and beautiful figure drew him in like a moth to a flame. As they got closer to the aerobics corner Neuko made a beeline for the weight machines. It took him a minute to find a device his size that still had a clear view of the corner of the gym. He took a moment to tug his pants back up before sitting down at the machine, he really disliked those pants. The machine provided a perfect place to watch the Mawile, no one would think twice about someone like him working out on a weight machine.

Score. Chakla though. Just as she had hopped the cute Meowth had followed her back to the aerobics area of the gym. Now all she needed to do was convince the little cat to stay, and she knew just the thing. She kept her back to the weight machines, figuring that her little toy would pick one of those ass he 'covert' vantage point. She laced her fingers together behind her back and pulled her arms back, stretching her back and shoulder. With on hand on her hip and the other arm stretched out over her head she leaned over to one side. Then she switched hands and leaned to the other side. And now for the good part. She thought. Mawile leaned forward to touch her toes, a perfectly normal and understandable stretch. Chakla could feel her short shorts riding high, she could only imagine the view she was giving the curious cat.

Cinder scoffed as he watched his friend ogle the Mawile at the other end of the gym. Despite the fact he was the treadmills clear across the room he could tell what was going on. That woman was using stretching as an excuse to show off to his friend. He shook his head and chuckled a little, secretly wishing his friend luck before focusing on his exercise. When he finally looked away from his nearly hypnotized friend he was surprised to discover that he too was being teased by an attractive. The Ninetales on the treadmill in front of him had started walking in a seductive manor, swaying her hips from side to side with every step. Occasionally her tails would sway out of the way and reveal a stunning rump thinly covered by tight black shorts. It seemed like every time those magnificent tails swung to one side the pants would slip ever lower; exposing more and more with every sway. Cinder could feel a stirring in his loins as he watched the seductive fox strut in front of him. Perverted thoughts flooded his mind as he watched the tempting Ninetales before him.

Chakla giggled as she continued her aerobic routine, mixing in as many moves as she knew that involved bending over. She occasionally spared a glance into the mirrored wall to get a look at her play thing. Just as she thought the Meowth couldn't take his eyes off of her rump. The cat was actually pretty good looking now that she got a chance to check him out. Those nice, strong muscles were just her type, not like those scrawny sissy boys she saw in the heartthrob magazines. She was giving his body the once over when she saw something that almost made her gasp. There in his lap, plain as day, was proud little teepee. Well little wasn't exactly the right word to use for it. Chakla decided to stop playing around and finish her exercise before the kitty decided to pounce her. The slightly muscular Mawile picked up a set of weights and began her routine.

No matter how hard she tried Chakla simply couldn't take her mind off of the tent in Neuko's pants. The Mawile mindlessly cycled through her routine, some lifting here, a few squats there, it was all so mundane to her that she was doing the moves without even thinking about them. Sensual images danced through her mind. Many scenes of carnal delight passed through her mind as she continued her weight training. This was getting out of hand, she needed to get home and take care of this before it drove her insane. As Chakla put the weights back on the rack she noticed something peculiar, aside from the Meowth, their two foxy friends, and herself the gym was empty. Apparently she was so focused on teasing Neuko that she completely lost track of time. Upon seeing the almost deserted gym the amorous little steel type got a daring flash of inspiration. Casually she strolled over to the women's locker room, acting like she was going to wash her sweaty body after that workout. Of course bathing was the last thing on this Mawile's mind, she was checking to see if the locker room was empty. After a quick check Chakla poked her head out of the door. With a seductive smile and a wave of her finger she beckoned for the muscular Meowth to join her in the back room.

Neuko couldn't believe what he was seeing. Was the hot little Mawile was calling him into the girl's changing room? Did she want to do what he thought she wanted to do right there in the gym? There was only one way to find out and the kitty was more than eager to find out. When he entered the women's changing room he was greeted with quite the treat. Chakla was lying back on one of the lower benches intended for the smaller Pokemon in nothing but her leotard with her legs spread wide open. The slowly growing spot on her crotch was a testament to how eager she was to play with the pussycat. "Oh you naughty kitty, this is the girl's room." She giggled. "I think you need to be punished." The little steel type leaned forward, seductively crawling towards the Meowth. Neuko was mesmerized by the diminutive beauty, so much so that he didn't notice the big, black bulge behind her start to move. In a flash of movement her head jaw grabbed on of his legs and dragged him unceremoniously to the floor. With a giggle she hopped down from the bench and straddled his chest. "Now be a good boy and take your punishment."

Cinder smiled as he watched his friend duck off into the women's locker room after the cute Mawile. That left him alone in the gym with that sexy fox in front of him. If his friend was getting lucky that night he saw no reason why he shouldn't try. He gracefully hopped off the treadmill and trotted up to the one in front of him. The beefy Ninetales's eyes danced all over Dusk's body, taking in every inch of his body so that they could be violated in his mind. Dusk shot him a wry smile. "Well it's about time you made your move sweetie. It wasn't very nice of you to make me wait this long." Dusk said with a pout.

Dusk's voice terrified Cinder. He was confused and frightened, how could he of mistaken him for a girl? Did getting turned on by him make him gay? "I'm sorry I thought you were someone else." Cinder said, trying to get out of this situation as gracefully as possible.
"Honey for you I'll be whatever you want." The feminine fox said with a wink.
"There's been some sort mistake," Cinder started, not feeling comfortable at all with the current situation. "I'm not gay."
"Baby that's not what your eyes were saying a minute ago." Dusk countered with a confident smirk.
Cinder's face turned beat red under his fur. "W-what are you talking about?" He asked, he was trying his hardest to remain cool and collected, but what failing miserably.
"Sweetheart you were staring so hard I'm surprised you didn't wear a hole into my pants."

Cinder was about to protest again when Dusk did something that shocked the both of them; he kissed him. It started as a light little peck on the lips, nothing more than a little something to get Cinder to calm down, but shockingly enough Cinder shoved his tongue into the small Ninetales's mouth shortly after their lips made contact. Dusk was completely caught off guard by Cinder's sudden change of heart but didn't protest. Soon their tongues were dancing around each other's mouths as they continued their long, passionate kiss. Cinder couldn't help himself, even though Dusk was a male he was still one of the hottest Ninetales he'd ever seen. Dusk was the one to finally break off the kiss, leaving Cinder in a pleasurable daze. The seductive fox gingerly dragged his tongue up Cinder's neck all the way up to his ear. "Come on babe, let me show you what you've been missing." Dusk turned and started to strut back to the men's locker room, swaying his hips with every step. Cinder followed behind the smaller Ninetales, his eyes practically locked onto his inviting behind. His thoughts kept jumping between his now questioned sexuality and what he was going to do to that ass.

Chakla gave a surprised gasp when she pulled Neuko's pants down to his knees. He was bigger than she was expecting. To further add to her surprise Chakla had never seen a feline penis before, so the dozens of little barbs that lined the tapered cock fascinated her to no end. Out of curiosity she pinched two of the little numbs and wiggled them around playfully. Neuko moaned in pleasure when the Mawile started playing with his barbs, though he was slightly annoyed that she was treating his manhood like a toy. "Oh, you like that? Well how about this?" Chakla leaned down to bring herself face to face with the strange cock. With a mischievous smile got to work working over Neuko's member. She started slowly, lightly gliding her tongue over the tips of his barbs, lightly sliding her hands over his length, that sort of thing. A groan of pleasure escaped his lips as she worked her tongue and hands around his most sensitive region.

Chakla gave the tip of Neuko's dick a sweet little kiss goodbye before sitting back up. She spun herself around to face her pinned partner and with a playful smile she inched her body ever closer to the cat's face. With that same devious grin she hooked a finger under the crotch of her leotard, slowly lifting up off of her soaked skin. She moved the piece of clothing aside at a tauntingly slow pace, gradually revealing her moist pussy. The kitty smiled at the drooling sex in front of him, he knew an invitation when he saw it. Neuko hooked his arms under her legs and drew Chakla's hips right up to his face. A single lick from the cat's textured tongue was all it took to get the Mawile crying out in pleasure. Neuko understood the concept of starting out slow, but Chakla's little performance earlier coupled with her teasing just moments ago had wound Neuko into a near frenzied state. With reckless abandon Neuko attacked his lover's nether region with his tongue, franticly lapping away at her vulva with his rough tongue. Chakla started panting and moaning as the pleasures started to flood her body. Without warning Chakla's head mouth swallowed Neuko's barbed member, encasing it within it's warm, wet confines. The strange appendage immediately began assaulting Neuko's sensitive manhood with it's broad, flat tongue. The two moaned and cried out as they pushed each other closer to brink in their bizarre sixty nine.

With a flick of his tails Dusk discarded his tiresome pants, revealing his slender body in all it's glory. Cinder watched in awe as the nude fox slowly removed his pants as well. Dusk stared Cinder's massive erection right in the face, knew exactly what to do with one of those. It Cinder had any apprehensions left they dissolved away when Dusk took his member into his skilled maw. The slimmer Ninetales lightly wrapped his tongue around his new lover's cock as he bobbed his head along it's length. Cinder couldn't help but moan as he felt his manhood slip in and out of Dusk's heavenly muzzle. The feeling of the slick, wet tongue wrapping around his shaft as it thrust in and out of the warm confines was nearly orgasmic. However Dusk didn't want to let his big, strong lover get too excited, so he pulled the foxy cock out of his mouth. "That was just a taste sweetheart." Dusk said as he stroked Cinder's cock. "The real fun is back here." Dusk turned around and lifted his rump into the air. His tails spread away like graceful curtains to reveal the hole Cinder had been dreaming about all night.

Neuko dragged his tongue along Chakla's supple lips, enjoying her unique, metallic taste as he worked his tongue closer to her clit. Chakla was certainly glad they were the only ones left in the gym, or else she would have been embarrassed to no end by all the noise she was making. Every flick of her love nub elicited another scream of excitement, every pass of the tongue brought out more load moans of pleasure. Of course she wasn't just sitting there and enjoying all the pleasure herself, she was working hard to please Neuko as well. Her back head bounced up and down on his lap, bringing his manhood in and out of it's warm confines. The massive tongue easily encircled more than half the barbed dick, which added a massive lick to every bounce. Occasionally the massive tongue would fold itself on Neuko's sensitive tip, gently rubbing all over it as the lips pleased his shaft. That rough tongue was just too much for little Chakla to take as she quickly reached her first climax of the evening. Her lungs let out an impressive cry of pleasure as her entire body started shaking and clenching as pleasure flooded her body.

Cinder held his own quivering cock in one paw and Dusk's fine rump in the other. This was it, his last chance to back out of it. There was no going back after this. Cinder closed his eyes and carefully pushed his dick into Dusk's waiting ass. They both moaned out as Cinder's length slowly vanished into Dusk's eager rear. Cinder had no idea it would fell so good, he was by no means a virgin and he had been with several females before but had never done anything with anyone's ass before. Dusk was so warm, inviting, and incredibly tight, much tighter than any female he had been with before. He couldn't help himself, he simply had feel more of this incredible sensation. Without waiting for Dusk's approval he started pumping in and out of the feminine Ninetales's ass, not that Dusk was protesting Cinder's enthusiasm. Much to Dusk's delight Cinder's arms and legs weren't the only parts of his body to inherit his father's girth. "Faster." Dusk moaned out. The larger Ninetales gladded obliged and began humping him at an impressive pace. Loud slapping noises filled the male's locker room with a rhythmic pace that the two happily moaned to.

Neuko decided it was time he took charge in their little game. The Meowth grabbed his lover by the waist and hoister her back up onto the bench. His dick slipped out of her mouth with a wet pop when he moved her off his chest. It was disappointing that he was done with that wonderful orifice for now but he had his sights on a far greater prize. He quickly got up and pulled Chakla's legs to the edge of the bench and right up to his waiting waste. The barbed cock slip up Chakla's drenched lips, tickling her silky folds and tender clit with it's barbs. A small moan escaped Chakla's lips as she felt the barbs teasing her sensitive sex. Using a hand shaking with anticipation the cat Pokemon guided his slick, barbed cock into Chakla's drenched, smooth cunny. The Mawile threw her head back and turned the waves of pleasure she was feeling into a delighted scream. She'd never felt anything like this before, each barb was plucking at her inner walls as if they were a sensual interment. She thrashed he head around, dug her nails into the bench, wrapped her legs around Neuko's waist, what ever she could to do expend some of the energy building up inside of her. Just as she though the sensations couldn't get more intense her new lover leaned forward and engaged her in a passionate kiss. As their tongues intermingled in a wet tangle the cat's paws worked their way into her leotard. Before she knew it the Mawile had a pair of cat's paws massaging her breasts.

Dusk moaned as Cinder pumped in an out of him, each powerful thrust shaking the smaller fox's body. Cinder was really slamming into his lover, each thrust burring his cock deep into Dusk's ass. Cinder was so drunk with pleasure he didn't noticed how hard it was becoming to get his shaft in and out of the smaller Ninetales. Dusk could feel the base of his lover's dick begin to swell, he knew the larger fox's knot was start to form. The large bulb at the base of Cinder's cock was huge, as big as a fist, far too large for the smaller Ninetales to take. Unfortunately for the feminine fox Cinder apparently thought he could take the knot and was roughly slamming the bulge into Dusk's abused hole at a frantic pace, trying his hardest to cram the swollen growth into his partner's backside. Panting heavily Dusk looked back at his frenzied lover. "Ugn, sweetie, I don't think I can take your knaaaaa!" Dusk cried out in both explosive pleasure and excruciating pain. With one final, powerful thrust Cinder popped his swollen knot into Dusk's tight hole. The feeling of the large bulge being crammed into him was one of the most intense feeling Dusk ever felt. He let out a loud moan as he felt his cock being to twitch. Several streams of milky white fluid shot out of his quivering cock, painting the floor with his creamy seed. Cinder jerked his tied length around Dusks insides for a moment longer before he too hit his limit. His seed erupted out of his trapped cock, flooding the smaller fox's bowels with the milky fluid. Cinder panted as his loins emptied their contents into his new lover. The two were completely drained by the romp in the locker rooms. With no energy left the couple collapsed into a sweaty, panting heap on the floor.

Chakla's eyes rolled into the back of her head as she reveled in the pleasure that was ravishing her body. Neuko's hips were a blur of motion as he hammered his spiny dick into Chakla's slippery pussy. The Mawile started to thrash about, unable to contain herself as the pleasure overtook her body. The Meowth's barbed dick drove her mad with pleasure with every thrust and soon she found herself in the middle of another powerful orgasm. She cried out as her inner walls began contracting and twitching around the cat's thrusting dick. Her already tight love box turned into an inescapable vice of pleasure as it clamped down around the manhood. A flood of her love juices spilled from her depths around Neuko's trapped member. The sudden constriction push Neuko beyond his limits. With a satisfied groan he unleash a torrent of his own fluids into Chakla's moist depths. The Mawile gave a tired smile as she felt her lover's warm seed spilling into her womb. Exhausted but very satisfied Neuko collapsed onto his metal lover. The two embraced in a deep passionate kiss as Neuko's spend cock slipped out of Chakla's tired sex. A milky white stream slowly oozed out of the exhausted Mawile as the two remained locked in their passionate embrace.

The four Pokemon immediately made their nocturnal encounters a regular affair, though they rarely made love there in the gym. The quartet enjoyed working out together, often teasing each other with sensual poses during their work outs. None of them ever went on to join a Super Contest, which suited them all just fine. That fateful night had introduced them into wonderful new friends and talented new lovers. All of them lived out the rest of their lives in the beautiful town of Hearthom City, together, each one happy and thankful they went to the Hitmon-Gym for that late night workout.
Chapter End Notes:Well there you have it. A nice story requested by thelastenigma and chronocelibi. I hope you guys like it
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